2009.04.09 - George Anthony Deposition (video link included)

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Perjury during a deposition in a civil case rarely gets prosecuted, from my understanding... :|

It would tickle me pink, though, if someone pushed to prosecute this blatant in-your-face lying George just took part in. Enough is enough... this family thinks that they can lie and lie and lie and get away with it.

I almost feel like that maybe we are finally seeing the real George...
OK.......page 11 line 20.................."my child" HUH?????????????????????????? Another slip there????? WTH
I would pick apart every statement and post it with another link to where he contradicts himself. I WOULD but I would be sitting here until I was 98. Perhaps I will start a thread for just the contradictions.
OK.......page 11 line 20.................."my child" HUH?????????????????????????? Another slip there????? WTH
I would pick apart every statement and post it with another link to where he contradicts himself. I WOULD but I would be sitting here until I was 98. Perhaps I will start a thread for just the contradictions.

That will be a record long thread!!!!!
On page 40 and I think my head is going to implode....

10 Q I'm trying to get a range on the high end.
11 What's a reasonable high end?
12 A Oh, my God, unbelievable. Go to another
13 question. I'm not answering -- I'm not answering that
14 any further.

Oy, oy,oy

Mitnick: Does *any* Zenaida Gonzalez appear on that list (of people George believes may have 'done this')

George: (after a pause) No

ETA: Never mind. He takes it back. :furious:
I just can't get over this! Does George not know this is going to be all over the television tonight. In living color.

Okay - I need a break. Can't take it anymore. I'll check in later.
WOW, just WOW!! I just watched the "pronunciation" portion of this video - George is ready to blow!

I would be seriously afraid of this man. I think he has the capacity to go off the deep end and hurt a lot of people. I wonder if he ever got his gun back from LE.
No, very, very smart on Mitnick's part. He is sealing George into the pronunciation. I think that was a more key exchange than it looks on the surface.

That's what I thought too. A very smart move to unwittingly lock GA into how the A's pronounce their "ZFG" so there can be no claim to the contrary later.
I think the attorney BC and CA haved this guy so jacked up on meds or booze or something and then pinched him, pinched him HARD, all the way to the depo and really got him PO'd so he would be so...whatever you would call that...childish or jerky....AND then they, BC and CA, had them switch the depo times so it wouldn't wear off. Then CA puts up a camera so if he doesn't DO IT right, he'll get EXTRA punishment at home.

He is contorting his face all over the place. He has to be on something...

He's not on something or scared of Cindy. Look at GA's past. A person who can steal from and lie to his own wife is not scared of her. He has always been this way. I don't get it, but for some reason alot people just didn't see it till today.
he is doing nothing but hurting the case for his daughter

not sure if he understands this

not only is the KILLER a LIAR but the whole family seems to have a problem with the truth
Total utter crap... all of it.

Hehe.. on a more amusing note, I liked how GA incorrectly "corrected" the pronunciation and spelling of of "Zanny"... lol.. f'ing moron. "Z-a-n-y" is exactly how you would spell the name given the interviewer's questioning/verbage and how you would spell it/say it according to said interveiwer.
Wow, he gets really angry on part 2, almost takes his mic off. George talks about wanting to tell ZG he is sorry, shake her hand when it's over. He can do better than that if he would step up by telling THE TRUTH, a handshake doesn't mean diddly iof it's coming from George.
Man I cant get passed about 8 minutes in and it cuts off.........is anyone else having this problem?
Perjury during a deposition in a civil case rarely gets prosecuted, from my understanding... :|

It would tickle me pink, though, if someone pushed to prosecute this blatant in-your-face lying George just took part in. Enough is enough... this family thinks they can lie and lie and lie.

I almost feel like that maybe we are finally seeing the real George...

I think there has been plenty of indications of who he is in the past, with his violent outbursts for instance. I think many fell for his fake sincerity at times, but clearly this behavior should be the catalyst for those who hedge on excusing the behavior of the family because they think they are "grieving". Caylee has been an afterthought since day 1, or really day 31.

It is good to see the real George, and the fake George was trying too hard in the past to impress his perceived peers at the FBI and the Sheriffs department - no more no less. This is the man that drank a beer and popped an aspirin to deflect attention and gain sympathy. It is hard to feel empathy and sympathy through whatever ploy they attempt, because the true picture of the man and his family is in the deeds, the behavior, and continued obfuscation and obstruction.

That is just the way I see it. He is smug in this deposition. He is condescending, arrogant, and is not afraid to lie on the spot and on a whim whenever he pleases. I think we see a bit of Casey in him, don't we?
What shocks me that these people think that their smug, obnoxious attitudes help their daughter!! George's behavior is repugnant. No wonder Casey is exactly the way she is.

All they inspire me to do is pass out torches and fall in line behind the rest of the villagers.
Interesting. I haven't read the entire thread yet, so this probably has been noted---but this is the first time I've seen this Zenaida referred to as Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez.

ETA: pronunciate?!?!?!
I think much of the frustration shown by George is the fact that he is being held accountable for things he has done and said, without being in an echo chamber where he is not challenged on his inconsistencies and lies. Very much like ever other member of this family, they simply want the liberty to say anything and have it believed without question, something I am sure they are very used to in their personal lives.
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