2009.04.13 Baez requests phone records - POLL

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Will Casey's defense team implicate someone else in Caylee's murder?

  • No.

    Votes: 24 7.3%
  • Yes, another member of the Anthony family.

    Votes: 69 20.9%
  • Yes, one of Casey's former love interests.

    Votes: 164 49.7%
  • Yes, a former/current friend of Casey's.

    Votes: 100 30.3%
  • Yes, a stranger.

    Votes: 46 13.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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IMO They're fishing!! They want SOD-so they are throwing out their nets to see what they can get and spin and divert attention away from KC! Ain't gonna work-but if they stick with "she's innocent" then that's all they can do!! Isn't Friday's court date about TES's records? That's how far out they are trying to throw those nets!!:furious:

Agreed. They most certainly are fishing for something...
TL began communicating with Casey in May/08, they met, and with lightning speed she moved in on him and moved in with him.
Now their last communication was July16/08...so what is so important to the Defense after July 16/08 to January 2009 that they want to get their hands on? Is it really TL? Or are they after someone else's communication with him?
I think so and not just one SOD, but at least 2 confederates working together, maybe more, because logically, his communications would be between him and at least one other person. I think they are hoping to find proof of this in his electronic communications.

I am beginning to think they are trying to snag some sort of evidence from his communication with another....but who? TL came down to Orlando to attend school, he befriended her on Facebook because of what he read on her profile, which she lied about....
Agreed. They most certainly are fishing for something...
TL began communicating with Casey in May/08, they met, and with lightning speed she moved in on him and moved in with him.
Now their last communication was July16/08...so what is so important to the Defense after July 16/08 to January 2009 that they want to get their hands on? Is it really TL? Or are they after someone else's communication with him?

At this point who knows what KC has said to JB! She may be sooo mad at TonE for dropping her like a hot potato and by now she knows that TonE was wired when he spoke with Lee! You know the old saying about h3ll and a woman scorned! She's mad and she's frushtrated!! I wonder if she can swallow yet?:crazy:
Well...KC's lawyers are just trying to "search for the truth" in requesting all of these phone records. Sadly, the truth is sitting with their lying client in a jail cell...

This whole SODDI conspiracy/defense sickens me.

But not as much as a mother driving around a car stinking of her decomposed child and wiping off said decomposition with paper towels and then going to get a tattoo..."the beautiful life." This case just angers me. She is guilty. Throw the book at her. Probably why I haven't posted as much of late...though I miss all my peeps.
I am beginning to think they are trying to snag some sort of evidence from his communication with another....but who? TL came down to Orlando to attend school, he befriended her on Facebook because of what he read on her profile, which she lied about....

He says that's how they met, but we don't have Casey's story of how they met, do we? Remember Cindy's bizarre comment that AL, RM and AH (I think that's who she mentioned) go way back and they are involved in drugs? I wonder if this is what the defense is trying to get at.
He says that's how they met, but we don't have Casey's story of how they met, do we? Remember Cindy's bizarre comment that AL, RM and AH (I think that's who she mentioned) go way back and they are involved in drugs? I wonder if this is what the defense is trying to get at.

Can't you just picture it in your head?
KC to JB: OK! Here's the truth! It was a terrible accident! TonE didn't mean to do it-it just happened! Then he made me hide Caylee and lie and steal....

I just saw this today...Amended Motion for Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum.
Dated August 18/09 by the Baez Law Firm and they are still after phone records.etc....from Anthony L.
They have narrowed the time frame request from June 2008 to January 2009

Well! I guess TL forgot to send money for KC's commissary account! :crazy:
Hrm, at first it seems obvious the defense is trying to hose AL, but if they are requesting any and all phone records, two things come to mind:

A. It may not be AL they are trying to throw under the bus, but the procecution. I have a hunch that they are trying to look for something to incriminate LE. Perhaps not following protocol, or something dealing with LE's working relationship with AL that would throw a few wrenches or tear a few holes in the case.

B. In the clickorlando article, the defense is quoted as needing the records to "search for the truth" - which indicates to me, they have nothing, but they are leaving no stone unturned to find SOMETHING to get KC off the hook and they are dying for the slightest technicality for their client.

