2009.05.13 Larry King Live

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I don't care if the A's visit her or not. Knowing JB and his computer skills, they most likely have video conferences or have video messages passed back and forth.....no problem. They can have their love fest all the way to the day she leaves County....oh what a day that will be! By that time, kc will be very attached to her "dorm" and put up quite a fuss when she has to leave it. I hope I am still around to witness it.
I think Cindy got that one wrong, it was part of the discovery, I believe. She just jumped right in and corrected Brad on LIVE TV, how inappropriate is that ? She said the Sheriff's Dept leaked that photo ? I was surprised to hear that BC has the diary though, I don't quite understand that.
Sounds like LE just took pictures of the diary, but left the diary in the A's residence - which seems a little strange. After the photos were brought out in discovery, Cindy must have given the diary to BC for "safe keeping". Just a thought.
I have an opportunity to read letters from parents of murderers. Most accept the act. They are able to separate the crime from the person. I predict that the Anthony's will never do this; therein lies the problem.

Just because most of us have never sat in their shoes doesn't cancel our ability to observe their actions. We do not know their inner feelings but we sure know bad behavior when we see it. These people are behaving badly.

This public display for money is disturbing. They have not even been able to handle their own problems yet they want money to help comfort other people? This whole thing is disturbing on so many levels.

Well put.

I sympathise with the terrible position the Anthonys are in, but have grown to dislike intensely the way they behave and what they say. The fact that they go out of their way to perform to the largest possible public audience makes it doubly bad and that is totally of their own making
I just watched again and I have a few additional observations:

1. I noted at least 4 pictures I have never seen before (i.e. caylee in red hat with adult sun glasses, sepia toned baby pic) --> new licensing fees
2. GA has much more difficulty lying than CA does
3. GA had a really tough time with LK using the word murderer in the question, "Ar you looking for a murderer?"

Tons more, but my key note to sign off for tonight is that I feel strongly that LK will want the A's back soon. This time I watched the lower flash more and over & over amongst the blog comments & questions it said, "Never seen more passionate comments than on LK's blog tonight." etc.

Guaranteed ratings/web traffic hits.

LK will have the A's back again soon.
I think your 100% right PH! I think I heard Larry say at the very end of the show as he was thanking the A's - I thought I heard him say "We'll call on you again" I backed it up several times - it's barely audible, but I'm pretty sure that's what LK said.
Sounds like LE just took pictures of the diary, but left the diary in the A's residence - which seems a little strange. After the photos were brought out in discovery, Cindy must have given the diary to BC for "safe keeping". Just a thought.

She was probably afraid they would come back for it....outta sight, outta mind to her. :rolleyes:
"Caylee's Song" being sung with video clips of Caylee and GA/CA sitting there listening to it.

Tonight they look sad while this song is playing. At the memorial, CA was swaying and smiling. Member?
Sounds like LE just took pictures of the diary, but left the diary in the A's residence - which seems a little strange. After the photos were brought out in discovery, Cindy must have given the diary to BC for "safe keeping". Just a thought.

It doesn't seem quite so strange if you consider that the A's might be actually telling the truth about it. That said, I don't think that one diary is going to make or break this case.
Well put.

I sympathise with the terrible position the Anthonys are in, but have grown to dislike intensely the way they behave and what they say. The fact that they go out of their way to perform to the largest possible public audience makes it doubly bad and that is totally of their own making

