2009.04.22 & 2009.04.23 GA & CA Excl. Intvw: CBS The Early Show (Inc. Outtakes)

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I thought the saddest part of this two days of interviews was when George and Cindy were asked their favorite things about Caylee and all Cindy could say was she would kiss her hello when she had a bad day. Where were the funny stories we all have about our children's escapades? We have much-repeated stories about our kids that will go down in family history.

(Weird that she kissed George then too - maybe they are trying to be better people to each other.)

In CA's world, it's really All about Cindy, isn't it?
You are correct, even though the ME ruled it a homicide by undetected means.

I also am curious as to why there is no anger towards the killer, or cries to find the "real" killer. They never mention that, just "blah blah, St. KC, we love her, she's a good mom, it'll all come out at trial."

Well, I do have an imagination on some thangs. But can you imagine what it is like with CA and GA in private? They know what happened---they know who did it. I bet they hate her. When you have to suck it up and you get home and the door is shut or after something happens and you get in you car------then at lease you say, "GRRRRRRRR":cursing: Would love to be a fly on their wall. She killed their G/B. Will never convince me that they don't hate her. One of mine did less than KC did----no life was taken but if we hadn't moved across the U.S.A.---yup--yup
They are still afraid of her.

I think they are scared of her. Yup---Yup. She killed their baby G/D, I would be very scared. Been there dun that. Was the 2 grandkids I am raising and me. Yup--Yup
forgive me if this has been asked.

cindy said casey thanked her for calling 911 while they were in the car. i thought she called 911 from home after they got home??

There were three calls to 911 altogether. After picking up Casey at TL's apartment, Cindy dropped AH off at her home.

Cindy then proceeded to drive to an Orlando City Police station, where she planned on having Casey arrested for theft - saying she stole the Pontiac Sunfire (registered to Cindy) and money. She found the police station closed, and called 911. She learned that there are some stations in the city of Orlando that only open during business hours.

The operator asked Cindy what her home address was, and told Cindy that she was actually in the jurisdiction of the Orange County Sheriffs Dept., not the city of Orlando Police. Cindy decided to drive home and make the 911 call from home. It was during a brief wait while the operator looked up Cindy's address to see in which jurisdiction it was, that Casey can be heard asking, "just give me one more day" and Cindy responding with, "I've given you a month!"

Cindy and Casey go home and shortly after arriving Cindy makes her second call to 911, this time to the Orange County Sheriffs Dept. In this call she reports the theft of the Pontiac Sunfire and the theft of money, and says she found her daughter but not her granddaughter, saying she might be missing.

It was a short time later that Cindy makes the third and final 911 call and this time she's very upset and reports that she found her daughter that day but not her granddaughter, and she just learned from her daughter that her granddaughter was taken by the babysitter. She goes on to say that they found the car that day and "The car smells like there's been a damn dead body in it!"
There are many "Free Casey Anthony" facebook groups. However, there are many more "Fry Casey Anthony" groups.

Also, here's a site that "supports" here. There are a little less than 1000 hits on it.

There are only 5 messages on the message board. I tried 6 x's to post a message and it wouldn't take it. Maybe because it was negative. LOL
Random Thoughts on Today's Interview...

When is Cindy going to learn to ...Shut up ...Keep Quiet & Say Nothing....!!!

This Interview didn't gain her any sympathy..... it brought her one step closer to an Indictment.

With every word she utters she buries Casey, and herself, a little deeper.

Her "story" is full of holes & contradictions and she keeps on telling it......Why can't she see the holes..?

Cindy has already tried using the Media to her advantage & it blew up in her face.....Why does she continue to play with fire..?.

Was this interview her attempt at "damage control" after the...... "Deposition Debacle"..?

Why Doesn't somebody tell Cindy that the best way to help Casey is to....."Stop Talking"

How else are they gonna get $60k?
Brad looks horrible like vampires have been sucking the blood from his veins.

He's representing the worst Emotional I have ever encountered. She will suck the righteous good right out of him before long. The poor man needs to keep Oxygen with him at all times.
I don't know if somebody has posted this (30 pages!) but when CA turned to GA and demonstrated how Caylee would kiss her after a bad day.

All I could think of was The Godfather "Kiss of Death" scene, where Michael Corleone grabs Fredo and says "I know it was you Fredo. You broke my heart, you broke my heart."

Wonder if GA took it that way...
Mom: Casey Has Shown Little Emotion
Anthonys Give Exclusive Interview To CBS 'Early Show'
POSTED: Thursday, April 23, 2009
UPDATED: 6:52 pm EDT April 23, 2009


Video of interview outtakes, not shown on the air:

ETA: the video stopped working earlier and then they changed the link when they fixed it. It seems to be working now.


Just when you thought you heard enough...
The video is only :54 seconds... it's the intro but no interview footage.. ?

Maybe I am doing something wrong... ?
The video is only :54 seconds... it's the intro but no interview footage.. ?

Maybe I am doing something wrong... ?

If you are..then that makes 2 of us, LOL! Such a TEASER too...there has to be more.....off to look..
The other thread is closed, but I noticed at around 2:14 minute fourteen second mark Cindy seems to say "I could smell",then changes it to "When I say Casey I could tell something was wrong" she totally slipped on that.
"Very sensitive, very caring – the kind of daughter that any father is proud of," George Anthony said. "I'm proud of my daughter."

Yes, very sensitive - what was it she said to her mother during that one jail visit? "Is SHE crying AGAIN?" or something like that. KC is an open fire hydrant of sensitivity.
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