2008.12.25 Is it a Book in the Woods?

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Has LE actually confirmed that this is in fact any book? I know most of us think it looks like one, but has it been confirmed that it is not just debris or paper?
I'm glad the book has it's own thread now, because it could be a major piece of evidence if it's true.

I found this discussion about it on CNN:


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, what about this absolutely tantalizing question. There is -- evidence photos were supplied from the authorities to the public; 173 photos put up. One of them shows a -- it looks like the cover of a book or a page of a book and we have that.

We`re going to show it to you in a second. There it is, and then we have an even tighter shot of it and this tight shot, look at it. Study it. Study it, study it.

Now we`re going to play the video of little Caylee with the book that she was reading.

This is the heartbreaking video where she sings this love song to her relatives and that book, at some point, when you hold up the book it looks very similar to that, whatever that was down there on the dirt. You`re analysis of that, Dr. Bill Manion?

MANION: I`m sorry, the book belongs to the girl and they will try and use digital imagery and try to magnify and make sure that that is the same book. Since they have the book, they may also be able to find fingerprints or DNA and get that off the book and say that the girl handled this book.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It seems to have the same coloring, Wendy Murphy.

MURPHY: Yes, I mentioned this to your producer earlier, I said we should talk about this book. But it`s not entirely clear, and the cops wouldn`t tell us whether it is in fact the book.

But I`ll tell you this, remember the other day we talked about this issue, what did they find at the crime scene that gave them permission to go to a judge, and the judge lickety-split gave them a search warrant to go back into the house? What connected the crime scene to the Anthony home? This could be the thing where they said, "My God, this is the kid`s book. Look, we`ve got the video, this is her book. We now have to go back and --"

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But who would leave that kind of evidence near a body? That seems very self-destructive.

. . .
Has LE actually confirmed that this is in fact any book? I know most of us think it looks like one, but has it been confirmed that it is not just debris or paper?

AFAIK, LE has not confirmed that it is Caylee's book.
i thought cindy said the 9th first but i'm not sure. and if she did, it's possible casey went along with it because then the video from the 15th would show cindy as the last contact she had...not casey.

I wouldn't give Casey too much credit to try and link events to point the finger at her mother Cindy. Casey isn't that clever. If the 9th was the first date mentioned, I would think Casey would go along with it cause she's not a mastermind criminal. She probably didn't even know the video was taken on the 15th or had forgotten about it.
It takes a lot more memory and smarts to lie and keep the facts straight than when you tell the truth.
I recall Casey's statements that in her final phone contact with Caylee her little one was talking about a new book she had gotten from the Nanny.
I would guess if a book was found, Casey had placed it at scene then made up the story about the final phone call and included the information about the book in order to link the Nanny to the crime. The book was supposed to supply the "A Ha" moment when the remains were discovered.
The fact Casey would think this would work, that LE would link the mention of the book in the supposed phone call, to the Nanny leaving it behind with the body, further shows Casey isn't too bright when it comes to covering up a crime. It just shows she didn't study the CSI tv shows as well as she could.
AFAIK, LE has not confirmed that it is Caylee's book.
I understand that. But my question now is have they confirmed it is A book at all. any book
Merry Christmas SQ
Per Casey's statement about not seeing Caylee for 31 days, if you count from June 15th, that takes you to July 16th. Also LE, in one of the original doc dumps states that the confusion about June 9th came from Cindy and everyone including LE initially went with that.
I understand that. But my question now is have they confirmed it is A book at all. any book
Merry Christmas SQ

No, and Merry Christmas JBean. :blowkiss:
So this is a good example of how we have to stay diligent on the media reporting. The book went from confirmed as Caylee's to not even confirmed it is a book at all.

This is not directed at the thread author!!! I am talking about the media reporting and we need to watch them.
The story our sleuth linked to is longer and includes Fox reporting on the book. The fact that there was a book was widely reported but that it was her book as seen in the video is over 20 paragraphs down in this story:


Fox may be concluding a fact not confirmed. I support their report.
The story our sleuth linked to is longer and includes Fox reporting on the book. The fact that there was a book was widely reported but that it was her book as seen in the video is over 20 paragraphs down in this story:


Fox may be concluding a fact not confirmed. I support their report.
If someone can just supply a link to an LE spokesperson saying it is Caylee's book, that is all we need.
"Ahead of the announcement, Florida police released evidence photos from the scene where the remains were found. One showed a picture book discovered in the woods that the child had been photographed reading before she vanished.

The book is among numerous pieces of evidence Orange County Sheriff's deputies say they found in the wooded area where Caylee's remains turned up."

