2008.09.18 Tracy M interview audio #2

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Hello WS :)

I was just going to write "bump" but the computer said it needed at least five words.

That explains NTS writing bumpity bump bump. I was going to bump this myself. I am really bothered by the difference between TMs interview and her letters.
I cannot believe how much Casey was a fool and just talked her little heart out to this perfect stranger.
Can someone link the letters or give page numbers for the ones from TMc?
Why would CA think this song was applicable to her? It seems to be about being hurt and in the process of moving forward, erase the past. Putting things in one's past though there is lingering pain....It does not seem to be so much a song that would relate to wishing your live grand daughter would come home, not really an "I Miss you" song.
I can see it applying to both Casey and Cindy. The parts I think apply to Cindy:
the air that kills the shame

You let me in then broke me down
the difference is this time around
I will not let you see me try
03/24/09--$25.00--Tracy Conroy

As far as I can see, this is the only entry for donations from any Tracy. ...I wouldn't worry about it.
Ummm, actually TracyDawn Conroy is an alias for TracyDawn McLaughlin at the exact same address. :loser:This is shown in the newest doc dump of letters Tracy sent to ICA!!!:eek::eek::eek:
Can someone link the letters or give page numbers for the ones from TMc?

I would like that as well....couldn't put up with a lot of what was being said/wrote.....TIA
Wow, I get to help with something finally! Usually I just take, haaa. Here you go. Both letters here, on pages 268 and 711.


Thanks so much Gnatcather! Usually I can find the info but I'm in the middle of selling my house, buying a house and having my daughter graduate highschool - I don't have time to read the entire 5000 page doc dump.
Very much appreciated by those of us swamped in our daily lives right now.:crazy:
Wow, I get to help with something finally! Usually I just take, haaa. Here you go. Both letters here, on pages 268 and 711.


Thank you for posting the page numbers. I am shocked by the content of her letters. I assume this was before the police interviewed her where she repeatedly says everything Casey said was a lie, that Tracey knows the baby is dead and that Casey showed zero sign of care for her baby. I still cannot understand the blue poncho switcharoo she and Casey did. We know that Casey has an arrested development, but how do normal people get sucked in to the lunacy so quickly?
Put the Casey kool-aide down Tracey and step away from the glass!!
Originally Posted by Gnatcatcher View Post
Wow, I get to help with something finally! Usually I just take, haaa. Here you go. Both letters here, on pages 268 and 711.


Thank you for posting the page numbers. I am shocked by the content of her letters. I assume this was before the police interviewed her. I still cannot understand the blue poncho switcharoo she and Casey did. We know that Casey has an arrested development, but how do normal people get sucked in to the lunacy so quickly?
Put the Casey kool-aide down Tracey and step away from the glass!!

Tracy’s law enforcement interview was done Sept. 19, 2008 in Sacramento, CA.
Tracy’s letter of love and support to INMATE Anthony were dated Oct 21, 2008 and March 13, 2009.
So, AFTER LE interviewed Tracy, she vows her undying support for the Inmate! Disgusting!!!

When Tracy wrote to the inmate "I promise I won't share anything with ANYONE...I think you know what I mean" - I believe Tracy, in thinly veiled "code talk", was reinforcing to the inmate that Tracy would never tell some of the things that the inmate told Tracy while Tracy was with her while the inmate was out on bond.

And if money is what makes the inmate's world go round these days, Tracy sent her money too!
Thank you Think Tank. Wow, that is thoroughly disgusting that she wrote supportive words to her after she knew the baby's body was found, or even after her police interview in which she tells of many things, including the chloroform. How many 22 year olds know about chloroform? I sure hope the answer is few!!

sniped from your earlier post, a partial transcript from a Issues segment

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That is the big circumstantial evidence but the evidence we`re getting in today is really forensics. Tracy McLaughlin worked with bounty hunter Leonard Padilla. He`s the one who first helped bail Casey out of jail, then sort of turned on her.

She told investigators, this helper of Padilla`s, that she was very alarmed when a conversation with Casey turned to chloroform.

Listen what she had to say.


TRACY MCLAUGHLIN, LEONARD PADILLA`S STAFF: I bring up GHB, I don`t know if you guys have ever heard of it. I`ve used it before. I know a lot about it. They call it a date rape drug now.

So I brought that up and asked her if she`d ever heard of it.

She said, "Oh, yes." I mean if I would have said have you ever heard of LMS, QP, she would have said yes. That`s how she was, she agreed with everything.

And I said, it`s in a liquid form, you can take a cap and you take a little bit too much and your out.

And she said, "Like Roofies." And I said yes or ether. And she said, "Or chloroform."


Oct 21, 2008 - envelope from Tracy Dawn McLaughlin
with photos of Caylee enclosed
page 711
Oct 21, 2008 - Letter from Tracy McLaughlin to Inmate Anthony,
vows to keep secret anything the Inmate tells her (Tracy NOT cooperating with law enforcement)
page 712
page 713 - Oct 21, 2008 Tracy sent Inmate photo of Caylee in sunglasses, beads
page 714 - Oct 21, 2008 Tracy sent Inmate photo of Caylee in bunny ears looking in mirror
March 13, 2009 - Envelope from Tracy Dawn Conroy
page 268 - money order on same page
March 13 2009 - Tracy Conroy sent Inmate Anthony a money order for $ 25.00
page 268 - envelope on same page
March 13, 2009 - Handwritten card from Tracy Conroy
page 269
March 13, 2009 - Photo of Tracy Dawn Conroy enclosed in card
page 270

Tracy Conroy FB and MySpace photo - sent copy to KC March 13, 2009
Ummm, actually TracyDawn Conroy is an alias for TracyDawn McLaughlin at the exact same address. :loser:This is shown in the newest doc dump of letters Tracy sent to ICA!!!:eek::eek::eek:

"Conroy" is her maiden name.
Originally Posted by Gnatcatcher View Post
Wow, I get to help with something finally! Usually I just take, haaa. Here you go. Both letters here, on pages 268 and 711.


