2008.10.15 - Cindy doing TODAY SHOW interview

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Sounds like you must be refering to me so I will respond...

Make poor choices, yup I sure did. Real poor... I was a piece of . However, I never killed anyone and I'd never cover for or lie for anyone who did. I also have no compassion for anyone who kills or lies or covers up for people that kill. Sorry but I draw the line with murderers, rapists, etc.

On top of that, Cindy is a sick, sick woman.. someone much like her created the piece of that I once was. She created her daughter, the baby killer. Compassion, naw, she needs to go take DBT classes.

Besides all that, all I said about her was that she looks f^c@#% up. And she does. And it's more than just a Xanax or a Klonopin (you suggest she is on benzos).. she either took more than prescribed or she's drinking while on them.

OneLostGrl, I have been reading your posts for some time now and just want to say that I admire you. You had a problem and did something about it. You are not in the same catagory as one (CINDY) who has a problem and is in total denial of it.

Cindy is so totally oblivious of her problem. I do not think she will willingly ever address her problem even if someone who cares about her points it out and tries to get her to get help.

And, OneLostGrl, you never were a peice of !
Sounds like you must be refering to me so I will respond...

Make poor choices, yup I sure did. Real poor... I was a piece of . However, I never killed anyone and I'd never cover for or lie for anyone who did. I also have no compassion for anyone who kills or lies or covers up for people that kill. Sorry but I draw the line with murderers, rapists, etc.

On top of that, Cindy is a sick, sick woman.. someone much like her created the piece of that I once was. She created her daughter, the baby killer. Compassion, naw, she needs to go take DBT classes.

Besides all that, all I said about her was that she looks f^c@#% up. And she does. And it's more than just a Xanax or a Klonopin (you suggest she is on benzos).. she either took more than prescribed or she's drinking while on them.
So now she's an alcoholic too? Come on....
And I hope your taking some self- responsibilty here or was it all your mums fault? So then Caylees death is cindys fault, or hang on must be cindys mums fault, or cindys mums, mums fault?
I certainly dont blame my mum for the bad choices I've made....and i've made some pretty bad ones, before turning my life around. I get that my mum inherited depression and anxiety from her mum , and so did I. Nobodys fault.
Fortunately there is more help available to people these days but still so much stigma attached to it. Its sad that because some of these drugs are abused by people the others that genuinely need them are made to feel like drug addicts.
My point re the meds is that if for eg she is on xanax or similar, then at higher doses it makes you drowsy, or if you take one 'just in case' and your anxiety levels arent high to begin with. If she has been put on A.D's then often they will make a person drowsy until the body adjusts.
Btw- I applaud you for doing the hard yards in turning your life around, and for being brave enough for sharing it with others.... I wasnt having a dig at you.:blowkiss:
On that I totally agree, I am simply amazed that they have not spent the money searching and reimbursing others for doing so.
CA. wants Mexico,Puerto Rico,and Texas searched ~why doesn't she use the money for a PI? I should say why dont THEY use the money,mommy probably wont allow it! She wants the State of Fla. to pay for it. I believe they would if they had any reason to believe Caylee was in any of these places.Her outlook is no where near normal..As someone else said the person has to want help unless they are a menace. IMO

They better be careful - They can't PROVE KC ever saw Caylee again AFTER they had her.

The "worm" may turn.

I absoloutly believe this and have for a while. As soon as it sinks in and Casey understands shes in big doo doo and is not going to be bailed out..she will turn on her parents so fast it will make your hair curl!

Poetic Justice!:woohoo:
Ya know, I thought that bond hearing was creepy too (I assume this is to what you're referring). CA was giving testimony on the stand and seemingly looked straight at Casey when answering and repeated, "There is NO EVIDENCE. NO EVIDENCE..."

Yup...that was it exactly!
OneLostGrl, I have been reading your posts for some time now and just want to say that I admire you. You had a problem and did something about it. You are not in the same catagory as one (CINDY) who has a problem and is in total denial of it.

Cindy is so totally oblivious of her problem. I do not think she will willingly ever address her problem even if someone who cares about her points it out and tries to get her to get help.

And, OneLostGrl, you never were a peice of !

I agree 110 percent.
I "hear" you! :)

I've been working up a little timeline in Excel and the more data I put into it, the more it hits me over the head that there was something really bad a'brewin' in the A household in May/June. There are statements (like you mentioned) of "unfit mother" comments (Casey told Lee), alleged faked e-mails regarding work (why would you fake 'em unless you were using them as proof to someone calling you into question), stolen money from Anthony home (see BS interview to LE), stolen money from Grandparents, calls to Ryan from Cindy calling Casey a sociopath and to stay away from her, Cindy seeing the No Clothes Party pictures and confronting Casey with them with the "So you were at work, Huh?" (see AH interview), and so on. Cindy told the 911 operator that she wanted her daughter arrested for stealing the car and for stealing from her (and she referenced an affidavit she had from her bank). The more one reads into the discovery docs and puts them together the more it becomes painfully obvious that there was some real discord going on at home for Casey and she likely wanted to be away from there when her parents were home. BS's interview with LE also mentions that CA went over to her house to discuss Caylee missing and that CA told BS that Casey would offer to meet CA somewhere and then Casey would not show up. When CA would get home she'd find that Casey had been there and gotten clothes and stuff. Nothing of Caylees was ever disturbed. [Paraphrased from the interview docs.] My opinion.

:clap::clap::clap: Excellent summation! Maybe thats where the dates of June 9th keep coming in with the family?

This entire family is reprehensible. I cannot keep Tim's voice out of my head when he describes Caylees body possibly being pushed farther down in the mud.

How true..only it is her own family doing it.

