2009.01.07 - Annie's D. Interview (Document Release 2009.04.06 / 2009.09.29)

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Haven't read this thread through yet, so if this has been addressed, I apologize. I just wanted to put out a general warning for any potential laymen chemists out there. Annie mentions in this interview that chloroform is created by mixing ammonia and bleach. This is NOT true. Chloroform can be created by mixing ethenol and bleach. Ammonia and bleach is a MAJOR no-no. Mixing these two can create different compositions, one of which is DEADLY chlorine gas! Wouldn't want to see any of my fellow WSers get killed or blown up!


Haven't read this thread through yet, so if this has been addressed, I apologize. I just wanted to put out a general warning for any potential laymen chemists out there. Annie mentions in this interview that chloroform is created by mixing ammonia and bleach. This is NOT true. Chloroform can be created by mixing ethenol and bleach. Ammonia and bleach is a MAJOR no-no. Mixing these two can create different compositions, one of which is DEADLY chlorine gas! Wouldn't want to see any of my fellow WSers get killed or blown up!


Thank you kindly for posting this. As one who has cleaned a lot of cat litter boxes, my first reaction to AD's statement was 'What? That'll make you sick or dead.'

Wonder if this statement was a genuine mistake on AD's part or a deliberate attempt to show she was NOT knowledgeable about the subject of chloroform.
I don't find the "I don't recall" odd at all. Any attorney will tell you that you should say "I can't/don't recall" rather than "I don't know/remember" so that at a later time, if you do recall events that you didn't when previously questioned, it's more plausible. It's the equivalent of 'I don't remember "at this time"' or 'I can't remember "at this time"'

Does this make any sense? I wish we were all in a room together discussing all of this. It's so much harder trying to type out your thoughts rather than just speaking them.

Speaking as someone who has to constantly edit her posts (often more than once) LOL I think you meant to draw a distinction between "I don't know" which is a rather firm/final answer and "I don't recall/remember," which is a legal "cop-out" that prevents you from being charged with lying because no one can prove you DO remember. It also allows you to later remember if necessary or prudent.

She and Casey speak so much alike. Their voice inflections and modulations are so similar.
thats the first thing i noticed! i could barely listen to it because she sounded so much like casey.

i wonder if casey didnt adopt that way of speaking from her close friendship with annie?

either way, i cant stand it!!!!!!!
Honesty mixed with A LOT of withholding and a shot or two of dECePtIoN.
Yes, Casey and AD's speech patterns, inflection, tone, word and phrase use is uncannily similar. (are they related?...just a thought I had....)

Two other things that stood out in general during the interview:
*AD voice would lower and trail off after certain questions that appeared deceptive.
*AD sounded a bit intimidated by the female asking questions. Responded completely different and added yes, ma'am after each response. (I loved the female (?) interviewers method; kind of a direct, concise "take no prisoners" effect. Very effective in getting a straight answer....whether it's the truth is another matter.:truce:
I'm not the most articulate person, but, my gosh! How hard is it to do a police interview and be thorough and clear in what you say? Wouldn't you be racking your brains trying to think of stuff that might be important to the investigation? It's like this gal is talking through a haze...vague, vague, vague!

With a Lawyer by her side.
Also, I forgot to mention this earlier - I thought it was a really strange thing for Amy to say that if KC harmed Caylee she wasn't "smart" enough to do it alone - or something along those lines. Well that doesn't even make SENSE! Unless she was talking about hiding the body and making up the Zanny story afterwards. I don't know what she meant by that stmt, but you can be dumb or smart and still hurt someone. It does't take a rocket scientist! What did Annie mean when she said that??
I really don't get people. My gosh, if this was my friend, I wouldn't be going over to her house with my measly problems at such a time and not questioning the hell out of her. What the heck is with the "Oh, we didn't talk about Caylee being missing. I didn't ask. I don't know what she meant" garbage. What the hell? Wouldn't she be completely intrigued and horrified and obsessed with helping to find a little girl she knew so well? It makes no sense. This is not the first time I have heard such vagueness and apparent lack of interest from people surrounding casey. How is it that she asked absolutely no follow up to anything casey might have said when released from jail the first time? How is it that she didn't just cry and hug casey and say, "Oh casey! Tell me everything! What the heck is going on? I'm your best friend, tell me every detail you know and I'll try to help you find your precious child!" Bizarre. Maybe it's the age of this girl? Maybe her intelligence level? Selfish young girl who really doesn't care much? Is that it? It still doesn't make sense to me. How could she not really be totally bent on getting answers to help Caylee and casey? I don't understand.