I don't know about you guys but I can't wait for trial time to begin to figure out what on Earth JB is going to use for a defense.
At this point who knows what KC has said to JB! She may be sooo mad at TonE for dropping her like a hot potato and by now she knows that TonE was wired when he spoke with Lee! You know the old saying about h3ll and a woman scorned! She's mad and she's frushtrated!! I wonder if she can swallow yet?:crazy:

TL didn't reveal too much during the wire session. Didn't offer much. Didn't ask too many searching questions. Lee did most of the talking. When Lee asked TL a question, Lee practically answered the question for TL. I'm pretty sure that LE setup Lee to talk to TL but then turned it around so that TL thought he was talking to Lee for LE. In the docs - months ago - there was a sentence alluding to this fact that Lee had approached LE asking for a meeting with TL. I noticed it because I had asked earlier on WS if that could have been a possible scenario. Why Lee jabbered his head off I don't know. He should have put TL under more pressure to answer certain questions imo.

Has it been discussed yet that in the recent doc dump that the drug dealer that KC supposedly contacted in error from the jail - his number is in TL's phone book. What a coinkydink. Why would this be?

One more thing; Susie sells seashells at the seashore.:crazy:
Agreed. They most certainly are fishing for something...
TL began communicating with Casey in May/08, they met, and with lightning speed she moved in on him and moved in with him.
Now their last communication was July16/08...so what is so important to the Defense after July 16/08 to January 2009 that they want to get their hands on? Is it really TL? Or are they after someone else's communication with him?

Of course, TL had a whatever that's called (not tap but ?) on his phone from not too long after KC's arrest until ? when he asked if it could be removed and LE obliged. Maybe they can tell something by the difference in his calling patterns too. I found the following - On July 22, 2008 LE requested records from June and July this according to a report dated 1/28/09 (MBI-08V-230) pg. 4963. Consensual Monitoring of his cell 7/23 to 8/22 but was extended until 9/12/08 pg. 4964.
On page 4971 this statement "The statements made by Anthony L. were compared to cellular activity associated with his cellular phone and found to be consistent with his statements."

Then on 8/21/08 LE ordered Pen register and trap & trace device on his phone along with others To find go to Post 126 dtd. 3/20/09 Doc thread "Cell phone, Text ..."
TL didn't reveal too much during the wire session. Didn't offer much. Didn't ask too many searching questions. Lee did most of the talking. When Lee asked TL a question, Lee practically answered the question for TL. I'm pretty sure that LE wired Lee to talk to TL but then turned it around so that TL thought he was talking to Lee for LE. In the docs - months ago - there was a sentence alluding to this fact that Lee had approached LE asking for a taped meeting with TL. I noticed it because I had asked earlier on WS if that could have been a possible scenario. Why Lee jabbered his head off I don't know. He should have put TL under more pressure to answer certain questions imo.

Has it been discussed yet that in the recent doc dump that the drug dealer that KC supposedly contacted in error from the jail - his number is in TL's phone book. What a coinkydink. Why would this be?

One more thing; Susie sells seashells at the seashore.:crazy:

I think the sentence you were thinking of said that Lee approached TONY and requested the meeting. Then Tony told LE about the requested meeting, and LE asked Tony to accept Lee's request and wear a wire for the meeting.
I think the sentence you were thinking of said that Lee approached TONY and requested the meeting. Then Tony told LE about the requested meeting, and LE asked Tony to accept Lee's request and wear a wire for the meeting.

As much as I hate looking for stuff I can never find, I will try my best. You may be right but I thought I understood what I had read correctly. It was one of those embedded sentences that I noticed because of a thought I had had about the subject earlier. How do you know you're right?
As much as I hate looking for stuff I can never find, I will try my best. You may be right but I thought I understood what I had read correctly. It was one of those embedded sentences that I noticed because of a thought I had had about the subject earlier. How do you know you're right?

Just going from memory. If you're looking for it I believe it was in one of those long Supplemental Reports.

IIRC, they detailed in the report how Lee asked for the meeting, Tony told them about it, Tony agreed to wear a wire, Tony met up with some officer to get wired before the meeting, and at some point when the meeting had gone on for a while the officers told Tony to "wrap it up" and he did, then reported back to the officer to get unwired.

They also summarized with bullet points what Lee said during the meeting. If they were really setting up the meeting to record Tony rather than Lee, they would have listed in their report things that Tony said, not things that Lee said.
He says that's how they met, but we don't have Casey's story of how they met, do we? Remember Cindy's bizarre comment that AL, RM and AH (I think that's who she mentioned) go way back and they are involved in drugs? I wonder if this is what the defense is trying to get at.

