2008.10.15 George Anthony Speaks UPDATED 2008.10.16 Video Added

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Me too. I can see the A's are keeping their faces out there less the gullible public will forget them and stop donating. This is not about Caylee - it is about getting money. A 13 minute interview and he said nothing new, just the same old sh##. They are all disingenuous creeps and I wish the media would just ignore them.

I completely agree, at this point I would NOT grant Cindy Anthony one more interview. The only question that should be asked at this point is


If they can't answer the question, NO INTERVIEW. What the hell have the Anthony's been talking about for months, while Casey was free to eat pizza and play on the internet?? Also GA said Casey could leave anytime but she stayed because she wanted to see this out? What!? she was being monitored by an ankle bracket. Leave George? Another SIMPLE MINDED STATEMENT.
You see how long it took CA and GA to be in front of the cameras again. Less than 24 hours after their only daughter was indicted for murder one in the death of their only granddaughter. I think that KC is not the only member of the A family that is a sociopath. I guess we will be hearing from Lee later today. Disgusting and revolting!!!

Good point Lexington, the parents actions and what they say have given us a good look about how Casey was raised. Clearly regardless of their situation, I have watched many missing children cases, and have never seen parents act like this. There are some sociopathic tendencies and personality shifts within George and Cindy. Casey lived around this her entire 22 years. We are seeing a direct manipulation now from George onto the media, accepting no blame at all for Casey, this child was never held accountable for anything her life. At this point, I am surprised Cindy even called the police after smelling decomposition in her trunk.
Nedthan Johns, I have read all your posts, and could not agree more with your assesement of the Anthony family. It makes me ill the games being played.
So was Steve Groene being ridiculous, stupid, and all the other things that people are choosing to say about George when it was suspected Dylans body was found but had yet to be iofficially dentified..

""Until someone tells us 100 percent sure that that's Dylan, we still feel that he's out there and he's safe and is going to come home," Groene told reporters."

Or was Mark Klaas wrong in saying this about the Van Dam's prior to Danielles little body being found

"There's no reason in the world anybody should ever give up hope on this little child, until there is absolutely proof put in front of them."

Or Brenda VanD's plea
"I have to just keep hope that she's still alive and that she is coming home."

Or when it appeared everyone was against the Smarts and things looked really bad, was Ed a fool for holding out hope?

This is normal behavior on the part of George Anthony. Hope is really all they have left - everything else is gone. :(

NO, I disagree, it is NOT normal behavior. Not in any of the cases mentioned above did they have any crucial evidence of a dead body, but they DO in this case. There was reason to believe Danielle and Polly were alive because the intruders took them with them. Had they found decomposition in Westerfield's RV I can assure you chances are the van Dam's would likely conclude their daughter was dead. Danielle was found from thousands of searchers who combed the streets because her parents were on TV sobbing every night. As a father, my wife and I joined in the search, because I couldn't take for one minute the thought of that being my kid. I would want everyone to search. There hasn't been one REAL Tear shed in this case from the GP's or Casey, especially Casey, who should have been out facing the TV camera's every day pleading for the return of her child, if she had in fact been kidnapped, but this is not the case, since she likely murdered her. So NO the Anthonys are NOT acting normal in any sense of the word. Ed Smart had every right to hold onto hope. Many started pointing the fingers at him. There was a lot of evidence or lack of it to suggest Elizabeth may still be out there, there is NONE in this case. Shovel, decomposition in car, partying mother, cholorform, NO none of the cases above can even be compared to this case, or the actions of the GP's and Casey.
Here are my observations of what we are seeing manifested:

1) This IS a dysfunctional family. They have been for X number of years. We do not know the depth, but we can certainly see the symptoms in Casey and in Cindy.

