2009.05.01 Document Release: "FBI FORENSIC REPORT" ONLY!

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Pretty sure they do!:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:

Yeah, you have to be right. The thing that bothers me is the DP being placed back on the table. Alot of people are happy with that but coming from the family that I do, I know why they took it off the table and then put it back into play. That makes me second guess the extent of their evidence. I'm just going to follow my gut and go with Casey being convicted...not so sure about her getting the DP though.

Ok, I'm off to read a bedtime story to my youngest...he should be asleep by now. Have a nice night everyone. Hugs & kisses to all!
:grouphug: :blowkiss: :grouphug:
So... did Baez request the material that is causing your suspicions, as the judge asked him to do?

I remember that he once demanded documentation of all of the "sightings" of Caylee, and then never picked them up.

I remeber that! :waitasec:
Means: They may not be able to determine the actual cause of death that is true. And they may not be able to provide any direct evidence that shows that KC did the killing.

Opportunity: KC is the last one known to be with Caylee. And the one to have the vehicle in her possession. And the fact that there was evidence that KC was driving around in the vehicle, which evidence proves that Caylee's remains was in will go a very long way in convincing the jury (as well as shocking them.) Just stop and think about that. It smelled so bad that even KC mentioned the smell. And it still smelled when CA and GA picked the car up. That alone puts KC with the remains of her dead daughter. And she didn't report it, and when the car was checked and she had the opportunity to provide an explanation for it, she was unable to do so. To me and IMO to the jury that will be the most convincing evidence. Who doesn't report the death of their child? She knew about the odor, she knew or should have known that her daughter was missing. And she didn't bother to check out the trunk of the vehicle in between her dinners, shopping trips and movies? It puts KC with the remains, and her failure to report it and attempts to hide/explain it shows attempts to coverup.

Then there is the evidence that connects Caylee's remains to the A family home. The tape, the garbage bags and everything. The A's never reported any breakins before that. They never told detectives about any indications that someone had been rummaging in their home. So indications are that the items were removed by someone familiar with the home. So you have KC connected to the dead remains of her daughter. And to the home.

Then there is the heart sticker. That will be a shocker to the jury also. When you look at Caylee's pics, there are hearts everywhere. Hearts on Caylee's items. Who would discard the dead remains of a child, literally dump them like trash in a trash bag, and put a heart sticker on the duct tape? I really think that the sticker might have been gesture of remorse, or a memorial type item like you might put a favorite teddy bear in a casket- but the jury will see it as a type of contempt- just like we saw here the day it came out. But that will shake up the jury and will seal the deal.

Motive: KC's complaints to friends about her mother's relationship to Caylee, the jealousy and the resentment. And the argument/fight that she had with her mother just before she left the home. Add to that the fact that without her mother she didn't have a babysitter- and that that would interfere with her partying. And that her current boyfriend didn't want anything to do with Caylee.

We know a lot about what happened. But we still don't know what all the SA has. Not all has been released yet. And we get it piecemeal, without all the connections and the context that will make it understandable. Yes, I think they have enough to put KC with the dead remains, and to draw a reasonable conclusion that KC was the one who caused the death.

The smoking gun: Not every murder has a smoking gun. Not every murder has a witness. And not every murder has fingerprints and DNA. The biggest challenges in this case is not going to be proving that KC did it. The biggest challenge is going to be proving that it was first degree. And the coverup story that KC came up with is probably going to go a long way in convincing the jury that it was first degree. KC has had many many opportunities to say it was an accident. And she didn't. She didn't when it was first reported that Caylee was missing, she didn't when she was arrested for neglect, she didn't when she was arrested for murder, and she didn't when Caylee's remains were found. Instead she came up with the Zeniada story. The nanny that no one knows, no one has ever seen. Zanny that no one can even prove exists or has ever existed. Even KC didn't recognize the Zeniada that we know about. Why make up that elaborate story if it was an accident?

Yes, I think the SA has much more that they still haven't released, and I believe it is probably the most d*mming evidence. But to me, I think it won't be needed for a conviction. They already have shown more evidence than many other murders that they have gotten convictions for.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Thanks for the GRRRRREAT POST !!!

God Bless !
The simplest answer is usually the best!

Thank you.

Why bring in Chloroform and OTC drugs etc whiich would be impossible to prove even if (big if) they played a part.
We have a dead body with duct tape still in place (near enough). A 2'' wide strip of tape across the mouth (nose) of a 2 year old child is enough of a COD to pose for a jury! Without complicating things?

