2009.05.01 Document Release: "FBI FORENSIC REPORT" ONLY!

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Great memory Cheffie!

Recall in multiple motions hearings JB was pressing for results and it got to the point that Judge Strickland stated over and over that he had no jurisdiction over those labs. One was the Body Farm and the others were FBI labs, IIRC.

And, I would imagine that the piece of duct tape specifically from around the skull is just one of the pieces of evidence currently still with the FBI.

As someone posted way back on this thread, the SA could easily have been informed of the results 'informally' by telephone, but they do not have to submit this to defense until the actual report is received.

I'm still firmly convinced that the DP is back for a reason that will be supported by at least one piece of forensic evidence.

Before the body was found, I knew KC must have done it (cept when the A's began acting so defensive and protective I began questioning their involvement which complicated and still complicates my thinking).

Here's the thing though - I've heard time and time again that Sociopaths are usually intelligent. Noone is claiming that KC is even very smart (which will be proven if she is responsible for the duct tape). What I am getting at is, why would she leave behind evidence that directly ties the body to her daughter and then back to herself? That was just flat out dumb. Why wouldn't she have left the body with nothing personal attached to it? AD, her best friend, said KC could not have done this by herself.
Wow, I sure hope I didn't make you feel "ganged up on" because I pointed out that the meds the FBI tested Caylee's hair for were not all the same meds that came from the Anthony home. I just thought it was important that people were aware of that. I don't know anything about this case- I don't even know if Casey is the killer, I'm probably about the only person here who doesn't even have a "theory". But Benzo's.. CNS.. narcotics..? Sadly, yes, I do know about those. :crazy:

The only reason Cindy's meds have remained stuck in my head is because of the Klonopin. We have had many discussions about Cindy and Benzo's.. beginning before it was even verified she had an RX for 'em. Many of the things you brought up in the post I am quoting has been brought up in those threads as well. None of this (Cindy's meds) is new info. we have been over it and over it. I wasn't posting on this thread to discuss or have a debate over Cindy's meds. I was just clarifying... because of the meds in the FBI docs that just came out.

Those discussions must have been when I was up in the Lexus thread - ha! Still no conclusive answer as to who the Lexus contact was - ugh!

My feeling ganged up on is a personal problem!!!:):boohoo::)
Before the body was found, I knew KC must have done it (cept when the A's began acting so defensive and protective I began questioning their involvement which complicated and still complicates my thinking).

Here's the thing though - I've heard time and time again that Sociopaths are usually intelligent. Noone is claiming that KC is even very smart (which will be proven if she is responsible for the duct tape). What I am getting at is, why would she leave behind evidence that directly ties the body to her daughter and then back to herself? That was just flat out dumb. Why wouldn't she have left the body with nothing personal attached to it? AD, her best friend, said KC could not have done this by herself.

AD also said, Casey isn't smart enough...(thus the duct tape and direct evidence with the body)
Hello everyone - I am a first time poster, but have been lurking for many months. I agree with so many of you that this Florida jury will see through this sham defense and bring justice for Caylee. Even though we did not receive the "smoking gun" that we all wanted on Friday - I still believe it is there! I have been a paralegal for a long time, and the defense is just posturing for a sympathetic jury.The DP was reinstated because the Pros has so much definitive evidence - which they are keeping close to the belt. We will see it later, but in the meantime we will continue to fight for our Caylee.

Are you the one in the yellow? :) Welcome to Websleuths!
YES! And I recall Tony saying that KC took his car to the carwash before picking him up at the airport. That stuck in my mind because it just didn't strike me that KC would normally return someone's car WASHED & CLEANED!! It probably needed a cleaning if she drove down into the dump site.

I am concerned about the decomp rate between the snake and Caylee.
She was skeletonized while the snake had tissue remaining to be analyzed.:confused:
I know. I also know that KC had what is called a "status" epilepticus (prolonged seizure) back in 2007 when she was at JG's. When you look up Clonazepam, it lists "used to control seizures" first.

Hey Woe, watch KC's defense claim she had a seizure when she killed Caylee and didn't remember doing it as it is fact that people who have seizures don't know whats going on during the seizure. My late husband had Grand Mal Epileptic Seizures from the time he was a boy until one killed him it was so severe. I have heard of others while having seizures running around with knives in their hands, attacking others and doing crazy things but not remembering doing them. My late hubby was on all kinds of drugs for his grand mals but I was out when he had one in the tub and he drowned. It was a year after our daughter was killed by a drunk driver.

Anyway the only thing I could think of since the prescription for Clonazepam is in Cindys name was that she was having panic attacks. Stress in ones life does a number on the body and Psyche!

What do you think about the KC seizure defense avenue- Do you think they will use something like that in their defense strategy?

Also if KC was taking this type of meds for a seizure disorder and drinking she was playing with fire. She should have been dead already from the lethal combination. Thats what makes me believe the prescription was for Cindy.
What do you think about the KC seizure defense avenue- Do you think they will use something like that in their defense strategy?

