2009.02.27 - Lee's Deposition

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If you believe what they say about deception and eye gaze, left vs. right, Lee is definitely looking to his left during many parts in the deposition. This would mean that he is searching the creative portion of his brain as opposed to actual truthful memory, which would be connected to a right gaze. Ofcourse, these indicators are just pieces in assessing deception and not used alone.

I have found his dress too casual all along. To each his own, but his Dad always looks so neat and well groomed, and Lee seems to favor loose fitting clothes that hang, and all in all I think he could look and dress so much better but again, to each his own and evidently it is not important to him. Sometimes I look at him and I think he appears older than his 26 years.
But KC was at Ants or nearby on 16th and phoning and computering normally up untill 3:00pm. JG even heard Caylee in background around that time. I am sure Caylee was alive up untill 3:00pm 16th. Sadly, not very much longer though.

He was mistaken about his other statement and retracted it. It's possible the same applies for the 16th.
Did anyone notice Lee saying "cell phone calls from jail" when he was talking about contact with his sister?

I played it over 3 times to make sure that is what he said and it is accurate.

I didn't think Casey was allowed to make cell calls from jail. The only way she could do that is if JB is with her and allows it. I thought that was a no-no.

I apologize if this was discussed. I searched for it but didn't find anything.

Thanks much for bringing that up. When Lee said that--and the way he said it--hoisted a lot of "red flags" in my mind. And then, typically, I forgot the whole thing.

Comments anyone??? (About the phone calls not my memory. LOL)
God bless, GA. I think his whole psyche and being has been irreversibly damaged from all of this. With that understood, I question that Caylee's
last seen date was mis-stated in the beginning.:liar: I think it's possible he was mistaken.

I get the impression that this family uses the M.O. of "If I said it, it must be true and there's no turning back." We'll prolly never know....
I've always thought he was mistaken from the time I first saw the interview with Greta, like how CA jumped in and corrected him on what show he was watching on tv. :snooty: MOO
My God, that is horrible on so many levels, that it's almost unbearable to actually comprehend. It also makes me cringe a little with pity for KC who is someone I loathe. I'm feelling conflicted here. I obviously need to log off and go for a walk or something. :)

So typical for a sociopath. They have to imitate all human empathetic emotion, because they have none. They can only emulate what they've seen in others or in a movie or something. It seems like she created a movie version that's obviously not what would happen in real life. I wonder if she's ever stood in front of a mirror like some sociopaths do and practice emotions they see other people express? They try, but the still get it mixed up, that's why they come off as acting innapropriate at times. Smiling and laughing at someone's bad news or in a sad situation. Sure reminds me of LA as well.
For all we know ZANNY is really Cindy, and Casey is covering for her. Casey claims Zanny took Caylee from Casey to teach her a lesson because Casey wasn't being a good mother. How many times have we heard that Cindy accused Casey of not being a good mother? And I'll say this, Cindy acts like she's dopped out on Xanax half the time, maybe Casey gave her that nick name. She (Cindy) WAS taking care of Caylee most of the time when Casey was out partying her butt off. And think of all the things Cindy has done to impede this investigation. Makes ya wonder sometimes. Did some type of accident happen to Caylee while in Cindy's care and Cindy put Caylee in the Casey's trunk?

Okay..sorry...my imagination got the best of me for a minute there. But hey...the way this case has gone, I wouldn't rule out any crazy scenerio as being close to the truth of what happened!

"I don't want to loose my husband" said CA. Paraphrasing here, I hardly ever was alone with the little girl , my wife or KC were almost always around, stated a dumbfounded GA.

Just speculation on my part.
The delightful thing about this tale is that Casey intended to bury us beneath her usual avalache of pointless details, but instead of that, she cut off her own escape route.

For example, she just had to describe how they sat on a bench, watching Caylee playing with ZFG's sister's 2 children. The unnecessary invention of the presence of all those children--out of the car and playing, no less--completely killed all possibilie believablity of KC's story.