2) Like I said yesterday, and we all know this, Casey was not raised by wild monkeys. She was raised by George and Cindy. She didn't become a soociopathic liar and thief overnight ( leaving her child's murder out of this) . She started these behaviors in childhood or early teens. A good person wouldn't do what she did with the credit card thefts and the stealing of her own grandparents money, wouldn't plan what she planned even before Caylee went missing( was killed by her mother).
George and Cindy bear a huge burden for what they ALLOWED Casey to become without proper supervision, or at least, without any remedial measures such as having her face the legal consequences of her actions at the time or sending her to an adolescent Psych. long-term facility.
Casey had to have underlying emotional/ mental problems as a child or young teen.

3) The fact that George shows sorrow is a sign that he, at least, has a conscience, and has grief, in some measure, over the tragic situation his family is in.
However, his words about finding a live Caylee is a classic example of people who are in denial about their family member's death. I must tread lightly in saying this, but people, there are cases here which only lack a body. There is credible evidence that the person is long deceased, but the family refuses to accept what investigators tell them because there is no body, and the case remains marked unsolved.There is a case here, where I have talked to the mother, and I felt very strongly that a known serial killer in the same town at the same time killed her daughter over 20 years ago. I asked her about the man and she didn't know who I was talking about. I contacted the sheriff's department in charge to discuss the possibility that the teen was a victim of this serial killer, and the Sheriff's investigator who was assigned to the case said that they had NO doubt but that the girl was a teen victim of this man. She even looks startlingly like one of his 4 known victims. The problem is that he is sitting on death row, with nothing to lose, and will not give up either how he disposed of the bodies, or where the remains may be. Simply refuses to do so. There are probably over 20 long missing young women of a certain body and hair type which he will not " give up" to LE.
So, we have people like the heartbroken mother who keeps looking for a LIVE daughter. Despite everything, which is enormous evidence that this man used his usual MO and snatched her from a city street over 20 years ago, the mother is looking for an older, alive daughter.
For those who are new to this type of denial, we are seeing it with the Anthonys. The fact that their own daughter is now in jail on murder charges hasn't seemed to lessen their denial. I don't understand this in Caylee's case especially, because I believe I could accept death if a detective told me about the decomp. in the car, which the Anthony's smelled for themselves!!

4) We do NOT know what George did or did not tell the GJ. We may never know unless it was significant enough to come out in trial.
However, I believe that he does love Caylee and Casey, and I believe he has a deeper sense of responsibility to Caylee at this point than Cindy has manifested to us publicly.

5) He may have felt quite differently yesterday while talking with HIS attorney pre- GJ and during the GJ testimony than he does today, after 12+ hours back in his home, with his wife and son, but without his daughter. I was disappointed in what he said in the interview I watched, but I can see why he would say he supports Casey while he continues to hope that Caylee is found alive. It's a straw house he lives in and it will come tumbling down, but it's his and their reality for now.

Everything I believe about this is tragic and sad. There's no way for it to be anything but.

SeekingJana: Great post. I was beginning to think everyone posting today wasn't seeing through to the BIG picture. My minor in college was Psychology, and I know that it takes a combination of genetics and envioronmental influences to create monsters. Casey learned how to mainpulate, learned how to control situations and use people long ago. Just because she turned 18 doesn't make the parents any less responsible for her actions today, IMO. I am not saying the Anthony's should be responsible for this crime, however they should have been responsible for getting Casey the help she needed long ago. I think the lying and deceiving has been going on for years. Cindy's brother stated on another forum that both parents were in denial when Casey became pregnant, there clearly is a formula here for creating a sociopath. I think BOTH parents show signs of some real detatchment from reality, which has probably helped them all dismiss the fact that THIS CHILD is really dead. Again, no REAL emotion or tears from any of them IMO.
In all fairness to George and Cindy...look up anti social personality disorder.

There is no effective treatment or cure. You also can't have someone committed for it.

There is also no evidence parents are the cause.

Jolynna: You need to study this further, in cases of personality disorders, sociopaths, schizophrenic's, etc. these develop in childhood and are manifested in unhealthy relationships or abuse. Sybil is a great example.
This is so sad, hearing George hold out hope. I thought about this alot today. Think about it gang, when theres a death in any of our families we see the body, we have closure at a funeral.The grandparents have no closure, so they will not believe it.
If Casey loved her parents she would tell the truth and stop torturing them!