Also if KC was taking this type of meds for a seizure disorder and drinking she was playing with fire. She should have been dead already from the lethal combination. Thats what makes me believe the prescription was for Cindy.

First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband! I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 15 and let me tell ya IMO that would never work as a defense. The only way it could is if she said she had a seizure and Caylee accidently went into the pool when she was passed out. I've had rougly 10 seizures and everytime I have one I am completely unconscious during the seizure (roughly 1 minute) and then for about 5-10 minutes afterwards. I've personally never heard of anyone having a seizure and being able to do any type of action. You basically pass out and convulse during grand mal seizures. In petite mal seizures you just zone out, still not able to do any type of action. And yep you are right, drinking heavily can bring out seizures and so can not getting enough sleep. People will epilepsy are advised to stay away from alcohol regularly and to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Based on KC's cell activity, she rarely slept. If she was prone to seizures, she would have had quite with the lifestyle she had. Seizures also take a LOT out of you and usually I'll sleep for 12 hours after mine. I doubt if KC had one she'd be able to be texting and go to Blockbuster soon after. JMO based on my experience!
In reference to the bullet casing:

I have seen some comments that there is no indication that Caylee had been shot, but there are many instances where a bullet wound does not cause any damage to the bones and only damages soft tissue, yet still proves to be fatal. Since little Caylee was completely skeletonized when recovered, it would be virtually impossible to determine whether she had been shot or not.

I find it very interesting that George went out and bought a gun last August in anticipation of a potential suicide attempt (according to him). Almost every single retired law enforcement person that I know has maintained possession of some sort of firearm after their retirement. Did George?

If he did keep his firearm from back when he was a deputy, then where is THAT firearm and could it have been used in this horrific crime against Caylee?

I would be very interested to know from law enforcement if George ever claimed to have "lost" a firearm, if he did indeed have one from years ago. Was he ever even asked if he owned a firearm (prior to the purchase in August)?

I think he bought the gun to protect himself just in case Casey tried something on them.
I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 15 and let me tell ya IMO that would never work as a defense. "

God Love ya trixi,
The specialist that we went to told my husband and I that on younger people there was a bit of unremembered violence before they had grand mal seizures and that was before diagnosis.
I know your right about not remembering what happened during the seizure ( I would ask him) although my husband always told me he could tell when a grand mal was coming on and I always saw the signs as he would have a series of petit mals before the big one hit. He became a paraplegic because of one of those seizures, but then again he was skipping meds.
Anyway when I was looking at the list and saw Cindys name was on the bottle I figured she could be taking those meds for panic attacks but then again who knows she may have some form of seizure disorder.

I don't know of any physician who would write a seizure medication for another person who he's not treating for that type of disease. Thats against the law and of course you will agree its dangerous.

Thats why I thought it could be panic attacks.

whats your take!
I think he bought the gun to protect himself just in case Casey tried something on them.

IIRC George had a gun in his car at the time Casey was released from jail and staying in their home. LE found out about it and confiscated it immediately as terms of Casey's bond were no firearms in the house. Could this be the same gun? I wonder if he was able to get it back after she went back in on a no bond status???
I agree with those who think the DP back was not just a ploy, but was based on some substantial evidence coming to light.

I think that is likely to be some definitive "physical" evidence to add to the mountain of circumstantial? :crossfingers:

My picks are:

- Duct tape itself link to Anthony home :eek:

- Fibres etc on duct tape :eek:

- Heart sticker on duct tape :eek:

- Laundry hamper :eek:

- Plastic garbage bags (yellow handle) :eek:

All these items are linked to body/dumping body.:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Other items may well link to Anthony home. For instance remnants of Caylee's clothes, diapers, pooh blanket etc but those items might well be with Caylee anyway after she left the Anthony home alive. :confused:

The latest documents have said nothing about these items. Yet they have been listed as evidence items and searches :cop: have included taking into evidence potential comparison items from the Anthony home. :detective:

The test results we have seen are mainly "negative" It's not unreasonable to conclude that the Prosecution are releasing details of such items precisely BECAUSE they show no probative value, and are unlikely to play a major part in the trial
It seems to me that there is a certain amount of "Mental Chess" involved with complying with Discovery requests?
Prosecution :snail:are giving Baez :jester: details as requested, but only of lesser importance stuff? :shutup:


Yes, HP! And, for what it is worth, most, if not all, of the items you have listed were turned over to the FBI to be taken to Quantico for testing. This is probably why we haven't seen the test results on these particular items yet!
God Love ya trixi,
The specialist that we went to told my husband and I that on younger people there was a bit of unremembered violence before they had grand mal seizures and that was before diagnosis.
I know your right about not remembering what happened during the seizure ( I would ask him) although my husband always told me he could tell when a grand mal was coming on and I always saw the signs as he would have a series of petit mals before the big one hit. He became a paraplegic because of one of those seizures, but then again he was skipping meds.
Anyway when I was looking at the list and saw Cindys name was on the bottle I figured she could be taking those meds for panic attacks but then again who knows she may have some form of seizure disorder.