Princess I respectfully disagree.
Cindy didn't know Casey's new friends and new boyfriends in 2008, she hadn't met them and Casey was lying :liar:all along to Cindy saying Jeff H was her boyfriend and that she was "staying at Zanny's"...when she was dating Ric and then Tony L, while having her rendezvous with Tony R and still keeping contact with Jesse and partying with friends such as at the "no clothes party"

TL is from New York, Amy is from South Florida, not really sure were Ric is from but they do not go way back. Casey was the one who introduced Amy to Tony, she also introduced Tony to Jesse and to my knowledge Ric and Tony have never met.
Casey lived on her phone and internet with Facebook, MySpace, :Banane37: so Yes I do believe Tony's story about how they connected via the internet and then ultimately met in person.
Just going from memory. If you're looking for it I believe it was in one of those long Supplemental Reports.

IIRC, they detailed in the report how Lee asked for the meeting, Tony told them about it, Tony agreed to wear a wire, Tony met up with some officer to get wired before the meeting, and at some point when the meeting had gone on for a while the officers told Tony to "wrap it up" and he did, then reported back to the officer to get unwired.

They also summarized with bullet points what Lee said during the meeting. If they were really setting up the meeting to record Tony rather than Lee, they would have listed in their report things that Tony said, not things that Lee said.

Hope you don't mind me popping in here. I found this pdf talking about the meeting with Tony and Lee. Page 2 on http://tinyurl.com/krb8sl
7:25 a.m. "Oh and why are you texting me and not calling?"

This is so telling. Why didn't Casey CALL Tony instead of texting? She didn't want an actual conversation, to have to explain the unexplainable!
Casey Anthony Tony Lazzaro transcript Sept 8, 2008
page 55

JB also wants TL's cell phone ping information. TL was near the remains site on the 23rd when KC called him to come and help her because she had run out of gas near her parents house - I imagine that the Anthony House, the remains site, and where KC's car had run out of gas are all within the same 3 cell towers. JG and TL are both going to be part of the "reasonable doubt" defense.

(quoted from article)
TL: Uh, she gave me a call and she told me to head, you know,
"Drive like you're just going to my place."
She was just telling me to go down Chickasaw. So I took, first
I went down Chickasaw and I saw her walking towards her house,
on Chickasaw.
Hope you don't mind me popping in here. I found this pdf talking about the meeting with Tony and Lee. Page 2 on http://tinyurl.com/krb8sl
Thanks...still can't tell when the meeting was set up...is there an earlier document stating that LA made the first contact? I kinda remember there was. I do believe that JB is going after the prosecution here...IMO AL is just a casualty here.
Thanks...still can't tell when the meeting was set up...is there an earlier document stating that LA made the first contact? I kinda remember there was. I do believe that JB is going after the prosecution here...IMO AL is just a casualty here.

I think the 'wire' was mentioned in the July 22 interview with Tony and LE. Page 1023, line 8 http://www.wftv.com/download/2008/0923/17540075.pdf

EE: Are you, you had stated before you're willing to allow us to use some investatigative leads that I don't necessarily want to talk about on tape.

AL: Yes

EE: Uhm, you're freely giving us that cooperation?

AL: Yes sir.

I may be taking what Det. Edwards was actually talking about out of context but to me it could be an indication of TL giving permission to be wired. Sounds like TL and LE had spoken about it before but I can't find a report on that.

On the August 30 investigative report http://tinyurl.com/krb8sl, Page 2 it says;

At approximately 1728 hours, Lazzaro received an incoming call from Lee Anthony *advertiser censored*-*advertiser censored*-xxxx, about the meeting. Lazzaro told Lee Anthony that he would call him back. (This call was recorded.)
Thanks...still can't tell when the meeting was set up...is there an earlier document stating that LA made the first contact? I kinda remember there was. I do believe that JB is going after the prosecution here...IMO AL is just a casualty here.

Yes, there was another document stating that Lee had contacted Tony and requested a meeting. Then Tony contacted LE and asked them what to do. The document linked in the post above starts the story later, after Tony had already agreed to meet with Lee and secretly record the meeting for LE.
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