2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

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Wow! I do so hope that this will start to end the circus, focus everyone and, get them serious. This could not be more serious. A precious little girls life was taken -- this is not entertainment or drama for dramas sake. It is not about raising funds or controlling videos and images. The Depos were the final straw in the spin cycle. The spin needs to stop here and both sides need to get down to business. I pray that they have that final nail.... the smoking gun.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I would wish KC a long miserable life in jail rather than a death sentence. That said I completely understand why many feel otherwise. I hope the evidence nails her a$$.
O/T But in the Phil S Trial...Guilty 2nd degree!~
On CNN it was just said that the state will not have access to certain defense records because it was changed, DP, after the 45 day mark...?

I saw that too, but one of the TH's said it doesn't matter if the State has hard evidence.
LE must have REALLY hated those depo's.

Well, both Cindy and George either lied under oath at the depositions in the civil case, or lied to LE when they signed their sworn statements. One of the two or maybe both, IMO.

Wonder what Ms. Casey is feeling upon hearing this news? That's goes for the Anthony's too. This news should scare all of them.

I am glad the SA's office is going for the DP!
"Based upon additional information that has become available since the waiver of intent to seek the penalty of death filed on December 5, 2008, sufficient aggravating circumstances exist to justify the imposition of the Death Penalty," the filed letter stated.

there ya go... that is why now they are filing... now what made them file???
Casey only cries when she feels sorry for herself. That being said I'm sure she's very upset today. She may not be able to feel emotions in regards to others, but I sit here and enjoy the fact she is most likely a mess today... even if she's only concerned about saving her own hide.
I would wish KC a long miserable life in jail rather than a death sentence. That said I completely understand why many feel otherwise. I hope the evidence nails her a$$.

She'll end up with a good chunk of time sitting in prison on death row (due to all the appeals) before they actually put her to death. So it's the best of both worlds.
I'm sorry if what I feel is wrong, BUT, this news makes me the happiest I have been in a very long time (concerning this case!)

ETA: this good news brought me back to Caylee's Forum.

Welcome back!! You were missed. We still have a LONG way to go for trial. The case can only get stronger and more solid.
Does anyone agree that this might just be a strategy to push her to plead (beg for a deal)?...........therefore mitigating the expense as much as is possible? This is costing huge tax dollars at a time it can least be afforded.

I'm extremely curious about this prospect as well. It's believed (thanks again Chez and French) to be a gamble the SA wouldn't want take just to attempt to secure a confession/plea deal (one isn't on the table at this point either).
There's no way the SA put the DP back on the table to force Casey's hand to confess. There is no turning back now. Casey will NEVER get a plea deal from the SA. That boat has sailed.
Here's what Florida's Death Penalty statute considers aggravating and mitigating circumstances:

(5) AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES. Aggravating circumstances shall be limited to the following:

(a) The capital felony was committed by a person under sentence of imprisonment or placed on community control.

(b) The defendant was previously convicted of another capital felony or of a felony involving the use or threat of violence to the person.

(c) The defendant knowingly created a great risk of death to many persons.

(d) The capital felony was committed while the defendant was engaged, or was an accomplice, in the commission of, or an attempt to commit, or flight after committing or attempting to commit, any robbery, sexual battery, arson, burglary,kidnapping, or aircraft piracy or the unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a destructive device or bomb.

(e) The capital felony was committed for the purpose of avoiding or preventing a lawful arrest or effecting an escape from custody.

(f) The capital felony was committed for pecuniary gain.

(g) The capital felony was committed to disrupt or hinder the lawful exercise of any governmental function or the enforcement of laws.

(h) The capital felony was especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel.

(i) The capital felony was a homicide and was committed in a cold, calculated, and premeditated manner without any pretense of moral or legal justification.

(j) The victim of the capital felony was a law enforcement officer engaged in the performance of his official duties.

(k) The victim of the capital felony was an elected or appointed public official engaged in the performance of his official duties if the motive for the capital felony was related, in whole or in part, to the victim's official capacity.

(6) MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES. Mitigating circumstances shall be the following:

(a) The defendant has no significant history of prior criminal activity.

(b) The capital felony was committed while the defendant was under the influence of extreme mental or emotional disturbance.

(c) The victim was a participant in the defendant's conduct or consented to the act.

(d) The defendant was an accomplice in the capital felony committed by another person and his participation was relatively minor.

(e) The defendant acted under extreme duress or under the substantial domination of another person.

(f) The capacity of the defendant to appreciate the criminality of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of law was substantially impaired.

Edited the bold quotes above to show what the aggravating factors that could be present in this case. IMHO, of course.
This is what I was thinking, you think the prosecutor watched the depositions before deciding on this ? I am joking, sort of.

You know, looking back I wonder if G&C found out some information before the depos, like the discovery of some evidence that would lead toward the death penalty being reintroduced.. not that I am trying to excuse or even explain their deplorable behavior.
That's another thing I've missed! I haven't been watching NG either. I will be watching tonight!

My faith in justice for Caylee has been restored, I am back!

I personally think some test results that they have been waiting for have come back. The first thing that popped in my mind was toxicology report

Welcome back Lovejac, and Nursebeeme! I've missed both of you and your posts.;)
There's no way the SA put the DP back on the table to force Casey's hand to confess. There is no turning back now. Casey will NEVER get a plea deal from the SA. That boat has sailed.
ITA they wouldn't do it to strong arm a plea deal. It is still possible that a plea deal might be accomplished. It could be that even if KC does come around and want a plea deal, the terms of what the SA will agree to just went up.
as much as i would loooove to see KC get the DP....

i think the SA is making a huuuuuuge mistake! all it takes is ONE juror to have a sliver of doubt and go with a not guilty verdict because they don't want to sentence her to death.

i think she'll walk. ughhh god i just felt my blood pressure go up 100 points

I tend to agree. Hope this isn't a knee jerk reaction from the state. Could be a big mistake.
You know, looking back I wonder if G&C found out some information before the depos, like the discovery of some evidence that would lead toward the death penalty being reintroduced.. not that I am trying to excuse or even explain their deplorable behavior.

It would be unusual for the SA or LE to advise the Anthonys in advance - and there would've been no need to do so.
I am not sure how I feel about this. I am personally torn regarding death penalty. Part of me thinks why waste tax payer money to pay for someone to spend life in prison? Another part of me thinks it is just wrong in so many ways. The people that have to carry through with the execution, it has got to be so difficult for them and could possibly torment them for the rest of their lives. I know it is a job I could never ever do. The family of the prisoner on death row, they have been put through hell and back already and then to have to know their loved one is being put to death (no matter how much of a monster they are) has got to be heart wrenching. I feel like it is not our place to decide to kill someone because they have killed someone, 2 wrongs dont make a right.
I guess I am mostly against the DP but once in a while I have second thoughts about it.

As for this particular case, I am scared that this is going to cause KC to walk because it could be harder for a juror to convict knowing it is a DP case. If one juror decides they do not think she deserves the death penalty and cannot convict her because it is the only choice it will be a darn shame.
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