2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

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Whether Casey left after the fight or the next day, what difference does it make? How does George or Casey gain if he lies and says Casey left the next day?

Because it proves CA is lying when she says she "tucked" Casey and Caylee in and that there wasn't a fight. In my opinion, I believe there was a huge blow up and that had alot to do with what happened to Caylee.
Lee evidently had 2 roommates in 2008, Brian and Michelle. Here is a link to Michelle's interview. I think she would have said something if Casey was at their house.

Michelle M. Audio Interview Jan 19, 2009

1. Knew the Anthony family since Lee was in 1st grade.
2. Reconnected with Lee in Jr High, met the rest of the family.
3. Lived with Lee at the Eagle Feather address with other roommates – B.Lufkin in 2008

Yep, she sure would have.:blowkiss:

Scratch that theory about "it" occurring at LA's place then. :rolleyes:
Cindy and George have denied that there was ANY turmoil with Casey before and during the time in question...no fights, everything was fine. We know there were fights and that things were not peachy at home, why would Cindy need so badly to deny this ? Could be she doesn't want to reveal any problems in their home or it could be because it provides motive for the state...I happen to believe the latter. Cindy and George both know why Caylee died. IMO, Cindy was a key player in the fight's with Casey that led to Caylee's death, the fight's themselves don't make Cindy wrong...the covering up of said fight's do. My opinion only.

A whole new take on all this is starting to form for me. Cindy doesn't want to reveal problems or provide motive against Casey but I think it's more. IF what LP says is true and there was blow-up fight the night of father's day, which G&C doggedly continue to deny, but if there was, if Casey took off afterward with Caylee and that is the last time Caylee was seen, then Cindy very well could blame herself for Caley's death, and I mean really. IMO, she's such a domo-control freak that she could actually think that if she hadn't said or done what she did, whatever that was, that Casey wouldn't have done whatever she did and that Caylee wouldn't have died. So, when she says she believes Casey is innocent, Cindy could actually mean it because she has decided to take all the blame on herself.

It's a perfect solution in a way. It's all Cindy's fault but she didn't actually, physically cause Caylee's demise. Casey did, by whatever means, but she isn't culpable because Cindy set everything into motion. It lets Cindy find away to get everyone off. She gets to be in control and a martyr doing it. Good point about a three-year old silent in a room until noon or after. Never happened at my house. As teens...yes. Three year olds? No way, no how. Those little critters were up and attem and open for business. We were lucky if we could keep them in bed until 6:00 AM, no way they would have stayed quiet in their rooms for hours!

And George, if he's lying, it's very likely to protect Cindy. Perhaps he did see Casey. She does seem to have been at the house, at least after Cindy left. At the time he saw her there without Caylee, he probably thought Casey had taken Caley somewhere after the fight and left her. Then after the month, when the baby appeared to be missing, was nowhere to be found, with the dead body smell in the car, he may have told what he considered to be a little lie, anticipating the truth, so that Cindy wouldn't blame herself if the worst had happened. Actually, I think Cindy wants to blame herself, 'cuz that gives her a way to get to a point in her own thinking where Casey IS innocent. By now, maybe George is doing the same thing. It's crazy-making but I think the whole family has come to exist on the edge.
See??? If Lee told LP this story, thin it just doesn't match with the evidence at this point. Sorry, but no cigar on this one.


Neither George or Cindy were on the computer instant messaging at 7:56 with Alex R. about the previous Friday night at Fusian. Nor did they download pictures of Fusian at 10 a.m.

The pings and computer records, IMO, are beyond dispute.

Neither George or Cindy were on the computer instant messaging with Alex R. about the previous Friday night at Fusian. Nor did they download pictures of Fusian at 10 a.m.

The pings and computer records, IMO, are beyond dispute.

Do you happen to know where the pings and computer put her the night before? You're right, this type of record is good evidence.
Do you happen to know where the pings and computer put her the night before? You're right, this type of record is good evidence.

The Pings have her at/near the A home the night of June 15 and into the AM hours of June 16.
She does not leave the area of the A home until after 4PM on June16

Here is the link to the June 15 Cell Phone Pings Map


Here is the link the the June 16 Cell Phone Ping Map

Do you happen to know where the pings and computer put her the night before? You're right, this type of record is good evidence.
The pings place Casey in or by the Anthony house from after 7 p.m. on June 15 into after 4 p.m. on June 16.
Do you happen to know where the pings and computer put her the night before? You're right, this type of record is good evidence.

She pinged 130 straight times from the Anthony home beginning 7:30 PM June 15 to 4:15 PM June 16.
I don't think KC was ever at Lee's and what about Mallory wouldn't she be home?

