2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony #3 POLL ADDED

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Do you agree with the state's decision to seek the death penalty for KC

  • YES

    Votes: 481 90.2%
  • NO

    Votes: 52 9.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Same here. I would love to have her be in general pop for a little while. But then being solitary with noone around... noone to talk to, to play cards with, to befriend for years and years and years... sounds good to me too.

In the general population she will find a girl friend really fast.
Other wise all who hate baby killers will beat the living day light out of her on a regular basis.
that is what G&C are concerned with. They hope for a privet wing for their little monster.
they are even putting themselves at risk for Casey.
Their number is up, While I do pity them, I can no longer stand behind them at all.
I voted yes, and if possible would go and watch it carried out....God help me for saying that, and I'm a tender-hearted person...but I have felt love in my heart for Caylee and I want justice for her.
Thank you, Thank God I do not really know and hope I never will.
But just in theory I wonder what kind of a life one can enjoy from the age of 22 for the rest of their life in a cell.
I can only imagine that I would chose the other. But I certainly do not know.

I remember Midnite. He/she was great.

But we already have some wonderful, knowledgable attornies on here who are great at sharing their time and answering the questions we have, hard or easy. Just go to the legal questions thread and I am sure one of them will help. They are the best and I don't extend thanks often enough for all they do. So to our legal eagles, each and every one of you...:blowkiss:!
In the general population she will find a girl friend really fast.
Other wise all who hate baby killers will beat the living day light out of her on a regular basis.
that is what G&C are concerned with. They hope for a privet wing for their little monster.
they are even putting themselves at risk for Casey.
Their number is up, While I do pity them, I can no longer stand behind them at all.

Bold by me. I can understand that G&C are concerned with KC being placed in general population in prison. It's got to be just plain awful knowing that your child grew up becoming a child killer, killing their own child, and your own grandchild. While I did feel sympathy for them, I'm with you, I will not stand behind them and I no longer sympathize with them because they are continuing to support and enable their child. God forbid my child ever did anything like this, but if they did, I would NEVER stop loving them, because my love for my child IS unconditional. However, I would stand up and tell the world that I DID NOT raise my child to commit such an act, and that my child would have to pay for his own actions. The A's have never made KC face consequences and she will have to do that now. It's going to be REALLY hard for KC and for G&C once she goes to prison.
I take the idea of "general population" one step further. In my dreams of how things would be if I ran the world, all those convicted of really heinous crimes, esp. those against children, would be sent to "The Island". The Island is an extremely remote outpost, with little to no vegetation, animal or plant life, surrounded by man eating shark infested waters and pirhanas.
The convicted would be dropped off on the island with only the clothes on their back, and informed that the philosophy of the island is "Survival of the Fittest." They are then left, to live (or not live) out the rest of their days as best they can. No one will come to check on them, no one may visit them, and they are now no longer a danger to society, nor are we paying for their continued care or incarceration. Done. Out of sight, out of mind.

Hmmm, can we sterilize them first? :waitasec: If so, you've got my vote! :crazy:
Hmmm, can we sterilize them first? :waitasec: If so, you've got my vote! :crazy:

Absolutely! Sterilization is mandatory for all who enter the Island!:)
I remember Midnite. He/she was great.

But we already have some wonderful, knowledgable attornies on here who are great at sharing their time and answering the questions we have, hard or easy. Just go to the legal questions thread and I am sure one of them will help. They are the best and I don't extend thanks often enough for all they do. So to our legal eagles, each and every one of you...:blowkiss:!

Just asking.....Can we have a separate thread just devoted to our legal questions? We do seem to have so many well informed experts here that it might help to have a place we can post our questions and check back for responses.

So glad you brought this up, Paintr! :blowkiss:
Bold by me. I can understand that G&C are concerned with KC being placed in general population in prison. It's got to be just plain awful knowing that your child grew up becoming a child killer, killing their own child, and your own grandchild. While I did feel sympathy for them, I'm with you, I will not stand behind them and I no longer sympathize with them because they are continuing to support and enable their child. God forbid my child ever did anything like this, but if they did, I would NEVER stop loving them, because my love for my child IS unconditional. However, I would stand up and tell the world that I DID NOT raise my child to commit such an act, and that my child would have to pay for his own actions. The A's have never made KC face consequences and she will have to do that now. It's going to be REALLY hard for KC and for G&C once she goes to prison.

My heart hurts for them, REALLY...

They are doing whatever it takes for Casey even at their own expense;
and it is not over, they can still be hit with obstruction.
I do not think Casey will learn anything in this life time.
Not when she has parents who will continue the game of evasive
communications and enabeling.
ALL she can learn is; that is how life is; and it is NOT.

I have had to do things for my kid, I have had to keep quiet and not confront,
or say anything at times about lies, sometimes she can lie just to lie;
Nature of the illness I guess :(
I twist a lip and she knows that she did not pull the wool over my eyes.
it makes her mad...but she knows that lies are not OK here.
Other times I go to the point, and she tries to justify what she is trying to say...
EASY??? NO!!! Painful? always!
MY MOM would have made me apologize and promise I would never
do it again if I had done something (and I was a good kid).
I even remember times I'd get smaked so I would not even think of doing anything wrong. :)
I am not strict that way. But she knows I am far from asleep at the wheel.

