2008.10.15 George Anthony Speaks UPDATED 2008.10.16 Video Added

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Another point I thought about...if Lee, Cindy and Casey kept a lot from him perhaps he felt like he had little control in the family and maybe that's why the yard was so important to him. I know that seems like a mute point but believe me when your world's falling apart and you are losing control of everything you try to hold on to just one little thing you can control. When that one little thing is taken away no matter what it is there is nothing left but helplessness. I know I've been there on the control issue. I'm talking about the protesters in his front yard not the back yard. Perhaps that was subconsciously the issue for the rage at them. Yea, I know no one agrees with me but it is just a thought.
I felt sorry for him. Regardless of the public's personal opinion about the Anthony's, the truth is they have lost a granddaughter and now more than likely a daughter too. It's kind of like the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario.
I listened to George talk this morning. I haven't read all the comments here. I can imagine what they all say. But I like George and I feel sorry for George. I think he is still trying to think positive about finding Caylee. I don't think he can bring himself to think the worst. I think they really really need to find that body to put these people to rest and let them grieve. I think even if they find a body that CA won't believe it. I think George is a very nice man. I feel sooo bad for him.
If I saw Cindy and George, I would walk up and give them a hug, Casey?? well I would just slap her, thank god she is in jail, she is one dangerous person JMO

God bless Caylee
So was Steve Groene being ridiculous, stupid, and all the other things that people are choosing to say about George when it was suspected Dylans body was found but had yet to be iofficially dentified..

""Until someone tells us 100 percent sure that that's Dylan, we still feel that he's out there and he's safe and is going to come home," Groene told reporters."

Or was Mark Klaas wrong in saying this about the Van Dam's prior to Danielles little body being found

"There's no reason in the world anybody should ever give up hope on this little child, until there is absolutely proof put in front of them."

Or Brenda VanD's plea
"I have to just keep hope that she's still alive and that she is coming home."

Or when it appeared everyone was against the Smarts and things looked really bad, was Ed a fool for holding out hope?

This is normal behavior on the part of George Anthony. Hope is really all they have left - everything else is gone. :(

If I saw Cindy and George, I would walk up and give them a hug, Casey?? well I would just slap her, thank god she is in jail, she is one dangerous person JMO

God bless Caylee
When they were in the car and went off to the underpass, I was hoping that she was telling her mother...either what had happened or where Caylee was...More than anything so that she would free them (her parents) of false hopes. The fact that she didn't do this in all the time that she's been "home" truly shows her for the monster that she is. I feel great compassion for the situation that these grand-parents find themselves in but have little respect for how they have conducted themselves in the public arena. While there are many examples of others who have found themselves in similar positions (holding out hope) none of these individuals have behaved so horribly toward those that are trying to help them.

It does seem confusing. We have always seen a different side of GA when he is in public & a different side when he is all alone with LE. I think GA knows Caylee is not alive. I think he is pandering to Cindy with his statements & I think the bb gives him something to do. I wish he would spend his time with his minister & a grief counseler.

Going back and forth for a long time regarding George.

I believe George is in BOTH places: Caylee is still out there and my granddaughter is probably dead.

Yes, this is possible.

They both need counseling.
Please--all of us--let us not start chewing on each other.
We have been through our own kind of H--l over the last few months and our emotions are raw. :praying:
This is the first time I have had any sympathy for GA. For his sake I do hope her body is recovered soon, he is so sincere and I believed every word he said. He is so much different when he is not with CA. I have always included Caylee in my prayers at bedtime, I will include GA, even though I think he was NOT upfront from day one.

I do not think there will ever be a sympathy plea from the heart from CA everything thing that woman does is choreographed, hidden agenda, mistruths, etc. and when the GUILT gets the better of her, from all the denial, manipulation, lying, and not stepping up for her grand-daughter such as back peddling about the 911 call..............maybe then I will have a tiny bit of sympathy for her.
I feel sorry for George. I even feel sorry for Cindy. In a "backwards" sort of way (pardon that), but I do nonetheless.

However, I still find their way of "coping" (because I'm not sure if they've started to grieve yet) bizarre, for lack of a better term. I feel like telling them they can still love their daughter and their granddaughter without taking one's side or the other. That may not be what they want to portray, but that's how it comes off a lot of the time.

I just know that yesterday I was waiting impatiently for the minute-by-minute GJ updates. I thought I would feel so much better once a formal indictment was announced.

