2008.10.15 - Cindy doing TODAY SHOW interview

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I have no sympathy for CA, however, since KC is in JAIL now I wish C&G would take a few days off. CA is on the verge of a total breakdown and I think if her and GA want to continue the DENIAL.............. They both need to stay out of the limelight................. they need to take a few days off and rest....................KC is no longer in the house and they should NOT give up their search if they TRULY believe in there hearts what they are spinning. CA, please stay in bed for a few days, pray your little heart out and regroup. I for one have no sympathy for you due to the continued mis-truths, but if you are going to continue your DENIAL.................. please wind down for awhile, this is going to be a long and arduous next few months......... Please clear your head........I do not believe you have had a decent nights sleep in the past 4 months. Take this time and for once stay in bed, cry as much as you need and pray for guidance.

I can not understand what you are going through, and I do believe you have brought all of this on yourself, but in my heart I believe Caylee is gone, and no matter the coulda-wouda-shouda's............. if you are going to support your daughter through all of this.....................Please rest and listen to your heart................... Do not allow KC to destroy you any further.........I understand you love your daughter no matter what, and so does GA, but do not allow KC to be the cause of your nervous breakdown.
Could you send me a Link to the transcripts of that show please?

I watch the NG show every night & I never heard LP "emphatically" state that rumor.......Maybe I missed it on a fridge run.

I did hear LP emphatically state that rumor on a sleazy local radio show this past Saturday.......Is that what your refering to?

Wherever it was said I could almost swear we were asked not to spread that rumor here at WS.
Ouch. :eek::waitasec:

"She has abrasions to her nose and to her throat."
It definitely looks as though she had a spat with someone yesterday.
I wonder if it was with KC, and that's why she jumped out of Cindy's car and into the bondsman's.
So now she's an alcoholic too? Come on....
And I hope your taking some self- responsibilty here or was it all your mums fault? So then Caylees death is cindys fault, or hang on must be cindys mums fault, or cindys mums, mums fault?
I certainly dont blame my mum for the bad choices I've made....and i've made some pretty bad ones, before turning my life around. I get that my mum inherited depression and anxiety from her mum , and so did I. Nobodys fault.
Fortunately there is more help available to people these days but still so much stigma attached to it. Its sad that because some of these drugs are abused by people the others that genuinely need them are made to feel like drug addicts.
My point re the meds is that if for eg she is on xanax or similar, then at higher doses it makes you drowsy, or if you take one 'just in case' and your anxiety levels arent high to begin with. If she has been put on A.D's then often they will make a person drowsy until the body adjusts.
Btw- I applaud you for doing the hard yards in turning your life around, and for being brave enough for sharing it with others.... I wasnt having a dig at you.:blowkiss:

Anyone who has ever read my posts knows that I'm the last peson who'd judge someone who takes Psychotropic medications or is mentally ill. I am alive today in part because of psych meds after having spent my life half dead with undiagnosed, untreated Bipolar disorder and prescription drug addiction (my drug of choice? BENZOS!).

And MY point re the meds is that even if prescribed a high dose, if taken as prescribed, Benzos do not cause what we see in Cindy and no way in hell do antidepressants, sorry! You can attempt to make me look as unsympathetic as you like and you can come up with excuses for her all day but don't expect people to buy it.

As for all that other crap you accuse me of saying in my post, it's interesting how you try to twist my words around to fit your agenda. Please don't do that anymore, I find it offensive. Thank you :)
Anyone who has ever read my posts knows that I'm the last peson who'd judge someone who takes Psychotropic medications or is mentally ill. I am alive today in part because of psych meds after having spent my life half dead with undiagnosed, untreated Bipolar disorder and prescription drug addiction (my drug of choice? BENZOS!).

And MY point re the meds is that even if prescribed a high dose, if taken as prescribed, Benzos do not cause what we see in Cindy and no way in hell do antidepressants, sorry! You can attempt to make me look as unsympathetic as you like and you can come up with excuses for her all day but don't expect people to buy it.

As for all that other crap you accuse me of saying in my post, it's interesting how you try to twist my words around to fit your agenda. Please don't do that anymore, I find it offensive. Thank you :)

Big Hug to my awesome girl! :blowkiss: You are an inspiration to a person that I love very much and have helped tremendously in her path. That being said, you can't make someone understand where your path has led you. The ones who truly know you (which are many) DO understand! I hold you in high regard and thank you for sharing your very difficult experiences.
I don't know where to put this but CA emphasized this in her interview. It was just said on WFTV that the Anthony's will be opening a brand new tip line for people to send them tips. They are deterimined to seek out every single tip in hopes to bring Caylee home. They didn't link the story yet but as soon as they do I will put it up.
Baez and Cindy keep saying that when we hear the REAL reason Caylee hasn't been found, the REAL reason Casey has done what she did that we will totally understand every thing. This has been repeated over and over.

So, if I remember correctly in the OJ trial, his defense wouldn't put him on the stand because then the prosecution could call him and ask him questions and probably fumble him up.

Wouldn't it be the same for Casey? If defense puts her on the stand "to explain" then she's open to questioning from the prosecution? I personally would LOVE to hear her story. (evil grin)
It definitely looks as though she had a spat with someone yesterday.
I wonder if it was with KC, and that's why she jumped out of Cindy's car and into the bondsman's.

OK, maybe there is NOTHING to the scratches.....I've gotten the same "look" as Cindy when grooming one of my Maine Coones who was determined to remain knotty, poopy or not have his claws clipped. that's the first thing I thought of when I saw her nose.....catfeet.
Why have the Anthonys REFUSED to give out a picture or do a police drawing of this Zani? Because seh doesn't exist, that is why. Pure and simple. Don't you think if they really had a pic of this invisible person, it would behoove them to put out "have you seeen?" posters on this person? Why have NONE of them ever done a police drawing of the invisible person. I would love to have the police artist do one with every member of the family separately. I'll bet you they'd look nothing alike.

