2008.10.14 Grand Jury Indictment

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It would be so much cooler if she had puckered her lips out for this photo~just like she does in all her party pictures.lol
HE's ummmm.....dead.
and just because she CAN represent herself doesnt mean she will. Ted had so many motives behind wanting to represent himself, whereas in KC's case i think they just want the money for investigations(if she does indeed choose to represent herself).
He was a liar, and she is a liar .she allegedly killed and he killed many .....the similarities end there. I believe the main difference is that KC's lies stem from a very low self esteem, not narcisism like ted.....jmo

well Casey did read a couple chapters of a law book the last time she was locked up..So, she is probably about qualified as Baez now. lol
I'm whooping and cheering and actually feeling very proud to be an American right about now. I'm very thankful to God and to our Founding Fathers for being justice lovers. I'm an attorney's wife, so many days I feel frustrated with greedy lawyers, loopholes in the law, etc. But today has been a reminder that we are a country that believes in truth and justice...Caylee deserves JUSTICE...she WILL GET JUSTICE!

I'm just an Aussie, I know ,but how has justice been served today? Its an indictment- not a conviction.
Believe me, I am relieved that KC is where she belongs, and admittedly when i first heard that there was going to be a GJ i was jumping up and down too.
But to know that within 1/2 an hour they were able to convince those jurors that Caylee is dead hurts me to the core. I knew it, but now its REAL.
I have poured my heart and soul into this case too- I have done all nighters learning as much of the facts i can, I have lost weight from skipping meals because time gets away from me online -Caylee has touched the lives of so many people all over the world.
I even want to travel to the US for the trial because I want to see justice for Caylee.
I guess this goes to show how differently people can react in a given situation. Theres no right or wrong, and I apologise if I seemed judgemental.
Also can anyone tell me if we know for a fact that GA did testify today?
And were the proceedings for half an hour or the deliberations?
I am happy that Casey is behind bars because that is where she should be. BUT, I dont feel like there has been any justice for Caylee. Unless she is brought back to life I dont think I could feel justice for her. The only thing close to justice, and at the very least, would be finding her and giving her a proper burial . so sad. Casey is in jail again and we still dont know where Caylee is.
I'm just an Aussie, I know ,but how has justice been served today? Its an indictment- not a conviction.

Justice was served because we now know Casey will stand trial. Before this, we had no such assurance.

But to know that within 1/2 an hour they were able to convince those jurors that Caylee is dead hurts me to the core. I knew it, but now its REAL.

The GJ proceedings began at 9:00 and continued to the afternoon. The case was then sent to a GJ deliberation room. It was there that the GJ took a half hour to decide that they had been shown enough evidence to indict.

Also can anyone tell me if we know for a fact that GA did testify today?

His attorney Mark NeJame said on the NG show that George did in fact testify today (for almost an hour I have read).

And were the proceedings for half an hour or the deliberations?

The deliberations were for a half an hour. The proceedings were several hours.

I hope that helps! :)
Just saw KC walking into the jail....no swing in her rear end today!

She finally looked decently dressed and I do believe those pants are the ones her mother washed..that had the smell of decomp on them.
Justice was served because we now know Casey will stand trial. Before this, we had no such assurance.

The GJ proceedings began at 9:00 and continued to the afternoon. The case was then sent to a GJ deliberation room. It was there that the GJ took a half hour to decide that they had been shown enough evidence to indict.

His attorney Mark NeJame said on the NG show that George did in fact testify today (for almost an hour I have read).

The deliberations were for a half an hour. The proceedings were several hours.

I hope that helps! :)

Thanks for that... I thought it would have been the deliberations, but wanted to be sure.
With the major time difference I couldnt handle another all nighter. Went to bed after the first few updates, I am trying to catch up today.
Uh, her mother killed her - I doubt if Caylee was really listening to what was said she would be mad at us for being happy that her mother and murderer was finally being punished for her crimes, I would have to assume that Caylee would rather be alive, safe in the arms of her Pop pop, the only member of her family that seems to have stood up for her rights, than dead at the hands of her own mom. It is not a happy day exactly but a day worth breathing a sigh of rellief that Casey will no longer be allowed to continue living a life of freedom when she took Caylee's life away for no reason whatsoever.


A little girl would say, momma momma hurts or momma cannot breathe. KC doesn't care. Chloroform doesn't begin to describe (in my opinion) what KC did to that child....in anger so invested. Chloro makes the vic go under without moving or sounds. Just sayin. That's what I think. I think the very worst of KC and what she is capable of regarding "snothead" aka that little girl.

Capital one Murder, KC, as in death, Florida did it for Bundy can do it for you

I was shocked, but considering, why not. Getting into rant. Sorry.,
Uh, her mother killed her - I doubt if Caylee was really listening to what was said she would be mad at us for being happy that her mother and murderer was finally being punished for her crimes, I would have to assume that Caylee would rather be alive, safe in the arms of her Pop pop, the only member of her family that seems to have stood up for her rights, than dead at the hands of her own mom. It is not a happy day exactly but a day worth breathing a sigh of rellief that Casey will no longer be allowed to continue living a life of freedom when she took Caylee's life away for no reason whatsoever.

