2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition #2

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Sorry, that was a "zinger" question that JM asked. It was rude and "cute" and sarcastic. Totally uncalled for. Very tabloid. He should have been above asking such things.

You all know what I think of the attorneys' performances. I made comments about the deponents CA and GA without having seen the depo videos, having only quickly read the first draft transcripts. I was WRONG in those comments about CA's testimony and behavior. (I haven't done GA's yet, so I don't know)

I admit when I am wrong and I am apologizing to everyone here for telling you my opinion before I had done my homework. To go line by line through the depo and explain everything would take days, so please understand that I will not do that unless someone is paying me. (lol) So, take it for what it is worth to you.

CA you did great. Your behavior was not outrageous under the circumstances and your aggravation with the poorly prepared and worded questions was understandable.

I gotta say, after watching the depo, it made me want to go down to Orlando and offer my services for free. I am thinking of writing a letter to CA to apologize, even though she doesn't know that I judged her before seeing or hearing the evidence.

I can't beleive I was so slack as to make a comment without having witnessed the event. Shame on me.
Yes, it was a zinger question, but entirely appropriate. In order to prevail on her lawsuit ZG has to establish that she did not commit the crime. She is entitled to do that by showing that someone else did it. That question clearly goes to whether or not KC did it. The statement "She's close to home" is powerful evidence that KC committed the crime. Perhaps KC explained it away to CA or GA? That would make it relevant to their depositions. And, in fact, CA testified KC did so. (Altho I doubt the testimony). I just don't see anyway else he could have asked it and gotten the response he was after. And, as you know, it is his job, to get the answers he is after. It's called depo strategy and he wouldn't be a good lawyer if he didn't use it. PS Don't feel bad that you jumped the gun before you watched the depos, all of us do things like that every so often.
Cindy's biggest problem, IMO, is that she can't keep her lies straight.. she can't remember which lies she told which people so she makes up another one, hoping it's pretty close to what she told you before. Then if/when she is confronted (this has happened with Cindy) with her lies, she'll look you dead in the eye and tell you YOU are mistaken, that she NEVER said that, you don't know what the he!! you are talking about! And the saddest part is that her outrage is actually REAL.
You are absolutely right. I think the line between she and KC and it's a very thin line.... is that KC has "nerve" (and I think would do it again if let out of jail). So sad....
Sorry, that was a "zinger" question that JM asked. It was rude and "cute" and sarcastic. Totally uncalled for. Very tabloid. He should have been above asking such things.

You all know what I think of the attorneys' performances. I made comments about the deponents CA and GA without having seen the depo videos, having only quickly read the first draft transcripts. I was WRONG in those comments about CA's testimony and behavior. (I haven't done GA's yet, so I don't know)

I admit when I am wrong and I am apologizing to everyone here for telling you my opinion before I had done my homework. To go line by line through the depo and explain everything would take days, so please understand that I will not do that unless someone is paying me. (lol) So, take it for what it is worth to you.

CA you did great. Your behavior was not outrageous under the circumstances and your aggravation with the poorly prepared and worded questions was understandable.

I gotta say, after watching the depo, it made me want to go down to Orlando and offer my services for free. I am thinking of writing a letter to CA to apologize, even though she doesn't know that I judged her before seeing or hearing the evidence.

I can't beleive I was so slack as to make a comment without having witnessed the event. Shame on me.

what services would you offer?
Sorry, that was a "zinger" question that JM asked. It was rude and "cute" and sarcastic. Totally uncalled for. Very tabloid. He should have been above asking such things.

You all know what I think of the attorneys' performances. I made comments about the deponents CA and GA without having seen the depo videos, having only quickly read the first draft transcripts. I was WRONG in those comments about CA's testimony and behavior. (I haven't done GA's yet, so I don't know)

I admit when I am wrong and I am apologizing to everyone here for telling you my opinion before I had done my homework. To go line by line through the depo and explain everything would take days, so please understand that I will not do that unless someone is paying me. (lol) So, take it for what it is worth to you.

CA you did great. Your behavior was not outrageous under the circumstances and your aggravation with the poorly prepared and worded questions was understandable.

I gotta say, after watching the depo, it made me want to go down to Orlando and offer my services for free. I am thinking of writing a letter to CA to apologize, even though she doesn't know that I judged her before seeing or hearing the evidence.

I can't beleive I was so slack as to make a comment without having witnessed the event. Shame on me.

As I said earlier, I respect your opinion, but on this one I disagree entirely.

I hope you don't offer your services, as it would be unfortunate to hear you do 100% turn-around after being exposed to Cindy in an even less formal venue, which is what I believe would happen.

I commend you for your bravery. Got Kevlar? :wink:
Just finished parts 4 and 5. Good grief, this woman is a menace. My favorite part was when she demanded that JM answer the question. I don't know that I have ever witnessed such arrogance. Trial should be quite interesting. Where's the Tylenol?

ETA: NO ONE can bridle this wild woman. My opinion.
Curious, did you also think CA did a great job when she said that her MySpace posting titled "My Caylee is Missing" didn't mean that her Caylee was missing?

I've often enjoyed many of your posts, so perhaps offer up more examples for discussion purposes, because so far, I am not finding a point on which we agree on this one.

Personally, I think CA wrote that title as if Caylee was missing from CA's life... not that she believed Caylee was MISSING from everyone...

I think that was pretty obvious. :bang:
Yep, and although she had the numbers and addresses when Casey wouldn't take her to Zanny's apartment Cindy instead drove to the police station. Now then, if she had the address and phone number please explain why she didn't just call or go over herself?

