This page: shows that it was updated or created on June 16, 08. The Sun sign is listed as Pisces, Casey's birth sign, with location listed as Miami. Now, Casey said her birthday was in September. There were conviently a group of comments on Casey's myspace during the time in question, deleted. If someone had taken Caylee, accessed her myspace to send and delete messages at will (not that hard to do) that person might also create this myspace with Dora as an additional message to Casey that he/she means business and she'd better follow instructions if she wants her daughter back safely. No one would be dumb enough to set this up to cover her tracks then put her own birth month and Caylee's favorite character as the pic.
On topic, the more discovery that is released the weaker this case becomes. The forensics clearly show no direct link between Casey and the murder and shows only the
possibility that there was a HUMAN decomp event in the trunk of her car. I really still wonder where the entomology is. If it shows nothing, and/or they aren't going to use it then they don't have to hand it over through discovery. If it does, I don't believe they have the legal right to withhold it. Once the testing is done there is no further testing or investigation into those critters to do.
I'd also like to point out in the recent interview of Baez he didn't call the air sample tests "junk science" He and others agree that this is a very new area they are delving into and it must be tested and proven to be strong enough to use in a court of law. Keep in mind they still can't use field alcohol testing in the courtroom, only to give cause to arrest, take them in and use a better piece of equipment.