2008.10.15 - Cindy doing TODAY SHOW interview

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Wherever it was said I could almost swear we were asked not to spread that rumor here at WS.

I missed some so I did not see where we were asked not to spread that rumor, but that really makes me feel better as I thought that was too much to speculate about....and I really like your posts too!
I missed some so I did not see where we were asked not to spread that rumor, but that really makes me feel better as I thought that was too much to speculate about....and I really like your posts too!

I agree and don't think Lee and Casey were having sex. Thanks... I'm just honest with myself and others :)
Cindy saying ,"Casey loves Caylee more than i love Casey", ( however, she said , her love for Casey is growing more everyday:bang: ) Wow, if she really believes that is that whyher wonderful daughter would "sell " Caylee to someone in mexico? Or not report her missing for over a month?

This woman is strangely delusional and im afraid its not just all the craziness in her life right now-=-- i think she and Casey are both nuts. period.
I know about mental helath issues and I sympathize and empathize with anyone that's dealing with them. I have fought depression off and on most of my adult life. It manifested in me after the death of my firstborn. I also have a sibling that commited suicide. So I understand all about mental health issues!
In my post I stated that Cindy needs help, and medicating yourself is not help. She was obviously overmedicated this morning. It made me sick seeing the shape she was in. I wish for a friend of hers' to convince her to seek intensive psychiatric help. She does not need to go on national tv and humiliate herself in the state she is in!

For sometime Cindy has had this appearance that many people have felt is due to being over medicated. I think she looks exhausted.

It's been 4 months since she's seen Caylee, 3 months since the 911 calls, almost 2 months since KC was bailed out the first time. I wonder how long it's been since she's had a decent night's sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause all the problems she's exhibited.

It's possible whatever medication she's taking is what's keeping her on her feet and lack of sleep is what's dragging her down.

Most RNs are exceeding cautious about medication use/abuse. If she truly believes Caylee is out there and coming home, this would not be the time for her to risk over using any medication. Lack of sleep on the other hand would be understandable due to the extreme stress CA has had for the last 4 mos.
Cindy saying ,"Casey loves Caylee more than i love Casey", ( however, she said , her love for Casey is growing more everyday:bang: ) Wow, if she really believes that is that whyher wonderful daughter would "sell " Caylee to someone in mexico? Or not report her missing for over a month?


Thank you for catching this Anniegirl.

After reading the first 10 pages of this thread, I had to skip to the end. I'm sooo sick over seeing post after post slamming this woman, not really discussing the topic.

As far in as I read I didn't see this comment even mentioned. If it came up since or I missed it, I'm sorry.

When I read that CA had made this comment, I heard guilt loud and clear. In essence I heard CA say KC is a better mother than I am.

Whatever story of KC's they are believing, they think KC has made the supreme sacrifice, going to jail to keep Caylee safe, allowing for Caylee to be kept "underground" to protect her.

I wish they'd fill us all in on this 'secret' maybe it really will explain everything. Now if only it could have been true.
One lost girl....
I gotta tell ya, my 'stubborn me' wants to keep debating you on this...
And then I think of Caylee.
And that just makes me want to hug you.:hug:

Thank you for catching this Anniegirl.

After reading the first 10 pages of this thread, I had to skip to the end. I'm sooo sick over seeing post after post slamming this woman, not really discussing the topic.

As far in as I read I didn't see this comment even mentioned. If it came up since or I missed it, I'm sorry.

When I read that CA had made this comment, I heard guilt loud and clear. In essence I heard CA say KC is a better mother than I am.

Whatever story of KC's they are believing, they think KC has made the supreme sacrifice, going to jail to keep Caylee safe, allowing for Caylee to be kept "underground" to protect her.

I wish they'd fill us all in on this 'secret' maybe it really will explain everything. Now if only it could have been true.

They won't. They won't even mention it until the trial and then it will be too little too late. The only secret they have is that their daughter is indeed capable of killing her child.

There is no ZG. If there were, there would be a picture of her somewhere out there. Cindy claims there are 15000 ZGs out there - how many of those have sisters named Samanta and drive 2008 Ford Focuses. Why would thiis phantom nanny take the child to Puerto Rico and leave her brand new car behind? Does Cindy really believe that the police have not checked out silber 2008 Ford Focuses? Cindy CHOOSES to believe that LE has nost investigated everything - even though the FACTS do not back her up. She claims a man had a little girl stolen and found her 14 months later. Does she give a name of this man or is he another phantom. Was he taken by a non-custodial spouse? Did he report it to LE?

Cindy tosses out vague generalities that cannot be proven because there is no real information in any of it. She cannot even give any of the location where Caylee was allegedly seen. She is lying. She does not want Caylee found because there is just a body left. Caylee has been in heaven for months now. Doesn't Cindy want her granddaughter to have a proper burial? Apparnetly not. jmo
I felt very sorry for Meredith Vierro interviewing Cindy.
Meredith looked so sorrowful.

Who's to say Caylee didn't receive a larger MM dress for Christmas,
Easter? And, where is the other dress, the princess one?
Question by any chance did Cindy mention the size of the dress she had with her?

You would think if I was CA and I wanted to prove that the dress wasn't Caylee I would show the world her real dress size

I saw on News 13 today that the FBI is testing DNA that was found on the Mickey Mouse dress that was found near the airport. They said that the results could be back as early as next week.

If the DNA on that dress that was found proves to be Caylee's, I wonder if LE will then arrest Cindy for putting forth "false information" (in other words, by showing the whole world on the Today Show "a different Mickey Mouse dress (that she would have bought recently in an effort to try and throw LE off the tracks of new evidence)...
I saw on News 13 today that the FBI is testing DNA that was found on the Mickey Mouse dress that was found near the airport. They said that the results could be back as early as next week.

