2009.04.02 Nancy Grace

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I think around the time they sent P.I. Casey out to look for Caylee's body. Remember they were supposed to do an exclusive on Nancy Grace about the Meet and Greet and new sightings. That got cancelled.

Instead they did a press conference and the lady from kidfinders talked for them. Cindy was visibly shaken. She looked horrific. She didn't say a word. George got to talk.

Shortly afterwards NeJame quit.
Good point about the timeline when they could've known for sure. I wonder now if the PI actually did see her remains there in the woods (or the bag at least) and just left it there?
So ya'll don't think they knew when GA got the gas cans?
LP said the difference between the river search and screaming at him, and knowing it was Caylee behind their house proves they knew! Agreed!

Actually it proves the Anthony's knew where Caylee was before LP's divers were in the Econ.

Which I think is true. I believe by then the Anthony's had found out not only that Caylee was dead but where she was.

I don't believe when the Anthony's visited Casey when she was in jail previous to her murder 1 arrest, George and Cindy knew where Caylee was.
So ya'll don't think they knew when GA got the gas cans?
I think it was a close call with GA getting near the car trunk, and Casey knew it ~ but ~ I don't think CA would've called 911 on 7/15 if they had known back on 6/24. It seems CA's 911 calls were just about the only unscripted thing coming from the family in this case. MOO
It makes sense! I also think this is when Casey could've made a mad dash to the woods and dumped the body. She almost got busted! MOO

Tony didn't smell anything on June 22.
She may have been dousing the stain with gasoline. In the forensics, it states the levels were extremely high for octane.
Tony didn't smell anything on June 22.
True, but I'm sure she knew her dad would've known exactly what that smell was if he'd gotten too close to the car trunk two days later and that's why she went ballistic with him. MOO
JMO -but I have always thought that GA found caylee that day and helped KC cover up...told LA about it and not CA....until CA had screamed into the phone about the car smelling like a dead body....However she quickly joined the family forces to protect KC..then they began the insane pizza story and ...well we all know the rest of the "fairy tale" ala the A family!

GA wouldn't have left the body right by the Anthony home unburied. He wouldn't have left the tape over Caylee's mouth, the Pooh blanket and stuck Caylee in the Anthony clothes hamper. He wouldn't have marked the gravesite with pavers.

He would have pitched the gas cans and taken the duct tape off of one of them.

P.I. Casey wouldn't have been sent by George and Cindy to the body site with sticks to poke around.

George also knows how to detail cars. Casey's car trunk wouldn't still have Caylee fluid all over it. Casey's pants wouldn't have been left in Casey's back seat for Cindy to later wash.

In short, if George had helped Casey she would have done a better job of cleaning up, found a better burial site and not left behind as much incriminating evidence.

Could someone explain the "DAISY CHAIN" chain to me.. I was in the hospital for a few weeks when this was brought up and I have never been able to get it straight in this thick head of mine. Thanks..

It starts with "once upon a time..."
I think it was a close call with GA getting near the car trunk, and Casey knew it ~ but ~ I don't think CA would've called 911 on 7/15 if they had known back on 6/24. It seems CA's 911 calls were just about the only unscripted thing coming from the family in this case. MOO

Well, that would sound ok if the caller was "normal". But member that CA "only" called 911 when KC told her that she hadn't seen Caylee for 31 days. I think CA's brain moves at a more than average speed and at that time between smelling the car and the 911 call------thangs were turning in her head----gittin all run together. I feel that if she hadn't called at that very moment---she probably wouldn't have called at all.
Good point about the timeline when they could've known for sure. I wonder now if the PI actually did see her remains there in the woods (or the bag at least) and just left it there?

I honestly don't know. But, I will admit to thinking along the same lines as you.
Well, that would sound ok if the caller was "normal". But member that CA "only" called 911 when KC told her that she hadn't seen Caylee for 31 days. I think CA's brain moves at a more than average speed and at that time between smelling the car and the 911 call------thangs were turning in her head----gittin all run together. I feel that if she hadn't called at that very moment---she probably wouldn't have called at all.
I couldn't agree more! :)
True, but I'm sure she knew her dad would've known exactly what that smell was if he'd gotten too close to the car trunk two days later and that's why she went ballistic with him. MOO

Yes, and maybe it thru his brain into a turmoil. KC seems to do that well. Don't you think that he was shocked and maybe that little tid bit went to the shelf in his brain because he had to handle the immediate situation----->temper tantrum. That smell had to register later
Yes, and maybe it thru his brain into a turmoil. KC seems to do that well. Don't you think that he was shocked and maybe that little tid bit went to the shelf in his brain because he had to handle the immediate situation----->temper tantrum. That smell had to register later
I think it's very possible!

I'll see you and everyone else tomorrow ~ same time! Have a good night :seeya:
Maybe this is a tad OT from the current conversation, but it was on NG. The Mudslinging has begun!

My question is what is BC doing out there in the press calling into question witnesses like Kiomarie that are not even a part of his representation?

Mamabear wisely pointed out to me that at least MN had the class to stick to what he was hired to do; represent the interests of GA and CA. I couldn't agree more - he knew enough to keep out of that murder case. Not his client.

BC seems to be in synch with the general behavior of his clients though; they only campaign and advocate for Live Anthonys.
I believe the Anthony's found out where Caylee was around the time they sent P.I. Casey out to look for Caylee's body. Remember they were supposed to do an exclusive on Nancy Grace about the Meet and Greet and new sightings. That got cancelled.

Instead they did a press conference and the lady from kidfinders talked for them. Cindy was visibly shaken. She looked horrific. She didn't say a word. George got to talk.

Shortly afterwards NeJame quit.

And yes, after the Anthony's knew Caylee was dead they continued to go on national television and report Caylee sightings.

You know, I hadn't put that together, Jolynna, but I believe you are right on the money with this. Cindy did definitely do a nosedive at that time. She suddenly looked and acted like she had been punched in the gut - hard. Now that you point it out, I remember thinking she must have found out something really bad, but of course none of us had any idea what was going on with Dominic and searching that area. Now you point it out, it all falls into place and makes perfect sense.

Thank you for putting this together for us.
I still believe Kio even if she sold her story, everyone profitted from this horror.
And they will all keep profitting for years to come.
Imagine, we are only seeing the TIP of the iceberg!
The trial will be longer than OJ's..................
I hope CA shares a jail cell with her lovely daughter! IMOO

and George and Lee ..

:behindbar :behindbar :behindbar :behindbar
I believe the Anthony's found out where Caylee was around the time they sent P.I. Casey out to look for Caylee's body. Remember they were supposed to do an exclusive on Nancy Grace about the Meet and Greet and new sightings. That got cancelled.

Instead they did a press conference and the lady from kidfinders talked for them. Cindy was visibly shaken. She looked horrific. She didn't say a word. George got to talk.

Shortly afterwards NeJame quit.

And yes, after the Anthony's knew Caylee was dead they continued to go on national television and report Caylee sightings.

and they do that until the body was finally found, then they suddenly want immunity.

all of what you said fits perfectly!
Just imagine what how YOU would react if YOU were in the A's shoes? Would YOU be sitting with ANY people eating a meal? I'd be at the scene or curled up in a ball in a corner crying for my granddaughter. That's what a juror would be thinking.

:blowkiss: Yep!
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