2009.01.07 - Annie's D. Interview (Document Release 2009.04.06 / 2009.09.29)

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Also, I forgot to mention this earlier - I thought it was a really strange thing for Amy to say that if KC harmed Caylee she wasn't "smart" enough to do it alone - or something along those lines. Well that doesn't even make SENSE! Unless she was talking about hiding the body and making up the Zanny story afterwards. I don't know what she meant by that stmt, but you can be dumb or smart and still hurt someone. It does't take a rocket scientist! What did Annie mean when she said that??


And regarding the "hiding the body," well, since she just dumped Caylee as trash in an area very familiar to her AND in such close proximity to her residence ......... hey, D U M B!

And the Zanny stories ........... same as ALL her other lies that AD stated she and her other friends knew were such, not even good lies - just like Swiss Cheese - holes everywhere!

I just do not get that none of them, just like the Anthonys, called her out on them ................!!??!
thats the first thing i noticed! i could barely listen to it because she sounded so much like casey.

i wonder if casey didnt adopt that way of speaking from her close friendship with annie?

either way, i cant stand it!!!!!!!

YES! I was so amazed while listening to AD speak that I thought many times it was KC.....very surreal. But as we have learned, KC has that chameleon ability.

One thing that kept going through my mind throughout this interview is that I don't think ANY of KC's friends really know her. And there are so many claiming to be her "best friend"??? What kind of BF's don't know anything about their "friend"? It is all very strange indeed. :confused:

ALSO, I kept getting the feeling that Annie is not one that can be trusted! MHO
Perplexed and maybe a bit 'let down'. I kept thinking AD might hold a key, or she had to be the one with the 411 and so on, it was yet again a 'bummer' for lack of a better word to listen to yet another person/player in this case himming and hawing about nothing. AD was at one time Casey's BFF? I guess AD's interview leaves one with more questions than answers really.

Why did she have to be supinaed into talking to LE?
Why did Linda D-B take part in the interview personally?
What could she have possibly been going through that would trump the present situation at hand?

It's hard to judge from just this one interview with no body language available as well. She seemed emotionally on eggshells, but was it because she was really that nervous? Was she really so distraught over Caylee's death and the fact that her 'friend' could actually be involved? Or was her number about to be called?

I'm just perplexed when it comes to this one.
WHO HAS A SLEEP-OVER WITH THE #1 CRIMINAL IN PRIME TIME, WHO HAPPENS TO BE HER EX BFF, AND FALLS ASLEEP WATCHING TV? Even if it were implied that there was a 'bug' in the house. Write a note! Go to the back yard. I think it's safe to say, most would ask WTH? And I'm not going to sleep until I know what or get a sense of what! I think my 'work' would understand if I were a little too tired to come in the next day regarding the circumstances, don't ya think? Her BFF's child is MISSING, and stood accused of some wrong-doing in the missing. Maybe, like AD said, when asked about specifics while talking with Casey that night-she 'knew' but didn't press because she really didn't want to 'know'? (I'm not implying that AD knew anything about said crime in a literally sense.) Just like Linda D-B said to AD-(paraphrasing here)'...if you say Casey isn't smart enough to do this by herself, that leaves the opening that casey could even do this.....

I like to think at times like this, that the state truly has the goods to give Caylee the justice she deserves. And it is yet to come.

~ JMHO ~

I have a feeling another Anthony family will be sitting behind the state. Anthony L's family. At least one can hope. Subject for a different thread.

Haven't read this thread through yet, so if this has been addressed, I apologize. I just wanted to put out a general warning for any potential laymen chemists out there. Annie mentions in this interview that chloroform is created by mixing ammonia and bleach. This is NOT true. Chloroform can be created by mixing ethenol and bleach. Ammonia and bleach is a MAJOR no-no. Mixing these two can create different compositions, one of which is DEADLY chlorine gas! Wouldn't want to see any of my fellow WSers get killed or blown up!


I love your name. PG Wodehouse is one of my favorite writers. I love his Psmith stories! Bung-o!
OMG!!!! What if this was how KC was making chloraform? And it killed Caylee?

And wouldn't that be just about the stupid-azz way this stupid-azz case would go??? Really, there's KC's defense tactic: "I was tryiing to make chloroform so I could murder Caylee and my folks, but it's all Annie D's fault, she told me to use bleach and ammonia, and Caylee died from the fumes, and it's all Annie's fault!! Absolutely! I was given bad information! I'm the victim here!"
Honesty mixed with A LOT of withholding and a shot or two of dECePtIoN.
Yes, Casey and AD's speech patterns, inflection, tone, word and phrase use is uncannily similar. (are they related?...just a thought I had....)