The part about the number for the babysitter really got me. And the part about Caylee mentioning "Zanny's dog"...I think she wanted to try to say that Caylee was another person who "knew Zanny." Unbelievable. I was thinking during this part of testimony, does she not realize how ridiculous she looks? I was a single parent and my mom watched my kids when they were little while I worked. When she couldn't watch them, I had a babysitter, and my mom knew her very well.. and had her phone number too :) My mom picked my children up sometimes for me when I had to work late. There was no question as to whether my mom had her phone number or knew the location of the babysitter. I'm sorry, CA looked like a complete idiot answering questions as a grandmother (who took care of Caylee 99% of the time) giving information about Caylee's babysitter.
Just finished parts 4 and 5. Good grief, this woman is a menace. My favorite part was when she demanded that JM answer the question. I don't know that I have ever witnessed such arrogance. Trial should be quite interesting. Where's the Tylenol?

ETA: NO ONE can bridle this wild woman. My opinion.

ITA. My favorite was when she told him to raise his hand when he finished the question.
Personally, I think CA wrote that title as if Caylee was missing from CA's life... not that she believed Caylee was MISSING from everyone...

I think that was pretty obvious. :bang:

LOL! I don't mind the Luser smiley.

I understand your viewpoint, but I think there is a case to be made that it was evident earlier than July 15th to CA at least that things were very, very wrong between she & Casey.
Just finished parts 2 and 3. Cindy constantly over talks Mitnick's (?) questioning, not allowing him to complete the question. She then accuses him of not being specific, and being condescending toward her (that floored me - he couldn't have been more patient or polite with her - she was the one being arrogant and condescending.) I was impressed with his focus and sharp mind. BC wasn't much help. MOO.

I agree. I think both she and George worked themselves into a fit of righteous indignation before the deposition. They both looked like two kegs of dynamite just waiting for the fuses to be lit...smouldering...smouldering.
LOL! I don't mind the Luser smiley.

I understand your viewpoint, but I think there is a case to be made that it was evident earlier than July 15th to CA at least that things were very, very wrong between she & Casey.

I agree....
Yep, and although she had the numbers and addresses when Casey wouldn't take her to Zanny's apartment Cindy instead drove to the police station. Now then, if she had the address and phone number please explain why she didn't just call or go over herself?


Excellent point. Excellent.
The part about the number for the babysitter really got me. And the part about Caylee mentioning "Zanny's dog"...I think she wanted to try to say that Caylee was another person who "knew Zanny." Unbelievable. I was thinking during this part of testimony, does she not realize how ridiculous she looks? I was a single parent and my mom watched my kids when they were little while I worked. When she couldn't watch them, I had a babysitter, and my mom knew her very well.. and had her phone number too :) My mom picked my children up sometimes for me when I had to work late. There was no question as to whether my mom had her phone number or knew the location of the babysitter. I'm sorry, CA looked like a complete idiot answering questions as a grandmother (who took care of Caylee 99% of the time) giving information about Caylee's babysitter.

That part has always resonated with me, as well. My parents always had sitter, pre-school, day care names, numbers and addresses. And like yours, they knew all of her care-givers quite well.

I've always had trouble reconciling that part of their story. How can such involved Grand-parents be so uninvolved at the same time?
Personally, I think CA wrote that title as if Caylee was missing from CA's life... not that she believed Caylee was MISSING from everyone...

I think that was pretty obvious. :bang:

I totally agree. She made it clear in her post that she felt Casey was punishing her by keeping Caylee away. At the time she had no reason to think Casey would harm Caylee.
CA you did great. Your behavior was not outrageous under the circumstances and your aggravation with the poorly prepared and worded questions was understandable.

I gotta say, after watching the depo, it made me want to go down to Orlando and offer my services for free. I am thinking of writing a letter to CA to apologize, even though she doesn't know that I judged her before seeing or hearing the evidence.

I can't beleive I was so slack as to make a comment without having witnessed the event. Shame on me.

Wow! Disagree big time. I think the questions could have spilled forth from the lips of honeyed angels and she still would've been ticked off. She's an angry, angry woman.
This woman is a piece of work. She will be the gift that keeps on giving for any lawyer who has her on the stand either trying to convict her daughter of murder or in a civil suit against her daughter or her family. The jury will listen to her for an hour and vote to convict her...even if there's no case against her! She is mean, surly, seething, unpleasant, vindictive and unsympathetic to the max. All the prosecution or ZFG's guys have to do is put her up there and cross examin her. They don't need Casey or a shovel because Cindy as a witness for Casey in any proceeding against Casey will bury Casey down deep and dirty. It's been said here before many, many times, but it's true. The apple didn't fall out of the orchard!

If Baez is forced to trial and doesn't use this woman as an excuse for his client's bad behavior by showing the jury what it must have been to live under her thumb, he's missing his best chance.
testing 1, 2, 3

I just wrote a whole lot about her depo now that I have actually seen it.

I've changed my mind completely.

I am too tired to write it all again.

She did great.

The plaintiffs lawyers were idiots.

Re my bold. In Texas, lawyers like Morgan who act kind of polite and flustered, and who speak with a twang, would be called, "good ol' boys." In Texas, these "good ol' boy" lawyers will peal you like an apple when they're ready and neatly core the opposing counsel while you watch. And if one of these "good ol' boy lawyers" also happens to be wearing a ghastly string tie and well-worn cowboy boots along with his suit and shirt, you should consider dropping your lawsuit forthwith and getting the h@ll outta Dodge City while you still have your horse and saddle and the fillings in your teeth. LOL

Not saying JM and his sidekick fall into this dangerous "good ol' boy" lawyer category, but I'm not saying they don't, either.
I'm curious. Did you get the same impression that it was new to him?

I did, Tater, but at the same time, I can't believe it actually was new to him. I assumed he was re-reading it to see what else in that document, if anything, might vindicate her or incriminate her next.
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