2009.03.19 Nancy Grace

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Shaming the boi mom. What I just dont get that. Was it not the mom and the lawyer that brought it to national tv. Did they really think it wouldn't be questioned. We arent just talking RJ being taking away from his dad where talking criminal charges to. Of course there is gonna be hard questions. I actually thought NG did a good job. Im totally for protecting our children from child abuse but Im also against people making false claims. I will wait and see what DCF and the sheriff's office comes up with and make my judgement off of that.
I couldn't believe it when one of her guests said of Jr's bruises that it looked like normal discipline to her (no exact quote). My mouth fell open. Wonder if she picked her child up at day care (hypothetically) and had a bruise like that one, and day care worker said they had disciplined him with a stick, would she do what she had to do to invetigate? We know anyway that NG is the perfect mom and loves her twins more that anyone on the planet. Don't know. :waitasec: Just wondering.

Oooh boy. Imagine being a caregiver to Nancy's twins and she finds the tiniest mark..... :eek:

I Agree... This takes away the REAL issue here Where Is Haleigh:mad:
All of this bad mouthing back and forth about NG is pure hateful.
Pure and simple don't watch if you don't have an open mind..

It sure seems to me the mothers side is the only one doing the bashing.The lawyer and the mom should be doing this behind the scene and not on tv that way the focus would stay where it belongs and thats on the missing child. JMO
If the allegations of abuse is valid, then they should be part of the investigation. I thought LE and the FBI stated that resources weren't a problem with this case?

Suzi any allegation of abuse if valid and should be investigated. LE is investigating these allegations. Common sense would tell us that Putnam County Sheriff's office has finite resourses (resources don't always equal money but people too, they only have five detectives working this case to begin with, I find that a low number myself IMHO).

As for the FBI would they be involved in the investigation of abuse allegations within that county?
Shaming the boi mom. What I just dont get that. Was it not the mom and the lawyer that brought it to national tv. Did they really think it wouldn't be questioned. We arent just talking RJ being taking away from his dad where talking criminal charges to. Of course there is gonna be hard questions. I actually thought NG did a good job. Im totally for protecting our children from child abuse but Im also against people making false claims. I will wait and see what DCF and the sheriff's office comes up with and make my judgement off of that.

I totally agree and it seems that the mom has made many false claims and this is just not the right time for it.IMO
TY CeeKer. Then this Lawyer does have a problem, maybe that's why she's taking it to the media? I dont' know.

If the allegations are correct and Haleigh was being abused then that fact of the timestamps and memory card erasure could possibly prevent this from making to the judge and if the allegations are true, that is a miscarriage of justice for Haleigh.

I'll be rewatching NG and reading the transcripts! :)

I hope I'm right about that!! At this point my brain is fried! I'm not even sure if I heard the lawyer say it on NG or another show or it's in the article but that's the way I thought it went down. Yes in a court of law not being able to document this abuse with some kind of time stamp on the photos coupled with the fact you can't see JRs face would present problems I would surely imagine for the lawyers and be a miscarriage of justice. I don't know what DCF's burden of proof is, but this would surely be a problem in a Court.
It seems to me bio mom is starting to get donations, after all this time she is just now worried about the kids being abused. Seems fishy to me to let the dad have kids for 4 yrs if you feel they are being abused.To me its just to keep money coming in, for such a concerned mother why didnt she try to get her kids back in all these years.School nurse would minimize injuries gotten from the schools monkey bars to cover their own behinds in a lawsuit.The marriage took away from the child but thankfully only a few days,hopefully this will not last long.I believe the mom sees an opportunity to cash in and shes grabbing it.

Bolded by Me
She is getting serious air time. Hair and make-up courtesy of???
Is it me or does NG have a hard on for CS?

It really surprises me actually that she is being so critical of CS & uncritical of Ron. Maybe she looks down on Crystal for losing custody? Maybe she thinks she didn't fight hard enough to keep her babies?? Or see's abused women as weak?

Maybe Ron beat all the fight out of her (CS)?? JMOO

Bolded by me. This is true of Batttered Women's Syndrom. :mad:
My take on NG:

I can't believe that I actually watched her....She is going after Cystal's lawyer simply because the pictures prove nothing and it's taking the focus of Haleigh which should never happen. I won't go into my kids injuries however Haleigh's injury is being made such a big deal about. I predict egg on the lawyers face....

Crystal's lawyer: In it for the publicity. She wants to be one of those talking heads after this is over with. She's playing with the big people now and IMO way out of her element. She is certainly very pretty.

Mark K: Very angry with her and Crystal..very. I have never seen him this angry. IMO they should listen to him.

Other people: Same lines as Mark K. I don't even think that the reporter believes this. He was neutral for both sides. He talked with Ron. Was very positive about what Ron told him.

My Thoughts: What in the h**l are these people thinking??? Jr is in no more danger today than he was 6 months ago! Oh wait, his MOM put him on national TV and let the world know that Jr saw who took his sissy. Why take the focus off from finding Haliegh? From many of the blogs I have read today, this is not looking too good for Crystal's side. Crystal needs to get rid of these people "helping" her!