Another great point. IF Casey loved her parents. I believe Casey is a classic Sociopath and Narcissist, incapable of TRUE love. I believe the love shown to Caylee was probably for show, where an underlying jealousy and hatred began to grow and when the child interfered with her lifestyle she simply disposed of her without much thought. The only tears shed have been for herself.
Have you done a psychological interview and personal assessment on her?
You really cannot accurately state that she has " anti-social personality disorder" and refute that her parents had any responsibility in her sense of entitlement and extreme selfishness unless you have, or have a released psychological profile stating that she is Anti-Social disordered.
I think she has traits of mixed personality disorder, with narcisstic being the prominent one displayed, but I cannot state with any certainty because I have never interviewed her or seen any psychometric test results.

I stand by my assertion that children are brought up by their parents to be the adults they will turn into, with few exceptions.


I learned in college, a person's enviornment has a lot to do with personality disorders and such. I studied this closely when I began to realize a close friend of mine who is well into his 40's was still being manipulated and controlled by his parents who insisted on making every important decision in his life. They truly continue an unhealthy relationship with him. He finally had to move hundreds of miles away from them. He was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and although Scientists are certain some people with bipolar disorder are pre-disposed genetically with the trait, they are not sure all bipolar's end up with this mental illness due to genetics. There are studies being done today with bipolar's in which their environment is being closely studied.
I agree. All I have ever wanted to see was someone stand up for Caylee. Casey has a voice, a life, and even two parents who love her.

It kills me to see how they have turned their backs on Caylee.

She did not ask for this, she could have had a chance to have 2 parents and a decent home, but it wasn't allowed.

Her grandparents held all the cards. They were responsible because they said they would be. And sure, they supported her financially and I am sure they even loved her, but NOT in a responsible way.

Who in their right mind would let a daughter that had done all the things Casey had done all her life, take an innocent child to sleep with her in strange men's beds? She took her to bars and card games and these are facts that have been on this board as well as on the news.

Where did they think Casey was taking her all those times?

This was a disaster waiting to happen. And it happened to the most innocent person of all.

The Humane Society has stricter guidelines for placement of their ANIMALS than the A's placed on the care of their own grandchild.

BRAVO :clap: Another great post and this is worth repeating: Who in their right mind would let a daughter that had done all the things Casey had done all her life, take an innocent child to sleep with her in strange men's beds? She took her to bars and card games and these are facts that have been on this board as well as on the news.

The Anthony's folks accepted responsibility for not only Casey but Caylee as well. They KNEW their daughter was incapable of caring for her own daughter. DO NOT FORGET CINDY'S WORDS, WARNING HER BEST GUY FRIEND TO STAY AWAY FROM HER. MY DAUGHTER IS CRAZY. I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT. Why wasn't she as concerned about Caylee getting hurt????
I agree with you tiredblondy. :blowkiss:

I read the most disgusting comments on another site about George. One day they were commenting about how the yard was really looking shabby. Two days later when their gardener showed up, it was "how can they waste money for a gardener when their grandchild is missing". Then they criticized him for washing his cars. Reading in the released docs, I noticed that that is one of his "things" - every week, keeping the cars in good shape. Finding ways to bring normalcy into your daily life is one of the ways to survive a crisis.

You have not followed many crime cases. The apperance of criminals and the family gives profiles a look at their internal thought process. Not many parents of missing children care to put on lipstick or primp their hair let alone care what they look like when their child is missing. Not many GP's make their rounds endlessly on talk-shows, yet not put in ONE day on foot searching for thier Grand daughter. What they SAY and how they LOOK is very important. The Ramsey's are an excellent example of this. I don't think I have EVER seen John Ramsey shed a single tear for JB. They have always remained calm and composed. Not an easy thing to do when your daughter was found molested with her skull bashed in your own basement. These are NOT normal reactions and should be monitored closely. What Cindy, Casey and George say and do and how they dress, gives us a profile of their personalities and how they interacted with each other.
I made that comment about George's eyebrows because usually there are a few white hairs thrown in with the dark.
However quite a few people on here said that they knew people with solid black brows with white hair and on post #61 I acknowledged that.

