2008.10.14 Grand Jury Indictment

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Woah.... wait. LE broke the A's furniture while searching in their home? Did I miss something? :waitasec:

Consider the source.
Hello. Come in Tokyo. However colorful and wildly exaggerated his experience may be, George has been in LE. He KNOWS that when police are investigating a MURDER and they have a search warrant , it isn't going to be a tea party. What in the world would be more important than the police doing a thorough search, tossing boxes out on a bed to look through them, turning drawers upside down to see if anything were taped under them, pulling furniture out from the wall and upside down to see if anything is secreted anywhere....that is the nature of the search. For him to be shocked by this is just what Judge Strickland referred to as feigning ignorance.

Most of us would not be returning from the Ritz Carlton, we would have been down there on the very edge of the police tape, in the rain, waiting with baited breath, watching what is going on trying to find out any bit of information about our precious baby's body being discovered. How dare he be angry at the results of a police search for evidence about who and how this baby was murdered? I am wholly offended, in fact, pissed off about it. As usual, his anger is misplaced.

Can you imagine where Mr. and Mrs. Mark Klass or Tim Miller and his wife would be if the remains of their child had been discovered? It would not be anywhere in the entire world, but at that site. Can I get a witness?
Amen! TWA your passion is refreshing. It seems that after two long years we've all settled a bit in our anger and now we wait for the trial and watch the antics of the ever unfolding circus; and we forget just how angry we were over 2 years ago when Caylee was missing, how angry we were when we first saw the party pictures and how heartbroken we were when Caylee's little body was discovered. There has been so much fluff added to this case over the last 2+ years that we just overlook all of the evil that has taken place, all at the expense of justice for one of the most beautiful lil' girls I've even seen, Miss Caylee Marie. Why the Anthoney's were ever blessed with such a beautiful child, I will never understand and why there isn't downright outrage by CA & GA towards ICA, I will never understand.
I can't wait until May gets here, I can't wait for all that so many have forgotten to be brought forth by the SA, I can't wait for the world to grieve Caylee and demand justice for her. If GA & CA think the world hates them and their daughter now...well buddy, they ain't seen nothin' yet. ICA's trial will indeed be the trial of the Century imo.
Justice for Caylee and much thanks to you TWA for fanning the flames of passion for "our baby girl."
Thank you Momdetective. If you are one in the same person who posted for the nation to see, and the family/defense team not to be able to get blood money from the sale of...the home videos of this precious child, standing ovation from me, friend. Big time. That was brilliant.

I'll tell you who will bring this back to reality, the honorable Judge Belvin Perry.

"This judge will be ready." Mark Nejame, local defense expert opined.

I have studied him and he does not hesitate to come down hard and swift with his decisions. He will not be swayed by the feigned crying of the pretty, middle class white girl, miss Anthony. (Not that Judge Strickland was either, just dealing with the case at hand, I feel assured that we have Judge Perry.)
I have listened with interest to the local lawyers opine about him, and they are unanimous in their respect for him.

For the record, I like, trust and respect the honorable Judge Stan Strickland. I have said this before, he did not step down. He stepped up, for justice for this baby, so that there would be no appeal issues for Casey to hang her hat on regarding any alleged/imagined bias on his part. He is one of the many heroes history will reflect that stepped up and did the right thing in this case, right along side Tim and Mark and all of you members here who volunteered and donated and all of you who prayed.

It just gives you that feeling like Dad is home, and all is right with the world.
I wonder what exactly was presented to the grand jury? Does anyone know how long the presentation and deliberation lasted before the indictment was decided upon?
I am interested to know that looking forward to the trial jury.
neck breaking, chloroform, missing children's websites all searches found on computer,
"Snothead" Casey referred to Caylee as.
On October 14th George Anthony was called before the grand jury. George Anthony tells the reporter, "I had to. I had to do it. I had no choice".
A month after the indictment, thousands of searchers from all over the country descended on Orlando to search for this child.
"This Casey, who she in NOW, I don't know her and I don't know if she is capable of hurting her daughter", Jesse Grund explained about his former fiance, Casey Anthony.

During a hearing where Baez was requesting the hearing be pushed back to March, a 911 call from the meter reader came in that he had discovered a human skull with duct tape on it. Neighbors who saw the remains said that duct tape was wrapped around the mouth.

Stories of the mother the authorities consider as fantastical as any inside Orlando's fairytale theme parks, the reporter closes with.
Thank God for Mrs. Drane Burdick. She knows her stuff!!
From jump the judge knew to hold this as very seriously
Legal experts in Florida opine on the indictment

Richard Hornsby said he doubts the air sample tests will be admitted.


Does anyone recall what Cindy and George said happened to the baby's father? Did anyone ever ask her if the child's father died, why didn't she file for Social Security survivor's benefits for Caylee? Did Jose ever answer any questions about who is the child's father?

Does anyone recall what Cindy and George said happened to the baby's father? Did anyone ever ask her if the child's father died, why didn't she file for Social Security survivor's benefits for Caylee? Did Jose ever answer any questions about who is the child's father?

