2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

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Also, DP atty may rejoin the defense team ?

Now defense attorney Jose Baez will have to add another lawyer to his team, one that is death-penalty qualified. Eyewitness News contacted Terence Lenamon from south Florida, who had tried to help Baez convince prosecutors not to seek death by claiming Casey has mental problems and that Caylee was killed possibly by an accidental drug overdose. He said he's talked with Baez on Monday and might be re-joining the team.

That is exactly what I thought when I heard this. I do hope the jury has other choices than death because there is always a juror waiting in the wings to throw a wrench into the verdict. I personally think that she deserves a death sentence, in fact I believe that a child killer should get a mandatory death sentence but I also do not want to see the b#### walk.

A jury ALWAYS has the option of not opting for death. Actually, it's the judge who sentences a defendant, but if one juror opts for life, a judge cannot impose death. If all 12 opt for death, a judge can hand down a life sentence as opposed to death. Rarely will you find a judge who goes against a jury's wishes, but it can and has happened. I really believe it takes all 12 (in death qualified states) for death to ever be imposed.
Wonderful news! Jail is obviously not bothering her. She gets to pig out on snacks and draw with colored pencils. Put her in the ground the way she did her daughter.
Gomer Pyle: Surprise, surprise, surprise! ...
Maybe they've had enough to seek the death penalty but decided to go for it now because of serious concerns about JB's representation of Casey. Perhaps the deciding factor (or at least a significant factor) may have been the importance of getting a well-qualified attorney involved, taking over the case, so that any issues on appeal due to JB's bumbling representation would be moot.
Sounds to me like the SA got back some evidence that shows aggravating circumstances. I am now wondering if the case remains circumstantial or if there is direct evidence which they are holding back until trial. It will be interesting to see if Casey's defense team will continue to proclaim her "innocent."

I do feel sorry for Casey's relatives, especially her grandmother who should not have to be dealing with this at this point in her life. I can't imagine how it would feel to have a relative on death row - or even going to trial for murder. This has got to be terribly hard on the entire extended family.
I'm thinking the FBI found some good evidence. Yes, it is hard for the family, but think how hard it was for Caylee.

I doubt that the grandmother is surprised...

Thank you. I followed this trial closely the first go around and had actually been meaning to check the status today, but forgot all about it. Justice has been served, IMO.

While it's not death, it is indeed a death sentence for Phil Spector. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Justice for Lana and the entire Clarkson family. :grouphug:
The sentance won't be even mentioned until AFTER conviction. It will be handled in a separate "trial" if you will. This does change the jury pool. This is a good move folks. Jurors who are ok with imposing the death penalty (because they will have to be if seated on this case) will NOT buy the crap the defense is trying to sell.

You are right. The jurors will hear and be questioned about their ability to sentence the accused to death if the accused is found guilty and then they will be expected to be able to sentence that person to death during the sentence phase.
I gotta believe the state wouldn't ask for the DP without believing they have compelling evidence to support it 100%. Second, all potential jurors will have to be qualified to sit on a death penalty case. That changes the dynamics significantly.
I honestly don't think I could be more torn about this decision.

I'm thrilled that the DP is back on the table because it indicates to me that the SA has some very damning evidence of her guilt.

However, I believe that the DP is far too lenient for KC. I would much rather see her spend every miserable minute of her life locked away in solitary confinement.
While I understand why everyone is pleased to hear the news, I can't say that it made my day. It didn't even make me happy. What it did was make me sick to my stomach...literally...thinking about what they must have found out. My God...what did she do to that sweet, innocent child?

It could be some new evidence, but really y'all, am I the only one who thinks duct tape wrapped around that sweet child's face by her own mother is not sick enough.
Not true. One juror pities her, and it's a hung jury. Then the prosecution can hone their case and make it tighter the second time.

Three notable cases with a hung jury:

Betty Brokerick
Menendez Brothers
Phil Spectre.

All were found guilty on second go-around.

And unless prosecution drops charges entirely, she will not be free. She will stay where she is until the second trial.

It would only be a hung jury if they found her NG during the guilt/innocence phase. They can find her guilty of murder and opt out of death. Perhaps a LWOP sentence would be the alternative? It's not the entire package or nothing.
It could be some new evidence, but really y'all, am I the only one who thinks duct tape wrapped around that sweet child's face by her own mother is not sick enough.
It is indeed sick enough, and the heart sticker is evil.
I am not trying to be silly - but wouldn't death be especially awful/scary for a narcissist?

I totally agree and have been harping on that for a while. KC will not fear LWOP since all she will do is adapt to her new surroundings. Being a malignant narcissist, the thing she values the most is her own self. Threaten to take that away and she may unravel.

She may not have been worried before because there was no body. I hope she's shakin' in her slippers now.

As Dr. Phil would say....."How's that workin' for ya' now, KC?"
Perhaps they were able to determine that her diary entry about a means to an end and never being happier was dated in 2008.

Certainly could be, Broderick. Great point.

What if LE were to have found that this particular diary or notebook was not in production prior to maybe even late 2008? I tend to believe that the diary entry was written in 2008.
What "accident?" Like an overdose of chloroform? (Giving the chloroform in the first instance was aggravated child abuse.) Like the duct tape accidentally covered both nose and mouth? (Applying the duct tape in the first place to silence the screams was aggravated child abuse.) Anything done as willful neglect or aggravated child abuse would be homicide and would not be legally excuseable as an "accident." That will be made clear to the jury in the opening, arguements and jury instructions.

Not only would it be homicide, it's 1st degree murder. It's a murder while in the commission of committing a felony. You're right, accident would play no role in that scenario.
Also, DP atty may rejoin the defense team ?

Now defense attorney Jose Baez will have to add another lawyer to his team, one that is death-penalty qualified. Eyewitness News contacted Terence Lenamon from south Florida, who had tried to help Baez convince prosecutors not to seek death by claiming Casey has mental problems and that Caylee was killed possibly by an accidental drug overdose. He said he's talked with Baez on Monday and might be re-joining the team.


:waitasec: Now, that statement that "...Terence Lenamon from south Florida, who had tried to help Baez convince prosecutors not to seek death by claiming Casey has mental problems and that Caylee was killed possibly by an accidental drug overdose...." interests me.

Themis has been speculating that drugs/drug overdose were involved in Caylee's death, though with some type of sex perp and she was posting about it here: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3581309#post3581309
I honestly don't think I could be more torn about this decision.

I'm thrilled that the DP is back on the table because it indicates to me that the SA has some very damning evidence of her guilt.

However, I believe that the DP is far too lenient for KC. I would much rather see her spend every miserable minute of her life locked away in solitary confinement.
If she is sentenced to death, she'll still be on death row with limited contact. She'd spend the rest of her days in her cell, the rec room outside her cell, and one hour daily outside, IIRC.

For Casey, her life will be over.
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