2008.10.14 Grand Jury Indictment

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But in all fairness there is no proof she was doing anything other than feeding them, letting the dogs out and watching them outside. I don't always answer the door right away if I think the dog is going to jump on someone I try to isolate her in one of the rooms and shut the door. Does not mean I'm trying to hide anything. Plus where would she hide it? They had a search warrant. They could look where ever they wanted. If she has misspoken about facts then I can understand LE getting upset with her about that but I have not heard of anything she has said. Funny how they have not released her interview unless there just is nothing of any value in it making it worth releasing. jmo
You're correct in that we don't know. Which is why I said "if anything". The search warrant was for the A compound, not Mallorys person or her vehicle, which was in the garage iirc.

Mallory, like Lee had every opportunity to tell all to LE and the FBI. But noooo, Lee played "rent-a-cop" under the watchful eye of Dom and CA and Mallory goes and eats crab puffs, drinking and laughing with the As and company while LE is executing the search warrant and LE is searching for Calyee's small bones in the rain, weeks before Christmas when they should be home with their families planning for the holidays.

I hope she ends up where ICA is calling home. With CA right in the next cell beside her. Almost two years since that day Caylee was found, they have said nothing to help LE. Lie, yes ... truth no.

Sorry but I have no respect for any of them and wait for the day(s) either an indictment or arrest happens to them. But I do understand what you are saying about not answering the door immediately. I just see a big hole in the timeline where Mallory could have been called right after Calyee was found and was told or happened to know what she should get out of there. Or like you said, she could have only been feeding the dogs. I still think the timing and actions by Mallory are hinky.
You're correct in that we don't know. Which is why I said "if anything". The search warrant was for the A compound, not Mallorys person or her vehicle, which was in the garage iirc.

Mallory, like Lee had every opportunity to tell all to LE and the FBI. But noooo, Lee played "rent-a-cop" under the watchful eye of Dom and CA and Mallory goes and eats crab puffs, drinking and laughing with the As and company while LE is executing the search warrant and LE is searching for Calyee's small bones in the rain, weeks before Christmas when they should be home with their families planning for the holidays.

I hope she ends up where ICA is calling home. With CA right in the next cell beside her. Almost two years since that day Caylee was found, they have said nothing to help LE. Lie, yes ... truth no.

Sorry but I have no respect for any of them and wait for the day(s) either an indictment or arrest happens to them. But I do understand what you are saying about not answering the door immediately. I just see a big hole in the timeline where Mallory could have been called right after Calyee was found and was told or happened to know what she should get out of there. Or like you said, she could have only been feeding the dogs. I still think the timing and actions by Mallory are hinky.

BBM-Now that I agree with....if MP is just going along to get along and purposefully not seeing what is in front of her face cause she looooooves Lee, then I have no respect for her either. It is different than believing she is covering anything up, but it is still morally wrong.

Put it in terms of AnnieD-She did not want to tell LE squat, she brought an attorney to try to hook her up....but at the end of the day, when detectives reinforced the fact that a dead baby is involved, Annie broke down the front.
If MP is willfully ignoring the facts in order to play house, let's just say I won't be congratulating them on the upcoming nuptuals.
I am cautiously curious to know if Mallory actually looked out a window to see who was knocking at the door. After all, it wasn't her home, and she was only going to be there for about 30 minutes.

So I'm curious to know if she thought it was a (nosy) neighbor or someone she didn't know anyhow who might want to ask questions about ICA or Caylee, or just a passerby wanting to know if they could see the Anthony house.

I always thought it was hinky until I actually thought about it - and wondered what I would do in someone else's house and someone knocked at the door. For all we know, she was snooping through Cindy's cupboards and drawers and had to tidy up before she answered. Had it been me and I wasn't in my own house - I may have ignored anyone knocking at the door until I finally looked out the window and saw the squad car.
Ah .. but this was a "family" home to her, by way of Lee. I look at it like this: CA and GA got a call while flying back to Orlando about a Childs remains being found. Does anyone believe that Mallory was never notified by any of the As or she didn't know about the remains of a toddler being found down the street and all the media was saying it was Caylee for hour after hour on every local and national media outlet?

