2009.02.19 1:00 pm Haleighs family press conference

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Would the feds or local LE give Ron or Misty Immunity to any other illegal activities they might be involved in, if they provided info about who, what, where or what could have happend that could be the *link* to where Hayleigh is??
I think everytime that Misty is with detectives Ronald is worried.

I also think Ronald was trying to work up some real tears and couldn't quite do it.

IMO, this presser was for the sake of asking for money.

This is just the way I see it. My opinion.
I have to say that I agree. Until the Anthony case, I don't ever remember seeing a family ask for donations or sell t-shirts and buttons. I worry about this.
I never said it's ok for one family but not another.

And I didn't realize the purpose of Websleuths is to pick people apart. I'm not here to do that. I'm near to learn and study issues of murders and missing persons.
And again, Ron does not owe the public any explanations about anything in his personal life. As long as he's being honest with the police he doesn't owe us anything.

If there is another child he should not publicize it- after all, one of his children is already missing. Who is to say that whomever has Haleigh would not try to take that one too???

Why can't we discuss Haleigh's life & parents here? I suppose I'd support your point of view if you've never posted on Caylees thread discussing the A's. And I don't know if you have or haven't. I understand your point of view, for me though, when there's a child missing & stories are changing... truth not being told, then everything should be under scrutiny.

He may not owe us anything or be willing to discuss, I'm concerned we're getting to close to something he doesn't want out there. That's bothersome to me.
Yes, but as long as he's giving that info to the police, I'm happy. I wouldn't air it out in the press either, really, might lose sympathy, cause people to stop looking/start suspecting him.

I do agree with you, though.

If he had nothing to hide then it shouldn't be a problem. When you put your child in an Alligator pit, and people will have questions, right??? Why be surprised?? No, Misty, is NOT telling the truth.
Although lifestyles can be the reason for child abduction, often they are NOT.

In this case, I think the lifestyle is important. It may not be THE REASON this happened but it may have contributed to it.
I never said it's ok for one family but not another.

And I didn't realize the purpose of Websleuths is to pick people apart. I'm not here to do that. I'm near to learn and study issues of murders and missing persons.
And again, Ron does not owe the public any explanations about anything in his personal life. As long as he's being honest with the police he doesn't owe us anything.

If there is another child he should not publicize it- after all, one of his children is already missing. Who is to say that whomever has Haleigh would not try to take that one too???
Pirate - in order to "learn and study" about murders you have to delve into the lives surrounding those murdered and the murderers.

Having another child is very relevant. Was the mother of the other child going after child support? Did she have another bf who has been hounding RC for support money? Could there be a conflict as to WHO the baby daddy is? More than one guy involved?

Of course we discuss and "sleuth" to find answers - we don't do it to persecute anyone. We do it to find "the lost child". HALEIGH is what comes first. Finding her alive is the main goal.

The people here have their hearts in the right place. During Caylee's case one WS'r identified an unknown person and consequently solved that case.

Sometimes studying and learning involves topics and facts that are, well, not so pleasant. Does that mean it should stop? No.
Yes, but unfortunately an "open book" can be distracting for the public. I can tell you right now, if I child was missing, I would try to keep people looking for her, and not focusing on my family drama (and boy, do I always have a lot of family drama :crazy:) As long as he is being an "open book" with the police, if they think something is relevant enough to generate tips, I feel sure that they'll release it:)

I think he is handling it much better than the A's

Yes. I am fine with him not giving personal info that he believes irrelevant out to the media. As long as he is being honest about it with police, what more can we ask for?
Would the feds or local LE give Ron or Misty Immunity to any other illegal activities they might be involved in, if they provided info about who, what, where or what could have happend that could be the *link* to where Hayleigh is??

Well I guess if a person was more interested in saving their own arse, than the well being of their child...I guess they would.:crazy:
In past cases of this sort LE has been able to eliminate the immediate family by this time. Eliminating immediate family and anyone living in the house is first. LE cannot get past them so something is wrong here. I know I am not saying anything all of us didn't already know, but not being able to eliminate Misty and Ronald makes me very suspicious.
I think everytime that Misty is with detectives Ronald is worried.

I also think Ronald was trying to work up some real tears and couldn't quite do it.

IMO, this presser was for the sake of asking for money.

This is just the way I see it. My opinion.

ITA. Right on the money.