This makes no sense to me either. AD insisted they have not been close since March of 2007. KC is arrested on murder charges. AD needed her friend because SHE is going through something - bing bong bing - WTH?

Now we can talk about what it means to be a narcissist!

At first I was thinking that when AD began to cry that she was the first person to shed real tears at the thought of Caylee being hurt/gone. Then I took a closer look. She cried when she was asked if she had ever given Xanax to anyone else. She thinks of SD which evokes emotion. Then when asked, "What do you think happened?", she becomes emotional again. My guess is that it's because she doesn't have to "think" what happened, she "knows" what happened.

Iassen (Yawsin) is asked who is KC closest to? He answered without hesitation "Annie D." Why would he say that during his 11/21/08 interview if KC and AD had not been close since March 2007? Makes no sense.

Have we heard from SD?
Also, I forgot to mention this earlier - I thought it was a really strange thing for Amy to say that if KC harmed Caylee she wasn't "smart" enough to do it alone - or something along those lines. Well that doesn't even make SENSE! Unless she was talking about hiding the body and making up the Zanny story afterwards. I don't know what she meant by that stmt, but you can be dumb or smart and still hurt someone. It does't take a rocket scientist! What did Annie mean when she said that??

Just so we don't get mixed up (easy to do:)), Annie is the subject of this thread not Amy.

Unless you mean that Amy had said this too? Did she? I can't remember.
i'm listening to tony's interview now. comparing his speech patterns and responses to casey and annie's...you can clearly tell he's trying to help, trying to remember everything and not hiding anything. then listen to annie's interview. her speech pattern and phrases, exactly like casey's, scream dishonesty and hiding to me.

normal people just dont talk like annie and casey. something about it is sooo creepy!
Gypsy, my guess is that KC had help disposing of Caylee's body. Therefore someone other than KC has known the details all along. OMO.
Interesting that Casey told Annie she thought the house was bugged, could have been the reason for not talking about the case, having to answer questions or give explanations, to Annie. When Annie sleeps over she and Casey sleep in Casey's room, and Cindy sleeps on an air mattress in the same room, on the floor ? Annie also talks about Casey screaming at Cindy, re: Cindy signing Casey's name on an e-mail, Casey tells Cindy she is stupid...? This girl is out on bond, staying with her parent's (a huge gift in my mind) and she has the nerve to talk to her mother like this. It seems like everyone that hung out or knew Casey never asked the hard questions, I guess that was what was called for to stay in Casey's good graces. I just can not believe this girl acts like this and more amazing, people let her get away with it.
Thank you kindly for posting this. As one who has cleaned a lot of cat litter boxes, my first reaction to AD's statement was 'What? That'll make you sick or dead.'

Wonder if this statement was a genuine mistake on AD's part or a deliberate attempt to show she was NOT knowledgeable about the subject of chloroform.

OMG!!!! What if this was how KC was making chloraform? And it killed Caylee?
Also, I forgot to mention this earlier - I thought it was a really strange thing for Amy to say that if KC harmed Caylee she wasn't "smart" enough to do it alone - or something along those lines. Well that doesn't even make SENSE! Unless she was talking about hiding the body and making up the Zanny story afterwards. I don't know what she meant by that stmt, but you can be dumb or smart and still hurt someone. It does't take a rocket scientist! What did Annie mean when she said that??
That made me wonder too, I think it was her way of trying to protect her "friend"..."she's not that smart", in other words she is not capable of committing a crime like this. Interesting that she never said, the Casey I know is not the type to hurt her daughter, but instead...she's not smart enough.
For those of us who have panic disorder, Xanax can mean the difference between living a funtional life and living in a constant and painful state of terror. I've taken it twice in my life when the PD was surging and I don't know how I'd have survived without it. And, no, I never became addicted or had any problems stopping it, although I was never dumb enough to stop cold turkey or to misuse it.

A couple of years ago, there was a study that showed that people who took anti-depressants had a higher incidence of suicide. The idiots who did the study leapt to the conclusion that the anti-depressants caused suicide. They completely ignored the fact that depressed people are as a group for more likely to be suicidal than average. It was like concluding that people who take insulin are more likely to be diabetic and therefore insulin causes diabetes.

Please don't think I was insinuating that it is not a necessary medication. I went to the Dr and asked for it because I needed it at that time. I know people that take this medication and like yourself, it has improved their well being. With reference to my friends son, he was given the meds, I am sure he needed them, but he also needed additional care that was not offered to him. He ended up taking the entire bottle, and tragically died. I was trying to point out that some drs do prescribe them willy-nilly to young people that often end up abusing them. I do not know this particular girls situation, maybe she was going thru something at the time, but she was only a JR in college, whether it was her regular physician or just a dr she visited once (which in my opinion should make it even harder to get the script), it just seems like there should be some way to monitor prescriptions like these.

