2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition #2

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Makes you wonder if BC was letting the A's dig their own graves, either because he is in this for himself and fame or, he has had enough of them and is in enough trouble or, he was letting them bash JM by proxy because he wanted to.

LA's attorney did a LOT better job of directing LA than BC did for the A's yet BC seems a lot stronger/better. My estimation of BC started high but it cannot get much lower, he seems like a JB.

BC did not do his clients any favors by not intervening and directing them better -- guess he did not want to play with 'fire' on video.

I thought BC's representation of C & G was apallingly bad. I had expected him to do well because he had been a candidate for an Orange County Judgeship previously. Good lord - do they nominate themselves? Anyone with a nodding acquaintance of deposition rules could have done better in guiding their expectations.
I'm not sure where to put this post so I'll try here first.

CA states in depo that she got home from Mt. Dora with Caylee on the 15th somewhere around 4, b/c she remembers feeding Caylee dinner and then they both got in the pool. She says that KC came home while they were in the pool but that she told her not to get in, b/c the sun was going down, it was getting chilly so they were getting out. Ok isn't the middle of June when the days are longest? The sun doesn't go down until like 8:45 or so? So then does that mean that KC came home around 8:30, CA/Caylee get out of pool, then the mysterious fight must have happened - after 8:30 going on 9:00? Thats info we didn't have before right? I need to check the ping and phone records to see if there is a break around that time due the the argument. Anyway what I'm asking is about the time, do I have the time right? Would 8:45 to 9:00 pm be about the time the sun would set on June 15th in Florida?

Next thing is, CA says that at one time prior to June 15, 2008 that RM lived at Sawgrass apts. I am not remembering this, didn't he live on Greenwood Ave with AH and JPC? Anyone remember? Thanks

I'm glad you brought this up DG....after these depos I'm no longer convinced, well I guess I never really believed this but, I doubt that KC and Caylee really left the next day like GA & CA claim. It makes no sense that after such a hostile evening that they would remain at the home. I'm sure this belongs on another thread, but I don't believe GA anymore. He clearly will do anything now to keep his family together including drinking the punch introveinously.
ITA. I am so frustrated at the idea that the questions were not relevant. The talking heads can't even get this one right. IMO the point is that WE KNOW the Anthony's don't believe there ever was a Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales. WE KNOW IT! I'm puzzled that people believe that they believe the Zanny the Nanny story. Nothing in their behavior backs it up. This is why in the civil case they are trying to solicite statements from them that "prove" they did not believe there was another person named "Zenaida" or "Zanny" or whatever. That is crucial to the defamation case because in lighto f evidence that there was no nanny they continued to perpetuate and probably "fabricate" the myth to protect KC. This kept Zenaida in the spotlight and kept the defamation alive when the Anthony's SHOULD have been forthcoming with the TRUTH. So my questoin is...if they really claim to believe there was a nanny, that JG or AH is "the nanny" (based on KC code) then why would they be running around the country searching for Caylee when JG and AH were still in Florida? aaaaaaaaaaaaa, its already making my ears bleed today!!!!!!

ahhh, there you are! :clap:
my bold

ITA! Seeing her come back wearing the microphone made my day!

And when does Cindy NOT complain about being tired? Every time she's interviewed and even at the bond hearing she claims she's tired! Does she think that gives her an excuse to perjure herself?

I think you may be onto something. When they use the deposition at trial and prove she lied, she'll just say she was tired.
I was wondering how the sort of behavior is treated in civil depositions in FL? I mean she certainly did not answer the Plaintiff's questions. She was hostile abusive and interogative to the attorney. It is a good thing they did film the whole thing otherwise noone would have ever believed it.

But it is obvious that the Plaintiff's reasonable questions were not answered. They still exist, and the lawyer has indicated that he is going to ask that they be depossed again. Once the judge get one look at the antics what will happen? can the Plaintiff ask that the next depositions be done in open court under the eye of the judge in order to compel and control the witness?

