2008.10.15 - Cindy doing TODAY SHOW interview

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Thanks for the link to that video - I hadn't seen it before. It is very obvious what Cindy is doing. I thought she was going to shake her head off and her finger motions on George's leg, she could have just whispered the answer into his ear. It was that noticeable. Unbelievable. I also noticed that she kept her head down through most of the interview. At that time, she was probably a little uncomfortable lying on national television. She is now more proficient and can brazenly stare into the camera and spout her sh##.
Someone here on WS summed up George's bizarre conflicting statements before and after the GJ so perfectly that I have to pass it on. To paraphrase that marvellous post which I can't find:

George is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome as a result of living with Cindy and KC these last weeks.

I think that's very close to the true explanation. What about you?

i have always maintained that women could rule the earth if they only realized what power they have....over us MEN :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:

but this woman takes it to the worst of limits

most of the women i know are strong independent lovely women but they are not TYRANTS...

( thank goodness for that )
Thanks very much. Now that I've watched it, I have to ask if anyone besides me ever watches Cindy and starts wavering in their solid belief that KLEE is no longer with us...that KC actually disposed of her remains...etc.

There's something about CA staring at me through a camera that makes me start to waiver and question the facts...until I forcibly remind myself that CA has repeatedly lied and misled and that the stench from that car was decomp, etc., etc.

Is that gullibilty on my part, or does CA possess a strangely overpowering personality? I'm older than she is, and yet if I listen to her long enough, she almost persuades me that "Mother knows best." :confused:

I didn't do a good job of explaining myself, but is there anyone else here who gets temporarily swayed by her?

I just wish she somehow start telling some truth instead of what she is doing. I hope everytime I see her that she will break down and be honest (like she was on that 911 call. But I usually watch just to see what new lies she comes up with.
Thanks very much. Now that I've watched it, I have to ask if anyone besides me ever watches Cindy and starts wavering in their solid belief that KLEE is no longer with us...that KC actually disposed of her remains...etc.

There's something about CA staring at me through a camera that makes me start to waiver and question the facts...until I forcibly remind myself that CA has repeatedly lied and misled and that the stench from that car was decomp, etc., etc.

Is that gullibilty on my part, or does CA possess a strangely overpowering personality? I'm older than she is, and yet if I listen to her long enough, she almost persuades me that "Mother knows best." :confused:

I didn't do a good job of explaining myself, but is there anyone else here who gets temporarily swayed by her?

LP was on NG the other night and he said that he questioned Cindy/Lee about J. Hopkins. Apparently they told LP there were two J. Hopkins'. LP said (I'm paraphrasing), "she darned near had me believing there were two J. Hopkins for a minute." You're not alone! She must be a seasoned liar just like her daughter.
LP was on NG the other night and he said that he questioned Cindy/Lee about J. Hopkins. Apparently they told LP there were two J. Hopkins'. LP said (I'm paraphrasing), "she darned near had me believing there were two J. Hopkins for a minute." You're not alone! She must be a seasoned liar just like her daughter.

...................and this reminds me...Not only did Cindy make up the 2 jeffs, but Lee did too??????????
Is that strange, or what? :eek::eek::eek:
Thanks very much. Now that I've watched it, I have to ask if anyone besides me ever watches Cindy and starts wavering in their solid belief that KLEE is no longer with us...that KC actually disposed of her remains...etc.

There's something about CA staring at me through a camera that makes me start to waiver and question the facts...until I forcibly remind myself that CA has repeatedly lied and misled and that the stench from that car was decomp, etc., etc.

Is that gullibilty on my part, or does CA possess a strangely overpowering personality? I'm older than she is, and yet if I listen to her long enough, she almost persuades me that "Mother knows best." :confused:

I didn't do a good job of explaining myself, but is there anyone else here who gets temporarily swayed by her?

I can't say that she's ever had that affect on me, I guess I'm just cynical, but I can really see her controlling personality shining through in her every word.

