2009.02.25 Nancy Grace

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If Casey killed Caylee in her room did she place the tape over her mouth so Cindy & George wouldn't hear her screaming?

I know it's a horrible thought but the tape was placed over her mouth for a reason

First time poster. Hello everyone. I tend to agree with this and it upsets me because it would mean GA lied to LE about seeing them on the 16th and has been covering up for her from the get go. By the way i love this website!
RUMOR ONLY - heard today on the video site from Sentinel that they were going on a cruise.
Eek! If I was booked on that cruise, I'd be canceling. Could be the SS Minnow all over again...
Oh I totally thought the same thing. That she drove off right after her fight w/ Cindy and did whatever she did w/ Caylee in the car. Until I read about her cell pinging close to home the whole night of the 15th and the first part of the day on the 16th. Then I started thinking about KC taking Caylee to her room later that night/morning and doing something to her there.

ETA: But I still lean towards her driving off but staying in the general area, and then returning later on the 16th for a change of clothes....?

Did you notice the flashlight in KC's room on one of the armoire's? Wonder what that was there for? Having to walk around outside at night? I don't think I was seeing things, am sure I saw a flashlight standing up in one of the pics...can't give you a link or anything though. I need to start paying attention when I notice these things, LOL
First time poster. Hello everyone. I tend to agree with this and it upsets me because it would mean GA lied to LE about seeing them on the 16th and has been covering up for her from the get go. By the way i love this website!

Welcome, Mominva!
Wouldn't Casey be afraid though of someone walking in? Someone coming home from work, something?
The As were aware that Casey often phoned when she knew no one would be home. It was in one of the interviews...or somewhere.
First time poster. Hello everyone. I tend to agree with this and it upsets me because it would mean GA lied to LE about seeing them on the 16th and has been covering up for her from the get go. By the way i love this website!


I agree. That would really change my whole opinion on GA. I've always thought he was left out of the loop on this thing and it would mean he was at least part of the coverup.

Eek! If I was booked on that cruise, I'd be canceling. Could be the SS Minnow all over again...

Make sure to pack more crap than you'll ever, ever need on a 3 hour tour. Just in case. :D
RUMOR ONLY - heard today on the video site from Sentinel that they were going on a cruise.

I wonder if this is the sequel to the movie and GA goes missing overboard while on the cruise? Lets hope not!
Also...I don't think Cindy would have allowed Casey to walk out of the house with Caylee after they had the fight.

Caylee & Casey lived with Cindy - Casey had nowhere to go

I think Cindy woke up the morning of the 16th & Casey & Caylee were gone

When she called Casey & asked her where they were - Thats when Casey gave her the BS story about wanting to "Bond" with Caylee.

Cindy never would have agreed to letting Casey take Caylee & stay with friends - she would have filed for custody the next day

One more thing.....This is when KC invented the Nanny story - Cindy had to have asked Casey..."Well if your staying with friends who's minding Caylee"?

Thats when Casey came up with the Nanny
But, even tonight on one of the videotapes shown, CA states she believed "originally" there was a zanny.
First time poster. Hello everyone. I tend to agree with this and it upsets me because it would mean GA lied to LE about seeing them on the 16th and has been covering up for her from the get go. By the way i love this website!

Welcome!! :)
ZG's lawyer raised an excellent point. It was ok for his client to have been trashed publicly, but the As refuse to have themselves exposed "publicly"?

Yes! That is a very compelling argument!
But, even tonight on one of the videotapes shown, CA states she believed "originally" there was a zanny.

CA is always going to contradict herself so that there is an out and, her prime directive is to protect KC at all costs. Whatever 'mistruth' works, use them all.
Always said that NG has Paddy (LP) on her show cuz he can rag on CA cuz NG couldn't cuz of her lawsuit. LOL
I hadn't thought of that ~ but you just might be right. Nancy does have to be careful after the lawsuit by Melinda's family. MOO
OK, everyone has their own thoughts on this but wanted to see how many people agree with this scenario, because the murder in her room is a twist I never heard:

I always thought that GA was not lying. That KC talked to AL the night before, woke up, got Caylee dressed, said goodbye to George, drove around in the car after poisoning her daughter until she was certain Caylee was dead and George was not home. Tried calling mom and dad to make sure they weren't home. Went into the house got the blanket, laundry hamper, etc. Put the baby in her trunk, went to Tony's that night.
I think if she's got mud on her shoes they can look at all sorts of things in the mud to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt if she was in the woods where the body was found. They look at everything, pollen, plant cells, the sediment in the dirt, the composition of mud. It will be very specific to the area, if she's been there, the mud will say.
I've been thinking of it since I heard about the Pooh Blanket

Maybe,,,,, the Night of the fight Casey walked into her room & killed Casey & left in the middle of the night when George was working & Cindy was sleeping.

Maybe Cindy & George never even knew she left with her

Casey may have called the next day & said she was moving out

I think the fight between Cindy & Casey on the 15th is what set Casey off

Me too...but I think that it begun with a trip Cindy took with Caylee just one day before the big fight.
- a long Car Ride to Great Grandpa in the assisted Living home, during which time Caylee who was starting to talk ...replied to some questions and innocently TALKED, revealed Casey's real world.

I also think that George did find some picture on Caseys computer of her in compromising positions.
He may have prompted Cindy to take that car ride with Caylee.
I think they all know one thing for sure Casey is not the victim in this case.
but that night did set her off.
She could have then wrapped her up in the Pooh blanket & placed caylee's body the laundry bag & walked right out of the house .

Maybe A few days later, when she returns to the house, she puts evrything inside a trash bag

Do you think maybe GA saw her walk out of the house with the laundry bag and when she left he then realizes, "Where the he!! is Caylee?" And thats when the cover up started?????????????
Who knows? IMO I never believed that story of him seeing them leave on the 16th. I think Cindy egged him on to make that BS story up so it didn't look like KC left in a big huff w/ Caylee the night before.

YOu know I agree. I have never believed this. IMO his story, whether on the 8th, 9th or the 16th, his story was the same, and an effort to steer LE away from the house.
Oh I totally thought the same thing. That she drove off right after her fight w/ Cindy and did whatever she did w/ Caylee in the car. Until I read about her cell pinging close to home the whole night of the 15th and the first part of the day on the 16th. Then I started thinking about KC taking Caylee to her room later that night/morning and doing something to her there.

ETA: But I still lean towards her driving off but staying in the general area, and then returning later on the 16th for a change of clothes....?

Bolded by me, the general area, like where LA USED to live. I often wonder why le did not check out his place, he is so close to her house, and travels very often for work. I also believe she killed Caylee during the 15th, 16th timeframe. I think she od'd her on xanax. The baby probably kept crying after the fight between KC & CA, so she gave her one, then another, etc. Still crying, she taped her mouth shut, and didn't know what to do in the AM, so she either carried her out like laundry, or put her on her shoulder, covered with her blanket and told GA, she's still sleeping, I am bringing her to the sitter & we won't be home tonight. I just don't think GA gave it much attention. I automatically thought he was lying when he described her outfit, if it was just a normal day, how could he remember?

Purely speculation.
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