If La was supposedly out of town for his job- Maybe, Mallory was at his house and maybe, Annie D. was staying with her while LA was away.
Maybe, KC did go there and tell what happened, which now brings them into the situation, but because Mallory is allegedly pregnant, KC vows to keep Mallory out of it.
Where is Mallory's statement? Not out yet.
I am inclined to think that LA did not know anything for a short while when he came back. I am also inclined to think that GA was not there when this happened either. GA and LA couldn't spill their guts fast enough to tell LE what a bad person KC was and all the bad things she has done, until, the day LA supposedly told his parents not to take a lie detector test. Why?
He refused DNA and fingerprints. Why? Was he trying to keep LE away from his house. I don't think Mallory or Annie has anything to do with what happened to Caylee, but I think KC may have told them things. Things they rather have not known, and didn't want any part of knowing.
This is the only explanation I can come up with for the way LA acted at the Memorial. How strong KC is! She has kept quiet and kept Mallory and Annie out of it.
Just my mind wandering ! These are my opinions alone.
I gathered all the info from texts, pings, computer usage, photobucket etc..and made this timline of the 16th up..I couldn't have done it so easily if I didn't have all this great info here to work with(Thanks to those who put it here:) )..It has been driving me crazy to figure out if she was at the house or not..I have changed my mind about a couple of things since seeing all the info put together..Personally, I just don't believe everyones word of what they saw and used the actual evidence at hand..

12:20 am - Cell tower pings near Anthony home

Computer Usage for Desktop
2AM 1AM 49% *****
7AM 8AM 74% *******
8AM 9AM 15% **
After a fight with KC allegedly getting choked by Cindy, it is likely that someone will be up late. But it could be GA. He works second shift, so he is used to being up later. CA had to work the next day so it is likely that she went to bed. GA could have been up gambling.

8:46 AM- calls AL

CA would have left for work, GA might have had a habit of sleeping a little later due to his work schedule. KC knew his routine and might have counted on him being in bed, or maybe just didn't care if she ran into him because she wasn't mad at him. Or she could have planned on staying in her room with her door closed. After allegedly spending the night in her car it is likely that she waited until CA left for work then maybe she went home. Time to grab a shower maybe?
9:27AM Icon to Photobucket- IP address is under Hopespring Dr. (This appears that KC was at the home)

Computer Usage for Desktop
10AM 11AM 80% ********

10:37 AM- Message on Myspace from Casey to Lauren

Computer Usage for Desktop
11AM 12PM 49% *****

11:47 AM- AL calls
12:53 PM- calls AL
12:55 PM- AL calls
Where did she ping when these calls were sent/received? And why was there a one hour break between 11:47 am when AL calls and 12:53 pm when KC calls AL? This girl lived on her cell, yet there is an hour when she not only misses the call, she doesn't return a call till an hour later?

12:50 pm - KC leaving the house
George's statement

Computer Usage for Desktop
1PM 2PM 1%

1:00 PM- AL calls
1:26 PM- texts JG
1:37 PM- text from JG
1:44 PM- calls AH

@2:00- GA leaves for work

Computer Usage for Desktop
2PM 3PM 82% ********

**Who was at the home using computer?
Mom's at work, Dad's left for work, it was safe for her to be home for a little while? She would need to leave soon though as CA would be coming home shortly.

2:52 PM- call from JG - spoke about CA & GA getting divorce. CA not moving out.
3:04 PM- call from GA
3:35 PM- calls AL

Computer Usage for Desktop
4PM 5PM 1%

4:10 PM- calls GA at work
4:11 PM -calls CA twice
4:13 PM -calls CA twice
4:14 PM- calls GA
4:18 PM- texts AL

4:18 pm - cell tower pings near
Chicksaw Trail

4:19 PM- text from AL
4:19 PM- calls AL
4:21 PM- calls JG twice
4:25 PM- calls CA

4:25 pm - cell tower pings near AL's
apt until after midnight into the next day.

Excellent timeline! I hope you don't mind if I add some other points for consideration though? But based on this timeline, it looks as though if she was at home that day that GA would have seen her at some point. Now whether she had Caylee with her or not, or whether she told him that she left Caylee with Zanny is something we can only guess at.

Neither George or Cindy were on the computer instant messaging at 7:56 with Alex R. about the previous Friday night at Fusian. Nor did they download pictures of Fusian at 10 a.m.

The pings and computer records, IMO, are beyond dispute.

