2009.05.13 Larry King Live

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Ok! So, for all of you who didn't, couldn't, or wouldn't watch, this is what the LKL show was about tonight, in a nutshell! :nuts:

"KC is a loving mother....blah blah blah....the love in her eyes....blah blah blah....only one picture....blah blah blah....I don't know....blah blah blah....she's our daughter....blah blah blah....we can't say....blah blah blah....send money to the foundation."
also: "we don't expect to get paid", blah blah blah
Ok! So, for all of you who didn't, couldn't, or wouldn't watch, this is what the LKL show was about tonight, in a nutshell! :nuts:

"KC is a loving mother....blah blah blah....the love in her eyes....blah blah blah....only one picture....blah blah blah....I don't know....blah blah blah....she's our daughter....blah blah blah....we can't say....blah blah blah....send money to the foundation."

Perfect summary Chefmom! :rolleyes:
From past experience...I think we could very possibly be looking a doc dump tomorrow. Isn't that how it usually works in this case? CA & GA interview followed by doc dump or doc dump followed by CA & GA interview. My point is...one usually follows the other.
I knew there had to be a bright side to all of this agony !
I'd love to kick back on the anthony's sofa and watch this interview again with the two of them. Wow, could you imagine cindy! Totally pizzed off
Let me dust off an old phrase from the 80's ... GAG ME! I have a real physiological response when I hear the A's rhetoric ... my ears ring and my arms and legs go a little numb. I swear I am going to need BP meds before this is over!
I remember!
Also: gag me with a spoon!
CA: The foundation is to preserve Caylee's memory. We thought of this back in Sept.


uh huh ... I wonder if she thought of it before or after she wrote her suicide notes?? I think probably after, 'cause when you think your missing granddaughter is alive and might come home, the first thing you want to do is kill yourself and the second thing is to set up a foundation in her MEMORY ... that's logical right??
Ok all Hello, I may not be smartest tool in the shead or even able to spell, watching Larry King now , I have noticed in the last few headlines.. photos interviews of Cindy she is wearing a silver heart and has had it on , now I have had family pass and they were creamated and got a neckaless sliver cross , but the best I can tell is the one she is waring looks like the one I could have gotten if I wanted a heart ! so she has Caylee with her all the time. any one else notice this or have thought about it?
have a great nite.
I've thought that CA does carry some of caylee around her neck.
I caught LK on the repeat at 12am - I noticed that Cindy has been practicing a "poor pitiful" look -- and is it not amazing how well she finds the camera?? Awww poor Cindy, upset that bloggers have actually listened to what she says and are holding her accountable for her words. :boohoo: Sure didn't look like it was a surprise that the 'body' found was Caylee, did it?? Oh please, they don't go to the jail because there is too much attention???? These people love the attention!!!! They don't know anything Casey thinks about anything - they write letters, but they say nothing, right! Only because they already know the answers to any questions they have! I noticed there was a question - "do you think Casey would tell the truth if she could?" That's the real problem isn't it? None of these people know how to identify truth, much less tell it. Bloggers do use their time constructively --- we kept the Anthony's butts off the Oprah show because we bombarded her with reasons why she should not waste her time on them :) hummmm maybe that is one of the reasons, why she doesn't like us???? I believe George Anthony has a open mind. Probably the light shines straight through!! I am sorry, I just do not buy that suicide bit, by either one of them. Supposedly faith stopped Cindy - but how do you correlate that with lies?? I really do not understand - if everything Casey does and says is going to be picked apart and there is no correct way to behave, why should that stop the Anthony's from seeing her?? Or perhaps they just do not want to further endanger themselves if the bloggers catch them up in inconsistencies???? I guess we just took the remark of the smell of a 'dead body' too seriously, obviously these people are much more used to the smell than us little 'bloggers', because the smell of a dead body would freak me out! And I certainly would not want to smell that in my fridge!! Has anybody checked out that diary information yet? I thought that it had been said that it was being held in evidence and that there were later dates further into the book??? Evidently, they can't think of a way to spin the laundry bag since they deferred to BC. Gee, George was a really pizz poor detective, wasn't he??? No assumption, no arrest---gee wouldn't you hate to have him on a case in your town? Never any conclusions, never any justice! Well at least Cindy has smartened up a little and quit accusing JG -- must have been advised that they may be able to sue her azz off?? Geeze, I didn't know that Cindy wrote the words to the Caylee Song!! If she really feels that - how can she continue to LIE???? I cannot believe that 'most detectives' would not support the DP. Great question Janie!!!!! Finally, we all agree with Cindy - there is no proof that Casey didn't do it!!! They are giving Caylee bears to LE to thank them???? No way would I EVER support their foundation!!! They do not expect a salary ----- of course, if someone insisted........... OMG all the previous posters were right!!! I just want to scream!!!! :furious: Should not have watched :puke:
It looked as though CA was a little po'd at BC, about the diary. and GA fluttering his eyes, he needs to get a job at wal-mart as a parakeet. They make me so disgusted, I should know better watching them make fools of themselves.

