2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition

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Did you mean BC? I would not have been in BC's shoes today for all the rice in China. No doubt, he earned his pay for the day.

with the exception he has stated he is "pro-bono"----:bang:
now if we could just figure out which one !!

I have read most of the posts here and agree with everyone - these people are most definitely loonie toonies !! Just some random thoughts.

I am local and have lived in Orlando for 30 years now. Have never heard of JB or BC prior to this fiasco so, talk about your 15 minutes of fame, they both certainly walked right into it as attorneys. Trouble is, they sure as h#%* didn't know what they were getting in return. JM and his group have been here forever - call them ambulance chasers (CA) and whatever you may, they have a very large firm and a very large reputation to go with it. Unfortunately, neither of these two clowns (GA/CA) took this deposition seriously. Fact is, under oath is under oath !! BC probably went home last night and googled "damage control" like a mad man and poor JB was probably having a stroke !!

They think this depo was cruel to them, wait until the SA's office gets them by the seat of their pants. I can see it now - "He better stop Judge Strickland, one more question and I'm leaving ... I'm leaving, I'm walking out". Then, of course, CA will remind them of her law degree and how smart and prepared she is - heck, tot mom should just fire JB now and let CA take over her defense. I love it when she was throwing around the "discovery" word, "it was in the discovery" - here's some words she needs to add to her law vocabulary - "perjury, conviction, hostile witness." Ever since she started her "TV career" you notice how she walks around with her clipboard or her papers and, naturally, her mouth full of chewing gum !!

After seeing this train wreck, CA better start lovin' that cell she's in cuz it looks like it's gonna be home for a long time to come. Heck, maybe mama can move in next door and they can take up where they left off.

In all seriousness, may that dear little angel rest in peace and thank God for the SA's office and LE because, without them, it appears to me that no one would be standing up for that poor little girl.
WOW they are so defensive. Why cant they just answer the questions, without the smirks and rudeness?????

I saw KC in GA today.
Sure does, especially if she's drinking while on 'em or taking the Soma or darvocet with 'em... Mixing that makes ya wanna fight yourSELF.
This has not been my experience at all. Benzodiazepines + alcohol and/or relaxants do not create combativeness, as a rule. They produce somnolence or lassitude. I didn't see any indication that Cindy Anthony was anything other than enraged yesterday. If she's on any meds, her dosages need to be adjusted, because they sure as aren't doing their job!

George's mouth movements, however, made me wonder whether he's taking an antipsychotic.
My head is spinning and I feel sick...I can't believe the arguing with the lawyers...will CA do that with the Judge...

Can you imagine her telling Judge Strickland not to talk to her that way....:bang:
There is no doubt that this entire family has a BIG problem with being "truthful". I don't think any of them have ever been truthful with each other, and now they continue to spew their lies into the general public. Once KC's trial is over, she is convicted and sentenced to life in an 8 x 10 cell, I think the rest of the family should move far, far away...they will never have peace because they refuse to show the compassion that SHOULD be there for this precious child!
this is what i got from the depo:

it was very obvious GA and CA discussed how they would act
i was very surprised at GA, it was like he was another person--their attitudes were "i can't believe they made us come here so shortly after Caylee's memorial to answer these stupid questions"
i used to think george was ok, but now i don't (believe KC and believing there is a "zany" is just like saying aliens did it)
their attitude was "we don't owe you anything, we are doing YOU a favour and YOU are wasting OUR time)
yesterday's depo, with the gum chewing and the head waving and the attitudes just floored me....
seriously, do they not have any respect for the LAW? for the JUSTICE SYSTEM???
and the way CA treated zenaida gonzalez...omg....that is the worst part! rudeness !!!!

OT: when i was 18 my best friend at the time got caught running a red, i was with her and she decided to fight it we went to court, naturally i had to testify....omg i was so nervous!!!! i was scared! LOL--because i knew this was serious (being in court etc)
why is it not serious for the anthony's???????
Do you think Cindy gave one single thought that her poor, dear mother, Shirley would be watching her on TV?
There is no doubt that the fiasco of the recorded depositions of GA and CA put their whole family in deep yogurt yesterday. The way CA interrupts and attempts to take over the questioning by firing her own questions absolutely WILL NOT be tolerated in a courtroom. She will be held in contempt. And I do feel that any judge would have her hauled out of the courtroom, most likely kicking and screaming like a banshee.

For all the control that Cindy feels she exerts, in all actuality she has absolutely no control over herself. As for George, well, he is as transparent as plastic wrap. The combination of those two is an embarassment to their family - mainly Caylee. I felt sympathy for them until I actually saw the emergence of their personalities yesterday. No sympathy now. No respect now.

