2009.04.22 & 2009.04.23 GA & CA Excl. Intvw: CBS The Early Show (Inc. Outtakes)

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Ahh yes...well sadly I think once CA's mind figured that out, about 2 seconds later she decided to reject that epiphany. She then concocted some fantasy story line where KC was the "Mother of the Year" and GA has gone to "She's a daughter to be proud of".

What is so ironic in this whole tragic event is if they would have just been totally honest with LE, then said in public "I know the evidence looks bad against our daughter but we are her parents, we love her and will stand with her and will help her no matter what she has done. And if it is proven she murdered her daughter we will have to come to terms with that then. We will want her to accept the punishment for the crime. We believe Caylee deserves justice. We accept the evidence but hold out hope that at trial her defense will explain or refute it. Until then, as any parent out there will understand we chose to wait and see what the prosecution can prove and what a jury will decide. We ask for understanding for our difficult position." Then stay off the airwaves - period. If they'd have gone this route, things could be so different for them IMO. :cow:

Well said, Doogiesgirl! ITA
yep Klee was KC's first priority. When she had Klee sleeping on the bed with her and her boy of the moment, in his bed, klee was her #1 priority. I am certain of it. :furious:

If Caylee was KC first priority, she would have done what mothers do,she would have had a job, or had been going to school to get a good job where she could support her own daughter-buy her the things she needed and wanted, instead of Cindy having to do it. She would have made sure Caylee had some kind of medical insurance, she never even signed Caylee up for state insurance if I'm not mistaken. She would never have taken Caylee to her friends parties where there was drinks and drugs, and put her down on couch to sleep, she never would have, had Caylee in bed, with her another man. And if she was a great mother,-she would have protected Caylee at all costs.
I'm not buying anything the A's have to say, I can't wait for the day, when the sheriff cars drives up to their house and takes then all away.:behindbar
Yep, they do seem to "get" each other, right down to the code talk and strange analogies (remember the finger family?). Only speculating but it does appear to me narcissism runs rampant in this family.

Maybe this is why GA got so upset at the depo. The lawyer was giving him a "Lee" :eek:LOLOL
Due to their personalities, self-centered, it is likely they were not aware of Casey's need to grow up until it was too late.
To quote B Conway verbatim "Discovery is not evidence." No legal background here whatsoever but does that make sense? Is he just playing with semantics?

Also, I noticed when Cindy was revealing about her alleged suicide note, there was a faint smile on her lips. Seemed to me that she was proudly announcing something that I would be embarrassed about myself. Wonder what a body language expert would say about that.

There will be things released during discovery that will never make it into trial as evidence ... and until it is admitted as evidence during trial, we don't know for sure what it will be ... so technically BC is right ... but really, it's his feeble attempt to give his clients a reason to avoid tough questions!
Also, I noticed when Cindy was revealing about her alleged suicide note, there was a faint smile on her lips. Seemed to me that she was proudly announcing something that I would be embarrassed about myself. Wonder what a body language expert would say about that.

I tend to agree, lacey clementine...But this is Cindy we're talking about after all, and far be it from her to miss an opportunity to paint herself as the victim. I couldn't believe she didn't mention lack of food or sleep even once during the interview!
Due to their personalities, self-centered, it is likely they were not aware of Casey's need to grow up until it was too late.

In this case, I am too often reminded of a quote I heard once ... "Genetics loads the gun ... but environment pulls the trigger" This family provided both the genes and toxic environment! IMO KC got every unredeeming quality that her parents had to offer, while Lee seems to have fared a little better.
After watching the A's go for an Oscar this morning I was struck again as in the beginning of the case with the comment about 2 yr.old Caylee by Cindy and the statement went like this , "It was Caylee's goal to make us happy. "If I was in a bad mood she would put her hands on my face and say CC I Love You." First off a toddler is not capable of setting a goal of making sure everyone is happy!.

Your post respectfully snipped

If there is something I can't stand is when a child is born with a job to do. For some it's to fix bad marriage etc. In this case it seems to be to fix a broken family and become Casey's meal ticket. Once Caylee stopped doing her job well it cost her her life.
Have they had lobotomies?