Tracy’s law enforcement interview was done Sept. 19, 2008 in Sacramento, CA.
Tracy’s letter of love and support to INMATE Anthony were dated Oct 21, 2008 and March 13, 2009.
So, AFTER LE interviewed Tracy, she vows her undying support for the Inmate! Disgusting!!!

When Tracy wrote to the inmate "I promise I won't share anything with ANYONE...I think you know what I mean" - I believe Tracy, in thinly veiled "code talk", was reinforcing to the inmate that Tracy would never tell some of the things that the inmate told Tracy while Tracy was with her while the inmate was out on bond.
And if money is what makes the inmate's world go round these days, Tracy sent her money too!

I interpreted the bolded the same way. I think TM needs to be re-interviewed by LE based on the letters.
I interpreted the bolded the same way. I think TM needs to be re-interviewed by LE based on the letters.

ITA!!!!! But I am thinking that perhaps there is a book/media thingy out there for Padillia and friends??????? :waitasec: and this would be a way to get something?????? YKWIM???????:waitasec:
ITA!!!!! But I am thinking that perhaps there is a book/media thingy out there for Padillia and friends??????? :waitasec: and this would be a way to get something?????? YKWIM???????:waitasec:

There is that likely possibility.
But, I do remember Tony P saying that Tracy REALLY LIKED the Inmate and made a connection with her.
Also, Leonard P was bewildered by how hard Tracy took it when her new BFF was yanked away from her, and put in jail. I remember him saying that.
Shady characters IMO.

ETA: Leonard P was taken aback by how upset Tracy was when it was publicly reported that chloroform was found in a syringe near Caylee's remains (not upset that the Inmate was put in jail). see post below.....
Found the NG transcript I was looking for, where Leonard said it was a very, very hard day for him and for TRACY, and Leonard said he asked Tracy if there is something she did NOT TELL to Nick Savage/FBI or the cops when you were out there???

What a question for Leonard to ask Tracy???!!!!
After reading Tracy's VOW to never tell ANYONE, in her letter to the inmate dated Oct 21, 2008, makes one wonder exactly what things Tracy has NOT TOLD to LE?

Leonard and Tracy were apparently devastated to learn, on Nov. 6, 2009, that chloroform was found in a syringe near Caylee's remains. Seems Leonard and Tracy had all their stock in helping the Inmate with an "accident" theory?

I guess I was most surprised and unsettled by Leonard repeatedly saying what a bad, bad day his crew was having, and to realize that their bad feelings were disappointment FOR CASEY.

Many, if not most, of the bloggers here and on other Anthony case blogs were having a very very very bad day after reading the scientific reports and getting a horrifying glimpse into the reality of what precious Caylee went through. I was expecting Leonard to voice the same pity, sympathy FOR CAYLEE .... not for her mother. It was a day to reflect on Caylee, IMO.

We discussed this earlier on this thread - Page 4.

Chloroform Traces Found in Syringe Near Caylee`s Body
Aired November 6, 2009

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: It`s a sad day for me because I kept wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt that she didn`t intend to kill her, that she merely wanted to put her to sleep and then it -- it went -- you know, it went awry.

However, as you said earlier, you know, I don`t see how anybody can duck all of these things that are now gathered. And I got to tell you this. The doctor and Mike Brooks are telling you something that the FBI, no doubt, has more evidence off that syringe, off that bottle, and they`re just putting it out when it`s necessary.

But at this stage of the game, you know, it`s just -- I`ve had a tough day all day today because I just wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. Tracy (ph), who befriended her, spent those 10 days with her, has been really, really in sad shape all day. And I`ve even asked Tracy, Is there -- is there something that maybe you didn`t tell Nick Savage (ph)? Is there something you didn`t tell the cops when they were out here talking to you? You know, there just seems to be something missing there. And -- and -- and I`m telling you, it`s been a -- it`s been a very, very tough day here in the office because of the revelations that came out today.
But isn't it better to come to some sort of reality check as the facts came out rather than be like CA who still says Caylee is in NY or some other place alive and well. I have no doubt that LP is a media and money chaser, but it sounds like he DID recognize that they accident scenario was no longer a valid theory.

Ducking, but I DO love tomatoes!
But isn't it better to come to some sort of reality check as the facts came out rather than be like CA who still says Caylee is in NY or some other place alive and well. I have no doubt that LP is a media and money chaser, but it sounds like he DID recognize that they accident scenario was no longer a valid theory.

Ducking, but I DO love tomatoes!

But, after Leonard realized the accident theory would not fly .... he became INTENTLY working on digging up dirt on Kronk .... to create a some other dude did it theory ..... Leonard kept insisting that Kronk's girlfriend told him where Caylee's body was .... and has tried to help the Defense run with the theory that Kronk did something with Caylee's body. Even when Kronk's attorney gave Leonard notice to stop publishing lies about Kronk, Leonard kept it up. Leonard has NEVER retracted any negative statements he made about Kronk on his numerous NG appearances.
But, after Leonard realized the accident theory would not fly .... he became INTENTLY working on digging up dirt on Kronk .... to create a some other dude did it theory ..... Leonard kept insisting that Kronk's girlfriend told him where Caylee's body was .... and has tried to help the Defense run with the theory that Kronk did something with Caylee's body. Even when Kronk's attorney gave Leonard notice to stop publishing lies about Kronk, Leonard kept it up.

Well, gosh. That doesn't leave much room for decency, does it? Thanks for the additional information.
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