2009.05.13 Larry King Live

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KFN is on their web site with an 'official looking' badge type logo.


The nerve to put hearts on every page knowing Caylee's mouth was duct taped with a heart sticker.

Every time I think they can't stoop any lower, they do.

Guess you didn't get to the part where they will give advice on dealing with the media ! :floorlaugh: Now that is RICH.....:) :cow:
i didnt watch it because the idea of watching these two makes me sick to my stomach but i want to thank all that gave the updates.. :)

this case will be an easy one for the jury to figure out

it is obvious as the day is long with what little we do know as of right now
she is a killer..

there will be more thank you to the great LE team !

go get em all
....spend more time with Caylee.....THAT'S ABOUT THE WEIRDEST THINGS I HAVE HEARD YET.

It's also a slam against working mothers, who would love to spend more time with their children, but who are responsible and know they have to work to support their children.
I don't understand how the anthonys could appear on LKL again. Last time they appeared surely was the worst day of their life! Their dear grandaughters body was found.

Maybe it's just me, but it would feel like Deja vu.

Wow! What an interesting thought, Sumbunny.

I'm cynical. I'm buttoning my lips right now and biting my tongue.

You brought up a really, really good point.

I'm glad you brought this up! I picked up on that slam at "bloggers" who pick things apart. I think she was referring to those here at WS and other responsible people on other forums who see the truth for what it is.
The same ones that give talk shows like NG and LKL their audiences.
I didn't want to help with the ratings so I didn't watch. But, since Patty G put up the YouTube link, I just had to take a peek! When CA says the bloggers are sad and they should use that energy to do something positive like they (CA & GA) are trying to do, I felt bile rise up in the back of my throat! Where was all of their "energy to do something positive" when their granddaughter was lying in the swampy woods decomposing and being scattered by the critters? Exactly what "positive energy" did they display in the search for this child? :banghead:
And did I hear Cindy say that one purpose of their foundation was to get "counseling" for families with missing children ? She needs to clean her own house first and then, maybe, worry about the cleaning of others. I feel like my head is spinning.
I caught the first few minutes of the show and have a question to ask...who in their right mind call these folks up on a daily basis and ask their advice? I WANT PROOF!!!
my dog just threw up a little in her mouth as she was listening to me gripe and groan with the way i explained to her about the latest escpade on TV

poor little bugger ..................... LOL :crazy:
And did I hear Cindy say that one purpose of their foundation was to get "counseling" for families with missing children ? She needs to clean her own house first and then, maybe, worry about the cleaning of others. I feel like my head is spinning.

Yes she has a 2 by 4 in her eye but she is worrying about that splinter in anothers eye. :cow:
I caught the first few minutes of the show and have a question to ask...who in their right mind call these folks up on a daily basis and ask their advice? I WANT PROOF!!!
I think it's sort of like all those tips Cindy was receiving before Caylee's remains were found...lots of imaginary people in their lives, imaginary nanny's, imaginary supporters, imaginary tipsters..etc...
I didn't want to help with the ratings so I didn't watch. But, since Patty G put up the YouTube link, I just had to take a peek! When CA says the bloggers are sad and they should use that energy to do something positive like they (CA & GA) are trying to do, I felt bile rise up in the back of my throat! Where was all of their "energy to do something positive" when their granddaughter was lying in the swampy woods decomposing and being scattered by the critters? Exactly what "positive energy" did they display in the search for this child? :banghead:

I wasn't going to watch either, but can you tell me where I can find the link pretty please? :bang:
Oh wait! I had another favorite moment tonight on the show. It was when LK asked (for the umpteenth time) if GA had questioned her - this time he mentioned when she was home on bond. CA shot him a look and I couldn't help but remember LP's little story of how CA and GA's ex-cop buddy had to physically restrain GA when he demanded to know what had happened to Caylee. If that happened (and Tracy would have been there to corroborate) I'll bet that was truly a Kodak Moment. I need to play that one back.
Cindy also said she didn't know if we, the "bloggers", even have children. I think there are a few of us here that do have children. IMO, this is why we are so infuriated with a family that allowed a dead baby to lay out in the woods for six months, while putting the murderer up, in their home, free of charge. Just my opinion.
And did I hear Cindy say that one purpose of their foundation was to get "counseling" for families with missing children ? She needs to clean her own house first and then, maybe, worry about the cleaning of others. I feel like my head is spinning.

And who put this website together? They certainly don't know how to make a professional looking one, or even spell.

All donations made to the Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation will be used in strick accordance to the guidelines that this organization has established. Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation will follow all state and federal regulations for non-profits.

I guess if you spell strict wrong you cannot be held accountable for the donations right?

And where's the teddy bear they are selling or giving away. I don't see a mention of that.

They also talk out of both sides of their mouth by saying:

Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Then go on to say:

This is a registered 501(c)(3), non-profit is pending

Okay, I'm being picky. But until they are officially registered, I don't think anyone should be sending them a dime.

LKL is on again at 12:00,I'm going to watch again just for ****z and giggles.
I love cindy's facial expressions...:dance::laugh:
Just a quick helpful hint for Cindy when she is doing her "homework" before her next performance....Google is your friend. Look up what is the difference between POSTING....AND BLOGGING. :crazy:
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