2009.03.05 More Discovery documents released in the Casey Anthony Case

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I totally saw that yesterday, right after the docs came out. I posted on here, but no one ever answered. It literally freaked me out, he said he was looking for Caylee Anthony. For some reason that was one of the first things I read..
I just found it very odd that this was an old friend of KC's, and the tip came from his girl friends mother....wonder who his girlfriend is? or her mother??
I just found it very odd that this was an old friend of KC's, and the tip came from his girl friends mother....wonder who his girlfriend is? or her mother??

I don't know but it just seems off, didn't the report state he had a shovel and everything. Do you think it was one of her junior high friends that claimed they used to hang out back there?
I totally saw that yesterday, right after the docs came out. I posted on here, but no one ever answered. It literally freaked me out, he said he was looking for Caylee Anthony. For some reason that was one of the first things I read..

My brain is overloaded with info, please refresh it....who again is KW? thanks
The HEART we now know is very similar to the one found on the tape is not seen in ANY other photo but this one from KC's Photobucket..WHY?


Photo #3

It's the same photo (1 of 2) first released to the public by the A's..We can see the pillow she's resting her arm on but the HEART is missing..WHY?

On Caylee's Official Myspace page (pics-pg 2-2nd to last) there it is again & again the HEART is missing..WHY?

On the front page they show the huge (heart shaped!) floral arrangement from her memorial..It's the same photo inside & again the HEART is missing..WHY?


The HEART is incriminating so that's WHY! it's missing..KC knew it & then made another version but WHEN? Soon after she killed her OR the day she got busted & needed to produce a photo (s)? LE should know right?
If you go here and back up a few pages, it shows the report from OCSO...then the statements from the people at the school.....can't figure out who KW is, or his girl friend....

I find it hard to believe he would have known KC as he was 33. So he def. didn't go to high school with her...strange. He doesn't have a record in Orange County that I can find yet...he said his girlfriend's mother is a psychic.
Or..She sent the picture to her mother or others but added the heart to her picture in her photobucket. May the media got the photo from grandmother or someone source that didn't have the heart.

This would be very telling because if she put the heart on the duct tape and also put the heart on the picture it shows a similiared between the killer and KC.
I believe it could just be that the internet provider is in Lee's name, not the house. For example, if they have a cable modem, like Comcast, the cable bill would be in Lee's name. Maybe they just never took it out of his name from when he lived there?

I agree, you have two possibilities:

Either it was originally Lee's account which never was changed out of his name,


Casey was at Lee's and using his computer on those days.
Did anyone else here read about KW in the doc dump?? I found it odd....

Back in Dec while I was going through the tip I found KW tip. anybody po-po it.
but I thought it was interesting. here my post dec 26.
I did a post on this dec 24 but TEXROSE don't think it was in the same area
here my post , you can find at docstoc
I wanting to find the tips from the meter guy. So I went back through most of all tips.
I found one that was very interesting.
On 8/18/08(not sure if was the entry date on the date it was call in) a KW called OP said that physic had told him where to look. The police Ofiicer RC went to Site at end Suburban dr. and found decaying plactic bag with clothing and stuffed animals with roots growing through the bag, the officers said the bag has been there a perod of time.
They left the item there. with a report of no follow up.
There was also a email from the police station what did the officers do with the bag. his reply, I left it at the site. Tips 7 tip number was - Caylee-2785If this tipp has been posted I could not find it. I thought it was interesting because it was around the same time the meter guy was calling in his tips. Does anyone konw anything on this tip.
Back in Dec while I was going through the tip I found KW tip. anybody po-po it.
but I thought it was interesting. here my post dec 26.
I did a post on this dec 24 but TEXROSE don't think it was in the same area
here my post , you can find at docstoc
I wanting to find the tips from the meter guy. So I went back through most of all tips.
I found one that was very interesting.
On 8/18/08(not sure if was the entry date on the date it was call in) a KW called OP said that physic had told him where to look. The police Ofiicer RC went to Site at end Suburban dr. and found decaying plactic bag with clothing and stuffed animals with roots growing through the bag, the officers said the bag has been there a perod of time.
They left the item there. with a report of no follow up.
There was also a email from the police station what did the officers do with the bag. his reply, I left it at the site. Tips 7 tip number was - Caylee-2785If this tipp has been posted I could not find it. I thought it was interesting because it was around the same time the meter guy was calling in his tips. Does anyone konw anything on this tip.