I cannot buy the poor George line...he makes me furious...man up George! :furious:

If he was a MAN or any kind of a human being he would have stopped this nonsense from the start....all we know is he HAD to go to the Grand Jury...he walked in, he walked out...we do not know what he said. He was certainly not forthcoming with LE in the taped interviews.

Yes, he is KC's victim also...they all are...but don't keep up with the pathetic charade under the guise of "loving" your family...thats NOT love.

I need some fuzzy medication now!
I agree. I think she is on something and it's not just being "medicated". She is f^c#@d up almost every time we see her!

I think she looked like a crazy drugged up woman with a squirrell on her head!
I know about mental helath issues and I sympathize and empathize with anyone that's dealing with them. I have fought depression off and on most of my adult life. It manifested in me after the death of my firstborn. I also have a sibling that commited suicide. So I understand all about mental health issues!
In my post I stated that Cindy needs help, and medicating yourself is not help. She was obviously overmedicated this morning. It made me sick seeing the shape she was in. I wish for a friend of hers' to convince her to seek intensive psychiatric help. She does not need to go on national tv and humiliate herself in the state she is in!

So sorry, sweetmop.

I understand your losses as I have had losses myself. It is very hard to work through grief and loss. But you faced it. I faced it. We get through it day by day until one day we can smile or laugh about a memory of that loved one. You will never forget, you will never stop hurting over it, but the sun does shine again. I believe the losses have made me stronger after it brought me to my knees first. I became more compassionate and understanding. I stopped being afraid because I felt I had already been through the worst. I lost my only son and a husband within 8 and 1/2 months of each other.

What separates most of us who have lost loved ones is that we get to say goodbye to them. We see them, we know the finality of it. I believe that Cindy does know that little Caylee is gone, but she cannot accept it. She is in such total denial. At this point, I do not know what it would take for Cindy to accept it as she would not get to actually get to see Caylee as she remembered her.

Casey has caused so very much pain. I hope the SA does go to trial and ask for the death penalty and settle for LWOP if Casey will tell what she did to little Caylee and who may have helped her or known about it. Even if Casey did not love Caylee, she took something precious from those who loved Caylee. She snuffed out little Caylee's life, IMO, and we as fellow human beings just do not have the right to do that.

GB little Caylee. She is an angel now.
Let's suppose for a moment that Cindy had never called LE into this. Suppose that the family had discovered Caylee was missing, finally came to their own conclusion that she was dead and that Casey was responsible. Then they decided to tell neighbors/family that Casey had allowed her to be adopted by a nice family. They're all hurt about it but after all, she was Casey's child and Casey just felt that, as a single mother, she could not give Caylee a good life. That would have been a perfect crime.

Shudders...oh Caroline...I can totally see this as a possibility if Cindy had never called LE! Especially the way the A's are circling the wagons the last month.
OLG, We've all made poor choices. Every single one of us at sometime.
I certainly agree, CA is self medicating in some way, it's quite obvious.
I think she's in need of psychiatric hospitalization. And also it would help for her daughter, the murderer to come clean and confess the entire crime. And stop the nightmare!
I always love reading your posts. You're good for my soul. Thank you.:blowkiss:

LOL- at least we have souls! ;)

OneLostGrl, I have been reading your posts for some time now and just want to say that I admire you. You had a problem and did something about it. You are not in the same catagory as one (CINDY) who has a problem and is in total denial of it.

Cindy is so totally oblivious of her problem. I do not think she will willingly ever address her problem even if someone who cares about her points it out and tries to get her to get help.

And, OneLostGrl, you never were a peice of !

The things is Cindy was obviously sick before all of this so she really has no "normal" to compare to. I really think when/if the day comes that she accepts this she will literally go crazy.

Thanks :).. whatever I was certainly wasn't a dozen roses LOL
I know about mental helath issues and I sympathize and empathize with anyone that's dealing with them. I have fought depression off and on most of my adult life. It manifested in me after the death of my firstborn. I also have a sibling that commited suicide. So I understand all about mental health issues!
In my post I stated that Cindy needs help, and medicating yourself is not help. She was obviously overmedicated this morning. It made me sick seeing the shape she was in. I wish for a friend of hers' to convince her to seek intensive psychiatric help. She does not need to go on national tv and humiliate herself in the state she is in!

Big hugs to you....and i hope your coping well. thats alot to be dealing with.
Did you ever take mediaction for your depression? I'm only asking because i know that many people are anti-meds.
Medication alone is not the answer, it really needs to be in combination with CBT or some kind of therapy, but I know that without medication I would not be alive today. There is also a lot of trial and error with these meds too. One AD made me halucinate yet another SSRI does the job.
In one video I've seen GA is trying his hardest to get her away from the cameras, so i guess he at least tried.
Watching CA on tv these days reminds me of watching the britney breakdown. We are all thinking 'why cant someone help her- we all know she needs help'.... some people are saying it out of concern and others out of spite.

They better be careful - They can't PROVE KC ever saw Caylee again AFTER they had her.

The "worm" may turn.

Cue the music and turn up the lights...you got it Turbo! So far as we know, the last known time anyone saw Caylee alive, it was with Cindy...the tape from the nursing home and the g-grandmother's dinner.
Since this rumor was emphatically stated repeatedly by LP on NG I wonder why no lawsuit has been filed if it is untrue. I know attorneys don't file lawsuits on every little comment when their clients are involved in a high profile case but this "rumor" is rather nasty if it is unfounded. Why no lawsuit? Why no "cease and desist"?

Could you send me a Link to the transcripts of that show please?

I watch the NG show every night & I never heard LP "emphatically" state that rumor.......Maybe I missed it on a fridge run.

I did hear LP emphatically state that rumor on a sleazy local radio show this past Saturday.......Is that what your refering to?

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