I don't know, if I had a dime for every........."I can't recall" "To the best of my knowlegde" "From what I can recall" "from what I can remember" "might" "could have" "I'm not sure"

that combined with her overwillingness to throw JG under the bus with no substantial reasoning behind it really makes me .........."suspicious"

The no recall thing really bothers me too. Some of these interviews were conducted with advance notice given - you'd think they'd worked on their own timelime prior to arrival.
Please don't think I was insinuating that it is not a necessary medication. I went to the Dr and asked for it because I needed it at that time. I know people that take this medication and like yourself, it has improved their well being. With reference to my friends son, he was given the meds, I am sure he needed them, but he also needed additional care that was not offered to him. He ended up taking the entire bottle, and tragically died. I was trying to point out that some drs do prescribe them willy-nilly to young people that often end up abusing them. I do not know this particular girls situation, maybe she was going thru something at the time, but she was only a JR in college, whether it was her regular physician or just a dr she visited once (which in my opinion should make it even harder to get the script), it just seems like there should be some way to monitor prescriptions like these.


I was about Annie's age when my panic disorder first manifested, so was my daughter. (It does seem to run in our family, since my mother, my daughter, my sister and I all have had problems with it.) So I guess my point was it very well may not have been prescribed for her willy nilly. I sure didn't have that experience with my doctors.

That is if it was prescribed and she wasn't abusing it. It certainly doesn't look good that she admitted passing some on to a friend.

If your son's friend didn't get the follow up care he needed, that wasn't the fault of the Xanax. Perhaps the doctor wasn't thorough enough, perhaps he wasn't letting the doctor know how bad his symptoms were so that he knew to give him more extensive treatment. I'm afraid a lot of people do that - hide symptoms out of shame. It's so hard to know and I think everyone looks for something that could have helped when a tragedy like this occurs.

I've just seen so many posts on here slamming Xanax as some kind of horror drug. I'd hate for someone who really needs it to shy away from it because of fear. I haven't needed it for several years, thank goodness, but I wouldn't hesitate to take it if I needed it again.
The Anthony's knew the house was bugged according to LA. Plus with all the media hanging out outside some might have those bugs where they just have to be outside your house to pick up. I think KC wouldn't have talked regardless but it gave her an out that the house was bugged. KC didn't have a need to ever be "real" with anyone so you sure wouldn't start now when you are facing prison.
I don't want to sound jaded, but I think some of the witnesses are behaving like witnesses sometimes do, putting self-interest before justice for Caylee. She's gone and they are left in the middle of this with the potential for all their dirty little secrets to come out. Some of them seem to be concerned about drug issues or charges. To the extent they were close to Casey A and know her secrets, she also knows theirs, as will her lawyers. This witness isn't coming across as a very nice person, IMO.
I think Annie went to th interview with the intent not to say much, & it seemed you could hear a little attitude in her tone. I think they quickley let her know that they expected her to cooperate fully, and she seemed to take it a little more seriously.
I dont think Annie had anything to do with the crime, but I too, dont believe that she never shared her xanax with Casey.
Its very sad that Drs would prescribe xanax to a young college student. MDs only have a short amount of training about addiction. Im sure depending on there field. xanax is highly addictive becouse it has a very short half life..which means it wears after a couple of hours. Also, there are safer anti-anxiety medications that are not addictive.
I take xanax for severe anxiety, and take it 'as needed'. I may need to take a half once or twice a week..only when I really cannot control my anxiety. Yes, it works wonders. but if ones not careful you will eventually have to increase the dosage to get the same effect. Personally, I dont get the idea why anyone would want to try to get high off of it. It just leaves me ...blah

Also, cloroform isnt made by bleach & ammonia. The other poster is correct. Mixing that produces a deadly gas.A warning is posted on all bleach bottles, and ammonia bottles. You can drop dead instantly from the highley lethal gas it instantley produces. I have read stories about housewives mixing it to mop there floor for example & dropped dead instantly! If Casey did that, she would have died before Caylee, just mixing it.

I also just think, birds of a feather...Not that Annies evil, or bad, or had any knowledge of just exactly what she was in for allowing herself to become best friends with Casey. Perhaps just young bad choices. But... who in the he!! wouldn't run the other direction from a lazy, self-absorbed pathelogical liar? YUCK
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