Folks, this is gonna be a looooooong trial...........................
She was very crafty if you go back and listen carefully to that she never did actually admit that she gave LE the addresses or the numbers. She was very sneaky about that one.

Several things stood out to me.
1.) George and Cindy rehearsed together very well.
2.) George was instructed BY Cindy not to tell them anything, she would answer the questions and he should just keep his mouth shut and I am putting this camera on you to make sure I know exactly what you said, even when THEY turned THEIR camera OFF! so don't try to be sneaky!
3.) George and Cindy HAD obviously discussed Zenaida-as they both said she was a 10! What the hell does that mean and why have we not heard that before?
4.) Cindy knows everything and George knows (pretends to know and under oath mind you!:eek:) nothing about anything. He lives in the house with these people and yet knows nothing of their comings and goings and yet Cindy knows every minute detail, although SHE is the one gone all the time working!
5.) At one point when Cindy stated she did not know where here husband was working last year (2008) my 17 year old was sitting here beside of me and I said, You know what I can't remember where my husband worked last year...he had several jobs!We both instantly agreed and said RIGHT! I remember every job my hubby ever did, and since he is into property maintenance he has had quite a few. THAT is not something that I would think would just slip your mind.
6.) Cindy revealed quite a few lies that George told while under oath and Cindy lied quite a few times herself. Did I say QUITE A FEW TIMES? Well, although that is what I SAID that is NOT what that MEANS! another great Cindyism! What I say is never what I mean.
7.) Casey's friends volunteered to watch Caylee for free.
8.) She does not know if Casey had to pay Zenaida, nor does she know if Casey paid any of her other friends who watched Caylee, she did not after all interview them to find out! for heavens sake.
9.) Casey's friends VOLUNTEERED to watch Caylee... did I say that already? Yep-one of the many instant discrepancies.:bang::bang:

These guys are wicked good!

When Cindy stated that lots of people watched Caylee,so many that she didn't know half of them that amazed me. As a grandmother I would have been furious that my grandchild was being passed around like a rubber ball.
I haven't read all of this thread yet, but I just want to say I'm in shock at the behavior of these people. A standard yes or no answer and then a refusal to answer certain questions would have been much more acceptable than what we saw here. Did their attorney BC not prepare them for this depo? They acted as if they had no clue (a KC term) what to expect.

You have CA trying to control the whole deposition, even telling her attorney when she thought something was irrelevant and then expounding on every answer! She would NOT shut up! BC had to literally hold her hand to get her through parts of this depo. She came out with guns blazing from the get go. I can see why MN quit them.

I can also guess which tree the apple fell from.
You know, I started feeling a long time ago that nothing else could shock me in this case. And indeed, things have happened that have been just awful, and I would be *surprised* at some of them, but not *shocked*.

But tonight, after watching and reading George and Cindy's depositions, I am shocked. Shaken to my very heart and soul.

Now I understand so much more about how KC ended up the way she did. Lee too, I understand so much more about why he's so odd. And even about little Caylee, I understand so much more about why KC killed her.

What makes it all so horribly bad to me is that there they were, this family that, to the outside had all appearances of being a great family. Dad former sheriff's deputy. Mom a nurse. Absolutely perfect house, beautiful lawn and yard. Little child/grandchild with every toy any baby could possibly want, and then some, and dressed to the nines in the most adorable of clothes.

Every appearance of an absolutely perfect family. And there they were all the time, all those years, closed up in that picture perfect house, with all that evil just festering, almost like an oozing, living thing.

It's sickening in the most awful way.

Sorry I keep posting these stupid things, but I just have to get this out. I don't want the Anthony whatever-it-is to fester inside of *me*. I want no part of whatever sickness or evil is in that home and in that family to ever touch me or my life. So I've just got to let it out.

Lord, I probably sound like a nutcase myself. I half feel like one right now.

Wow. I don't think ANYONE could have explained this better. I know EXACTLY what you mean - in fact, after watching the depos, I actually had to go take a shower to wash the grimy feeling I had away.

They always say that from the outside looking in, these strange and dysfunctional families seem "picture perfect".

I, too, understand more about why KC murdered her beautiful baby girl - the dynamics of that family are through the roof - Cindy must have been impossible to live with, breaking down everyone around her and bending them to her will - unfortunately, KC was unbendable.

I know someone who is very much like CA. She sucks the life out of those around her. Luckily for me, I can avoid her most of the time - but her children (3 grown sons) really show the effects of her personality.

I often think about this person raising a daughter and I shudder - by the grace of God, she had only 3 sons. Had she had a daughter, I can see how that daughter would grow up much like KC did.