I haven't however seen people so consumed with appearances.
Both physical and otherwise.
I think "appearances" are what hold that house of cards together.

Or so full of themselves- such as Cindy's comment yesterday to the media that they won't get any more exclusive interviews with her.
As if that's the most pressing thing on her mind.

Or the son speaking to the police and laughing about the smell in the car or having his phone continually ring throughout the interview and saying at one point that it was the media followed by even longer laughter.
Is he too important to just 'shut his phone off' while being interviewed by the police on the disappearance of his neice?

Or George's behavior this morning saying his daughter would never harm Caylee.
Then WHERE is she?
Are you telling me they would let their daughter get charged with 1st degree murder if they knew where she was?

And people DO expect to see SOME show of emotion especially where a child is concerned. Some outward appearance of grief.
Not just 1 lone tear running down a face.
But some real desperation in their voice; like the 1st time Cindy called 911.

These are just a FEW of the reasons they rub people the wrong way.
And I kniow i'm not the only one.

Oh, and saying that things i've said are ugly or hateful:
There is nothing more ugly or hateful than covering up the probable murder of an innocent child.
No matter WHO did it.

Rookie you are NOT SIMPLE MINDED. Well done and these are the things a criminal profiler does to understand the mind of a killer. Of course not everyone reacts to a situation in the same way. Human personality is a hard thing to understand and is done by comparing 'NORMAL" behavior to that that is 'ABNORMAL" behavior. Like Patsy Ramsey wearing scarfs follwing her daughter's murder in which she had been garroted. Her reference to "that child" and detaching herself from JonBenet. Wearing the same outfit twice in a row to prove that was something she may have done the morning of the crime having worn the same outfit prior. ALL CLUES to the personality within
Watching that video made me think of 2 things:

1) He's buttering up the media by telling them how great they've been keeping this "missing child" story going because he knows that after today the media is going to back off unless there is breaking news in the case.
If the media goes away, there goes the attention they want so badly.

2) Does a man with pure white hair have pure black eyebrows?
Yes, I know that's an odd thing to think about while watching this but i'm struck by how much primping this family does while Caylee is out there somewhere more than likely dead

I know people who have lost a child to illness and trust me they rarely wear make-up anymore, fix their hair, put on lots of jewelry or DYE their eyebrows so they look good.
They are dragging themselves around just trying to get through the day; going through the motions.

Yesterday Casey kept messing with her hair. Why didn't she just tuck it behind her ear?
Because she wanted to keep her "style" looking good.

I have never seen people who are suffering focus so much attention on how they look.
It sickens me.

My response to what is bolded:

Are you serious!!!!!:rolleyes::confused:

He's Italian. Many many Italian men have beautiful gray hair and dark eyebrows!!! I come from a family full of them! They do NOT dye their eyebrows!:rolleyes:
So was Steve Groene being ridiculous, stupid, and all the other things that people are choosing to say about George when it was suspected Dylans body was found but had yet to be iofficially dentified..

""Until someone tells us 100 percent sure that that's Dylan, we still feel that he's out there and he's safe and is going to come home," Groene told reporters."

Or was Mark Klaas wrong in saying this about the Van Dam's prior to Danielles little body being found

"There's no reason in the world anybody should ever give up hope on this little child, until there is absolutely proof put in front of them."

Or Brenda VanD's plea
"I have to just keep hope that she's still alive and that she is coming home."

Or when it appeared everyone was against the Smarts and things looked really bad, was Ed a fool for holding out hope?

This is normal behavior on the part of George Anthony. Hope is really all they have left - everything else is gone. :(

I do agree with you here. After Shawn Hornbeck was found I watched an interview with his parents, where the journalist made a statement to his mother that during this long 5 year disappearence, of her son she always remained so optimistic, and determined that he was still alive. She said inside her she had many doubts but missing childrens networks they worked with strongly advise parents to never suggest or hint the child may be gone when speaking to the media incase that child was alive and watching. That I understand.


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