But I didn't. Because after the hooplah settled, a little girl is still gone and the lies are still being hurled out at record pace. All because of a 22 year old "wanna be moviestar" who is still trying to suck up the limelight and make this her tragedy when she is, and always will be, absolutely nothing compared to the little girl whose life she destroyed.

Maybe I'll feel better when the trial starts. Because then maybe someone will be telling the truth, for once.
Quote: Did any of these people have to deal with not only the brutality of missing someone they loved, but the incomprehensible accusations that a piece of thier heart killed them? If they did - you can not say with certainty how they would have reacted. Look at the (Scott) Peterson family!"

Exactly. This pain and deception is not being perpetrated by some unknown outside attacker, but by someone inside the family--with whom they've lived, who was raised by them.

Quote: "I don't personally believe KC's stories, but if clinging to those stories makes it possible for the Anthonys to keep functioning right now, then so be it."

This attitude, the pattern of making excuses for their daughter, refusing to hold KC accountable for wrongdoing, turning a blind eye, and sparing her consequences by going along with her lying and DECEPTION, is what brought us to this point!

Quote: "Your post was beautiful, insightful, and will hopefully help everyone understand that is is easy to SAY what you would/wouldn't do, but everyone grieves differently, and it's not so cut and dry..."

It is possible they are both still in true denial. Or they may be keeping up a charade even now in hopes STILL of sparing an unruly, irresponsible, deceitful, and manipulative child--whose blameshifting and lies have worked and allowed her to escape consequences FOR 22 YEARS--from ever learning to tell the truth or finally paying for her actions. But the ultimate price of the deceit and selfishness their daughter LEARNED was PAID BY CAYLEE. IMO Blessed are those who mourn, for they (can, and) shall be comforted.

I am so sorry for your loss and thank you so much for your wise words!

I feel nothing but heartache for George, Cindy, and Lee and totally believe they are dealing with this as they can.

I totally see them as not being able to face the truth and my heart goes out to them all.

I think Cindy shut down right after she called police and made the "dead body in the car" comment. She is "undoing the truth" and "in a pathological state of denial" as Dr. Bethany Marshall (who appears on Nancy) described.

I believe the family's feverish behavior and refusal to look for a dead Caylee is testament to how MUCH they loved Caylee and how IMPOSSIBLE it is for them to face the truth right now.

I send them nothing but good thoughts that they will be able to accept the truth eventually and move on as best they can.

None of their behavior is suspect to me in any nefarious sense. I just see them as staving off the most unbearable pain imaginable.

God Bless You Marlap. :blowkiss:

Yes indeed, people are entitled to their opinions. They are entitled to be as ugly and hateful as they feel. It's very revealing. :sheesh:
Quote: But I didn't. Because after the hooplah settled, a little girl is still gone and the lies are still being hurled out at record pace. All because of a 22 year old "wanna be moviestar" who is still trying to suck up the limelight and make this her tragedy ... Maybe I'll feel better when the trial starts. Because then maybe someone will be telling the truth, for once. (bold mine)

Amen. KC's life can be salvaged and begin to have true worth and meaning when she is given "permission" to tell the truth, stop protecting her mother, and being held a prisoner of her own DECEIT. What does it profit KC to gain the whole world (her freedom) anyway if she loses her soul....
Quote: Yes indeed, people are entitled to their opinions. They are entitled to be as ugly and hateful as they feel. It's very revealing.

I don't know if this is referring to me or not, but I wanted to clarify I have prayed as much as anyone for not only Caylee but the entire family. I see a lot of ranting and venting on these threads much of it mindless and hateful. But for the record it is not hateful to at least glean the pearls, the principles of wisdom, from such a heartbreaking tragedy. Of stewardship, and sowing and reaping eg. And as mother of four children including a 20 year-old daughter and grandmother to her two year-old, if anything I probably over identify and empathize with this grandmother, and even KC herself. But real love speaks the truth, and rejoices in the truth, and sets limits; and every parent who loves their child disciplines them. And had the parents understood some of these principles, it could have spared everyone a whole lot of heartache. JMHUO
OMG!!! I've seen it all!
Some people CARE about their appearance, it's just how they are. I don't think coming out looking unkempt and tacky would garner any more sypmpathy for them, it seems some people are going to critcize them no matter what they do.
Fiddling with the hair is a nervous habit.. I do it all the time. It means nothing.
And YES, a man can have snow white hair and black eyebrows without dyeing them. If he were going to dye his hair, he would do it on his head, too, doncha think?