I'm sure shes not happy that her mummy killed her, but so many abused children still love their parents, and would never wish anything bad on them.
My guess is Angel Caylee is wishing that people would try to love each other, that all the fighting would end and that all of the chaos would stop.I believe she would want peace for all.
I dont believe she would want anybody to suffer, including her family.
The grand jury felt that there was enough information to indict KC for the murder of Caylee. How can the defense argue that the SA didn't provide enough info in the charging murder indictment if a GJ found that there is enough evidence to bring charges; can the defense argue the grand juries findings?
I think that means that they know more than we do. They have more than we know and in 47 minutes they were ready to hang this person.

What did the GJ see in October 2008 - two months prior to finding Caylee's remains?

Could there be some kind of visual evidence (like on film) that was found in KC's car that indicates wrongdoing involving Caylee?
What else could it be?

During CA's depo, they asked her if she remembered finding the CD's in the Pontiac? She said she didn't remember them. I saw them on the evidence list of things they took from the car and thought it strange that CA, after going through the car, did not remember seeing them. Anyway, LE has them.
Here. here!!! Do people really think that little Caylee who loved her mummy so much would rest more peacefully knowing KC will be going to jail, or executed?
It is a relief, yes, but seriously how can it be a happy day? If we remember that this is all about Caylee, then I dont get all the whooping and cheering going on.
I cannot begin to understand what the Anthonys are feeling right now. They have been through so much, and lost so much.
Do you think Caylee would like to hear all these narky things being said about the people who loved her most?

I don't think Caylee at 3 3/4 years old would rest more peacefully knowing her mom is in jail. I do however think if Caylee would have been older when she was murdered that would be debatable. Children are VERY forgiving souls. I've known children who have had their mothers leave them for YEARS only to have them come back and it's like she never left. Children want to be loved and to be secure. They thrive on security. I can't begin to judge what the Anthony's are feeling; however their actions do leave little to be desired IMO.
I'm sure shes not happy that her mummy killed her, but so many abused children still love their parents, and would never wish anything bad on them.
My guess is Angel Caylee is wishing that people would try to love each other, that all the fighting would end and that all of the chaos would stop.I believe she would want peace for all.
I dont believe she would want anybody to suffer, including her family.

I agree-and the longer this goes on, the more tattered her family becomes. This needs to be done, trial, appeals and DP.
What did the GJ see in October 2008 - two months prior to finding Caylee's remains?

Could there be some kind of visual evidence (like on film) that was found in KC's car that indicates wrongdoing involving Caylee?
What else could it be?

During CA's depo, they asked her if she remembered finding the CD's in the Pontiac? She said she didn't remember them. I saw them on the evidence list of things they took from the car and thought it strange that CA, after going through the car, did not remember seeing them. Anyway, LE has them.
Have we been told anything about these CDs? I can't remember right now. What if there were some very bad pictures or videos that would show Casey was not being a wholesome mother or that she was not properly looking after Caylee?
Happy Indictment Day!

Ok that was really catty of me. Sorry. I just wanted to memorialize the day somehow.
Happy Indictment Day!

Ok that was really catty of me. Sorry. I just wanted to memorialize the day somehow.

2 years ago today, this is her indictment anniversary!

Which brings me to wonder, if the defense has evidence proving ICA was innocent/not guilty, then why, oh why, is she still behind bars? Because the defense has nothing credible to prove otherwise. Innocent people fight the hardest to be free of something they KNOW they have no part in...JMHO

She's done her time on the fraud charges, yet, there she stays!

I'm sure Caylee doesn't truly know the ramifications of Why her mother (so undeserving of that title) did the unthinkable and being an innocent child, of course she would forgive but would want justice, just the same. The same as she sees her grandparents not being her voice, yet they back the one who took their happiness and sunshine away...That shouldn't be forgiven or overlooked...JMJHO

Our society have laws and bylaws for a reason and once someone steps over that line, regardless of forgiveness, her punishement awaits...Only when Caylee receives justice will ICA go peacefully away. She will be a passing thought on Caylee's birthdays and anniversary of finding her precious remains...and that would mean, justice has been served! Until that time, I truly hope Caylee is haunting ICA in her nightmares, for she needs to remind herself how she threw her miracle from God away like trash, that too should not be overlooked and after a jury of her own peers judges her actions, when her own life comes to an end, she will be judged on judgement day, by the Almighty....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Happy Indictment Day!

Ok that was really catty of me. Sorry. I just wanted to memorialize the day somehow.

Amazing that the defense has been allowed to stumble around looking for reasonable doubt for 2 YEARS! This very simple case should have been over and done with 9 months ago imo. Oh well, Perry's in the driver's seat, and all roads are leading to May 2011, at least we know that for sure. I'm hoping other indictments are in the works for other members of the anthony family as well as mallory and Laura Buchanan.


watch Judge Perry!






"Zanny could be either Amy or Jesse", Cindy Anthony told detectives.


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