Also at what point do CA and GA's antics rise to the level of deliberate obstruction and or accesoy to murder?

personally I hope the Judge does veiw it and tells them to go ahead...but this time---NO GUM!!!!!:furious:
...anyone else notice how defensive Cindy became over any of the questions regarding why she did not call the police earlier than the did?
Half way through #6.
I've just watched Cindy's civil depo and as I said on the GA thread I'm glad I got to watch the whole thing without all the spin doctor talking heads and the various talk shows on HLN showing snippets - and of course they picked the most unflattering ones to air on tv - of CA and GA.

As much as I may not like CA - and I don't think CA or GA had anything to do with Caylee's murder - I can see CA and GA's viewpoint that the ZG lawsuit is frivolous in their minds. Their daughter is charged with their granddaughter's murder and I don't think that they are going to help John Morgan any more than they have to before there's a criminal trial.

I also appreciate that John Morgan's law firm has put the civil depos on their website forthepeople.com and that anyone can look or download the videoclips or download the transcripts for free, but let's get real.

John Morgan is the real winner here IMO. He and his law firm get free publicity on national cable talk shows, his website probably is getting thousands of hits which undoubtedly will produce more clients down the road. The free publicity is priceless or at least it's worth a lot more than $15,000 dollars.

His website has blurbs that his firm has won civil verdicts and settlements in the millions of dollars. And ZG's lawsuit is for $15,000 dollars? Why doesn't he just give her $15,000 dollars now? And find her a home and a job? Her name has been cleared in the media already. Is there anyone who believes now that ZG is the same person that Casey talked about in her statements to LE?

Ummmm. NO! because there was no nanny.
It's late, but I've gotta get this thought out there. It's so late, I can't even cite a specific instance, but I'm sure you'll think of several.

I found it odd that Cindy could spout off page numbers in discovery and dates of events she thought were beneficial to the defense, yet when asked some even mundane questions, she, um, couldn't recall.

OH YES!! especially the address's and phone numbers of ZG. This is the person that led to her grandaughter's death! those numbers should have been burned into her selective memory for life. she should have tried to call at least the last one that KC gave her. Grrrrr

lol- I know! The only fools in those rooms were the Anthony's and they made themselves look that way.

I'll say this again- If JoseB had simply NOT filed a counter-suit against Zanadia NONE of these depositions would have taken place so for all those who insist on defending these lunatics and blaming everyone else, perhaps you should look once again at CASEY for the reason these questions, these depos took place.
Denial is so much easier though, isn't it?
Anyone else see this happening again in a few months when the Puerto Rican ZFG files a similar suit? I can picture it:

Deposing atty: Mrs. Anthony, did you or did you not state that your PI's were WATCHING my client and had been for a time, KNOWING that there was NO EVIDENCE that your daughter knew anyone with this name?
Cindy: Just because I said it doesn't mean anything. I didn't mean it. I was tired, and this is not relevant."

Another thing I find interesting, that I would LOVE to get the answer to, If the Anthony's were paying out of pocket for this person watching ZFG in PR, would he even be watching ZFG in PR?

I can't see them paying for anything we know (and they know) is an out and out LIE!!
Or he has given up, he knows a lost cause when it bites him on the azz.

I would have thought he would have went into hiding after Thursday, not being on morning TV to act like his clients did right, did good, etc. That on top of his performance at the depo tells me all I need to know about BC.
Cindy said "someone saw where KC said Caylee was close" Cindy contends that someone just put here threre after they saw/heard KC say this... So this means that the perp just HAPPEND to put Caylee's remains in the EXACT spot where the PI's went looking a month earlier.. what a freakin coincidence.
I was wondering how the sort of behavior is treated in civil depositions in FL? I mean she certainly did not answer the Plaintiff's questions. She was hostile abusive and interogative to the attorney. It is a good thing they did film the whole thing otherwise noone would have ever believed it.