Well said TxLady2. :clap: What the heck is up. I'm starting to see the same kind of ugly postings here that caused me to leave the last site I left. In his youth George probably had jet black hair. George told the truth to LE and testified before the GJ. I believe his public posturing is his effort to keep his wife from losing what is left of her mind. There is nothing dishonorable about that.
Wow - I just can't imagine being in George's place - how heartbreaking - to hope Caylee is alive and have to deal with Casey and all of her bs
Sorry, but I am not buying anything this family says. Sure he is heartbroken that his grandaughter is missing, but their actions speak louder than words. IMO they know Caylee is dead, it's not denial, it's protecting Casey. They already lost one, they don't want to lose the other. If it were my family I would choose finding Caylee's body to give her a proper resting place than defending Casey. They have lost them both. Casey is not coming home for many years, even if she is convicted of lesser charges. How are they gonna live with themselves once Casey is sentenced and Caylee is still out their alone?
ITA! The only HAIR people should be focused on here is the one found in the trunk with a black banding on it. JMHO
Quote: Yes indeed, people are entitled to their opinions. They are entitled to be as ugly and hateful as they feel. It's very revealing.

I don't know if this is referring to me or not, but I wanted to clarify I have prayed as much as anyone for not only Caylee but the entire family. I see a lot of ranting and venting on these threads much of it mindless and hateful. But for the record it is not hateful to at least glean the pearls, the principles of wisdom, from such a heartbreaking tragedy. Of stewardship, and sowing and reaping eg. And as mother of four children including a 20 year-old daughter and grandmother to her two year-old, if anything I probably over identify and empathize with this grandmother, and even KC herself. But real love speaks the truth, and rejoices in the truth, and sets limits; and every parent who loves their child disciplines them. And had the parents understood some of these principles, it could have spared everyone a whole lot of heartache. JMHUO

Not directed at you Kiki. And I agree with you totally.

I believe that since Cindy is such a domineering personality, and George is more low-key, that he let her have too much control over the home life. He should have put his foot down a decade ago. Unfortunately I believe many people feel like they have to "walk on eggshells" just to have some semblance of peace in the home. Taking on a strong-willed, non compliant personality feels almost like taking on evil. Years ago when my child was just two years old, my Mom gave me a copy of Dr. Dobsons "The Strong Willed Child". I ended up throwing the book at the wall - it was absolutely useless to me. The examples in the book were so lightweight.

I can't find it in my heart to criticize George other than to say that he should have "bit the bullet" and got his daughter under control long ago. He must love Cindy very much.
Sorry, but I am not buying anything this family says. Sure he is heartbroken that his grandaughter is missing, but their actions speak louder than words. IMO they know Caylee is dead, it's not denial, it's protecting Casey. They already lost one, they don't want to lose the other. If it were my family I would choose finding Caylee's body to give her a proper resting place than defending Casey. They have lost them both. Casey is not coming home for many years, even if she is convicted of lesser charges. How are they gonna live with themselves once Casey is sentenced and Caylee is still out their alone?

I agree. All I have ever wanted to see was someone stand up for Caylee. Casey has a voice, a life, and even two parents who love her.

It kills me to see how they have turned their backs on Caylee.

She did not ask for this, she could have had a chance to have 2 parents and a decent home, but it wasn't allowed.

Her grandparents held all the cards. They were responsible because they said they would be. And sure, they supported her financially and I am sure they even loved her, but NOT in a responsible way.

Who in their right mind would let a daughter that had done all the things Casey had done all her life, take an innocent child to sleep with her in strange men's beds? She took her to bars and card games and these are facts that have been on this board as well as on the news.

Where did they think Casey was taking her all those times?

This was a disaster waiting to happen. And it happened to the most innocent person of all.

The Humane Society has stricter guidelines for placement of their ANIMALS than the A's placed on the care of their own grandchild.
I'm not buying everything the family says either. I'm getting ready for months of talk of finding Caylee, interviews, criticizing, etc. Also, I agree with the poster who said Casey spent time worrying about her hair while Baez was talking. She was so worried about keeping it just right and not smudging her lipstick. The hairstyle, the dress clothes, the glasses is just to make her look more serious and is only the beginning. George would look less scary and more harmonious if his eyebrows matched his hair. I'll bet he lightens them before trial time or lets them grow natural to make himself seem older for the jury and I'll bet Cindy takes on a more matronly look as well if that's what the attorneys advise or they think might help.

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