If the DNA on that dress that was found proves to be Caylee's, I wonder if LE will then arrest Cindy for putting forth "false information" (in other words, by showing the whole world on the Today Show "a different Mickey Mouse dress (that she would have bought recently in an effort to try and throw LE off the tracks of new evidence)...

Ya know, I think LE is kinda treating Cindy with kid gloves.
I saw on News 13 today that the FBI is testing DNA that was found on the Mickey Mouse dress that was found near the airport. They said that the results could be back as early as next week.

If the DNA on that dress that was found proves to be Caylee's, I wonder if LE will then arrest Cindy for putting forth "false information" (in other words, by showing the whole world on the Today Show "a different Mickey Mouse dress (that she would have bought recently in an effort to try and throw LE off the tracks of new evidence)...

In the picture of Caylee wearing the dress she looks to be anywhere from 9-18 mos. old. The dress that Cindy held up on the Today Show is in keeping with that age group. (Scroll up to see the photo as a member's avatar).
GRACE: Well, according to our research, the answer is, in fact, yes. A child 2 to 3 years old would wear a child size 6, but it really depends on Caylee`s height and size. Tim Miller, where was the dress discovered?

My daughter will be 3 in March. She wears a 3T and some 4Ts, depending on the brand. And my daughter is 3 feet tall and weighs 32 pounds. Very close to Caylee's height and weight IIRC.

A child that age could wear a dress that size (but I don't think I'd say it was a fact that she would), especially since it would be more for dress-up and having it would fit would not be an issue. It's been my experience with costumes that they run small too, so if I wanted my daughter to be able to wear it for some time, I wouldn't get a 3 or 4, I'd get a bigger size.

IMO, just because Cindy was able to provide the dress Caylee wore when she was 1, does not mean that she didn't have another. And just because she had one when she was little and one was found where it was found, doesn't mean that the dress is Caylee's.

I wonder if we will hear the results of the tests or whether it will all be kept quiet.
Cindy saying ,"Casey loves Caylee more than i love Casey", ( however, she said , her love for Casey is growing more everyday:bang: ) Wow, if she really believes that is that whyher wonderful daughter would "sell " Caylee to someone in mexico? Or not report her missing for over a month?

This woman is strangely delusional and im afraid its not just all the craziness in her life right now-=-- i think she and Casey are both nuts. period.
so she says her love for casey is growing everyday.. and kc loves caylee more than she loves casey.. she doesnt love her as much because she knows kc did something to that baby .. and now that nothing can be done about caylee and the possibility that her daughter will die too .. makes her want to love casey more and more and be a mother she shouldve been ..i didnt think cindy knew all that much but after reading this statement she made makes me wonder just wtf .. of course ive been pretty much wondering that anyway lol :crazy:
Why do you think that is?

If you listen to the way LE speaks to her, when we would be shaking her, they sound as if she is a damaged victim. I'm guessing LE has nothing to implicate the gp's in the original crime, therefore they are victims of KC. Anything that has happened after 6-15 can be explained away by shock, grief, fatigue, sleep deprivation etc.

Since LEO's who have way more knowledge on dealing with very bad people than I and have all the evidence, are treating the A's with kindness, so can I.

How I feel about their behavior is beside the point.
They won't. They won't even mention it until the trial and then it will be too little too late. The only secret they have is that their daughter is indeed capable of killing her child.

There is no ZG. If there were, there would be a picture of her somewhere out there. Cindy claims there are 15000 ZGs out there - how many of those have sisters named Samanta and drive 2008 Ford Focuses. Why would thiis phantom nanny take the child to Puerto Rico and leave her brand new car behind? Does Cindy really believe that the police have not checked out silber 2008 Ford Focuses? Cindy CHOOSES to believe that LE has nost investigated everything - even though the FACTS do not back her up. She claims a man had a little girl stolen and found her 14 months later. Does she give a name of this man or is he another phantom. Was he taken by a non-custodial spouse? Did he report it to LE?

Cindy tosses out vague generalities that cannot be proven because there is no real information in any of it. She cannot even give any of the location where Caylee was allegedly seen. She is lying. She does not want Caylee found because there is just a body left. Caylee has been in heaven for months now. Doesn't Cindy want her granddaughter to have a proper burial? Apparnetly not. jmo

Yeah, I know. But late at nite it's hard, that little place deep inside wants to believe they know something that will make sense of all this. Mos ago I posted that it would never happen, KC will never come clean (except maybe to save her own life). And poor CA has deteriorated further since then.

I guess all that's left is pray for Tim to bring Caylee home. I'm still not sure CA will be able to accept the remains are her Caylee but that's another story.

An older interview with Cindy and George. (They are both wearing the same outfits they wore to the first bond hearing, so it must have been the same day) When Lara asks if Casey feels at threat (from the elusive kidnapper..lol) WATCH Cindy shake her head back and forth NO...WATCH her thumb on George's leg back and forth in a NO motion, then George speaks and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is NO. She is masterminding the whole story and coaching George it seems.

An older interview with Cindy and George. (They are both wearing the same outfits they wore to the first bond hearing, so it must have been the same day) When Lara asks if Casey feels at threat (from the elusive kidnapper..lol) WATCH Cindy shake her head back and forth NO...WATCH her thumb on George's leg back and forth in a NO motion, then George speaks and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is NO. She is masterminding the whole story and coaching George it seems.

Video not working anymore :waitasec:
Video not working anymore :waitasec:

It's working now.

Cindy starts by saying June 9th was a typical day. Casey going to work then picking up Caylee to spend the rest of the day with her. Casey was being threatened and that's why she can't be 100% honest. If Casey is released she can help find Caylee---Casey doesn't trust police. Casey would take her own life for her daughter.

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