2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

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While I understand why everyone is pleased to hear the news, I can't say that it made my day. It didn't even make me happy. What it did was make me sick to my stomach...literally...thinking about what they must have found out. My God...what did she do to that sweet, innocent child?
omg...was just watching about this latest news on HLN and was momentarily distracted. Then I looked up at the screen and thought, wow Cindy's back on already and then I looked again, it was a shot of Phil Spector. Same hairdo and pointed facial expression.
Wow. SA must have gotten something new. Juries don't like to put mother's to death...even when they kill their own children...and without a cause of death, even with everything else and KC's lies, ect..there still could be one or two jurors who think "I can't go with DP because it could have been an accident."

31 days
While I understand why everyone is pleased to hear the news, I can't say that it made my day. It didn't even make me happy. What it did was make me sick to my stomach...literally...thinking about what they must have found out. My God...what did she do to that sweet, innocent child?

You're right - it could be new results/evidence not yet released, or it could just be a new way of looking/analyizing what they already have-have released, but either way, it's another sad reminder of what Casey appears to have done to Caylee. :(
May she die a slow and excruciatingly painful death.

This is just the very reason I can go over the line and say YES! This is a death penalty qualified case in my mind and heart!

Many thanks to our own legal eagles ~ JSR, NSS, Chezhire, LawLady84, and others. (my apologies if I missed someone.) You make this so much easier to understand.:toast: :toast:
as much as i would loooove to see KC get the DP....

i think the SA is making a huuuuuuge mistake! all it takes is ONE juror to have a sliver of doubt and go with a not guilty verdict because they don't want to sentence her to death.

i think she'll walk. ughhh god i just felt my blood pressure go up 100 points

Someone can correct me if I am wrong here but I believe all it takes is one juror to say not guilty and this to be a hung trial for a do over .. on the punishment phase they can find for death or life in prison or the judge can make the final decision. Anyone out there a little more legal eagle can pls. input pls.
Thank you for this link, Searchfortruth!

I imagine that this was one signature that Linda Drane Burdick was pleased to do!
You are very welcome...yes her signature, LDB's, looks very strong and confident...if you can decipher anything from handwriting (and I believe you can).
Oh WOW!!! Wouldn't you have loved to be there to see KC's reaction when she got this little piece of hand delivered mail???

I'm thinking that Casey will be much more upset when she finds that Jose is not qualified to be her main man for the trial and someone else will have the chair.
Terrance L is on the short list to (re)join the team ... per an attorney (and good friend) of his. It was just on HLN.
Sounds to me like the SA got back some evidence that shows aggravating circumstances. I am now wondering if the case remains circumstantial or if there is direct evidence which they are holding back until trial. It will be interesting to see if Casey's defense team will continue to proclaim her "innocent."

I do feel sorry for Casey's relatives, especially her grandmother who should not have to be dealing with this at this point in her life. I can't imagine how it would feel to have a relative on death row - or even going to trial for murder. This has got to be terribly hard on the entire extended family.
I've always felt that LE and the prosecution has some conclusive evidence to tie Casey to the crime, and that evidence is being withheld.

I'm glad the death penalty is back on the table and I hope this motivates the defense to ask for a plea bargain. But, I wouldn't be too surprised to learn that the prosecution isn't open to a plea. They offered it once early in the case and there was a time limit to that offer, and JB allowed the time to elapse.
Have you ever served on a jury with the death penalty on the table? I have and I can tell you that during the entire deliberation of guilty or not guilty, it is embedded in your mind. And yes, some jurors during selection state that they have no problem with the sentencing phase on a death penalty trial then when it goes to decision, come up with all kinds of conflicts. Your statement above: when you say "IMO, Casey walking just because a juror isn't convinced she deserves death will never wigh into this equation" is IMO inaccurate, it will definitely weigh into the equation. Some jurors will find her not guilty if they think that she will be put to death, regardless of what they said during the jury selection.
You sound experienced in this type of sentencing. Can you tell me if the jurors get a choice of death or LWOP? I'm thinking they do.

I'm thinking that Casey will be much more upset when she finds that Jose is not qualified to be her main man for the trial and someone else will have the chair.

She may actually get a REAL defense now (not that it will help her in the least at this stage), instead of the joke of a defense JB's conducted thus far.
I would love to have seen the gum fall out of CA's mouth when she heard the news that the DP was back on the table, finally, justice may be done in this case! As far as CA & GA's depo antics having an impact on the states decision - give the prosecutors/State more credit than that - they don't put the DP on the table on a whim, certainly not because the parents of the suspect pizzed them off. Personally, for me, it's a no-brainer, killing a child = DP.
I am happy that they will seek the death penalty, not because I want her put to death I would much rather see her spend every day of the rest of her life in a dreary cell, but because I would love for them to be able to use it as a bargaining tool to get the truth from a consumate liar. You either tell us what you did to that child and why or we put you to death. Your choice.
I am happy about this! KC has lied about everything. She took the life of her two year old with malice a fore thought & for spite. She deserves & will get the death penalty. Her parents have been hostile & in your face to LE.&KC acquaintances .They do not give a damn for Caylee,poor baby killed & thrown out like trash!!
While I dont want to sound cold....Its my birthday and I couldnt think of a better thing to hear today.....well except someone telling me I won the lottery!
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