IIRC they never really stated....there were several things that someone mentioned (could have been CA) he died on the way to the B-day party -- so on and so forth...sometimes they mentioned that it didn't matter--again IIRC--(can't really take the interviews especially with the circles of CA talking)--trying to remember when she spoke of this which interview....but mind isn't coming up with anything...I can kind of see it but then can't really offer much..perhaps the FBI tapes????? (I am also sorry but DH thinks you-tube is evil so I don't get it....:furious:)---HOPEFULLY someone will be able to get you links....but she never came out with anything positive and absolute....hope that helps!!:angel:
TWA, I believe it was asked by Linda during the state depo. I do remember reading about it. I also remember in one of the released docs that LE actually contacted the attorney, P Kelly who CA stated did the custody papers. P Kelly denied this happened.

I don't believe JB has ever made a single statement about Calyee's father. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
ICA has stated to some it was Jesus Ortiz who died in a car accident on the way to Caylee's birthday, she claims May but Caylee's Bday is in August..

Channel 9 has learned the Orange County Sheriff’s Office is interested in an FHP crash report that might be a clue as to who Caylee’s father actually is or may reveal another lie told by the little girl’s mother.

Eyewitness News spent the day knocking on doors Monday looking for relatives and friends of Jesus Ortiz, a 21-year-old killed in a car crash. In death, he's being dragged into the Caylee Anthony saga.

"I've never heard that name before," Cindy Anthony told Eyewitness News.

Caylee's grandmother Cindy claims no knowledge of Ortiz, slthough she has said Caylee's father was killed in a car crash. That crash investigation included a blood test for toxicology. Now investigators may use that sample in a post-mortem paternity test.

There seems to be a very interesting clue on the Internet, as well. Jesus Ortiz's MySpace page is still online and a condolence message was left in the name of none other than Caylee Marie Anthony.

Meanwhile, when Channel 9's Jeff Deal approached the potential father's family, they were shocked at the mere possibility that Jesus might be Caylee's father.

"The father? No," family members told Eyewitness News Monday.

Another possibility has been tossed around as well, that even Casey doesn't know who Caylee's father is and made up yet another lie about the mystery father who died in a car accident.

Then another friend claims it was a one night stand with a coworker, Josh from Universal...who had a son and was getting ready to be married..JMHO

Murdered Florida girl Caylee Anthony's father might have been a co-worker her mother had a one-night stand with, according to police documents released this week.

Casey Anthony told childhood friend Melina Calbrese that she once slept with a man she worked with at Universal Studios named Josh and believed he was the father of her baby, according to a transcript of an interview between Calbrese and Orange County Sheriff’s Office Captain Yuri Melich.

Caylee's father, whose last name wasn't given, died in a car accident and never knew about Caylee, who was 2 when she disappeared last summer, Anthony has said.

So I guess it depends on WHO one speaks with..I believe ICA was too promisciuous to know who fathered Caylee...such a sad state of affairs...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
The World According said:
Does anyone recall what Cindy and George said happened to the baby's father? Did anyone ever ask her if the child's father died, why didn't she file for Social Security survivor's benefits for Caylee? Did Jose ever answer any questions about who is the child's father?

CA opines what ICA states, she doesn't know for sure.

As far as survivor benefits from SS, one has to have enough working quarters to qualify. Say this 20 y/o was the father, I doubt he's put in enough time to draw from survivor benefits. Also, the father would have to be named on the birth certificate for either survivor benefits or child support payments. Don't think for one milisecond, if ICA/CA could have gotten child support, she would! JMHO

Justice for Caylee
ICA has stated to some it was Jesus Ortiz who died in a car accident on the way to Caylee's birthday, she claims May but Caylee's Bday is in August..

Then another friend claims it was a one night stand with a coworker, Josh from Universal...who had a son and was getting ready to be married..JMHO

So I guess it depends on WHO one speaks with..I believe ICA was too promisciuous to know who fathered Caylee...such a sad state of affairs...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

From what I remember early on when I was reading message boards..it was not Casey who named Jesus Ortiz as the father.

Posters/sleuthers used the info given by Casey about Caylee's father, that was released to the public, and searched the Obituary archives in Orlando and the only person who died that fit Casey's story was Jesus Ortiz. He died in a car crash in May..Casey said Caylee's father died in a car crash on the way to her 1st Birthday in August.

I do remember the story told to a friend about a one night stand with someone from Universal...

Casey just BS's..yes the Truth and Casey ARE strangers.
TWA, I believe it was asked by Linda during the state depo. I do remember reading about it. I also remember in one of the released docs that LE actually contacted the attorney, P Kelly who CA stated did the custody papers. P Kelly denied this happened.

I don't believe JB has ever made a single statement about Calyee's father. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

I don't remember JB ever mentioning the Caylee's father either.
I went in search of the indictment thread and so bumping up for anyone else that may want to review a wealth of video's thru-out this thread to refresh their memories before tomorrow.

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