WOW..this is getting even more strange. So what the heck happened to the bag of toys he supposidly found, I'm getting confused..again :) I know I heard his name before so it must have been in that document dump.
Back in Dec while I was going through the tip I found KW tip. anybody po-po it.
but I thought it was interesting. here my post dec 26.
I did a post on this dec 24 but TEXROSE don't think it was in the same area
here my post , you can find at docstoc
I wanting to find the tips from the meter guy. So I went back through most of all tips.
I found one that was very interesting.
On 8/18/08(not sure if was the entry date on the date it was call in) a KW called OP said that physic had told him where to look. The police Ofiicer RC went to Site at end Suburban dr. and found decaying plactic bag with clothing and stuffed animals with roots growing through the bag, the officers said the bag has been there a perod of time.
They left the item there. with a report of no follow up.
There was also a email from the police station what did the officers do with the bag. his reply, I left it at the site. Tips 7 tip number was - Caylee-2785If this tipp has been posted I could not find it. I thought it was interesting because it was around the same time the meter guy was calling in his tips. Does anyone konw anything on this tip.

It was OCT when he was seen by the witness so this KW was also there in AUG? In OCT it was stated he "walked the fence line & went behind the fence" into the woods 15-20 yds..It's hard to tell exactly where but it sounds like it may the the exact spot where she was found..In the report it says LE searched "the end of Suburban" but which end?
I read the statement from the witness who observed & talked to the 'mystery' man searching for CA..Is this KW & is there a statement from him? I can't seem to find that..TIA!

You can go to doc stoc under tips. see my post above.
I read the statement from the witness who observed & talked to the 'mystery' man searching for CA..Is this KW & is there a statement from him? I can't seem to find that..TIA!
I do not see his statement anywhere. I do find it odd that one of the people reporting this say he was in his mid 20's, and then he told them that when he was young he use to play with Casey, and his DOB is 78!
Or..She sent the picture to her mother or others but added the heart to her picture in her photobucket. May the media got the photo from grandmother or someone source that didn't have the heart.

This would be very telling because if she put the heart on the duct tape and also put the heart on the picture it shows a similiared between the killer and KC.

I don't know anything about Photobucket so thanks for the info..If she did add the heart after killing her & also after sending the photo to others is this something LE can find out?
fyi the AWI stands for "agency for workforce innovation".
they do provide job training. particularly to people who have been collecting unemployment from them for an extended period of time.

when i lived in orlando several yeas back the company i worked for went out of business suddenly and i collected unemployment benefits for a short period of time. it is said that when you are collecting unemployment, you have to prove that you're looking for a job and if you can't find one that they give you job training or help with job placement, presumably to get you back out into the workforce and off unemployment checks. supposedly at the AWI office there are also job listings from companies that have partnered with them.

i was looking for a very particular type of job to replace my old one, and i found one rather quickly, so i don't really know how all of it works, since i wasn't on unemployment long enough to have to do this.

i'm just remembering from the paperwork way back when.
at the bottom of that report it states hourly wage....looks like they were perhaps seeing how much he was making at a job?? or to look at his job record of earnings ...just my thought on it

I think LE might have been looking for the days/hours he was working. It would have been a point of interest for LE if they were trying to figure out who had access to the computer, who was home when, etc.
You can go to link http://www.docstoc.com/docs/2134065/Caylee-Anthony-tips-7
go to the bottom. it has his number. and the report in August.

Thanks! But now I'm more confused then ever! This says LE went out there in AUG but the witness from the school was told in OCT by KW that when he called back in AUG they didn't want to search. :bang:

Also! The search (that wasn't lol) was at the "end of Suburban Drive" & that sounds like the school area cos the other end is really at the corner of Hopespring so maybe he wasn't in the RIGHT spot like I first thought..That came from reading he walked along the "fence line" & "went behind it into the woods"..There's no fence down the end where the school is or am I wrong about that?
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