Additionally, I believe the tape will be linked to the Anthony home, and perhaps the heart sticker residue will be linked to the home and KC
'Nuff Said!!!

Yeah, you have to be right. The thing that bothers me is the DP being placed back on the table. Alot of people are happy with that but coming from the family that I do, I know why they took it off the table and then put it back into play. That makes me second guess the extent of their evidence. I'm just going to follow my gut and go with Casey being convicted...not so sure about her getting the DP though.

Ok, I'm off to read a bedtime story to my youngest...he should be asleep by now. Have a nice night everyone. Hugs & kisses to all!
:grouphug: :blowkiss: :grouphug:

No offense and bless your heart for being creative but your font & color sorta make my eyes go blurry.
It may be just me. I do wear glasses. Anyone else notice this?
Or, perhaps, since the FBI was involved in this case, they don't have to follow the FL Sunshine Laws, not being under FL jurisdiction? They may see the evidence that they collected as "their" evidence, and only release it to the SA when they deem it appropriate. Then the SA would have no way, or IMO duty, to get it to JB in the timeframe of the Sunshine Law since they do not possess it.

Great memory Cheffie!

Recall in multiple motions hearings JB was pressing for results and it got to the point that Judge Strickland stated over and over that he had no jurisdiction over those labs. One was the Body Farm and the others were FBI labs, IIRC.

And, I would imagine that the piece of duct tape specifically from around the skull is just one of the pieces of evidence currently still with the FBI.

As someone posted way back on this thread, the SA could easily have been informed of the results 'informally' by telephone, but they do not have to submit this to defense until the actual report is received.

I'm still firmly convinced that the DP is back for a reason that will be supported by at least one piece of forensic evidence.
Great memory Cheffie!

Recall in multiple motions hearings JB was pressing for results and it got to the point that Judge Strickland stated over and over that he had no jurisdiction over those labs. One was the Body Farm and the others were FBI labs, IIRC.

And, I would imagine that the piece of duct tape specifically from around the skull is just one of the pieces of evidence currently still with the FBI.

As someone posted way back on this thread, the SA could easily have been informed of the results 'informally' by telephone, but they do not have to submit this to defense until the actual report is received.

I'm still firmly convinced that the DP is back for a reason that will be supported by at least one piece of forensic evidence.[/QUOTE]

ITA, Tater! I feel very confident that there is something extremely damning in the custody of the FBI. I recall JB trying to get certain info that they had in their possession and the judge telling him that he just had to make a formal request from them as he had no jurisdiction over them. JB actually asked the judge to have the SA do it! Me thinks maybe JB never got around to doing what he needed to.
Great memory Cheffie!

Recall in multiple motions hearings JB was pressing for results and it got to the point that Judge Strickland stated over and over that he had no jurisdiction over those labs. One was the Body Farm and the others were FBI labs, IIRC.

And, I would imagine that the piece of duct tape specifically from around the skull is just one of the pieces of evidence currently still with the FBI.

As someone posted way back on this thread, the SA could easily have been informed of the results 'informally' by telephone, but they do not have to submit this to defense until the actual report is received.

I'm still firmly convinced that the DP is back for a reason that will be supported by at least one piece of forensic evidence.

I remember that also. Judge Strickland told Jose he could contact the FBI himself. The SAs even said we will give him our contact's name and phone number there. It should not be a problem if he calls and asks.
ITA, Tater! I feel very confident that there is something extremely damning in the custody of the FBI. I recall JB trying to get certain info that they had in their possession and the judge telling him that he just had to make a formal request from them as he had no jurisdiction over them. JB actually asked the judge to have the SA do it! Me thinks maybe JB never got around to doing what he needed to.

I remember that also. Judge Strickland told Jose he could contact the FBI himself. The SAs even said we will give him our contact's name and phone number there. It should not be a problem if he calls and asks.