It tells me that she has inside information that is valuable to LE. Also, that she would be the easier one to "break".

Yep, reminds me of this ooooooooollllllld Columbo episode (yes, dating myself). It was one of my favorites. Gene Barry killed his wife and Columbo didn't know how to prove it, so he decided to go after what he called, "the weakest link," and that was Gene Barry's young girlfriend (or secretary).

Yep, somebody out there is very very worried today.
Pirate - in order to "learn and study" about murders you have to delve into the lives surrounding those murdered and the murderers.

Having another child is very relevant. Was the mother of the other child going after child support? Did she have another bf who has been hounding RC for support money? Could there be a conflict as to WHO the baby daddy is? More than one guy involved?
Of course we discuss and "sleuth" to find answers - we don't do it to persecute anyone. We do it to find "the lost child". HALEIGH is what comes first. Finding her alive is the main goal.

The people here have their hearts in the right place. During Caylee's case one WS'r identified an unknown person and consequently solved that case.

Sometimes studying and learning involves topics and facts that are, well, not so pleasant. Does that mean it should stop? No.

I am going to start sleuthing into the unknown child. I just wanted to get the spelling of the name Ron brought up - thanks!

I agree with you btw.
Is anyone beside me diappointed in these press conferences. Personally I would like to see a photo of Haleigh that was clear enough and big enough to really be able to see what she looks like from head to toe. The photos provided don't give me a clear clue of what child I am looking for when searching thru the masses in the mall.
I would like to see something maybe 4x5 foot photo of her with this family pointing at the photo saying "Please, this is our Haleigh" If you see her please call and give the phone numbers.
More aggressive pleas on the part of the family.
I have to say that I agree. Until the Anthony case, I don't ever remember seeing a family ask for donations or sell t-shirts and buttons. I worry about this.

He also said it was to help Ron's family as Ron as not been back to work since this happened. He still has bills to pay and keep Rj feed and took care of.
In past cases of this sort LE has been able to eliminate the immediate family by this time. Eliminating immediate family and anyone living in the house is first. LE cannot get past them so something is wrong here. I know I am not saying anything all of us didn't already know, but not being able to eliminate Misty and Ronald makes me very suspicious.

Yes it is.
FWIW..I dont think anyone here personally feels like they are "owed" info from Ron or anyone else. We are just taking what we are given and running with it. Every angle must be explored to get to the truth.
"It will all come out in the wash" as my Gma used to say.
In past cases of this sort LE has been able to eliminate the immediate family by this time. Eliminating immediate family and anyone living in the house is first. LE cannot get past them so something is wrong here. I know I am not saying anything all of us didn't already know, but not being able to eliminate Misty and Ronald makes me very suspicious.

I disagree. The Ramseys and McCanns remained under suspicion forever!!

However, no one was ever charged in either crime, so I am not quite sure what to make of that!
If he had nothing to hide then it shouldn't be a problem. When you put your child in an Alligator pit, and people will have questions, right??? Why be surprised?? No, Misty, is NOT telling the truth.

I think we just disagree;) If I were devastated because my child were missing and I really though that my "family drama" etc had nothing to do with it, I wouldn't put it out in the media either. I'd tell the police, yes, but I wouldn't want to be made a villain/dissected in the media. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying people SHOULDN'T focus on his lifestyle. But naturally, if you put it out there, it's going to happen. If he goes on talking about family drama, obviously people are going to jump there.

I'm just saying it's not necessarily because he's hiding something. As long as he's telling this stuff to the police, I don't care. And frankly, he might not feel it's an "alligator pit". It might be what he's used to/the way he was raised, too.

I agree, I think Misty is lying about something.
Why yes teh it sure 'nough was. RC admitted to "possibly" having another child - well which is it? Either you DO or you DON'T! IMO he does - and that article from yesterday was true.

Noticing body language - RC had arms crossed - defensive action. Eyes - both gma and dad several times looked down and left. If they don't want to answer sensitive questions and have their lives "drug through the mud" then why hold a press conference?

Now, on to the funeral home that is helping the family out. Funeral home printed up shirts and buttons - they were distributing them. Now, they are asking for "donations" for the shirts and buttons. hmmmm......sound familiar? Donations to BOA - funeral home guy will give out acct number so media can post.

Wow - I have to just digest this. Thought dad vowed off the media.

I still think the whole point of the presser was to ask for donations.
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