Anyone believe that?????? Again, I am not saying she did anything to remove evidence, but it's really hinky to me the circumstances surrounding Mallory. I hope LE and the SAO are waiting patiently until after the trial to charge them all.
Casey Anthony: Two Years, $67K Later
Thursday Marks Second Anniversary Of Murder Indictment


Video Report: http://www.wesh.com/video/25394572/detail.html

Anthony has been behind bars for 730 consecutive days. Jail officials say the cost of feeding, housing and guarding her is about $92 per day, meaning her incarceration has cost taxpayers more than $67,000.

Corrections officials said cost figures that are not yet in for the past year will push the figure even higher.

As of now, she is the 40th longest serving inmate in the Orange County Jail. The jail houses more than 3,600 inmates.

ICA must be all Home Sweet Home by now. Comfy as can be with zero responsibilities.
She's gonna be shocked when she meets prison.
I am cautiously with Lambchop on this one...see my avatar, since I have the evil evil APBT, I sometimes make sure to put him away when strangers come by (I am quite aware of the stereotypes against my dogs) cause people tend to react before they give a doggie a chance-This might take a second or two, since he wants to see who is at the door as much as I do! And not that I don't appreciate the detectives in this case, but detectives have been known to read a little too much into things on occasion (like Det. Edwards wondering why GA was mad they were in his house on another warrant after the police had broken the A's furniture under the previous warrant-I would not want them back in breaking my stuff, either, though I would relent without cussing at anyone). It's their job to oversleuth if necessary...

Let's face it-there are lots of chicks out there with low self-esteem, and I can easily see MP being one of them. Not gonna go any further as to why, cause that might be a TOS violation-but at any rate, women put up with a lot of garbage, do stupid things, believe idiocy, when they have low self-esteem and love their man. She was prolly flattered when LA's parents wanted to include her in the "foundation" and the cruise, though she may have also had reservations that she would never express to LA for fear of losing him.
Just cause the A's may be up to something does not mean MP knew about it back then....she might know now...but unless she feels she has another male prospect, she might feel LA is the best she can do and she keeps her mouth shut to stay with him...

It's like not saying what you suspect, but not outwardly lying at the same time. If LE talked to MP, it may be that all she can give them, if she didn't sugar coat, is what she feels may be the case, but she may not have known anything as fact-like that CA obsructed justice and purposely cleaned decomp frmo the trunk...Maybe CA didn't exactly explain that one to MP from A-Z. MP could figure it out if she used her head, but her wee little heart is triumphing over her head.

Bottom line, I don't think she is as evil as CA, but I do wish she would be willing to let go of LA (cause he would dump her if mama A told him to, I have no doubt) and be honest about what the pieces of this puzzle demonstrate to any sane person.


Woah.... wait. LE broke the A's furniture while searching in their home? Did I miss something? :waitasec:
Ah .. but this was a "family" home to her, by way of Lee. I look at it like this: CA and GA got a call while flying back to Orlando about a Childs remains being found. Does anyone believe that Mallory was never notified by any of the As or she didn't know about the remains of a toddler being found down the street and all the media was saying it was Caylee for hour after hour on every local and national media outlet?

Anyone believe that?????? Again, I am not saying she did anything to remove evidence, but it's really hinky to me the circumstances surrounding Mallory. I hope LE and the SAO are waiting patiently until after the trial to charge them all.

I'll go you one question even better, coutzero. Even if she hadn't been notified by anyone ~ Is it even probable that Mallory could have driven into the neighborhood without seeing the assemblage of emergency vehicles on Suburban?
I am cautiously with Lambchop on this one...see my avatar, since I have the evil evil APBT, I sometimes make sure to put him away when strangers come by (I am quite aware of the stereotypes against my dogs) cause people tend to react before they give a doggie a chance-This might take a second or two, since he wants to see who is at the door as much as I do! And not that I don't appreciate the detectives in this case, but detectives have been known to read a little too much into things on occasion (like Det. Edwards wondering why GA was mad they were in his house on another warrant after the police had broken the A's furniture under the previous warrant-I would not want them back in breaking my stuff, either, though I would relent without cussing at anyone). It's their job to oversleuth if necessary...

