2009.01.21 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm wondering if maybe it was a laundry bag like these
Did someone say a backpack found said "adorable" on it? Was it found in the car or at the crime scene?

Maybe this one?


The new documents show that Caylee's body was in a cloth laundry bag, which was then placed into a black trash bag. They also found a size three toddler shirt, white shorts with vertical stripes, and a Winnie the Pooh blanket. Also inside the bag was a backpack with the word "adorable" on it and pull-ups with a flower design. Investigators also found a stainless steel knife.
Changing the subject slightly, if the body was inside of a laundry bag how did the bones get scattered? Maybe the time in the water and in the sun rotted the fabric of the laundry bag? Just wondering. Thoughts?
Someone pointed out it was a laundry "hamper" bag which probably didn't have pull ties at the top like a regular laundry bag so it wasn't closed all the way to begin with and then you have the garbage bag which could have easily been torn or otherwise opened.
Okay, I'm shocked, just shocked at how much more evidence Dr. Lee found when he inspected the evidence... several hairs and fiber from the bread bag.

I noticed that, also noticed that LE inspected the car after Lee did, and signed the contamination paper, yet LE found more hair after????
Did anyone read this the same way I did?
This entire discussion started with someone reporting that there were results included in the documents for Cindy and George but not for Lee. I was just coming here to say I just read all of that section of the documents and I don't see results for any of them.

I still think leaping from asking for the comparison to paternity is a huge leap not really supported by anything.

Who knows why they asked for it. Maybe because he and Casey have the same mitochodrial DNA and they selected one of the four (Cindy, her mother, Casey and Lee) who would share that DNA at random.

At any rate, this discussion all started from an incorrect post, unless the person who posted that can provide us with where they found the results in those documents.

I actually think this started from the fact that the document dump reporting results from the forensic examinations contains results from all other stated evidence inspection *except* for this particular examination.

That is, the documents are provided in a pattern similar to: "notice of receipt and request" followed by "results of examination". In all of the rest of the cases, ie: the trunk trace evidence, they have the trunk trace evidence notice of receipt and request, followed by the results of the trunk trace evidence examination (no blood found). In the case of this particular item, they provide the notice of receipt and request for LA tests against Caylee, but they do not have the results of the examination.

Hope that clears it up a little. :)
Ok, but we are here to figure things out. Why did they ask for it? As another poster pointed out, OC asked for LA's DNA to be run specifically against Caylee's... not against DNA found at the crime scene, in the house, car, etc., which would be to exclude him from the crime. Why run LA's DNA against Caylee's known profile? Presumably to compare. Why else other than paternity?? Any suggestions? :confused:

Exactly-what other reason is there to compare these two DNA profiles?

Believe me, I'm the last person that wants to "go there", lol....
but I can't poo-poo this. They asked for that specific comparison for a reason.

That said, I'm also open to suggestions as to alternate reasons.
This line blew me away:

Page:17 Ending of paragraph #7 Casey responding to trying to locate Zenaida's mothers home (Gloria)

"The defendant said she did not remember the house because she stopped paying attention to it since she came so many times".

I have no words. Just wow. :eek:

Seriously no kidding
Pg9 Anthony Lazz's car...test positive for... http://www.wesh.com/download/2009/0121/18530363.pdf

Observed two suspected stains on the carpet located in the cargo area. Two sterile swabs were taken. No traces of blood found.

Dry vegetation, bottom edge of the radiator of the vehicle.

Dry leaf under the chassis behind right front tire of the vehicle.

In the trunk 7 pieces of hair were found and 2 pieces of fabric.
It says "we" collected the following evidence...meaning LE and Dr Lee. I'm quite sure they "LE" should have already collected that evidence prior to Dr. Lee's inspection of it.:waitasec:

When Dr.Lee did his own inspection of the car he stated on NG that he found other...So, I am assuming from what I read that he found several other pieces of hair, I think 7 more.. http://www.wesh.com/download/2009/0121/18530363.pdf
Don't know if this was already reported (having trouble with site) but on HLN it's been saying (in all their updates) it was SILVER duct tape..If that was in the docs I missed the SILVER part & that may rule out it being AH's 'gaff' tape?

Actually I've seen silver gaffer's tape around photographer's, videographer's studios. Guess we'd just have to know more about Amy's roll. If it's unique, sure wouldn't be something "zanny the nanny" would have lying around.
I asked this question but no one could answer it - when GA said that he saw Casey and Caylee leave the house on that last day - I asked the question, did he touch or talk to Caylee? Did she hug him, was she running around - what?

I said that she could have been killed the night before, Casey carried her out with Caylees head on her shoulder telling GA that she was sleeping

Did George get up and give Caylee a kiss? Did he go and touch her? Was she wrapped in that Winnie the Pooh blanket?

George never said - it's doubtful that GA saw them at all

IIRC GA stated that Caylee gave him kisses.
Exactly-what other reason is there to compare these two DNA profiles?

Believe me, I'm the last person that wants to "go there", lol....
but I can't poo-poo this. They asked for that specific comparison for a reason.

That said, I'm also open to suggestions as to alternate reasons.

My guess would be because it used to be his car? So they would expect to find his DNA in it? I won't speculate further on what DNA of his they might find in the back seat...LOL...
When Dr.Lee did his own inspection of the car he stated on NG that he found other...So, I am assuming from what I read that he found several other pieces of hair, I think 7 more.. http://www.wesh.com/download/2009/0121/18530363.pdf

wasn't there hairs on the soda cans? by the way...was that the trash bag she took from AL's? She was cooking up a storm at his apartment....velveeta, etc...
JVM just spoke on Headline News and stated a british production co. has already started filming the Caylee Antony story in Calif. Money hungry creeps! I bet we could trace this british prod. co. back to the Globe rag if we could investigate!

Am I getting senile or am I recalling correctly that Rupert Murdoch- the owner of FOX - is also the owner of multiple tabloid rags both in england and here ? And considering GR's chuminess with JB, and GR on Fox, and if Globe is one of the Murdoch rags, etc..........What an insane web they've woven !

(rocking back and forth....."you're not paranoid if they really are out to get you, You're not paranoid if they really are out to get you.....)
just my opinion....but I would be very careful in wording it a deliberate ommission when all the ducuments and results have not yet been released yet. Also, on page 41 of the fbi documents... it was an almost "aside" .....to compare the dna of Caylee and LA.

I am not going to make too much of it yet. There is so much to go through and so much more that is not even released yet.

Just a question tho... do you think LE could or would compromise this whole case by deliberately witholding or ommiting info and results to the defense? It is just my opinion, but I do not think after all of this....that they would do something like that. Just my opinion tho.... :blowkiss:

Secondary Evidence was reportedly obtained during one of the Nuclear DNA tests, as I recall, but it's results were not included in that report, therefore, I'll bet whatever "secondary" evidence they did find, is in another report that has not been released. Read the FBI reports again and look for any secondary evidence that was uncovered but not reported on yet.:confused:
I wouldn't consider those bags. Those are actual hampers.

Here is JOSE!

Could it possibly be something like this? We use them, and only tie them up top when washing baseball uniforms. All other times, we place the bag inside a hamper and fold the tops down over so that when it is full we tie it up and throw it in the washer..Not all of these type bags have the draw strings, some have just the tabbed material at the top where you can literally tie it yourself.

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