Anyway, I saw Part One on the Web and my computer had buffering problems which caused the video to stop at various strategic points. Watching CA in freeze-frame, I detected the old CA lurking beneath the surface.

And CA's retroactive suicidal ideation story, IMO, is suspect. Not that I don't believe that someone with a tragic loss would contemplate it -- I just think that Cindy can't let George "one up" her.

The A's, their stories, and their public facades change too much. Their inconsistencies and "mistruths" will surely bite them in their proverbial arses.

There were some similarities in this interview and Scott P's interview with Diane Sawyer (soft spoken, feel the love, blah blah blah). Didn't work for him. And The Early Show is "too late" for the A's, too.

All just MOO.

Have they had lobotomies?

Anyway, I saw Part One on the Web and my computer had buffering problems which caused the video to stop at various strategic points. Watching CA in freeze-frame, I detected the old CA lurking beneath the surface.

And CA's retroactive suicidal ideation story, IMO, is suspect. Not that I don't believe that someone with a tragic loss would contemplate it -- I just think that Cindy can't let George "one up" her.

The A's, their stories, and their public facades change too much. Their inconsistencies and "mistruths" will surely bite them in their proverbial arses.

There were some similarities in this interview and Scott P's interview with Diane Sawyer (soft spoken, feel the love, blah blah blah). Didn't work for him. And The Early Show is "too late" for the A's, too.

All just MOO.


Yes, you are right on! Good observation, I totally remember that.
I don't understand the A's need to publicly confirm their support of KC on national TV. There may be a handful of viewers that were not already outraged by their past behavior and actions. Do these people ever learn from past mistakes? Don't they realize they are only making matters worse by going on national TV in support of their daughter. You would think someone (BC-JB) would step up to the plate and tell them this. G & CA are bringing all the hostility on themselves. I don't get it??
I don't understand the A's need to publicly confirm their support of KC on national TV. There may be a handful of viewers that were not already outraged by their past behavior and actions. Do these people ever learn from past mistakes? Don't they realize they are only making matters worse by going on national TV in support of their daughter. You would think someone (BC-JB) would step up to the plate and tell them this. G & CA are bringing all the hostility on themselves. I don't get it??

Do you really think Cindy would listen? SHE, and no one else, is the boss. BC is just her lackey whose job is to do HER bidding. Pro bono, on top of it!
"A daughter any father would be proud of" ????

George talking about KC


My body actually made an involuntary contortion-like shudder reading that! What a ludicrous and digusting statement.
When GA was asked about the evidence he changed the subject to...well there's never been a case with this much media attention. Wrong George.

OJ got a lot more attention than this case. E. Smart, S. Smith, A. Yates, S. Peterson and many more got this much attention as well.

BC said there is no evidence. Do they really think the public is that stupid with their silly play on words?

I think we all believe that in someway everyone is just like us. They carry it to the extreme!!

Apparently the Anthony's don't understand how compelling circumstantial evidence is because if they did, they would not be so quick to flat out dismiss the idea of a plea deal for their daughter who is facing the mother of all punishments if convicted for the murder of their grandchild: EXECUTION.

Scott P. never confessed to murdering his wife and unborn son. He was convicted and sent to DR on the strength of a "mountain" of circumstantial evidence. Given what we have seen so far in this case which is only a portion of the discovery, I can only imagine what is yet to come.

Look at the Lorena Bobbit case. All the evidence against her was purely circumcisional. :eek:
Casey Anthony is a Saint and we need to recognize it.

1. Casey has saved her parents from the evil and dangerous protestors who were casting pennies at the garage door.
2. Their hero saved her mother's life when her mother was at her darkest moment and contemplating suicide. She stayed by side, in her hour of need. She prayed for her and with her.
3. KC has sacrificed herself and will sit in prison for the rest of her life to keep her family from danger; AND, If necessary, she will sacrifice her own life to protect her family.
4. KC should not and will never accept a plea for her life because she did nothing wrong. Her honor is at stake here and that is worth any sacrifice.

These are all the reasons why the Anthony's are so proud. They have asked us all to simply open our hearts and try to understand the magnitude of Casey's humanity.


Yer killin me.....!
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