Am watching George. At least he has done the right thing even though he isn't admitting it. He also says he is GIVING out tshirts, not selling them. I believe HE is, but I also believe someone is profiting from them.

I know, I've been thinking about this since it all began. My thought on the matter of looking for Caylee with Zani is that Casey has convinced her mom that this should all be handled within the family with their own P.I.'s and is not anyone else's business, and see, no one believes us. And to bolster her mom's belief in her innocence she maybe reminds her that is why she wanted to handle it privately during the 30 days because no one would believe her anyway.
OK, maybe there is NOTHING to the scratches.....I've gotten the same "look" as Cindy when grooming one of my Maine Coones who was determined to remain knotty, poopy or not have his claws clipped. that's the first thing I thought of when I saw her nose.....catfeet.

lol, Fandy, I hear ya, Ive got a Maine Coon as well (besides several other cats including a Siamese and dang are thier nails long and strong) But I dont think Cindy has any cats, only dogs, could be wrong tho.
There were never reports that Caylee's dress were found at the airport. There are reports that a SIMILAR dress was found near the airport. God, I never believed in the theory that the dress was "planted" by the defense, but after seeing Cindy today, well...it doesn't seem so crazy.
Tim Miller said on tv that the dress was put there by someone who was part of the search team working with his search team, and that he was very disappointed in them.
Big Hug to my awesome girl! :blowkiss: You are an inspiration to a person that I love very much and have helped tremendously in her path. That being said, you can't make someone understand where your path has led you. The ones who truly know you (which are many) DO understand! I hold you in high regard and thank you for sharing your very difficult experiences.

Tim Miller said on tv that the dress was put there by someone who was part of the search team working with his search team, and that he was very disappointed in them.

That's not exactly what he said. He said he was disappointed that the information was leaked. And he didn't say anything about someone putting it there.

Here's the relevant excerpt from the transcript:
October 13:

TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Yes. I didn`t make the discovery. The discovery was made by a searcher. I`m very disappointed that it leaked, and it shouldn`t have been. But now it`s out, we need to clarify it.

. . .
But Nancy, we`ve got to understand one thing. There`s been several articles of clothing found during this search effort. Many of them were sent off to a lab for analysis, and this one is being sent off also. So...

Tim Miller said on tv that the dress was put there by someone who was part of the search team working with his search team, and that he was very disappointed in them.
.............a searcher made the discovery....not placed there.:)


Tim, you`re back in Orlando, searching for Caylee Anthony. I understand you made a discovery.

TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Yes. I didn`t make the discovery. The discovery was made by a searcher. I`m very disappointed that it leaked, and it shouldn`t have been. But now it`s out, we need to clarify it.

GRACE: OK. I understand -- when I say "you," I am referring to Texas Equusearch. Was the searcher someone working with Texas Equusearch?


GRACE: And what was the discovery?

MILLER: Well, you know, it was an article of clothing that is very, very similar to an article of clothing that Caylee was wearing at one time and there`s a picture of it.

But Nancy, we`ve got to understand one thing. There`s been several articles of clothing found during this search effort. Many of them were sent off to a lab for analysis, and this one is being sent off also. So...

GRACE: OK, Tim Miller, let me ask you a couple of questions. Was the article of clothing a dress?


GRACE: OK. Was Caylee Anthony known to have a similar dress at one time?


GRACE: Was it a child`s size 6?


GRACE: Would a child size 6 be the size a 2 to 3-year-old girl would wear?

MILLER: I don`t think so. I`ve got my doubts on this. But you know, law enforcement`s doing their job...

GRACE: Well, according to our research, the answer is, in fact, yes. A child 2 to 3 years old would wear a child size 6, but it really depends on Caylee`s height and size. Tim Miller, where was the dress discovered?

MILLER: Well, it was alongside a road. It was a wooded area. It was laying in the bushes and...

GRACE: Was it near the Orlando airport?

MILLER: It was in an area where the -- of interest, where cell tower activity was happening.

Cindy Cindy Cindy..
What is the big secret Cindy? Were KC and ZFG involved in the mafia? If there are so many sightings of Caylee - with the kind of reward money that's on the table - what is going on? I'd like that kind of money and if I saw her I would be sending pictures, I would be following WHOEVER home and getting license numbers. Really - Cindy - if someone knows someone that has her wouldn't they be banging on LE's and JB's door and wanting the money? This 'someone' could contact their own law enforcement agency since you think Orange County has an agenda against KC.

Follow up those leads you claim LE ignored. In fact, if you have any in Northern Minnesota contact me through this site and I will personally help you. Legitimate leads - not "
might have seen her in the mall" because I'm sure there are hundreds of those. If you expect LE to spend time on "might have seen her...." - you are not being realistic.

Picture this: You have a legitimate "Caylee sighting."

You have contacted LE, and your lead has not been checked out.

Wouldn't you be letting the MEDIA KNOW ABOUT IT ?

How many sightings has the media told us have not been checked out ?

Picture this: You have a legitimate "Caylee sighting."

You have contacted LE, and your lead has not been checked out.

Wouldn't you be letting the MEDIA KNOW ABOUT IT ?

How many sightings has the media told us have not been checked out ?


Especially since there is a $225,000 reward as well as -- anyone and everyone would want to return Caylee home at this point. Doh!
Yes, she did say this. Hard to say what she expected, but she wants the tips BACK that she gave to LE in the first place to follow up on. (shrugs shoulders)

What ? She wants them "BACK?"

You mean she didn't make COPIES ??

Oh, please.

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