We're all thinking alike here. And that was somewhere around the Jan 30th motion hearing wasn't it?
There is that problem with human decomp-- with Caylee's DNA, in the trunk.

~~~~Respectfully snipped for space and bolded by me~~~~~

Brini, I've been following this case for too long and I've read every piece of evidence except for the last doc dump. I can't seem to recall what piece of evidence you are referring to as having Caylee's DNA in the trunk. I thought the only piece of evidence which might tie Caylee to the trunk was the hair with the apparent decomposition band? If I missed this then I need to go back and look over some stuff. TIA.
I appreciate the link also. And apologize for any confusion I have caused by asking where the list from the FBI is - duh! I take little vacations from time-to-time that cause me to forget where I am. :crazy:

That said, as I've noticed mentioned in previous posts, the state may not have released all of the discovery. There may be two medicine cabinets for all we know. I spent some time yesterday looking into the drugs they did take out of the A's house and, as a result, a new angle/possibility came to mind.

Briefly, one of the drugs taken from the A's home is called Clonazapam (Klonopin) as OLG has pointed out. When you look up this drug, it says "used to control seizures" and can be used for anxiety and other uses (notspecified).

Let me point out that the date on a pill container does not mean that the person who uses it had it for the first time that month. Some drugs are controlled and have to be issued in 30 day periods. Some 90 days but when you get your new prescription filled, the container will have the current month even though you've been taking it for five years.

The prescription for Clonazepam was filled in August 2008. KC was living at Hopespring drive in August 2008.

There is/was a seizure thread and I think I'll take my thoughts there soon.

Furthermore, regarding the other drugs found at the A's, several are dangerous.

Carisopradol is a tranquilizer (to relax muscles), Propoxyphene-n is a pain killer and causes drowsiness (Darvon is an example), and Clonazepam is used to control seizures known as a anti-convulsant used especially in the treatment of epilepsy.

The rest are antibiotic (cefuroxime), GERD/heartbburn (Protonix), blood pressure medicine (Altace & Hydrochlorothiazide), depression & anxiety (Lexapro).

For the record, if any of the above are taken in overdose, call poison control (I'm not saying that's what happened).

Finally, I learned, there are many different kinds of Epilepsy, two of which are:

"status" epilepticus is a prolonged seizure lasting five minutes or more.

Lennox-Gastaut Epilepsy begins in early childhood and is known to cause behavioral disturbances, poor social skills, attention seeking behavior and staring spells.

I'm not someone who thinks I know everything. I like learning new things but am a scatter brain (Gemini rising!). For those of you who know exactly what happened, you are much smarter/insightful peeps than me. That's o'kay with me cuz I'm a turtle too.:) My little rant is for feeling as if I got ganged up on for asking questions or for posting. :blowkiss:

Wow, I sure hope I didn't make you feel "ganged up on" because I pointed out that the meds the FBI tested Caylee's hair for were not all the same meds that came from the Anthony home. I just thought it was important that people were aware of that. I don't know anything about this case- I don't even know if Casey is the killer, I'm probably about the only person here who doesn't even have a "theory". But Benzo's.. CNS.. narcotics..? Sadly, yes, I do know about those. :crazy:

The only reason Cindy's meds have remained stuck in my head is because of the Klonopin. We have had many discussions about Cindy and Benzo's.. beginning before it was even verified she had an RX for 'em. Many of the things you brought up in the post I am quoting has been brought up in those threads as well. None of this (Cindy's meds) is new info. we have been over it and over it. I wasn't posting on this thread to discuss or have a debate over Cindy's meds. I was just clarifying... because of the meds in the FBI docs that just came out.
And, Experience, Life Lessons, Fortitude, Courage & tremendous Insight, just to name a few........Don't sell yourself short!:hand:

:blowkiss: Thank you! :blowkiss:
Yes you do OLG - - - Computer skills! You know how to link and put all kinds of neat sayings on your thingy (CAism) and post cool pics.

Never forget, today is the first day of the rest of your life. You are creating a new history. One day, when you get to be my age, you'll look back and think "Gee, I was sort of messed up but look how I've conducted myself for the last 25 years - not so bad!" Embrace the good but keep the past in mind so ya don't go back, if ya know what I mean. And keep teaching. You never know who's listening. :blowkiss: Hey, it's Sunday, I'm allowed to preach.

Therein lies the problem in exploring a new theory of mine. We are not privy to peoples' medical history.

Would you mind sharing what you know about the drug Clonazepam? If not, I understand.

I'll be more than happy to share what I know about it.. again. But It'll have to wait until tomorrow- I gotta be up in about 2 hours so I have to catch some sleep. or you could search klonopin and my nick.

Also, it'll have to go on a different thread, no? Because that's not what this one is about.. this one is about the FBI stuff.
I agree with those who think the DP back was not just a ploy, but was based on some substantial evidence coming to light.