I don't know of any physician who would write a seizure medication for another person who he's not treating for that type of disease. Thats against the law and of course you will agree its dangerous.

Thats why I thought it could be panic attacks.

whats your take!

Yup, I usually have what they call an "aura" before I have one and know it's coming on. They didn't want to put me on anti-seizure medication until I had at least 2, and looked at my brain activity with an EEG b/c there can be a lot of side effects and stuff from them so they want to make sure you definitely need to be medicated before prescribing it. You're right they definitely don't give them out to anyone. So yeah, IMO if she was taking seizure meds she would have to be seeing a neurologist on a regular basis, as well as getting frequent EEGs. GA said they ran neuro tests when she was at the hospital in 2007 and nothing showed up that waved any red flags so there was probably no predisposition to seizures or reason to be medicated.
I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 15 and let me tell ya IMO that would never work as a defense. "

God Love ya trixi,
The specialist that we went to told my husband and I that on younger people there was a bit of unremembered violence before they had grand mal seizures and that was before diagnosis.
I know your right about not remembering what happened during the seizure ( I would ask him) although my husband always told me he could tell when a grand mal was coming on and I always saw the signs as he would have a series of petit mals before the big one hit. He became a paraplegic because of one of those seizures, but then again he was skipping meds.
Anyway when I was looking at the list and saw Cindys name was on the bottle I figured she could be taking those meds for panic attacks but then again who knows she may have some form of seizure disorder.

I don't know of any physician who would write a seizure medication for another person who he's not treating for that type of disease. Thats against the law and of course you will agree its dangerous.

Thats why I thought it could be panic attacks.

whats your take!
I agree. Clonazepam is routinely prescribed for anxiety and panic attacks, and efficacy for seizure does not need to be a part of the indications. I think this is not a good thing, because it is not a nice drug, and addiction is a hop, skip, and jump around the corner. Detox from it is itself a cause for monitoring for potential seizures.

Don't think we need to waste too much time on seizure, though. If anyone is a good candidate for anxiety attacks then CA is.
I would just like to throw this out there...There is more evidence that we are not going to be privy to and rightfully so. There are certain conditions that need to be met to put the DP on the table(remember they took it off once and were able to get it back on). So I am sure that there is a "smoking gun". If you look at the latest doc dump.. you see over and over again.."cannot be ruled out". I also agree they are giving garbage in the doc dumps nothing of provitive vaule. Have faith justice will be served for the little girl who voice was taken away by her "mom"ster
Can benadryl be tested for? It's definetly not a drug screened for on substance abuse testings and I would think it's out a person's system pretty quickly. But this is just my assumptions, I could be wrong.

Just did a quick & dirty lit search...yes, it can be analyzed for in hair.
I am concerned about the decomp rate between the snake and Caylee.
She was skeletonized while the snake had tissue remaining to be analyzed.:confused:

The snake and Caylee are not related in any way. The snake was road kill on or about August 11, 2008. It was found by Kronk's co-workers along the side of the road on Suburban Drive on August 11th when Kronk first saw Caylee's remains, the snake was subsequently taken home and frozen thus halting all decomposition.
I agree with those who think the DP back was not just a ploy, but was based on some substantial evidence coming to light.

I think that is likely to be some definitive "physical" evidence to add to the mountain of circumstantial? :crossfingers:

My picks are:

- Duct tape itself link to Anthony home :eek:

- Fibres etc on duct tape :eek:

- Heart sticker on duct tape :eek:

- Laundry hamper :eek:

- Plastic garbage bags (yellow handle) :eek:

All these items are linked to body/dumping body.:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Other items may well link to Anthony home. For instance remnants of Caylee's clothes, diapers, pooh blanket etc but those items might well be with Caylee anyway after she left the Anthony home alive. :confused:

The latest documents have said nothing about these items. Yet they have been listed as evidence items and searches :cop: have included taking into evidence potential comparison items from the Anthony home. :detective:

The test results we have seen are mainly "negative" It's not unreasonable to conclude that the Prosecution are releasing details of such items precisely BECAUSE they show no probative value, and are unlikely to play a major part in the trial
It seems to me that there is a certain amount of "Mental Chess" involved with complying with Discovery requests?
Prosecution :snail:are giving Baez :jester: details as requested, but only of lesser importance stuff? :shutup:

Yes yes this is what I've believed to be the case but I like ur description of "mental chess" better. It's not that i believe LE is witholding anything to keep it from defense, it's just that most everything that has been released seemed to not be the evidence we've heard they had, like the heart sticker on duct tape. they've not released that report or a pic so did they release the Heart/Mat sticker as a temporary substitute?
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