2009.05.13 Larry King Live

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I agree--unbelievable.

I have to stop looking through their website, it's infuriating. Here's a quote:

"We will provide emotional support and advice on dealing with media inquiries."


Support and advice? Uhhh does this have anything to do with hammers?
I found it odd that when LKL asked BC if he was surprised it was a DP case, BC says very and his reason is because this involves a family member and a family member and that most DP cases involve strangers? Huh? So, if you kill a stranger, you get the DP, but if you kill just a family member......what? That's not so bad? GMAB! What kind of answer is that?
I wasn't going to watch either, but can you tell me where I can find the link pretty please? :bang:
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Okay, I've read the thread and watched the DVR'ed LKL and this is what really stood out to me.
#1. They are aliens

Normal human beings simply DO NOT act like this, they don't speak like this, and they don't think like the A's. Quite simply they (CA & GA) are by far the most abnormal subjects on the planet. Possibly even more abnormal than KC.

#2 For a woman so full of faith CA doesn't know much about God...he can too make bad things not happen. He's God, he can do anything he wants. Too bad he didn't make them not exist.
...no remember they said,there was no heart,the duct tape was somewhere else in another trash bag or something along those lines...

I heard BC said there was no sticker on the duct tape - which we knew was actually sticker RESIDUE. He knows that too. Me thinks he's trying to be sneaky with words...

Did I also hear BC say there was no hair on the duct tape? Was there a separate piece of duct tape found and is that what he's talking about?
I thought they had to actually cut little Caylee's hair to get the duct tape loose...
Originally posted byjon_burrows
KFN is on their web site with an 'official looking' badge type logo.


The nerve to put hearts on every page knowing Caylee's mouth was duct taped with a heart sticker.

Every time I think they can't stoop any lower, they do.

It's still difficult for me to see something I have around my home, that's made of a heart, and not stop and feel so bad for poor little Caylee. :cry:
Bugs me how camera would show CA glancing at a monitor, checking herself out (when she wasn't talkin').
I caught the first few minutes of the show and have a question to ask...who in their right mind call these folks up on a daily basis and ask their advice? I WANT PROOF!!!
Could not believe that CA said they receive thousands of letters of support! Unreal!
Okay, I've read the thread and watched the DVR'ed LKL and this is what really stood out to me.
#1. They are aliens

Normal human beings simply DO NOT act like this, they don't speak like this, and they don't think like the A's. Quite simply they (CA & GA) are by far the most abnormal subjects on the planet. Possibly even more abnormal than KC.

#2 For a woman so full of faith CA doesn't know much about God...he can too make bad things not happen. He's God, he can do anything he wants. Too bad he didn't make them not exist.


It shocked me when I heard Cindy say "God can't stop bad things happening"? eh?
Gods not Omnipotent for nutin'!!
Hello...Sue Moss...is that you!? LOL! J/K

Oh I just love Sue Moss -- everything she says is a rhyme and she's usually spot on :)

On another note, I about fell out of bed when the decomp odor, then became the pizza odor, and now is a refrigerator odor. I wonder if any decomp expert would agree with that?

However, by the looks of the A's house and all that unnecessary carp, maybe there was funk in the fridge?

How many stories can Cindy and her puppet (GA) come up with. Man, I can't wait until she gets on the stand!

After that performance and I was their attorney I would stop any and all interviews for the future...They can't possibly think that interview went well..If anything it made them look worse..They need to stop talking about KC period..

I believe they'll take interviews for the $$ (and throw in their foundation pitch)...........to pay for a DP qualified lawyer.
Could not believe that CA said they receive thousands of letters of support! Unreal!

she is spinning as usual and her response when asked to prove it would be
something like this

"see, see, here are 2 letters of suport we received and each letter was 1000 words and each word has an average of 4 letters in each word so therefore i am right that we received thousands of letters of support

newsflash. I am on to you CA like a hound dog

Hey...where was cindys green top tonight? And the shamrock pin? "And why didn't GA go balistic when LK mentioned "remains" a few times, like he did during his depo?
Okay, I've read the thread and watched the DVR'ed LKL and this is what really stood out to me.
#1. They are aliens

Normal human beings simply DO NOT act like this, they don't speak like this, and they don't think like the A's. Quite simply they (CA & GA) are by far the most abnormal subjects on the planet. Possibly even more abnormal than KC.

#2 For a woman so full of faith CA doesn't know much about God...he can too make bad things not happen. He's God, he can do anything he wants. Too bad he didn't make them not exist.

Bolded by me.

I agree with your characterisation GA & CA as aliens.

Their behaviour is definitely alien to the way normal people behave!!
I don't know how BC gets away w/ his claim abt hair,tape...
CA and GA keep talking about the evidence at trial.. Are they are sure they are ready for that because the truth will come out and all the lies will be in print for the world to see. It is everyones fault but the true criminal KC.

I kinda got the impression that CA knows KC did the deed and is only supporting her superficially....going thru the motions, saying the words, but doesn't really care all that much about Casey anymore.........can't put my finger on it exactly.........Anybody else seeing this evolve to moving on?
LK asked if they are looking for the murderer, Cindy said the PI's are working on that, we are working on making something good come out of this tragedy...which brings her around to the Foundation and the teddy bear. Gosh, I wish LK would have asked them how they can afford to not work !
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