2009.02.18 Disposable camera found at crime scene

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I most respectful summit that all children are precious. Not just the "cute" children. My good friend has a grand daughter with a severe facial birth defect. She is now almost 4 years old. And the way people turn away from her because she is not a "living doll" sickens me. The child is wonderful in all areas. Except for an unbalanced face. Caylee death here is no sadder then any other Childs unnecessary early death to me. Why we judge a persons worth by looks has always mystified me. But it is a fact of life. A very sad fact of life.

While all children are precious, little Caylee clearly had a presence to her, which at least partially explains the extreme interest shown to this particular case as opposed to most other cases. Caylee was absolutely adorable, and if there weren't all these adorable photos and videos of her, I don't think the case would have attracted as much attention. It is also a fact of life.
Is it just me or does it look like she's crying or upset? This would be the 4th photo I've seen of Caylee that was taken while she was crying and reaching out, very strange.

Is it just me or does it look like she's crying or upset? This would be the 4th photo I've seen of Caylee that was taken while she was crying and reaching out, very strange.


Have you ever heard of the terrible twos?
I don't think any conclusions can be made because 2 year old is crying in some of her photos. Little kids do cry a lot.
While all children are precious, little Caylee clearly had a presence to her, which at least partially explains the extreme interest shown to this particular case as opposed to most other cases. Caylee was absolutely adorable, and if there weren't all these adorable photos and videos of her, I don't think the case would have attracted as much attention. It is also a fact of life.

I completely disagree. I live in Maine, over 1600 miles away from Orlando Florida, and many others attracted to this case live overseas/out of country. While I have followed many cases prior to Caylee's, what caught and kept my attention was Cindy's <the Grandmother> 911 call and the words "her mother finally just told me she's been missing for 31 days, we're talking about a 3-year-old little girl here...something's wrong here, it smells like there was a dead body in the trunk" Top that with word via the media, then confirmed by documents released, of Casey's <the mother> incredible and bullsie lies. People couldn't believe that a mother, A. Didn't report her child missing, B. Would make such outragous lies to law enforcement, lies that could easily be disproven, and C. the mystery of it all, Casey's friends/close acquantances noticed nothing different about her demeanor over those 31 days that Caylee was missing. I believe that people looked, and couldn't look away because they needed/wanted to understand what happened and why it happened - not because of Caylee's physical attributes. I think most people find all 2/3-year-olds cute. JMO~


Before the jury came back with a not guilty everyone was as happy as could be with the job LE did on this case why all this doubt now? The cops did their job.. this video was taken on fathers day, LE knows it was taken on fathers day.. the defense didn't argue that it wasn't... nobody says it wasn't. Even the employees say it was taken on fathers day, they remember what she wore that day, they remember her reading from this book that day- hear the lady talking to her in the video? She works there.. she remembers talking to her that day! I can understand doubting things but IMO it makes more sense to doubt things that ONLY the Anthony's say happened.
I'm not necessarily saying that they weren't at the nursing home on June 15th..........I do have questions about the whole change of dates thing, but wether they were there, or not there, I do not believe that video was taken on June 15, 2008.....I think maybe the video was their attempt to substantiate the date chance. You know how Cindy over explains things when she is lying. I don't know how they got the date to say the video originated on that date unless it had to do with transfering it from one place to another or one camera to another, but I will never believe that was taken on that date. I have a 22yr old, a 13yr old and a 2 & 1/2yr old grand daughter that is almost the age Caylee was when she died. I know what a 2yr old looks like, and I know what a 3 yr old looks like. They change a lot in that year. Plus GA and CA both talked about how well she talked, and Tony talked about her counting to 40 in spanish. My grand daughter isn't quite as old and she can talk to you like a grown up can. I don't see that in this video of her "reading" her book. Plus the pictures say it all.

They didn't change the date- LE did. They had forgotten about the video and LE found it then went to the nursing home to verify the date.
just to be clear here, I never said anything about 'cute'. I used the word precious. I would never refer to any child as anything but precious and all children in my eyes, are living dolls. My niece was born with a form of MS andit affected her mentally and physically. There was a time when drs thought she was going to die. She's 25 years old, gets mistaken for 12, and people either stare or turn completely away. She's not much over 4 feet tall and the only guys who have ever show an interest in her, have been up to no good. I think she's precious and a living doll too, and I'm grateful every day that she's alive. And by the way, the word 'doll' may mean something different to me than you. It's what I've always called my youngest daughter. She has heard me refer to her as 'Doll', more than her real name. At school, she's picked on for being chubby and called 'ugly. Looks mean very little to me. All God's children are beautiful.

A child crying is normal. Photographing a child while crying is a little odd.

Maybe she wasn't crying when they pointed but was crying by the time they clicked. She's two... two year old do that.
Is it just me or does it look like she's crying or upset? This would be the 4th photo I've seen of Caylee that was taken while she was crying and reaching out, very strange.


I'm sad now...
She looks so precious..
I love her little outfit the jeans, shirt and sneakers all coordinate with the necklace choker...
she looks like she was very well cared.
They never released more information about the disposable camera's, did they?
Maybe she wasn't crying when they pointed but was crying by the time they clicked. She's two... two year old do that.

Agreed - they can go from zero to full meltdown in a nanosecond!:crazy:

Also, FWIW, sometimes a "Look at Mommy, let's take a picture!" will snap them out of it. Maybe these shots are the ones where that didn't work.

Who knows? Like you, I don't read much into it at all.
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