Let's face it-there are lots of chicks out there with low self-esteem, and I can easily see MP being one of them. Not gonna go any further as to why, cause that might be a TOS violation-but at any rate, women put up with a lot of garbage, do stupid things, believe idiocy, when they have low self-esteem and love their man. She was prolly flattered when LA's parents wanted to include her in the "foundation" and the cruise, though she may have also had reservations that she would never express to LA for fear of losing him.
Just cause the A's may be up to something does not mean MP knew about it back then....she might know now...but unless she feels she has another male prospect, she might feel LA is the best she can do and she keeps her mouth shut to stay with him...

It's like not saying what you suspect, but not outwardly lying at the same time. If LE talked to MP, it may be that all she can give them, if she didn't sugar coat, is what she feels may be the case, but she may not have known anything as fact-like that CA obsructed justice and purposely cleaned decomp frmo the trunk...Maybe CA didn't exactly explain that one to MP from A-Z. MP could figure it out if she used her head, but her wee little heart is triumphing over her head.

Bottom line, I don't think she is as evil as CA, but I do wish she would be willing to let go of LA (cause he would dump her if mama A told him to, I have no doubt) and be honest about what the pieces of this puzzle demonstrate to any sane person.

O/T: I love your APBT!!!!! They can be real sweethearts. My son has one without a mean bone in her body.

Carry on.
Casey Anthony: Two Years, $67K Later
Thursday Marks Second Anniversary Of Murder Indictment


Video Report: http://www.wesh.com/video/25394572/detail.html

Anthony has been behind bars for 730 consecutive days. Jail officials say the cost of feeding, housing and guarding her is about $92 per day, meaning her incarceration has cost taxpayers more than $67,000.

Corrections officials said cost figures that are not yet in for the past year will push the figure even higher.

As of now, she is the 40th longest serving inmate in the Orange County Jail. The jail houses more than 3,600 inmates.

While I hate to think that my hard earned tax dollars are helping support Casey Anthony to a tune of $92 per day (I was trying to figure out how I could ask for a refund or maybe claim her as a dependent :D) I have to admit it is worth it to keep her from being out on the streets of our fine state. I'm not sure if it will personally cost me or more less once she hits prison status ~ but will be overjoyed either way.

I don't think bringing up my own children into a successful adulthood even cost me $92 a day. How strange to consider it from such different perspectives. . . .
I am cautiously curious to know if Mallory actually looked out a window to see who was knocking at the door. After all, it wasn't her home, and she was only going to be there for about 30 minutes.

So I'm curious to know if she thought it was a (nosy) neighbor or someone she didn't know anyhow who might want to ask questions about ICA or Caylee, or just a passerby wanting to know if they could see the Anthony house.

I always thought it was hinky until I actually thought about it - and wondered what I would do in someone else's house and someone knocked at the door. For all we know, she was snooping through Cindy's cupboards and drawers and had to tidy up before she answered. Had it been me and I wasn't in my own house - I may have ignored anyone knocking at the door until I finally looked out the window and saw the squad car.

I always thought that Mallory was probably out in the yard with the dogs....wouldn't that be the first thing you did if you went to take care of them while the owners were out ot town? Let them out, then feed/play whatever.....but let them out would be the first thing. I never thought it was hinky that she didn't answer the door right away.
Did I miss something? What has Mallory done?

Nothing that we know of, and that is NOT what we do here, unlike other places that run with rumors, wholly unfounded. Unless and until we have valid, verifiable information we are not going to disparage her character. I think our members are saying that it would be of great interest to read her deposition to see what; if anything, she reveals. For all we know she could be as innocent as a newborn baby with a pure, all too trusting naivety that seems unlikely to survive in a family like that. We don't know LambChop. You didn't miss anything. We just want to see the line of questions and answers that were posed to her while she was under oath. Sorry if anything came across as an accusation, it is all more in the spirit of questions. I trust our members intentions are true.