I think that is likely to be some definitive "physical" evidence to add to the mountain of circumstantial? :crossfingers:

My picks are:

- Duct tape itself link to Anthony home :eek:

- Fibres etc on duct tape :eek:

- Heart sticker on duct tape :eek:

- Laundry hamper :eek:

- Plastic garbage bags (yellow handle) :eek:

All these items are linked to body/dumping body.:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Other items may well link to Anthony home. For instance remnants of Caylee's clothes, diapers, pooh blanket etc but those items might well be with Caylee anyway after she left the Anthony home alive. :confused:

The latest documents have said nothing about these items. Yet they have been listed as evidence items and searches :cop: have included taking into evidence potential comparison items from the Anthony home. :detective:

The test results we have seen are mainly "negative" It's not unreasonable to conclude that the Prosecution are releasing details of such items precisely BECAUSE they show no probative value, and are unlikely to play a major part in the trial
It seems to me that there is a certain amount of "Mental Chess" involved with complying with Discovery requests?
Prosecution :snail:are giving Baez :jester: details as requested, but only of lesser importance stuff? :shutup:

Hello everyone - I am a first time poster, but have been lurking for many months. I agree with so many of you that this Florida jury will see through this sham defense and bring justice for Caylee. Even though we did not receive the "smoking gun" that we all wanted on Friday - I still believe it is there! I have been a paralegal for a long time, and the defense is just posturing for a sympathetic jury.The DP was reinstated because the Pros has so much definitive evidence - which they are keeping close to the belt. We will see it later, but in the meantime we will continue to fight for our Caylee.
This from WFTV...I missed this the other day, it is encouraging...

The FBI did not test the hair found with Caylee's remains for chloroform, because its chemists said it wouldn't prove anything.

Chloroform is a by-product of decomposition. Even so, Eyewitness News has learned that prosecutors had someone else test Caylee's hair for chloroform and say the results will be in soon.

I agree with those who think the DP back was not just a ploy, but was based on some substantial evidence coming to light.

I think that is likely to be some definitive "physical" evidence to add to the mountain of circumstantial? :crossfingers:

My picks are:

- Duct tape itself link to Anthony home :eek:

- Fibres etc on duct tape :eek:

- Heart sticker on duct tape :eek:

- Laundry hamper :eek:

- Plastic garbage bags (yellow handle) :eek:

All these items are linked to body/dumping body.:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Other items may well link to Anthony home. For instance remnants of Caylee's clothes, diapers, pooh blanket etc but those items might well be with Caylee anyway after she left the Anthony home alive. :confused:

The latest documents have said nothing about these items. Yet they have been listed as evidence items and searches :cop: have included taking into evidence potential comparison items from the Anthony home. :detective:

The test results we have seen are mainly "negative" It's not unreasonable to conclude that the Prosecution are releasing details of such items precisely BECAUSE they show no probative value, and are unlikely to play a major part in the trial
It seems to me that there is a certain amount of "Mental Chess" involved with complying with Discovery requests?
Prosecution :snail:are giving Baez :jester: details as requested, but only of lesser importance stuff? :shutup:

I happen to agree that the items found with the remains and the linked items in the home are HUGE ! Many convictions have been won because of a single fiber linking a crime scene with the perps car or home, in this case there is duct tape, trash bags and canvas laundry bag links...not to mention the heart sticker. That is extremely strong evidence ! :)
Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine derivative with highly potent anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and anxiolytic properties.[1] It is marketed by Roche under the trade-names Klonopin in the United States, Ravotril in Chile and Rivotril throughout the large majority of the rest of the world.[2] Clonazepam is a chlorinated derivative of nitrazepam[3] and a nitrobenzodiazepine like nitrazepam.[4] Clonazepam is second to Alprazolam as the most abused benzodiazepine in the United States.[5]

It's also used a a migraine prophylactic. It can cause depression, in some people.

For people not prone to seizures, why would this drug be prescribed when there are others available, like Alprazolam, to relieve anxiety?

What would be the reason, if one had anxiety, that a doctor would "up" the drug. If a person needed an aide to mellow out, why would they need a potent anticonvulsant along with it when they had never convulsed before? Is there a particular reason a Doctor would prescribe this drug to a middle aged woman who, understandably so, was having anxiety AND taking Lexapro to fight depression, if the drug is a known trigger of depression? Makes no sense to me why CA would have this particular drug in combination with the others prescribed to her.

That said, if it had not been documented that KC had suffered a seizure in 2007, I could give a rats arse what CA is taking. I'm suspicious that an anti-convulsant is among the drugs found in the home. Could CA be prone to seizures as well as KC?
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