I would be really curious, though, to find out what her co-workers opinions of her are! I wonder if she's the same controlling, bossy, manipulator at work as she is in her personal life. Anyone have any insight into that?
Thanks for the link to that video - I hadn't seen it before. It is very obvious what Cindy is doing. I thought she was going to shake her head off and her finger motions on George's leg, she could have just whispered the answer into his ear. It was that noticeable. Unbelievable. I also noticed that she kept her head down through most of the interview. At that time, she was probably a little uncomfortable lying on national television. She is now more proficient and can brazenly stare into the camera and spout her sh##.

I know! Unbelievable! I saw the video when it came out, I guess I was too absorbed in what was being said that I missed all the rest of what was going on! When I watched it again the other day, I picked up on that right away. SO obvious now!
Respectfully snipped:

I agree, and it's obvious that she also despises her father. In view of that, I think that while she was home on bail, she may have thoroughly enjoyed seeing both her parents under unfriendly seige in the front yard and botching up everything with the media and the protesters!

To a self-proclaimed "spiteful b*tch," like KC, wouldn't that be the ultimate, vengeful delight?

If the above is true, then the last thing she'd want to do is put everyone out of their misery by revealing Caylee's fate.

It's just a thought...

I think you are right, I have thought the same thing. She IS enjoying their suffering.

I think the only way she will reveal what happened is if it greatly benefitted her - say, life in prison was reduced to 20-30 years.

As far as the Stockholm syndrome, I don't see how anybody with a brain could believe what he says he thinks. But if he watchs/reads no news reports, does not read anything about it on the internet, and has only Cindy to go by - then you could be right.

And I have never been hypnotized by what she is saying... I've seen through her BS since DAY ONE. heh
CA showed a MM disney dress.........looked new.........did she buy another one? Can't wait for DNA on dress found.............
Ouch. :eek::waitasec:

"She has abrasions to her nose and to her throat."

Karen Anne, or anyone do you have a screenshot of her? I was curious to see that. If not no biggie I can try to find the vid and rewatch it.

I saw it when it was on tv. I was clear across the room and noticed it. I paused it, and walked up to the tv, and saw that there were abrasions to not only the nose, but to the neck as well. I looked at a few of the vid's online, but the video boxes were too small for me to see them. On the tv, they were quite noticible, and left me wondering what they would have looked like without the makeup on. (And how she got them.)
Thanks very much. Now that I've watched it, I have to ask if anyone besides me ever watches Cindy and starts wavering in their solid belief that KLEE is no longer with us...that KC actually disposed of her remains...etc.

There's something about CA staring at me through a camera that makes me start to waiver and question the facts...until I forcibly remind myself that CA has repeatedly lied and misled and that the stench from that car was decomp, etc., etc.

Is that gullibilty on my part, or does CA possess a strangely overpowering personality? I'm older than she is, and yet if I listen to her long enough, she almost persuades me that "Mother knows best." :confused:

I didn't do a good job of explaining myself, but is there anyone else here who gets temporarily swayed by her?

I've never felt that Cindy and George believe one thing that they tell the media. They're not very good liars, but probably good at mind games with Casey over the years. I think they know what happened and did from the start and were flat out lying to media for some reason. Maybe it was in hopes that Casey would see the videos and believe them enough to tell where Caylee is right now. That, and not wanting to be the ones responsible for swaying a jury into a death penalty for their daughter. They had to know there was evidence that would result in serious charges and prison time though.
That's not exactly what he said. He said he was disappointed that the information was leaked. And he didn't say anything about someone putting it there. Here's the relevant excerpt from the transcript:
October 13: TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Yes. I didn`t make the discovery. The discovery was made by a searcher. I`m very disappointed that it leaked, and it shouldn`t have been. But now it`s out, we need to clarify it.. . .
But Nancy, we`ve got to understand one thing. There`s been several articles of clothing found during this search effort. Many of them were sent off to a lab for analysis, and this one is being sent off also. So...

"Tim Miller mentioned that the find had been leaked.

Texas EquuSearch did not make the find. It was found by an independant search group that had helped TES in the first search for Caylee.

Tim was quite upset that the information had been leaked. He was also upset because the information the person was providing constituted a direct violation of search and rescue protocol.

Tim said that the authorities did not believe the dress was connected to the Caylee case. He also said that the dress was "too big" for Caylee.

Tim said that there are suspicions regarding the origin of that dress and how it ended up in that area."
This is part of an inteview that I saw.

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