I, too, understand the awful position the A's are in, but at the same time - I can not get past the fact that they don't seem to care about justice for Caylee! It's like they've very easily accepted the fact that Caylee is dead, yet they refuse to accept the fact that it was KC who most likely murdered her! How in the world could they put KC first? Especially after all she has done to that family over the years! For them to say they believe, support, love KC unconditionally, etc. is the most terrible dishonor to Caylee. It's like saying "No worries KC....It's OKAY that you murdered Caylee. We forgive you, and will stand behind your terrible act 100%" It infuriates me to no end and I have ZERO, ZITLCH, NADA sympathy for the A's.
It doesn't seem quite so strange if you consider that the A's might be actually telling the truth about it. That said, I don't think that one diary is going to make or break this case.
I agree. The diary isn't going to break this case. Otherwise it would be in evidence, but LE decided to leave it in the A home.
I, too, understand the awful position the A's are in, but at the same time - I can not get past the fact that they don't seem to care about justice for Caylee! It's like they've very easily accepted the fact that Caylee is dead, yet they refuse to accept the fact that it was KC that most likely murdered her! How in the world could they put KC first? Especially after all she has done to that family over the years! For them to say they believe, support, love KC unconditionally, etc. is the most terrible dishonor to Caylee. It's like saying "No worries KC....It's OKAY that you murdered Caylee. We forgive you, and will stand behind your terrible act 100%" It infuriates me to no end and I have ZERO, ZITLCH, NADA sympathy for the A's.

I think if they ever admit the truth about how evil KC is, then the next logical step is their own blame for the way KC is, then there own blame in NOT looking out for Caylee despite knowing how bad KC was.
LOL! Probably true! Mayberry's a wonderful place but George does remind me of Barney Fife.

Again, I apologize for the remarks but GA just doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed.. and he's a nebbish!



I have learned so much here at W/S.
1907, nebbich, from Yiddish, from a Slavic source akin to Czech neboh "poor, unfortunate," lit. "un-endowed."
First of all, CA said she gets her strength from her friends. Ummm, CA has friends? The only people that seem to be surrounding and supporting her are her husband, son, and Mallory's family.

Second, after watching this I really feel like either the A's will be getting rid of BC or he will be resigning. CA kept giving him looks of death and seemed to be pretty PO'ed when he gave his take on the diary and also when he said he didn't see the harm in them visiting her. As for BC, his clients are making him look like an idiot and unable to control them (both at the depo and the way CA interrupted him and said "No Brad" during this interview).
The best line of the show is worth repeating.

Cindy saying "There is no proof that KC didn't do it........" :doh:
I think if they ever admit the truth about how evil KC is, then the next logical step is their own blame for the way KC is, then there own blame in NOT looking out for Caylee despite knowing how bad KC was.

I hear ya, but the thing is IMO- while they may have not instilled integrity and good character in KC, they also didn't teach KC to be a murderer. As much as the A's behavior angers me, I don't even blame them for KC's evilness. I think they were very passive parents (as far as punishment goes) and raised an out of control child who did very bad things, but I'm not so sure they even realized how far she would go. I'm not taking up for them in any way, I just wish they could accept that KC IS an evil person, not blame themselves, and seek justice for Caylee. Caylee seems to be all but forgotten in this. It has become all about Casey. :furious:
The only thing this interview proved beyond a shadow of a doubt is that CA is the puppeteer and George is her puppet.

George's eyes and responses makes him look and sound very unsure of his answers, and that he is not telling the full truth. A jury will see this.
I can only hope he takes the stand, cause I think he'll help the prosecution.

Also---member at trial--CA won't be sittin there holding his hand nor knee to knee under the table. BC is a fairly good puppet as well.
:waitasec: I wonder which stop is next on The Anthony Alibi Tour?
What I notice is George and Cindy's body language. George, Cindy, and BC are sitting in the same order on the LKL show as they were on the CBS morning show. Cindy had her right hand on top of George's left hand the whole interview. I don't think she lifted her right hand at all for the whole hour like she's trying to keep him from saying anything bad. George's eyes look everywhere but at LK or the camera when he's answering a question that he's uncomfortable with.

As for Cindy's helmet hair on the LKL show, I wonder what she would look like with that other domineering blonde's rooster tail haircut - you know the mom of twins and sextuplets that has a reality tv show who is also in the gossip tabloids and who was on the LKL show last week?
The interview, if we can call it that, on LK just added to the sadness and dysfunction of this family. Their purpose was not to be interviewed, but to promote the flow of money. To say that
their move is premature and distracting to the memory of Caylee,
is to put it mildly. It would seem that finding justice for Caylee would be at the top of their list.
What is next?
Mind Student
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