Merry Christmas everyone. My little girl is trying her best to wait patiently to open presents while her (much older teen and adult) brothers snore away forever and ever...lol. Among those gifts for my daughter are some treasured books that remind me of these earlier years w my older, grown children. Happy times. My six year-old is now learning to read and storytime is such a JOY to share.

This book, along w others by the same author, have long been familiar to me from those earlier days when they were particular favorites of my oldest children as toddlers. And while this particular finding can't prove KC guilty of murder itself, it's discovery there at the site w Caylee's remains can certainly establish timeline or more accurately custody of Caylee by placing KC at the scene and tying her to disposal of her daughter's remains--which, since KC claims to have not seen Caylee since "abducted by ZG," in and of itself thoroughly discredits defense's entire strategy.

I am interested in seeing the photos referred to above--can anyone link me directly to actual crime scene photos of this book at the scene? TIA

What I'd like to know is how a book can survive months underwater, elements and critters and remain intact as it seems to be. Even books with coated pages should have been dissolved by now.
Just to clarify:
The article says:
>> This undated photo shows missing girl Caylee Anthony reading a storybook police say they found in the woods near her family's home<<

Now, we need a link to LE actually saying that.
The story our sleuth linked to is longer and includes Fox reporting on the book. The fact that there was a book was widely reported but that it was her book as seen in the video is over 20 paragraphs down in this story:


Fox may be concluding a fact not confirmed. I support their report.
And specifically the paragraph reads ~

Ahead of the announcement, Florida police released evidence photos from the scene where the remains were found. One showed a picture book discovered in the woods that the child had been photographed reading before she vanished.
The book is among numerous pieces of evidence Orange County Sheriff's deputies say they found in the wooded area where Caylee's remains turned up.

It's just my opinion but IF this is the same book, I can't see how it could've survived with the area being flooded unless is just recently fell out of the bag. I'm also wondering the same thing about her bones which seem to have been scattered and am curious if there's any indication an animal had opened the bag or what would've caused it to open up and scatter the contents? :confused:
According to the below link the book that was found in the woods is the book that Caylee was reading in the nursing home on June 15th 2008.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office
This undated photo shows missing girl Caylee Anthony reading a storybook police say they found in the woods near her family's


And if you think about it KC has not left any wiggle room to say that Zanny could have had that book..Her statement that the police have states she gave Caylee to the babysitter on June 9th, they gave her the opportunity to change her story and she told them that this was the story she was sticking with...So I would like to know how JB thinks he will wiggle around this, he will either have to say there was no nanny as we all know, or he will have to figure out how she got the book from the afternoon of the 15th to the evening of the 15th, cause I am sure the SA knows that Caylee never left the house alive after the evening of the 15th..

Nah, once they dated the nursing home picture they all changed their story to the 15th --LE questioned them all about it and they had to admit it was the 15th. So I don't see any smoking gun here.
Just to clarify:
The article says:
>> This undated photo shows missing girl Caylee Anthony reading a storybook police say they found in the woods near her family's home<<

Now, we need a link to LE actually saying that.

Merry Christmas JB and Everyone!
I don't think there is any official statement from LE regarding the book.
if it's true, and that's a big IF, I'm sure we will hear something from them.
I think Fox jumped the gun a bit if LE hasn't confirmed the book as evidence, but they may have "unofficial" sources that have confirmed the book.

Let's put it this way - we haven't found anyone in LE who has ruled out the book, or denied it was found.

Here is the video of Caylee with the book - so sad and sweet.

For the crime scene pictures, go to the link for WFTV and on the left side of the page it says "Most Popular" and "Slideshows." Watch the Slideshow that says "Sheriff's Office Releases Ground Images."

The picture of the "book" is the first in the Slideshow and it's amazingly clear. I just screencaptured this from their website and didn't brighten it at all.

Merry Christmas JB and Everyone!
I don't think there is any official statement from LE regarding the book.
if it's true, and that's a big IF, I'm sure we will hear something from them.
Merry Christmas WA. I agree and this would be awfully big information to deliver just off the cuff like that.
Some of these reporters do not follow these cases as closely as we do and they misreport things all the time. News was reporting that Casey dressed up like ZFG for the longest time.
Just to clarify:
The article says:
>> This undated photo shows missing girl Caylee Anthony reading a storybook police say they found in the woods near her family's home<<

Now, we need a link to LE actually saying that.
I seem to recall somebody on cable news (maybe Nancy?) saying it was part of the same video taken 6/15 at the nursing home? :confused: MOO

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