When we say Dominic lied, we can prove that because LE caught him in lies in their interview.
When we say Casey lied, she admitted to doing so in her LE interviews.
When we say mom and pop lied, we back that up with direct quotes and audio of them saying one thing in conversation A, opposed to what they say in conversation B.
When we say Cheney Mason lied, we post the video of his prior interviews saying the exact and utter opposite of what he is saying on the courthouse steps to reporters.
When we say Jose has lied we post the excerpts from his own court filings that contradict his statements, etc.
We have, as we sit here today, nothing that proves Malory did anything nefarious. We are just curious to learn what she has said. To her credit, at least she has had the discernment to remain private. I imagine she has been approached, repeatedly, by not only the rag magazines, but by legitimate news stations and offered big bucks to license her photos to tell her inside story. She has shown more grace than the folks twice her age. If , as and when she takes the stand we have no reason to believe she will not testify honestly.

It is the standard of if you can't prove it, don't post it that sets Websleuths apart from all of the others, it is why we are respected and read by thousands and thousands of people all over the world. :blushing:

Based on results, even pop took the stand in the Grand Jury proceeding and told the truth. There is something sacred about being on the stand, under oath and I am sure hoping she will feel it too. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7N8pDbmaqE[/ame]
I do believe according to Roz Franco, someone overheard Mallory saying she believed ICA did kill Caylee...I'm wanting to read MP's depo...I do hope she's not silly enough to lie under oath and cover for the A's...

IIRC, MP and her mother have roles with the CMA foundation, they are "board" members... I wonder why they took down the board members and wonder why they still have D & A Investigators listed on CMA foundation site...things that make you go Hmmmmmm JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Hey, I don't disagree with what most are saying here. And I agree CA probably called her and told her they would not be going back to the house and for Lee and Mallory to meet them at the Ritz so taking the dogs out before and after feeding would in line with the A's not coming home that night. What I don't see is anything this woman has done that has been verified to warrant an indictment. And, of course, love is blind. lol I think Mallory is the laid back type. Does not want to cause waves. jmo
I do believe according to Roz Franco, someone overheard Mallory saying she believed ICA did kill Caylee...I'm wanting to read MP's depo...I do hope she's not silly enough to lie under oath and cover for the A's...

IIRC, MP and her mother have roles with the CMA foundation, they are "board" members... I wonder why they took down the board members and wonder why they still have D & A Investigators listed on CMA foundation site...things that make you go Hmmmmmm JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Roz say it was a co-worker that said Mallory had told her and the co-worker was repeating it? Not sure but I think that is what I remember. It would be hearsay on Roz's part. jmo
Morning TWA, great post. I agree with ya that we don't know what happened that day concerning Mallory and what she did or didn't do. We don't much about her other than her behavior since then.

I am going off my memory of that day, Dec 11, 08. I remember a media video being shown of Mallory leaving the A compound after LE arrived to serve the warrant. In your vast collection of videos vault would you happen to have this specific one? It would be great to review it again.
Hey, I don't disagree with what most are saying here. And I agree CA probably called her and told her they would not be going back to the house and for Lee and Mallory to meet them at the Ritz so taking the dogs out before and after feeding would in line with the A's not coming home that night. What I don't see is anything this woman has done that has been verified to warrant an indictment. And, of course, love is blind. lol I think Mallory is the laid back type. Does not want to cause waves. jmo

You have a right to your opinion, lambchop, popular or not. :blowkiss:
Ah .. but this was a "family" home to her, by way of Lee. I look at it like this: CA and GA got a call while flying back to Orlando about a Childs remains being found. Does anyone believe that Mallory was never notified by any of the As or she didn't know about the remains of a toddler being found down the street and all the media was saying it was Caylee for hour after hour on every local and national media outlet?

Anyone believe that?????? Again, I am not saying she did anything to remove evidence, but it's really hinky to me the circumstances surrounding Mallory. I hope LE and the SAO are waiting patiently until after the trial to charge them all.

I have a hard time believing anyone would feel "family" in Cindy's home, despite what words Cindy may be saying - even if she was involved with Lee. They seemed to spend their time away from that house from what I could tell.
Diane Fanning on the anniversary

'There's no real way to know if the possibility of capitol punishment has slowed the forward march for justice. But there is one thing that is certain, if Casey does get the death penalty, that will leave the door open for a protracted appeals process after conviction.