But it is obvious that the Plaintiff's reasonable questions were not answered. They still exist, and the lawyer has indicated that he is going to ask that they be depossed again. Once the judge get one look at the antics what will happen? can the Plaintiff ask that the next depositions be done in open court under the eye of the judge in order to compel and control the witness?

Also at what point do CA and GA's antics rise to the level of deliberate obstruction and or accesoy to murder?

Wouldn't that be awsome !! I would love to see thier performance in front of a judge.
B]I will probably have daggers thrown my way for this post... but, I feel it needs to be said ~ [/B]

My emotional mind is appalled at the anger the A's displayed... HOWEVER~ They DID NOT MURDER their darling grand-daughter. so much hatred is spewed their way. ( close to what Casey receives IMO..)

My logical mind ~ I believe their anger stems from this: In no way do THEY want to be responsible for putting their daughter away for murder. I don't care what anyone else thinks about this... THEY don't want to be responsible for it. PERIOD. They are mad because they have to make statements in a deposition for what THEY believe is a frivolous defamation case... BEFORE the murder trial. ( which I bet can be used against Casey in the murder trial (??) ). We may not like it.. but I definately don't think they deserve the hatred they are given for staying with their daughter in this. How can any of us know what this contridiction can mean... losing your grand-daughter .. due to your daughter. It has to make you crazy.

I AM NOT SAYING they should hide anything.. however, I believe the line of questioning was out of line for a defamation case. If this were the murder trial I WOULD HAVE A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT OPINION.

They are treated horribly in the media, and having watched a friend who's daughter killed her husband.. I know first hand the pain between your loss & the love for a daughter.

The burden that has fallen on these two is unimaginable and I think someone needs to address the fact that they are on the hot coals... not Casey, where it truly belongs.

I say cut them a LITTLE slack. It was a defamation case... not THE murder trial. They DO believe Casey for whatever reason they HAVE to. We may not like it.. but THEY DID NOT KILL THAT BEAUTIFUL LITTLE GIRL...

They State does not need them to convict Casey.. I say for now.. until trial ..leave them alone in their pain.

IMO of course...

I used to feel this way about the Anthony's. Not any more. The sad truth is that people murder other people everyday; it’s even more horrific when the victim is a defenseless child. Since this case was brought to the mass media, there have been a number of cases where children have also gone missing. Some, sadly, were later found to be murdered. I can’t recall another recent family (other than the Haleigh C. case, which is also filled with bizarre statements) of a missing or murdered child where the family has become so vilified by the public and the media.

Not many would deny the Anthony’s their grief, which must be unimaginable, but, IMO, they are the root cause for all of the negative attention they receive. Yes, it’s their business if they choose to stand by their daughter, but all four of them try my patience with their nonsense talk and unwavering opposing positions about true facts we now know about this case. The fact that they appear to be less than truthful and uncooperative could be interpreted as - they don’t want the truth to come out. This alone will never sit well with me. It’s about justice and sympathy for Caylee, not CA, GA, LA or Casey. The true facts will speak for themselves at trial.

As for the media frenzy treatment, where the Anthony’s every word or action is caught on tape – IMO, it’s because the entire horrific story is filled with drama at every turn, and, frankly, almost all of their behavior, in front of a camera they know is there, is bizarre. Perhaps it’s because society expects them to act a certain way, and they have not met our expectations.
I just want to say that I'm so proud of CA!
She sat there and answered questions that had nothing to do with the ZG case, and she took it, and she took it. The threats of contempt of court. The repeating the same questions again and again, wearing her down. Grilling is the word! Big shots with all the power. HA
She has the worst atty on the face of the earth. All three attys made me sick, attys like them give the whole lot a bad name. imo
LE will use this to find out how to work her against her daughter in her coming trial.
But in the end of the deposition, CA smack em down.
Good for her.
Congrats CA. I'm proud of you!!!
They looked menacing, but you made em look like fools.
You go girl!