I would have been far to scared to wash the car, pants, knife
and would not want a child to think that is OK behavior.
I would have NEVER - not given caylee's garment to the search team.
never would have let her out without having a nanny number and all numbers.
never would have given an investigator a dog hair brush and call it Caylee's.

At first I'm sure they worried where she may be, but later on their actions were almost as bad.
I do not have an LE mentality just a mothers instict; I know when things are not right.
GA has LE mentality and CA has Mothers instinct. IN my eyes their game is up.

THEY WERE CULPRITS in the delay of not finding the baby.
They are much too defensive (protest tooooooo much).
IMO they do play a part in the missing 31 days.
And I am not so sure that when GA said that he was following her in the car
that it was not during that period. JMO
He gave a diffrent time fram for things to fit his story line.
I think he was on alert and looking, and I think when they called 911 they had to.
IMO They DO know things that we do not know about those 31 days.
I hope LE has far more info then we know of.
I remember Midnite. He/she was great.

But we already have some wonderful, knowledgable attornies on here who are great at sharing their time and answering the questions we have, hard or easy. Just go to the legal questions thread and I am sure one of them will help. They are the best and I don't extend thanks often enough for all they do. So to our legal eagles, each and every one of you...:blowkiss:!
The history of Midnite was hopefully not taken as a slight to any attorney's that may post on this board, I am grateful to each and every one.
Midnite was completely different than what we have now in that he only answered legal questions, did not get into discussion as he did not post on any other topic or thread.He did not debate or discuss beyond the scope of his questions, and the result was a very focused reference thread throughout the entire trial. Once the trial was over and the death penalty sentence was announced Midnite left. His only mission here was to answer questions and give some insightful commentary throughout the proceedings. He was also familiar with the ways of the California courts, which was very helpful for trial watchers.
So, just to clarify, I am grateful to any attorneys, other professionals, and all posters in general that devote time to our board.Everyone brings something unique. I was only trying to explain how Midnite worked, as a background for my post and where the referenced comment came from. :)
I would like to see her rot in jail and be tortured with guilt over what she has done, but she has no conscience. Therefore, I vote YES to the DP.......Hopefully she will walk the mile and visit Ole Sparky.
The numbers seem like a landslide. WFTV is a Greater Orlando channel (generally) and the poll supporting the DP was at 91%? Why hasn't the defense moved for a change of venue yet?
The numbers seem like a landslide. WFTV is a Greater Orlando channel (generally) and the poll supporting the DP was at 91%? Why hasn't the defense moved for a change of venue yet?
If Florida has statute recommending DP for child murder, then it surely must be applied in this case?

Not only is this child obviously murdered, but the evidence suggests some sort of bizarre ritual with duct tape and a sticker, and most likely aggravated act, perhaps to the level of torture.
I think that unfortunately you may be right. Look at Scott Peterson, he's in solitary? He's a baby killer too. I don't know if you automatically get solitary if you are on death row? Does anyone know?
Yes, I'm pretty sure, at least here in CA that Death Row inmates are in solitary cells, not that they are isolated.
I voted no for the death penalty for Casey Anthony.
I would vote Life in Prison.
I would only vote yes on the death penalty for a person who has harmed people because they are evil - like a serial killer, a repeat offender, a terrorist, a danger to society.

I do not see Casey as a menace to society, I see her as a disturbed, sick individual.
and life in prison is a just punishment for someone of her statues.
She is one sick kid, life in prison would be the proper punishment.
And in some way I wonder is it not worse then death penalty?

I agree with you. I know our emotions are all tangled up in this case but I think that life in prison is more fitting for her. Plus, after hearing the breakdown of how the injection is administered from Dr. Perper, that made my skin crawl. I think it will be better if she rots in jail especially since she's so young.
The history of Midnite was hopefully not taken as a slight to any attorney's that may post on this board, I am grateful to each and every one.
Midnite was completely different than what we have now in that he only answered legal questions, did not get into discussion as he did not post on any other topic or thread.He did not debate or discuss beyond the scope of his questions, and the result was a very focused reference thread throughout the entire trial. Once the trial was over and the death penalty sentence was announced Midnite left. His only mission here was to answer questions and give some insightful commentary throughout the proceedings. He was also familiar with the ways of the California courts, which was very helpful for trial watchers.
So, just to clarify, I am grateful to any attorneys, other professionals, and all posters in general that devote time to our board.Everyone brings something unique. I was only trying to explain how Midnite worked, as a background for my post and where the referenced comment came from. :)

Also just to clarify, I was implying no critism of anybody's post. I am not that subtle, as JBean knows. LOL!

Thinking of Midnite and what he brought to the board just reminded me how much we appreciated any legal insight back then. It was rare. Today we are so lucky because we have more that one leagle mind to answer our questions. I truly just wanted to say thank you kindly to all of them for their help.
I voted no cause I dont go for DP (bleeding heart liberal, yes)...but you know, I know a death qualified jury is more likely return a guilty verdict so in that case I am not sorry the state is going for it.
I voted no cause I dont go for DP (bleeding heart liberal, yes)...but you know, I know a death qualified jury is more likely return a guilty verdict so in that case I am not sorry the state is going for it.

My thoughts exactly...(though I am not a liberal)
I voted no. I think she should have to live the rest of her miserable life in jail, in general population. Death is to easy.
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