Good, but do we have physical evidence other than George's word that Caylee was alive that morning? Cindy says she heard Caylee/KC breathing, GA said he saw them leave. The computer usage supports KC being there, but nothing tells us about Caylee...only GA and CA and we can't believe them. Why doesn't GA talk about breakfast, cartoons, whatever? Where was Caylee that morning...
If La was supposedly out of town for his job- Maybe, Mallory was at his house and maybe, Annie D. was staying with her while LA was away.
Maybe, KC did go there and tell what happened, which now brings them into the situation, but because Mallory is allegedly pregnant, KC vows to keep Mallory out of it.
Where is Mallory's statement? Not out yet.
I am inclined to think that LA did not know anything for a short while when he came back. I am also inclined to think that GA was not there when this happened either. GA and LA couldn't spill their guts fast enough to tell LE what a bad person KC was and all the bad things she has done, until, the day LA supposedly told his parents not to take a lie detector test. Why?
He refused DNA and fingerprints. Why? Was he trying to keep LE away from his house. I don't think Mallory or Annie has anything to do with what happened to Caylee, but I think KC may have told them things. Things they rather have not known, and didn't want any part of knowing.
This is the only explanation I can come up with for the way LA acted at the Memorial. How strong KC is! She has kept quiet and kept Mallory and Annie out of it.
Just my mind wandering ! These are my opinions alone.

IIRC, Mallory moved back in with her parents in May.
In additon, if KC left in a huff, on the 15th - after the alleged fight with CA- maybe, KC grabbed Caylee out of bed with the blanket she had on in bed, ran out of the door, and forgot her cell phone in her need to escape CA. In the AM on the 16th, KC was nearby waiting for Ca to leave, and then went back into the A's house, used the house phone to locate her cell phone. GA may have asked where Caylee was and KC may have replied, she slept at the Nanny's, so I'm going to grab some clothes for us, and go to work. Rest of story given- a script by CA ? To get away from the 15th and a fight?

Note: CA claims she has her the name "Zanny" for a while prior to Caylee going missing.
Of course CA heard the name "Zanny", as some nurses also call Zanax "Zanny"
George said KC wasn't due home on the 16th (what KC told him-staying overnight at zani's) Why then would KC say she went to sawgrass to pick up Caylee?

The stories don't jive.

Also doesn't jive with Cindy's tale that KC and Caylee were vacationing/bonding/traveling for work.
Don't know if this was answered but...yes SP had phone calls on her answering machine when KC and Caylee were gone that sounded like a little child...

SP: But uh, to turn it over or something. But just the last couple of weeks I've been
starting to cut down on my time because I am just hurting. And now this is not
helping any.
SH: Uh-hum (affirmative).
KK: Exactly. Is....
SP: I can't eat or anything.
KK: Is there anything you can think of....
SP: Yeah (affirmative).
KK: ...that we haven't?
SP: I can tell you something.
KK: Okay.
SP; Uh, l don't know what date it was, but when Cindy wasn't hearing from Casey I'd
go home from here and you know how the answering machine gots (sic)
solicitors on, right? I put this, I played it and it was a, a jibber-jabber of a little kid
with a whole lot of noise in the background. And they let it play and run until the
thing stopped.
SH: Uh-hum (affirmative).
SP: I don't know who's doing that. I don't think Casey would do that with her
daughter. Somebody's horsing around is what I figured. Well I don't know how
much later but it was, then the, within a few days I got another one. Well I

answered the phone and it just went on with a little, same identical thing. So it
had to be a recording to get it to sound like that. A little child jibber-jabbering,
and which Caylee speaks plain if she's going to speak.
Uh-hum (affirmative).
You know, she is almost three. She's not just two. I mean she'll be three in...
Uh-hum (affirmative).
...a little bit. But uh, that was two times. So i told Cindy the other day, I said, "If
Casey says she heard I hope she could identify Casey, or Caylee," because
maybe it was some weird thing like they did to me. Somebody playing something
on a, I haven't ever had it, you know, since she's reported missing or anything.
Uh-hum (affirmative).
But it was during the time, two times.
Now this gibber-jabber was not Caylee's voice?
See, I wasn't, in a way I wasn't expecting it. But if I said it was Caylee's voice I'm
not telling the truth because I don't know. But it sounded like a little kid.
But it didn't jump out at you of, oh, this is Caylee. Why is she not talking plain
English? It didn't jump out at you like that?
I'll tell you the first time it was just a shock.
Uh-hum (affirmative).
And the second time, as soon as they knew a person answered they played just
such a little bit and stopped it. They didn't let it go all the way, you know, like
that. And nobody answered when i said helio
What makes the most sense to me is Cindy and KC having a huge fight with Cindy telling KC to get out but Caylee is staying. KC convinces Cindy to let her have some time with Caylee first. That's why Cindy didn't go after KC until finding the car. Explains the calls and KC not letting Cindy talk to Caylee... Cindy demanding KC take her to Caylee... the asking for one more day ("I've already given you a month"). To me this also makes sense of the comment "Don't worry I haven't said anything" (about the fight).
Whether Casey left after the fight or the next day, what difference does it make? How does George or Casey gain if he lies and says Casey left the next day?

