2009.05.13 Larry King Live

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Oh, I did love the fact that the "peeing in the parking lot" pic of KC was up while they were talking about the partying, IIRC. I saw them both look at and away from the monitor then. That had to be a big embarrassment even though it was not taken during the "31 Days of Fun and Fusian" cruise.
Yeah, and it also says they are going to provide support for law enforcement during recovery of a child! WTF! They didn't lift a finger to help LE find their own granddaughter! As a matter of fact, they lied and tried to steer LE in the wrong direction! What gall to now say they will help!

I agree--unbelievable.

I have to stop looking through their website, it's infuriating. Here's a quote:

"We will provide emotional support and advice on dealing with media inquiries."

Of course the mailing address of their "foundation" is, you guessed it...HopeSpring Dr....How pathetic.
Need you opinion, guys! I taped the show (LKL) to watch the season finale of "Lost". Is it worth watching? TIA
You can't acquit!

I must admit this was a mixed bag for me. While LK did seem less soft in some of the questions, he kept asking why they wouldn't visit KC over and over, which is completely at the bottom of what us evil, apparently childless, "bloggers" want to know. The man had THOUSANDS of great questions people sent in all day long and it is pretty pathetic that he harped on that small point to the exclusion of others, particularly those that had to do with them picking up the car, not mentioning it in their initial police reports, and cleaning what was evidently a crime scene. I think their after the fact insistence on claiming the smell was anything but decomp is also a huge CYA for them so it makes them look innocent of obstruction or of being accessories.

The good part was that the nanosecond something more substantive was asked, CA's real personality leaked out of every facial orifice. The woman has almost no impulse control with her temper and it's easy to see to whom she may have bequeathed that little personality trait. GA had a look on his face like a child in a messy diaper at times, particularly when CA talked about her "faith" getting her through and when she sanctimoniously indicated why she could not go through with her thoughts of suicide. He kept cutting looks to his left at CA like she was an IED about ready to blow.

While I could tolerate all that the most unforgivable malarky was that foundation business. They will forever be known as the people who tried to twist a murdered child case into a missing child case (and financially profit from the exposure), and I cannot think that OCSO or another first-response agency would be anything less than horrified to hand a Caylee bear out to the family of a missing child, just by what it would imply. Foundations are set up to do good in the name of a deceased person, not to rub in their name and demise to the suffering. There is apparently no end to their lack of taste.

POTD! You captured all of the nuances so well.

Det. Allen and Yuri have both been gracious under fire from these folks. I simply wonder how they would react when faced with a shipload of these bears?
Former Casey Anthony attorney Lenamon says he clashed with Jose Baez
Hal Boedeker | Sentinel Staff Writer
4:44 PM EDT, May 13, 2009
(quoted from article)
"After Caylee was born, people noticed a different person," Lenamon wrote.

Lenamon says this and CA says that she was a loving mother and when she was out doing the party thing she was just acting like a 22 year old. Someone is mis-truthing.
Need you opinion, guys! I taped the show (LKL) to watch the season finale of "Lost". Is it worth watching? TIA

I think so, I'll be watching again to pay closer attention since I was posting while it was on. I know I missed a few things and I want to pay closer attn to body language.

If nothing else it's good for yelling at and releasing some pent up anger and tension!

Need you opinion, guys! I taped the show (LKL) to watch the season finale of "Lost". Is it worth watching? TIA

Probably not if blood pressure is an issue. Yes, if you enjoy banging your head against a wall.
BC says he doesn't see a downside to the A's going to see KC to say I love you, etc. and CA shot him daggers!!!!!!! mooo
Oh, now I think I'll definitely have to watch just to see this!!
I don't understand how the anthonys could appear on LKL again. Last time they appeared surely was the worst day of their life! Their dear grandaughters body was found.

Maybe it's just me, but it would feel like Deja vu.
They do look ridiculous

Not only that....They think they're helping but Their just making things worse for Casey

I can't wait until the Prosecutor ask's Cindy why she was thinking of setting up a memorial in Caylee's memory in September.

3 Months before anyone knew Caylee was dead...!!

I can't wait for that one either..........it should be a defining moment! :)
Need you opinion, guys! I taped the show (LKL) to watch the season finale of "Lost". Is it worth watching? TIA

You'll probably get a chuckle out of some of Cindy's facial expressions,I know I alway's do.
I recorded LKL and I am going to watch it again... and again... and again... and pick it apart piece by piece because I am a BLOGGER who is looking for truth and will not be spoon fed something that I don't believe is the truth especially when it is in plain as night and day..I believe in the truth and that is worth something to me!!!

((Sorry the insult to bloggers got to me:furious:))


I'm glad you brought this up! I picked up on that slam at "bloggers" who pick things apart. I think she was referring to those here at WS and other responsible people on other forums who see the truth for what it is.
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