2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

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I was hoping so. When she was introduced I was still typing everyone else's comments, so I missed what capacity she was there in.
So was I still typing and didn't even catch her name at first! :)
I bet everyone get's lawyered up tomorrow.........
hope LE is there at the 2 camps tonight.........
I would be afraid to sleep!!! IMO
I had have 2 points of thinking since this began and first one was someone on Sheffield/Griffis side of the family took her and then maybe a child predator..Maybe I missed it, but I've not seen one tear out of biomom's eyes.


yep... the gma freaks me out too...i get a weird vibe from her and JS. Gma talks bout these visions or whatnot... I won't be surprised to find out that it actually had something to do with them...just my opinion to be honest. I'm just sick of the media makin CS look like a poor innocent girl ... when clearly she did not have children, she didn't know what was going on with her children, she shows no feelings, she's made accusations, her mom has done the same...we know of her drug use (shes admitted)...we know she is not some poor innocent girl...

also...GR and his peeps get their info from here lol they must be reading the stuff posted...lemme wave at em *heyyyyyyyyyyyy*
what on Earth will this do to the LE case? I think they were keeping things quiet for a reason. Oh, God, I hope they are able to get her back.
never hit a girl, never, I dont do that
NEVER hit haleigh
then, he went on to say he and Haleigh had "AN AGREEMENT" (!!!) He knew how to spank her the way the dept of chidren and family services says he can...Good LORD!
Why would he know how to properly spank Haleigh unless he didnt do it the right way first? This guy is a MAJOR loose cannon

I think this is all going to come back & bite him in the butt!
Geraldo just makes me sick. How is anything that Crystal is claiming helping to find her daughter? If all that is true, did she tell LE? And even if it is all true, let's worry about it AFTER they find Haleigh. Not to mention the fact, if she knew all this why wasn't she trying to get custody of her children? Did she ever call DFCS about her concerns? After her cousin told her about Ron hitting Haleigh? And she is accusing Ron of fake crying? Please. Pot meet Kettle.

And I'm not really sticking up for Ron, he looked messed up to me, but again, starting a family war is NOT going to help find Haleigh. :mad:

Hi Never4GetCaylee, He looked messed up to me too which is unfortunate since the whole nation saw him like that!

I think there was a definite plan here with Geraldo's show. The negative side has always been put on Misty, and I guess they figured the truth needed to come out about Ron. We here learn things cause we sleuth the case. The public has no idea about his arrest record, for instance, and what a hot head he is.

So having the neighbor who listened to him scream at the kids, showing an awful environment for Haleigh and Jr to be living in, helps bring out the truth.

I guess this Joe Overstreet is who they think might have taken her, generalizing on my part from what I heard.
Bio Grandma Marie says Haleigh has 12 unexcused absences, 9 excused and 6 tardies in 115 days. That is excessive. :confused:
IIRC, Ron took a parenting class...I think I saw that in the hearing transcripts for custody.

Also, if he is an informant, GR never should have said that on tv. That's a very dangerous thing to put out there, don't you think?
Geraldo is a horrid little man. Reporting that someone is a drug informant could be dangerous to that person and his whole family. Some of the Mexican drug cartels that are rampant in the U.S. nowadays wouldn't mind killing a family. I think Crystal looks like a young woman who has lived a hard drug life and doesn't look fit and healthy as Ron. She better be careful, because all this could backfire and make the authorities start looking more at her, her husband, and life.

I agree. I also feel like Geraldo had this all planned this way and he was just the ring master.
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