Two other things that stood out in general during the interview:
*AD voice would lower and trail off after certain questions that appeared deceptive.
*AD sounded a bit intimidated by the female asking questions. Responded completely different and added yes, ma'am after each response. (I loved the female (?) interviewers method; kind of a direct, concise "take no prisoners" effect. Very effective in getting a straight answer....whether it's the truth is another matter.:truce:

The female was actually the blonde SA that we've all seen at the motions hearings. I think this is a good sign. She sounded prepared, but was also smart enough to direct her questions according to responses instead of just reading questions from a list. She also sounded confident, and had a commanding yet soft voice. I think this bodes well for the trial, as I think she is going to do a fantastic job with the witnesses on the stand.
Who do you think AD was referring to when asked about any playmates that Caylee had? (LE trying to find a Zachary connection) She remembers someone would come to the Anthony house with a child (playmate) and watch Caylee while Casey and the Anthony's were at work? This babysitter would leave a mess which bothered Casey. WHAT is this??? Never heard this before.
Gypsy, my guess is that KC had help disposing of Caylee's body. Therefore someone other than KC has known the details all along. OMO.

If Annie had helped Casey bury the body wouldn't Annie have suggested a better spot than a few feet off the road by Casey's house?

And if Annie abetted in hiding the body would Annie have been the one to bring up that if Casey did it she would had to have had help?
I listened to the AD interview today and my impression is that she is scared **itless. Because of that I think she is holding back ALOT of info. That is such a shame. She seemed very shaken at having to do this and I found myself wishing they'd give her a xanex so she could calm down, remember, and tell them all she knew. I had serious doubts when she answered the question about if she knew about anyone having knowledge of where Caylee's remains were before they were found. It sounded like a very weak "no ma'am" to me.? She seemed full of anxiety to me, I hope they keep the lines open with her and use the soft touch, as she seems to be someone who is easily rattled. My opinion=she knows more, much more. jmho
I just finished listening to both audios. I also found her a bit more likeable and relaxed on the second tape and she does sound like KC.

What made me go hmm is how she mentioned that KC had her miscarriage on Valentine's day. It makes me wonder if there is a connection with hearts and the so called miscarriage? Don't know if this was mentioned or not since I have not read through all of the posts but I was wondering what anyone else thought about this.
I just finished listening to both audios. I also found her a bit more likeable and relaxed on the second tape and she does sound like KC.

What made me go hmm is how she mentioned that KC had her miscarriage on Valentine's day. It makes me wonder if there is a connection with hearts and the so called miscarriage? Don't know if this was mentioned or not since I have not read through all of the posts but I was wondering what anyone else thought about this.

I have a question - if KC had had a miscarriage, wouldn't there be medical records? Or, I guess, she just didn't go to the doctor if this did happen?
Perhaps they didn't ask because they know? I have a feeling that AD was less than candid about drugs.

I think they knew the answers to most of these questions. They were hoping she could clarify what they knew and I'm not sure how well she's done that...

sometimes she was very forthcoming, others not so much.
There is one thing that stands out to me in this entire interview, which makes me sort of believe Casey may have told something to Annie.

The interviewer asks her if Casey ever made comments to her about anything else that may have been in the back of the trunk or just the cleaning stuff?

Annie who talks real loud and confident throughout the interview then answers almost whispering/begging: ".....just the cleaning stuff.....".

It is at 01:03 of the tape, very telling imo, she immediately gets a grip of herself right after that.
I have a question - if KC had had a miscarriage, wouldn't there be medical records? Or, I guess, she just didn't go to the doctor if this did happen?

it depends on how far into the pregnancy she was, but generally anything after 10wks would demand a doctors attention as you may need a D'n'C. it's a fast procedure but if this happened she would have spent the night in hospital as it requires a general anisthetic.
I listened to the AD interview today and my impression is that she is scared **itless. Because of that I think she is holding back ALOT of info. That is such a shame. She seemed very shaken at having to do this and I found myself wishing they'd give her a xanex so she could calm down, remember, and tell them all she knew. I had serious doubts when she answered the question about if she knew about anyone having knowledge of where Caylee's remains were before they were found. It sounded like a very weak "no ma'am" to me.? She seemed full of anxiety to me, I hope they keep the lines open with her and use the soft touch, as she seems to be someone who is easily rattled. My opinion=she knows more, much more. jmho

the first time i saw the inside of a police station i was 17yrs old. they were looking for information on my then boyfriend and i spent 4hrs in a room w/ a detective who came at me like i was the antichrist. i was lied to, threatened, denied any and all rights and what was my reaction? i was pi$$ed, hostile and unco-operative. annie on the other hand is being reassured by yuri, she has her lawyer at her side ... and she breaks down into tears on two occasions.
part of me thinks that if she knew anything, this very emotional young woman would've spilled b/c she doesn't strike me as someone who has the inner strength to keep a secret in relation to something as overwhelming as the murder of a child .... and another part of me wonders what in gawd's name made her that anxious in the first place???
i'm torn.
My opinion of AD's interview is that she's nervous.