If KC hadn't employed her usual method of bolstering her lie with numerous invented details, her kidnapping tale would have been more convincing than laughable. All she should have said was that Zanny pulled up in her car, (alone), waited for KC to walk over to her to get Caylee, and instead handed Casey the "script" through the window while warning her not to notify LE. Then ZG drove off and disappeared in traffic, with KC racing back to her own car and trying valiantly (and hysterically) to find and follow ZG's vehicle.

Oh, wait a minute! I get it now! I've just figured out why KC assumed her more colorful version of the tale would fly. KC wasn't being careless or stupid when she invented her scenario....she simply had no way of knowing that a normal mother wouldn't merely freeze in surprise and stare while her baby is being kidnapped by an unarmed female kidnapper who she wasn't even afraid of.

Does that give you chills, or is it just me? Since KC had never witnessed another mother's reaction to a kidnapping taking place, and since she personally had no attachment to Caylee, KC could only describe how she thought a mother would feel and behave.

My God, that is horrible on so many levels, that it's almost unbearable to actually comprehend. It also makes me cringe a little with pity for KC who is someone I loathe. I'm feelling conflicted here. I obviously need to log off and go for a walk or something. :)

Friday, Love your phrase I bolded! "Avalanche of pointless details" They all do this:hand: except George! It's mindbending & utterly confusing.

Everything about KC gives me the chills, expecially the fact that she is devoid of feelings, which equals no remorse.
He was mistaken about his other statement and retracted it. It's possible the same applies for the 16th.
I can not know that for sure. I just get the impression the later call that JG retracted (sort of) was a set up by KC. She pretended to be talking to Caylee.
Even without the JG point. KC's ohone and computer suggests to me all was well up to 3:00pm.
Thanks much for bringing that up. When Lee said that--and the way he said it--hoisted a lot of "red flags" in my mind. And then, typically, I forgot the whole thing.

Comments anyone??? (About the phone calls not my memory. LOL)

Cell phones are absolutely not allowed in Jail. Wow, good catch.
Ah huh...great observation...so they can catch her in that lie several ways (email/myspace/ip address)
Interesting that you bring this up. I think this may be brought up by the defense at trial. Interesting that in one of GA's early interviews with LE he mentions how Casey is "good with computers". I wondered why of all the things he could say, especially after talking about the smell of the car, he happened to mention that. Casey could very well have been providing "proof" of her job to her folks to keep them off her back.
I so agree with you. I have sat here listening to those questions posed to a family member and frankly, it's difficult to believe that Lee's attorney allowed him to respond to the majority of them. IMO, that deposition was about whether or not this particular ZFG has been slandered, not whether Casey was in Jacksonville or any of the other nonZFG related issues. Lee Anthony came across (to me) as forthright as can be expected of someone who is being asked about things that he only knows second or third hand. This was not KC's trial, where a prosecutor may have a bit more leeway. This was playing to the media's runaway train of minutia masquerading as evidence, in this sorrowful case.

Lee Anthony said that this particular ZFG was NOT the person his sister had identified. That was the only question and answer that was legitimate.
Maybe so, but how would he know that? Because Casey said so? Well, we know how honest she is. Wonder what ZFG Lee was tracking down then?
I can not know that for sure. I just get the impression the later call that JG retracted (sort of) was a set up by KC. She pretended to be talking to Caylee.
Even without the JG point. KC's ohone and computer suggests to me all was well up to 3:00pm.

The thing that throws me for a loop is why call Casey's phone from the house if Casey was in the house? To me that opens up the entire time from the fight to the afternoon computer activity.
LA in his July 29,2009 OCSO Interview:

Page 24 Lines 22-5 and Page 25 Lines 1-7
"So as the officer comes back inside the house when my mother already has the wallet open and is continuing to go through the wallet that's when my mother is showing the officer, "Look, this is my J.C. Penney card that she took from me. Look, this another card that she took from me. But as my uhm mother went to take out my sister's identification from that little sleeved, you know that clear sleeve that you can see through, uhm, immediately the officer's hand went in there and grapped something that was behind that i.d. (identification). It looked to me white like the old style driver's license, or learner's permit or something like that. That's what I assumed. But it struck me and I noticed it because of how quickly the officer went in and grabbed that. Uhm, I couldn't tell you for sure what it that was, but....."