Welcome to Walmart..........Crawwwwwwwwwwwk! :chicken:
Right, the Atty at WFTV said recently that FL came out with some law (sorry my legal language is not very good) that increases the severity of punishment for persons in a position of trust, ie;a mother. I don't remember the exact wording, hopefully you get my drift.

It's one of the aggravating factors for deciding on the death penalty. I don't know how new it is though. When they made it a DP case the first time there was an aggravating factor for person in a position of control, authority. I think they may have just added the word trust to this. This aggravating factor (contol/authority) existed the first time the DP was put in play. I felt it applied to KC because she had authority and control over Caylee. However, it wasn't ever stated to be an aggravting factor in her case :waitasec:. Somehow, the word "trust" made it apply to this case.
When is CA going to learn that she isn't convincing anyone that she knows everything, abt everything, all the time. She can't keep all her fact straight and needs to just STOP TALKING!
either BC is a liar or he needs to catch up on the evidence in this case!
I honestly think that instead of reading pages out of his law books, that he's torn the pages out and used them as rolling papers. He's obviously been smokin' something! :crazy:
Cindy is not very happy the way this interview is going......drumming her fingers and getting red in the face........I don't think that G C or B were expecting a lot of these questions.

:rolleyes: All I could think was...OMG..CA is sooo going to go backstage and just wallop the tar outta George...she held it in for as long as she could after all..cameras OFF..:)
I caught LK on the repeat at 12am - I noticed that Cindy has been practicing a "poor pitiful" look -- and is it not amazing how well she finds the camera?? Awww poor Cindy, upset that bloggers have actually listened to what she says and are holding her accountable for her words. :boohoo: Sure didn't look like it was a surprise that the 'body' found was Caylee, did it?? Oh please, they don't go to the jail because there is too much attention???? These people love the attention!!!! They don't know anything Casey thinks about anything - they write letters, but they say nothing, right! Only because they already know the answers to any questions they have! I noticed there was a question - "do you think Casey would tell the truth if she could?" That's the real problem isn't it? None of these people know how to identify truth, much less tell it. Bloggers do use their time constructively --- we kept the Anthony's butts off the Oprah show because we bombarded her with reasons why she should not waste her time on them :) hummmm maybe that is one of the reasons, why she doesn't like us???? I believe George Anthony has a open mind. Probably the light shines straight through!! I am sorry, I just do not buy that suicide bit, by either one of them. Supposedly faith stopped Cindy - but how do you correlate that with lies?? I really do not understand - if everything Casey does and says is going to be picked apart and there is no correct way to behave, why should that stop the Anthony's from seeing her?? Or perhaps they just do not want to further endanger themselves if the bloggers catch them up in inconsistencies???? I guess we just took the remark of the smell of a 'dead body' too seriously, obviously these people are much more used to the smell than us little 'bloggers', because the smell of a dead body would freak me out! And I certainly would not want to smell that in my fridge!! Has anybody checked out that diary information yet? I thought that it had been said that it was being held in evidence and that there were later dates further into the book??? Evidently, they can't think of a way to spin the laundry bag since they deferred to BC. Gee, George was a really pizz poor detective, wasn't he??? No assumption, no arrest---gee wouldn't you hate to have him on a case in your town? Never any conclusions, never any justice! Well at least Cindy has smartened up a little and quit accusing JG -- must have been advised that they may be able to sue her azz off?? Geeze, I didn't know that Cindy wrote the words to the Caylee Song!! If she really feels that - how can she continue to LIE???? I cannot believe that 'most detectives' would not support the DP. Great question Janie!!!!! Finally, we all agree with Cindy - there is no proof that Casey didn't do it!!! They are giving Caylee bears to LE to thank them???? No way would I EVER support their foundation!!! They do not expect a salary ----- of course, if someone insisted........... OMG all the previous posters were right!!! I just want to scream!!!! :furious: Should not have watched :puke:

Bolded by me, IF I heard Larry right he said the words to that song were written by someone name Sue that worked for CNN that is how I took it I don't think for a minute that CA wrote those words.
From past experience...I think we could very possibly be looking a doc dump tomorrow. Isn't that how it usually works in this case? CA & GA interview followed by doc dump or doc dump followed by CA & GA interview. My point is...one usually follows the other.

I sure hope so! I'd love to get some new info! Maybe next week? We can only hope!
Bolded by me, IF I heard Larry right he said the words to that song were written by someone name Sue that worked for CNN that is how I took it I don't think for a minute that CA wrote those words.
I thought I heard him say that the lyrics were written by Cindy.
I thought it was actually several 1000!
"A 1000 or Several 1000" must be the magic number CA pulls out of her bee-hiney. Remember at the beginning of the case when she said there were 1000's of ZG's in the area? Oh, and that she received 1000's of tips a day? Now it's "I receive 1000's of letters of support". Yeah...What-EVAH! This is just another one of those little "mistruths" the A's seem to think is okay to tell.:rolleyes:
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