But then again who wouldn't be?

Who want's Homicide detectives digging into every aspect of your life?

Knowing that the entire country is most likely going to be listening in on what you have to say....i.e. The Nancy Grace Show

Of course AD is nervous........Maybe even a bit intimidated

But is she withholding information about Caylee's murder?

I doubt it.....

If anything she's a little scared about LE & the rest of the country finding out about every little detail of her life that may or may not be 100% ...."Legal"

There is something I do not understand. What kind of Dr prescribes Zanex to college aged co-eds?? This is a highly addictive drug & it is well known that young people take it with alcohol to get high. Personally speaking, I went to my primary physician, I had received a terrible prognosis, was receiving chemo treatments, and my son was deployed in Iraq (in other words, darn good reason to be having anxiety), I told my Dr what I was going thru and that I needed something (I was desperate) He was RELUCTANT to give them to me. When he finally did, he prescribed only a few pills. A very close friend of mine had a son, 20 yrs old, was prescribed zanex and ended up harming himself (very tragic) I wish there was some way for Dr's to be stricter about writing scripts like these. I apologize for going somewhat O/T.

Btw, my son is back stateside and safe (god willing they all come home that way) and my situation is under control.

Glad you are well and bless your son.

Sometimes doctors are less likely to give an Rx to someone in really terrible emotional shape, for fear of giving the PT another problem to deal with (addiction) or worse what you experienced with your friend. But anxiety causes some crippling symptoms, inability to leave the house, intermittent unprovoked panic attacks that Xanex can control.

It all comes down to a doctor learning to trust their Pts. and to trust their own ability to know when to give it and when not to to give it.
I just finished listening to both audios. I also found her a bit more likeable and relaxed on the second tape and she does sound like KC.

What made me go hmm is how she mentioned that KC had her miscarriage on Valentine's day. It makes me wonder if there is a connection with hearts and the so called miscarriage? Don't know if this was mentioned or not since I have not read through all of the posts but I was wondering what anyone else thought about this.

When KC lied about the miscarriage, she picked Valentines Day for the dramatic effect. Kind of like picking Caylee's birthday as the day her daddy died in a car wreck. She figured she'd get more mileage out of it that way. And it's a lot easier to remember a lie associated with a holiday.
I was thinking about this yesterday, too. I came up with this:

Keep in mind that AD is referencing a time when Caylee was less than 2 years old. There was almost a year's difference in there, during which toddlers really develop. It is possible that Caylee was more comfortable being held by, or being alone with others as she got a bit older.

I also don't recall anyone else commenting on Caylee behaving this way, but we've all seen that picture where she is being held by a male (can't recall who right this second) and Caylee looks scared out and is reaching towards the person holding the camera. She was quite a bit younger then. Other than that, I don't recall any of KC's more recent friends commenting on Caylee being shy more recently.

The person who IIRC used to be LA roommate and long time FOA said the same thing. She said KC couldn't leave Caylee alone to be put to bed w/o Caylee acting the same way. This could have been a stage or it could be a sign of a bigger problem. (waking up alone in strange places causing terrors?) What Annie was describing sounded more like a stage, the other example was more upsetting to hear.
I listened to the AD interview today and my impression is that she is scared **itless. Because of that I think she is holding back ALOT of info. That is such a shame. She seemed very shaken at having to do this and I found myself wishing they'd give her a xanex so she could calm down, remember, and tell them all she knew. I had serious doubts when she answered the question about if she knew about anyone having knowledge of where Caylee's remains were before they were found. It sounded like a very weak "no ma'am" to me.? She seemed full of anxiety to me, I hope they keep the lines open with her and use the soft touch, as she seems to be someone who is easily rattled. My opinion=she knows more, much more. jmho

It is possible that this is not the only interview with Annie. Perhaps they interviewed her a second time and got more out of her, then decided to release the first one, since it didn't really contain any bombshells. :confused:
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