2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

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You know, looking back I wonder if G&C found out some information before the depos, like the discovery of some evidence that would lead toward the death penalty being reintroduced.. not that I am trying to excuse or even explain their deplorable behavior.
I don't know, I sort of think that was just plain ole George and Cindy, furious because someone had the nerve to ask them the questions they had rather not be asked.
Uh, WOW. They must have some really damning evidence on her that we don't know about yet.

My thoughts exactly! Perhaps something that was just given to them by the FBI? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for fingerprints, although I feel that they may already have this info considering JB's speech about the scientific release regarding flaws in fingerprint evidence. Maybe a new doc dump is coming? I sure hope so!
ITA they wouldn't do it to strong arm a plea deal. It is still possible that a plea deal might be accomplished. It could be that even if KC does come around and want a plea deal, the terms of what the SA will agree to just went up.

That's what I said earlier - I don't recall there even being any plea offer on the table, no could I understand the SA entertaining the idea at this stage in the proceedings - plus Casey wouldn't take life in prison, so....
This is what I was thinking, you think the prosecutor watched the depositions before deciding on this ? I am joking, sort of.
Yes. I can't imagine they didn't watch the depos. It would have occurred prior to this decision.
I have always felt the SA has not showed all of thier cards in the case in the discovery documents & have been holding back on some very incriminationg evidence!
The SA isn't going to let the defense have everything until they were completely done with examining the evidence. I think now they are done & ready to show Baez that it's time for Casey to either take a plea bargin or face the death penalty!

I would really like to see the documents of why they changed thier minds to bring back the DP for her. I'm not for DP, but in the case of anyone harming an innocent child I hold a different view on it. If the evidence shows her guilt, & I do 100% feel she is guilty, I am all for the DP in this case! MHO

OT: Of all days for this to be released....I'm trying to pack for my trip to :sunshine: San Diego!
I'll move quicker to finish now though! LOL

Have a safe and happy trip! Thanks for all you do!
I feel like I'm at a lynching, with everybody yelling get a rope and hang em high.

I understand why you would say this and feel this way. I really do. i can say this for myself though. I am NOT a DP advocate. I worry in cases where there is not 100% proof of a person's guilt, not beyond reasonable doubt, in DP cases. It is final. NO do overs if it's gotten wrong. I think in this case, a jury will need just that, more than reasonable doubt for a DP sentence. However, if the state feels confident enough to ask for it, in this case, I say they should. This is one case, I feel I have followed from a to w and will until Z, so once I see the trial evidence, I will be able to feel confident in making a conclusion as to if I would say death is warranted.
But right now, I would feel confident in a definite conviction with LWOP. And I am hoping they can prove DP to a jury. They jury will take it very serious and she will regardless be convicted, whether it becomes death or LWOP, IMO!
LE must have REALLY hated those depo's.

Took the words out of my (mind)! ITA! Cindy didn't do KC any favors last week. Why can't they understand that perception is sooooo important in a case like this? If she had appeared grief-stricken, emotionally devastated from the evidence revealing KC to be the monster she is, I think she would have had the sympathies of LE, and and also from the public. Instead she came off as belligerant and devious, avoiding questions and twisting her words, all the while throwing out ludicrous allegations like somebody taking KC's words "she's close" and planting te body down the street to frame her. LE and the public have had it with the Kool-Aid drinkers! It's time to face the music, and LE just changed the tune.

IMHO, LE did this to force a plea out of her. I think they are tired of the grandstanding BS this family seems ready to produce for perpetuity. The wild goose chase has led right back to KC, no matter how many red herrings she tossed out along the way. It all comes down, as most crimes do, to motive and opportunity. She had both. There is no one left to pin this on that is remotely believable. KC needs to woman up and accept responsibility for this heinous crime. Only a fool would risk a DP trial in a case like this.
I'm very much against the death penalty. That said, there are two positive things that may come out of this. One, JB will no longer be lead counsel. As I've stated way too many times unfortunately, he is by far the most incompetent attorney I've ever seen practice in a serious criminal case; and I believe that every criminal defendant is entitled to competent counsel. Two, KC just might take a plea now. She would be insane not to.