Unfortunately, I think Casey will enjoy the extra time in the limelight.'

Morning TWA, great post. I agree with ya that we don't know what happened that day concerning Mallory and what she did or didn't do. We don't much about her other than her behavior since then.

I am going off my memory of that day, Dec 11, 08. I remember a media video being shown of Mallory leaving the A compound after LE arrived to serve the warrant. In your vast collection of videos vault would you happen to have this specific one? It would be great to review it again.

Hi my friend! I tried hard to find the video of Malory at the home that night . I cannot. I do recall it though, what struck me was she looked shattered and scared. She loved this child I trust and learning that her little body was found, thrown out like trash on the side of the road, just down the street..... must have been shocking and very sad. Like Jesse and everyone else, against all odds, I believe part of her was holding on to hope that Caylee was alive.

What is interesting to me is that the Anthonys sent Hoover, a man they hardly knew, (and who we now know admits he was sneaking secret video of them in the church and while they were getting fingerprinted, etc. hoping that one day he could sell it), they sent him to their home to lock up after police left. He was gone on this mission for over two hours.

George Anthony, a former homicide detective, would have left no stone unturned in that home looking for clues in my opinion. He would have known with certainty that LE could and likely would be returning to the home to search again and again. The absence of ANY fingerprints on the inside or outside of the shed doors tells me someone was cleaning that home from top to bottom with enthusiasm that would make Martha Stewart proud. There would be nothing left there that Malory would be sent to try to sneak out of the home on the fly. No way. If there was anything there are only two possibilities
George would hand it over to LE at once, in Anthony speak ...without haste
George would have taken one of his various and sundry long drives to surrounding cities with his Caylee is missing billboard, and gotten rid of anything incriminating.
The idea that he would have knowledge of incriminating evidence laying around the house that he would send his daughter- in- law to be responsible to secrete out of there is not an option.

I think she was sent there, in her shock and pain, she let the dogs out, she was a shaking, nervous wreck , reeling that it is a fact the baby is dead and her sister in law will likely die or be in prison forever over it, reporters were in the driveway, police are knocking at the door, she was scared and that is the beginning and the end of her involvement. I could be wrong, but this is my very strong feeling on that evening and her intent at the home. Grown men, seasoned homicide detectives and Mr. Miller who deal with finding dead bodies, regularly, were crying, so imagine a young lady who had led a relatively charmed, simple life up until this tragedy. Who knows what look would have been on our faces in her place.

Hoover looking for things to sell...... now that is a whole other show. It is disgraceful, and he admitted to LE in his interview that was present in his mind and his involvement in this case. Casey's indictment would have a cheap person licking his chops, looking to cash in. The police being already gone, it would not shock me to learn that he took things out of the house or took lots of pictures in the house. I have nothing, whatsoever, constructive to say about him so I will leave that alone.

The fact that we have seen no story from her implies to me that is not where her mind was. There may very well be family members who were accessories after the fact, I just don't see her on that list.
I'll tell you who was full of hubris and flat affect on the day of the indictment......Casey Anthony. She thought they had NOTHING to tie her to the murder and Jose would get her off on some technicality. However, on the day the remains were found, she flipped the hell out. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u-ubvj_IXE[/ame]
Super post TWA, as always my friend, as always. Ya know I had forgotten about good ol' Dom securing the A compound that day. I don't remember Mallory looking shattered and scared though. However, I see your point about "cleaning up the mess left" by ICA and agree Mallory doesn't fit into that scenario.

Still, Mallory's post actions are hinky to me. Love is blind, but that blind that she would continue to "love" and be an internal part of the A family???? That just boggles the mind and logic. Then again, nothing the A clan has done is logical, normal, accepted by society's standards. Then toss in the legal aspects of it all.

I would have been out the door of that relationship within a nano-second down to LE spilling my guts of what I knew and what I suspected. If not for myself and sanity, but for Calyee. This chick is gonna have to live with those consequences. Whether they be self inflicted or by way of the legal system.

To rest of your post, Thank God above, NO ONE had the fore thoughts to remove the duct tape evidence.

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