And it also goes to motive.....if there was a huge fight, Casey had motive to kill Caylee. Big difference it makes.
Good, but do we have physical evidence other than George's word that Caylee was alive that morning? Cindy says she heard Caylee/KC breathing, GA said he saw them leave. The computer usage supports KC being there, but nothing tells us about Caylee...only GA and CA and we can't believe them. Why doesn't GA talk about breakfast, cartoons, whatever? Where was Caylee that morning...

I bet Cindy did hear them but not see them (because of the fight). George probably did see them dressed and doing something but I doubt it was leaving for work. I think it was packed and leaving for a few days so KC could spend time with Caylee before moving out and leaving Caylee with G&C. I believe there was a huge fight between Cindy and KC. Cindy told KC that was it - no more stealing, etc. to get out and live on her own but Caylee was staying. Makes the most sense to me and explains the "I've already given you a month" response to KC asking for one more day.
According to Casey's cell phone pings, Casey was in or by the Anthony house the night of June 15 until just after 4 on June 16.

The computer records support it too:

Computer Usage for Desktop
2AM 1AM 49% *****
7AM 8AM 74% *******
8AM 9AM 15% **

Casey's instant messages to WitePlayBoi AKA Alex R. MONDAY JUNE 16:
Monday, June 16, 2008
WitePlayboi (7:56:15 AM): hey how was the showcase
casey o marie (7:56:34 AM): it went really well!
casey o marie (7:56:39 AM): you should come out one friday
WitePlayboi (7:57:15 AM): i will once i quit my job
casey o marie (7:57:30 AM): awesome! :)
casey o marie (7:57:33 AM): how's life love?
WitePlayboi (7:58:17 AM): i finished 12th in one of the biggest online poker tourneys last night...i was pissed
casey o marie (7:59:07 AM): alex, that's great though!
casey o marie (7:59:11 AM): you're really stepping it up
WitePlayboi (7:59:34 AM): if i won it was like
WitePlayboi (7:59:35 AM): uhmmm
WitePlayboi (7:59:46 AM): set me up for the next 4 years type money
WitePlayboi (8:00:07 AM): instead
WitePlayboi (8:00:10 AM): scraps
casey o marie (8:00:19 AM): holy crap hun!
WitePlayboi (8:00:29 AM): first was 125,000
casey o marie (8:00:38 AM): jesus christ
WitePlayboi (8:00:53 AM): i get 9000
WitePlayboi (8:00:58 AM): see why its so upseting lol
casey o marie (8:01:08 AM): still, 9000 isn't bad at all babe
WitePlayboi (8:01:33 AM): so what r u up 2
casey o marie (8:02:02 AM): not a whole lot. checking up on all the myspace/facebook hoopla
casey o marie (8:02:03 AM): yourself?
WitePlayboi (8:02:23 AM): im at my moms chillin
WitePlayboi (8:02:28 AM): gonna get a haircut in a lil
casey o marie (8:02:32 AM): nice
casey o marie (8:02:37 AM): how's your place working out?
WitePlayboi (8:02:50 AM): ehhh..i cant wait for the lease to be up
WitePlayboi (8:02:54 AM): waant my own place
casey o marie (8:02:58 AM): this is true
casey o marie (8:03:53 AM): i'm finally moving into my house, at the end of the month. i'll have a roommate for
a little bit. but at least my friend amy is like living with myself.
WitePlayboi (8:04:17 AM): yeah u told me
WitePlayboi (8:04:19 AM): thats hot!
casey o marie (8:04:23 AM): :)
casey o marie (8:04:29 AM): i'm extremely excited
casey o marie (8:04:34 AM): it's well passed due
WitePlayboi (8:04:49 AM): u gonna invite me over
casey o marie (8:05:09 AM): most definitely
WitePlayboi (8:05:20 AM): late night randevous
casey o marie (8:05:25 AM): haha no no
casey o marie (8:05:32 AM): but poker games, beer pong, the usually hang outs
casey o marie (8:05:40 AM): casey really likes this boyfriend of hers :)
WitePlayboi (8:05:44 AM): i had to try
casey o marie (8:05:59 AM): i know
casey o marie (8:06:00 AM): ha ha
At 10 a.m.on June 16, Casey downloaded a picture of Fusian from the Anthony IP address.

GA might lie or mix up a date. LP might come up with a wrong theory. But, Casey's constant need to be on her phone and computer have her movements accurately nailed down.

I wonder how many other days AFTER this that Casey was on the computer/texting THAT early? Was that a common habit of hers? Ping masters?

Also am still awaiting a link that shows where LP was incarcerated for Tax Evasion as has been stated in several places in this very thread. Does ANYONE here have any information or a link where I can read about that, because I had honestly not heard that before??? Anyone???:eek:
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