There is no joy for me to hear that the dealth penalty is back on the table. I would much rather her get LWP. But the good news is that now JB will not be the reason for a mistrial due to ineffective counsel and have to be retried at a later date. After his inappropriate comments to the SA, the charges pending against him and the bungling of the case so far this may be a reason why the DP was brought back. Get rid of him now instead of having years of apellate issues. And for those who hope she takes a plea...if the case is really strong there may not be any plea on the table for her to take.
ITA they wouldn't do it to strong arm a plea deal. It is still possible that a plea deal might be accomplished. It could be that even if KC does come around and want a plea deal, the terms of what the SA will agree to just went up.

You are right. At this point I only see the SA agreeing to life in prison without parole, I can't see them accepting any other terms. And I don't see Casey ever agreeing to that deal.
I agree with either h or i or both, but not the kidnapping highlighted. I don't think you can kidnap your own child when there's no father in the picture.

I could be wrong as I only have past cases to reference, but OJ and the Sandra Cantu cases showed kidnapping outside the usual 'bundling away'.

Keeping someone against their will or not allowing them to seek assistance/help also counts.

However I do believe that the child neglect charges somehow factor into this, since they always seemed a little 'overkill' given the murder charges.

As far as the speculation for the move by the SA at this time, it's most likely due to their present evaluation of the merits of the case against Casey - and much less to do with who her present counsel happens to be. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised to see the FL supreme court yank JBaez' bar license on a temporary basis (called an interim suspension) until the complaints are resolved, which would mean new counsel would have to enroll anyway...

So I just don't see this as a move that is intended to cause JBaez to no longer be the first chair/trial attorney - I think he's already done that to himself...
There is no joy for me to hear that the dealth penalty is back on the table. I would much rather her get LWP. But the good news is that now JB will not be the reason for a mistrial due to ineffective counsel and have to be retried at a later date. After his inappropriate comments to the SA, the charges pending against him and the bungling of the case so far this may be a reason why the DP was brought back. Get rid of him now instead of having years of apellate issues. And for those who hope she takes a plea...if the case is really strong there may not be any plea on the table for her to take.
There's nothing stopping KC from authorizing her legal counsel to make a plea bargain offer to the SA. Defense can originate an offer any time they want.
I'm sorry if what I feel is wrong, BUT, this news makes me the happiest I have been in a very long time (concerning this case!)
ETA: this good news brought me back to Caylee's Forum.

I feel the same way you do!! :woohoo: :D
as much as i would loooove to see KC get the DP....

i think the SA is making a huuuuuuge mistake! all it takes is ONE juror to have a sliver of doubt and go with a not guilty verdict because they don't want to sentence her to death.

i think she'll walk. ughhh god i just felt my blood pressure go up 100 points

Jurors are not even allowed to bring up the death penalty during the guilt/innocent phase of the trial. Also, every juror will be death qualified, so a juror being squeamish about opting for death won't even enter the equation.

In many states and quite possibly every state, all it takes is 1 juror to vote against death for the defendant to not receive death.

IMO, Casey walking just because a juror isn't convinced she deserves death will never weigh in to this equation.

A death qualified juror is normally (though there are exceptions), a much more conservative person and because of this, in many states, the state seeks death just for this type of juror EVEN if they don't actually want the death sentence handed down. I just cannot see how anyone can look at this and say it favors the defense in any way at all.
On WKMG Local 6, they just did a piece on the 5:30 news - apparently Baez's spokesperson released a statement saying they had death penalty lawyers on their team blah blah blah, they were on the phone with her and when they asked who those DP lawyers were she hung up the phone! According to the newscaster. hahaha

Baez's spokesman, Marti Mackenzie, issued a statement to Local 6 News on behalf of his client.

"This is not a death penalty case. We will do whatever is necessary to defend Casey Anthony from the State trying to take her life. We already have death-qualified defense lawyers on our team and are prepared for a vigorous defense," Mackenzie said.

Mackenzie had did not respond when asked who the qualified attorney's are.

Baez previously brought on Terry Lenamon, an attorney from Miami qualified to defend a death penalty case, but he was no longer involved in the case after the state attorney's office announced it would not seek the death penalty.
There's nothing stopping KC from authorizing her legal counsel to make a plea bargain offer to the SA. Defense can originate an offer any time they want.

Yep - this is not about the SA trying to determine/direct whether or not JBaez remains as lead counsel.
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