This case isn't about Ron and Crystal! It's about Haleigh! But because of the antics of the parents that is being lost....sad actually :(
I thought that when I heard on NG about the school and the injury. That if the investigation shows that they did not report it, Crystal has a good civil suit against them. JMHO.

My own experience is if the injury happens at school, the school documents it and notifies the parents or guardian. If a child shows up at school with a suspicious injury, then it's required to be reported to DCF. IDK how it goes in Florida though.
I am a NG fan, but after last night and tonight I am rethinking it. I would have expected her to have more sympathy for a young child with bruises because of a "spanking". That is NOT normal discipline. I get the feeling that we might have some in this small town that "look the other way" and that's just a feeling.
Bolding mine:

Yes I agree Lance, with your statment that I bolded. DCF decides what is abusive and what is not, not NG. But, I was frustrated in another reason, because in my own view this does take the focus off Haleigh (as well as the coverage on the wedding and etc.).

Let me say that I think that we should see NG interviewing LE. They have a spokesperson who speaks to the media, request an interview with him and ask about the dang case. The van, the RSO's etc... something!

I, personally, don't want to see NG take this new lawyer to task. I want to see some investigative reporting going on....to use KC's words "Come' on!" (with my fists clenched and my face pulled out of shape like hers too)

ITA! I feel as if I just watched an hour of mudslinging, nothing on the investigation. If this accusation grows legs, then deal with it, but to spend a whole showing her *advertiser censored** more than usual. I just felt silly for watching it.
Is it me or does NG have a hard on for CS?

It really surprises me actually that she is being so critical of CS & uncritical of Ron. Maybe she looks down on Crystal for losing custody? Maybe she thinks she didn't fight hard enough to keep her babies?? Or see's abused women as weak?

Maybe Ron beat all the fight out of her (CS)?? JMOO

Maybe she has seen proof of a lot of allegations the bio mom has made against the father that were unfounded.Maybe Nancy has a hard time believing Ron abused Crystle because what kind of a mother would let an abusive man raise her children all these years.4 years and she never tried fighting for them what does that say about her?JMO
Nancy doesn't want to be hard on Kim Picazio??? Could have fooled me...

It is my opinion that Nancy Grace would say and do anything just to keep "Ms. Neves" (as Nancy calls her dotingly) on her show on a regular basis. If that means sucking up to Ron or defending him on anything from soup to nuts to even possible child abuse it seems to me that Nancy is doing just that. I've lost a lot of respect for her. She isn't acting any more unbiased than GR is.
I am a NG fan, but after last night and tonight I am rethinking it. I would have expected her to have more sympathy for a young child with bruises because of a "spanking". That is NOT normal discipline. I get the feeling that we might have some in this small town that "look the other way" and that's just a feeling.

That show was just strange.
I'm still in shock over this NG. I have stressed the need to be objective in this case, but what I saw tonight really disappointed me, as a viewer. She was so bent on shaming the bio mom and her lawyer, the lawyer had to repeat the timeline of school, bruise, photo at least four times.
Then, did I hear correctly? The photo did not show the level of abuse NG and THeads found actionable? There were no cigarette burns, severed limbs (I added that) AND I heard Eleanor say the photo NG was holding of Haleigh looked to her like acceptable discipline?
I knew NG was on a mission, but as a viewer who wants ALL the answers, I felt insulted. Especially when NG psychologist mentioned that child abuse can manifest into bed-wetting. I thought Nancy would recall what Misty said about having to wash the blankets the night before...nothing.
What a waste of an hour...huge waste!

(respectfully bolded) That was really surprising to me. I got the impression she was saying that it falls within acceptable limits to bruise a child with a stick. :eek:
It is my opinion that Nancy Grace would say and do anything just to keep "Ms. Neves" (as Nancy calls her dotingly) on her show on a regular basis. If that means sucking up to Ron or defending him on anything from soup to nuts to even possible child abuse it seems to me that Nancy is doing just that. I've lost a lot of respect for her. She isn't acting any more unbiased than GR is.

I'm so glad you said that. She will do whatever it takes to keep getting the plum interviews. That explains alot...
My take on NG:

I can't believe that I actually watched her....She is going after Cystal's lawyer simply because the pictures prove nothing and it's taking the focus of Haleigh which should never happen. I won't go into my kids injuries however Haleigh's injury is being made such a big deal about. I predict egg on the lawyers face....

Crystal's lawyer: In it for the publicity. She wants to be one of those talking heads after this is over with. She's playing with the big people now and IMO way out of her element. She is certainly very pretty.

Mark K: Very angry with her and Crystal..very. I have never seen him this angry. IMO they should listen to him.

Other people: Same lines as Mark K. I don't even think that the reporter believes this. He was neutral for both sides. He talked with Ron. Was very positive about what Ron told him.

My Thoughts: What in the h**l are these people thinking??? Jr is in no more danger today than he was 6 months ago! Oh wait, his MOM put him on national TV and let the world know that Jr saw who took his sissy. Why take the focus off from finding Haliegh? From many of the blogs I have read today, this is not looking too good for Crystal's side. Crystal needs to get rid of these people "helping" her!

This case isn't about Ron and Crystal! It's about Haleigh! But because of the antics of the parents that is being lost....sad actually :(

You said it!!!!!!!!
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