Page 25 Lines 16-20 and 21-4
" ... that the officer grabbed. But if, again I can only attest to I saw one driver's license. It's looks a lot like the newer versions like, you know, mine. It has all those holograms and stuff on it. Uhm, aside from whatever that other more predominately white, I, I'm just calling it..."

"...and i.d. because it was shaped as one and I'm, that's my best guess on what it would have been. But I did not see any other form of identification in there whatsoever."

Could the white i.d. the officer grabbed so quickly be ZFG's driver's license ?
I'll preface my comment by saying I'm more of a GA and CA supporter than many of y'all, and my opinion of LA has really gone downhill since listening to his deposition.

But I had the thought this morning... maybe CA and GA's refusal to be deposed at the present time was strategic. LA went ahead. We knew it would be aired. CA and GA now have time to watch it and match their story to his.
A very good point!
I actually posted my theory along with evidence on January 29th over on my hubby's website


just to see if some one could shoot holes in it or bring more to the table. But I was very fearful of posting here because I really do believe the defense is watching WebSleuths. I don't think the defense is even smart enough to be googling casey returns, so I didn't feel like they would find it over there...although, with it being a conspiracy website, they would have not put much credit into anyway.

I wanted to allow time for LE to do what they needed to do. I also was watching for the birthdate. I think it's been ample time for LE to have requested any info from myspace at this point. But in addition, I felt I was running the risk of the Anthony team finding the site without it being brought to light, and destroying anything that might be valuable there (i.e. Lee and his account deleting tendencies).

I just didn't want it to go away before it's properly been investigated...and hopefully if LE hasn't done so yet, they will now.

Have you found any evidence that ZFG had had any traffic infractions before? The reason I asked is that with KC's age and depending on when she began bar hopping/drinking she could very well have a false ID under that name. So she could have had that ID for a while. But she couldn't give it to an officer at a traffic stop because it would soon be plain that it was false. Your theory that KC was really ZFG is compelling though. And that criminal case could explain the sudden flurry of thefts of higher value. She would need to pay an attorney and the fines.

Why would KC use a false name at a traffic stop? Were there too many infractions on her real license? Was she already at that point trying to establish her identity as ZFG the nanny?
The thing that throws me for a loop is why call Casey's phone from the house if Casey was in the house? To me that opens up the entire time from the fight to the afternoon computer activity.

I see what you are saying. It's almost as if KC was calling her phone in an effort to locate it. From where were these calls placed? Does anyone know?

I have rushed out without my phone before, when in a hurry, and later called my phone from my destination to try and locate it. Computer and cell phone forensics may dispute this so someone please feel free to correct my thought processes here.
Then, maybe, they will be able to tell us why the 22 year old Zenaida Gonzalez who got two traffic tickets in Orlando by an OCSO officer in May 2008 - one for not yielding at an intersection, the other for not have a valid driver's license was able to completely satisfy the ticket for not yielding, but was unable to produce a valid license at the June 11th arraignment for not possessing the license. And maybe they will explain why the payments on the fine for not having a license were kept up until KC went back to jail for good and then this "Zenaida Gonzalez" fell off the face of the earth. Maybe they will explain why, on February 19th, 2009, "Zenaida" didn't show up for her last chance to keep her license and they subsequently issued a court-ordered suspension of that license. Maybe they will explain why in the Florida database this Zenaida Gonzalez has never been able to have her social security number verified in the system...was it because this "Zenaida" is an illegal? or is it because she is somebody else who already has a valid license that has the social security number verified? (like KC). Is it a coincidence that this ZG has an address to a home that is owned by two people whose permanent address is in New York and appears to be a winter home for them, while KC insinuated a possible New York connection?


Thanks for all of your hard work, V. So are you saying that KC was pulled over in May and told officers her name was Zenaida Gonzales, couldn't produce a license, and got ticketed? And she was actually paying the fine?
After reading Valhall's post,

maybe GA just helped somehow afterward?
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