CA and GA are somewhat responsible for creating this monster, and the fact that they continue to believe the lies she is telling them shows just how they allowed this monster to fester - and continue to fester.
When Cindy stated that lots of people watched Caylee,so many that she didn't know half of them that amazed me. As a grandmother I would have been furious that my grandchild was being passed around like a rubber ball.

I have a 18month old granddaughter, and I don't let my daughter take her places where I don't know people - and leave her with someone, NOT!!!!! My situation is much like CA & KC. My daughter is 18 and I am raising my granddaughter, and I'd die if anything happened to her and if it came at the hands of my daughter I'd be the one on trial for her murder.
Watching these two with all the lies, inconsistencies, and obvious anger towards everyone not in their daughters camp it makes me wonder if the prosecutor will even call them to the stand in the murder trial. Their stories change as often as their KC's does. You can't believe a word they say and quite frankly the SA probably has enough evidence without their testimony. They are either incredible liars or completely delusional where their kid is concerned. BC has his work cut out for him in keeping these two from getting themselves charged with obstruction or perjury...what a joke they are.:bang:
Mr. Conway did the morning show "damage control" tour. He was on ALL three morning shows.

The lawyers asked them questions that had nothing to do with the civil case.
The lawyers were picking on the poor grieving grandparents.
They have said from "day one" that this is NOT the ZFG.

This is THE statement that could buy her an obstruction of justice charge, because if she didn't give those numbers to LE, they will want to know WHY?
If this is a lie from CA, then she has painted herself into a very tight corner.

I'll bet that LE held off on those OOJ charges for this very moment. They knew that given enough rope, they'd all hang themselves.

Keeping my fingers crossed!
I have a feeling that they did prepare for the depositions knowing all of the media coverage that it would have. Not one person involved in this mess is thinking of justice for Caylee but how much money can be made.:furious: The A's and company know that the more outrageous they are the more they will be talked about. The more they are talked about the more money they will make on movie deals etc. I have only read half of the posts on this thread and have not read the depositions or watched the video. That will have to be tomorrow. But the A's performance has everyone talking about them and that is what they want. I forget which movie star stated that good press or bad press, it doesn't matter as long as there names are on the minds of the public. My heart breaks for Caylee and the lack of respect that her family is willing to give to her memory. I better stop my rant about this. All the info on this thread about the depositions are just mind blowing and once again it is all about the money, not their precious granddaughter. If George didn't like hearing about Caylee's remains he needs to do something about it and seek justice for his little girl!

Next we will be hearing the Anthony's just signed a contract for thier own Reality Show...
this is what i got from the depo:

it was very obvious GA and CA discussed how they would act
i was very surprised at GA, it was like he was another person--their attitudes were "i can't believe they made us come here so shortly after Caylee's memorial to answer these stupid questions"
i used to think george was ok, but now i don't (believe KC and believing there is a "zany" is just like saying aliens did it)
their attitude was "we don't owe you anything, we are doing YOU a favour and YOU are wasting OUR time)
yesterday's depo, with the gum chewing and the head waving and the attitudes just floored me....
seriously, do they not have any respect for the LAW? for the JUSTICE SYSTEM???
and the way CA treated zenaida gonzalez...omg....that is the worst part! rudeness !!!!

OT: when i was 18 my best friend at the time got caught running a red, i was with her and she decided to fight it we went to court, naturally i had to testify....omg i was so nervous!!!! i was scared! LOL--because i knew this was serious (being in court etc)
why is it not serious for the anthony's???????

TPG - C & G obviously have no self-respect, none for themselves, each other in their own family or anyone else who has had the "honor" to come in contact with them. Their own children show them no respect whatsoever, but I have come to the conclusion (IMO) that this is how this family was raised. You can't show others respect if you have no respect for yourself. The more I see of this family, I no longer expect them to act appropriate. I am disappointed... all that rage should have been directed at Casey. Casey did this to their family, not LE, FBI, attorneys, etc. Unfortunately, they will never see the day of light.
Oh I wish that TV Program "LIE TO ME" was watching these interviews...it would be hysterical..Do they have those body language people out there..Come on give us your opinions..we already have ours LOL

From what I've read, salivating, excessive swallowing and a dry mouth are certain indications that someone is lying. CA is constantly chewing gum and drinking water. Hmm, I have to wonder if her mouth is really dry?
I didn't watch the videos yesterday, but read some of GA transcript and saw the snippets on NG show last night. I don't know if I can stomach the whole thing. CA is unbelievable, and that both CAGA keep going back to "this person is just Zenaida Gonzalez, not Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez" is ridiculous as to the transparency of them buying into yet another one of KC lies where she took THIS woman's name from Sawgrass and added one of her embellishments to something real. CA was absolutely sickening, what little I saw of it. I bet this will help the SA office prepare their case and line of questioning for CA immensely!
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