2008.11.20 George & Cindy's Attorney, Mark NeJame, Quits

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Wow. Have not even read the whole thread and I am positively floored. When your own lawyer thinks your off your rocker...

Sad part is, I liked Nejame. I thought he sounded very reasonable. I am positive that the Kidfinders situation sealed the deal. I don't think it is any coincidence on the timing.

That being said, Nejame's statement is very true and says it all. I have gotten so angry at the A's but I really believe what he says. Let them believe what they want.
I'm guessing that MN will be a guest on NG tonight, and he will do his best to explain himself to us, without breaching any confidentiality he has between himself and the A's.
I remember people talking about JB and what he would have to do if KC had given him a confession. Basically the end result was that JB would have to resign from the case.

Is it possible that MN may have heard something from the A's that would've put him in a legal bind, so he did what he had to do and stepped down?

I would have to agree with this point also - my guess is also the A's were asking Nejeme to help with Casey's defense in which at the beginning he said he would not. I'm sure there are a multitude of things the A's have done of late that made him resign:

Going to the search and brow beating LP - KFN taking down and throwing away the memorial - A's allowing press into their home - A's doing the meet and greets (they arent celebs!) - Cindy saying she's writing a book,then turning around claiming people are spreading more lies - New spokesperso not vetted by Nejeme, etc.

I'm sure LE spilled most of the evidence to Nejeme in hopes he could get through to the A's - they might have even hinted at legal action towards the A's - Nejeme was only there for press help, not as a defense attorney - the A's roles might be changed to Defendents
Mark Geragous!??:eek:

Ya, that's him..Thanks sweetmop..
I guess we can add MN to the list along with LE...TM...LP
Maybe they will all team up together to find our little Caylee...Sounds like MN thinks Caylee is no longer with us and was involved in a search for her body...that is not allowed as long as you are involved with the A's

OMG what in the hell is wrong with all these people, it's like some sort of conglomeration of misfits.

I just busted up laughing so hard, my dogs are looking at me funny. :crazy:
Snipped Quote from the article: "I can only provide my best advice and must respect any client's prerogative to do what they deem is best, whether they choose to follow my guidance or not. However, there is little value or use I can provide to any client if they choose to act and comment at will."

Yep--Cindy and her big mouth--spewing cr@p at every turn, that did her in. FINALLY!

I bet he tried his best to make them see KFN is doing them no good. We know he tried to reign in Cindy...........that's NOT possible. Like someone else said, MN was the only one in their camp who made any sense. One day they will look back & realize he was the only one trying to do right by them. I will give the man credit.
For some reason I simply cannot get any of the wesh.com articles to come up on my computer. Does anyone else have this problem with that website? This is the only website that will not cooperate with me.

I SO anxiously want to read several articles that have been posted recently on their site.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can make it work for me? Please?!

Thank you in advance!
Maybe download another browser like FireFox. I have Safari, but sometimes I am required to use FireFox to view...
Geragross :crazy: He's definitely the right clown to join this circus.

He can resurrect the band of van traveling hippies for this case, aka Zanny, her sister and the sippy cup gang.

Quotes from article...
"I had come to a personal opinion and theory for quite some time whether Caylee was still with us or not. However, my opinion was only one like any other…an opinion. The only person without an opinion though is Casey Anthony as only she knows the truth.

"I believe that the singular person out of the 6 billion people in the world who holds the key to finding Caylee is her mother, Casey Anthony. Although I was quite successful in resolving a multitude of matters, I am unable to go further to help George and Cindy find Caylee in my current role. I can only provide my best advice and must respect any client's prerogative to do what they deem is best, whether they choose to follow my guidance or not. However, there is little value or use I can provide to any client if they choose to act and comment at will.
Maybe he doesn't have a real high regard for Kid Finders & was encouraging the Anthony's to break their ties with them. I am sure if he tried to convince them Kid FInders is only using them, Cindy would have gone nuts. She is going to hitch her wagon to anyone who convinces her they believe Caylee is alive. We would all want to be told she is alive. It's very sad that KIDFINDERS is just using the Anthony's & thereby using Caylee.

I could get on board with that. I too find those KF folks to be the parasitic driver of this dog and pony show. Unfortunately it seems as though they are drawing the As deeper into their web. Hopefully KFN will be addressed and G&C will be able to get out from their clutches.
I'm going to ask again because I am really curious--
Is there any truth to rumors that Nejame represents KidFinders, The Never Lose Hope Foundation and/or TES or anyone else involved in this case??

Barring some pretty significant information about potential conflicts of interest, I think it's inappropriate for Nejame to have released a statement of this nature.
I know people are fed up with the Anthony's, but would anyone want their lawyer to release a statement like this to the media after quitting?? This is very strange??

I don't know. I do know the check MN gave to Tim MIller was from the Never Lose Hope Foundation.
"Knowing this case as well as probably anyone on earth, there is no doubt that they do not know where Caylee is. Allow them to walk their own path." ~Mark NeJames

There is also no doubt they've done virtually nothing either to actually assist in that process. And for as long as they maintain the victimhood and kidnap fantasy, they are permitted to get away w this. JMO

(snipped) Who in Orlawndo will now assume the title of legal beagle for the A's. Whoever it is will need to learn to speak A'nese real fast.

And something tells me before all is said and done, the rest of the A's really ARE going to need a lawyer. All three of them. JMO


I wonder if they are still doing the "presser" today...

Something also tells me MN wasn't any more thrilled about a presser than he was CA's little house tour...

He pretty much said he believes Casey is guilty of killing Caylee.

Guilty knowledge of the circumstances and her whereabouts anyway.

Wow. When will the twists and turns in this case stop surprising me?

I give Nejame credit though, he did seem like their only link to reality and I give him props for trying to help them as long as he did.

N/K! CA has estranged everyone who has tried to support her, alienates anyone who has really ever had her granddaughter's, their's (or even their daughter's) true best interests at heart, and attacks anybody who gets close enough to challenge her lies and fantasies or tries to reel her in and tell her the truth.

Cindy was the last straw for him.
On that, I am 100% certain!

Without a doubt. Despite the fact his former clients will almost certainly face charges down the road, CA continues to run her mouth and attempt to control and manipulate the media. She is nervewracking even to me and I'm sure she's just a loose cannon, every lawyer's nightmare. JMO

If you think about it everything CA and GA has said in regards to this case in the beginning and even in the sworn statements and GA's GJ testimony is a total different thing than what they are saying now. How can you keep defending people who just keep lying how can you keep up with the lies?

Exactly. He knows these lies will one day come back to haunt them. If not at KC's trial, at their's.
I can't believe GA would line himself up with KFN, after all that has come out. He needed to get him self far, far, away from them. I think that in itself got MN out of town.
so basically, he didn't want to be a part of the "statement" the A's planned b/c it makes them look bad and he knows they are only doing it to help kc's defense.

and I gave this guy no credit....:rolleyes:
thought I heard the same thing...that he came from one of them....hmmmm--but then again he was only supposed to be there for PR purpose only--perhaps between the "Caylee alive" presser and LE "know more" not to mention all the other potential legal issues got out while he could....jmo but good for him....

It was my understanding he was repping TM and TES. His plug for TM validates this for me.

Never heard him repping KFN.
Any word on the Anthony's presser?

Wasn't that scheduled for today?

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