Oh my! WoW!
For once, I am speechless.:silenced::shutup::elfroll:
I used to feel this way about the Anthony's. Not any more. The sad truth is that people murder other people everyday; it’s even more horrific when the victim is a defenseless child. Since this case was brought to the mass media, there have been a number of cases where children have also gone missing. Some, sadly, where later found to be murdered. I can’t recall another recent family (other than the Haleigh C. case, which is also filled with bizarre statements) of a missing or murdered child where the family has become so vilified by the public and the media.

Not many would deny the Anthony’s their grief, which must be unimaginable, but, IMO, they are the root cause for all of the negative attention they receive. Yes, it’s their business if they choose to stand by their daughter, but all four of them try my patience with their nonsense talk and unwavering opposing positions about true facts we now know about this case. The fact that they appear to be less than truthful and uncooperative could be interpreted as - they don’t want the truth to come out. This alone will never sit well with me. It’s about justice and sympathy for Caylee, not CA, GA, LA or Casey. The true facts will speak for themselves at trial.

As for the media frenzy treatment, where the Anthony’s every word or action is caught on tape – IMO, it’s because the entire horrific story is filled with drama at every turn, and, frankly, almost all of their behavior, in front of a camera they know is there is bizarre. Perhaps it’s because society expects them to act a certain way, and they have not met our expectations.

Sooo well said.:clap::clap::clap:
I'm not sure where to put this post so I'll try here first.

CA states in depo that she got home from Mt. Dora with Caylee on the 15th somewhere around 4, b/c she remembers feeding Caylee dinner and then they both got in the pool. She says that KC came home while they were in the pool but that she told her not to get in, b/c the sun was going down, it was getting chilly so they were getting out. Ok isn't the middle of June when the days are longest? The sun doesn't go down until like 8:45 or so? So then does that mean that KC came home around 8:30, CA/Caylee get out of pool, then the mysterious fight must have happened - after 8:30 going on 9:00? Thats info we didn't have before right? I need to check the ping and phone records to see if there is a break around that time due the the argument. Anyway what I'm asking is about the time, do I have the time right? Would 8:45 to 9:00 pm be about the time the sun would set on June 15th in Florida?

Next thing is, CA says that at one time prior to June 15, 2008 that RM lived at Sawgrass apts. I am not remembering this, didn't he live on Greenwood Ave with AH and JPC? Anyone remember? Thanks

We've always had a swimming pool and we started out with a 4ft. above ground one. At that time, we had trees around that would block the sun out of the pool area at around 5:30 - 6 PM every evening and it would start getting chilly after that.

I'd be curious to know how the trees that they have (and they did have some - I just checked some photos), played out where the pool was concerned.
Question for our legal eagles.

We know this kind of behavior would never fly in a courtroom and would end up with CA in cuffs heading for the lockup on a contempt charge. My question is, can Morgan or Mittnik go to Judge Rodriguez and ask them to find CA in contempt? Or does that behavior have to take place in front of the judge?

If she had walked out they would have found her in contempt.

Judge R does not suffer fools lightly, but I wonder if he would have found the atty's to be a little heavy handed. In these eyes of the law these two are still only witnesses and victims as well. At least until the perjury charges come down!!
I just finished the videos and I have to be honest and say I did not see any of the outword signs of over-using (abusing) Benzo's. Though it does seem, to me, that between #3 and #4 there is a noteworthy difference in her eyes and how she holds herself- watching just these videos (when she was on TV every night earlier in the case it was easy to put it together) isn't enough for me to be able to recognize exactly what the difference is or what's causing it. She very well may have taken a Klonopin (or Xanax if her Benzo has been switched) during the break but she (IMO) didn't take 3 of them and she didn't wash it down with alcohol.

She seems OK to me, I think her anger is keeping her that way. Again, I am not a doctor or "qualified" in any such way. I'm just an addict who's drug of choice was Benzo's. So take my opinion on this matter for what it's worth to ya.. if it's worth nothing to you, feel free to ignore me. :)
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