2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

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In an earlier thread about GA & CA's account of the night of the 15 and morning of the 16th, I stated that I do not believe either of the caca stories they came up with. Breathing through the door, a 3 year old staying silent in a bedroom (if alive) until 1 in the afternoon- ppptttt. What a load of codswhollop.

I am now wondering if it is possible that LA's empty house is the scene of the crime?

I believe the perp exited Hopespring after the brawl with Caylee.

Maybe she hightailed it over to LA's because she knew there was noone there. Did what she had been planning to do, after all she is was alone in a secure location, she was ANGRY and decided to do what she had been planning, maybe she thought it was the perfect time.

She would have had heaps of time and no one watching. Afterwards, she puts Caylee in the trunk.

The next day she waits until she knows CA is at work and maybe THINKS GA has also left so she goes back to Hopespring. Oh-oh, GA is home, maybe they suprise each other. "Why arent you at work and where is Caylee?" asks GA. "I just dropped her off and came home to pick up some clothes for her because we might be staying over at the Nanny's house, why are you still home? No work today (snide comment alluding to the Job Seeking For Dummies Book)" is the perps reply. "I am leaving in a second" says GA.

In the perps hand he sees the clothes that he later describes as the ones Caylee was wearing "when they left" (the perp may have just randomly grabbed them as an excuse as to why she was home) The perp leaves and drives around the block, waiting for GA to leave.

He does. She goes back into the house, maybe takes the Caylees clothes back in with her and gets her "equiptment". (laundry bag, winnie the pooh blanket etc) Who knows what she tries to do in the back yard where the dogs hit. Maybe she decides to stage things to look like a weirdo nanny kidnapping (duct-tape, sticker etc) ala One Tree Hill...

IDK, just one theory... *deep sigh* trying to make sense out of nonsense is HARD. I feel for the LE, DA's etc...

Lee evidently had 2 roommates in 2008, Brian and Michelle. Here is a link to Michelle's interview. I think she would have said something if Casey was at their house.

Michelle M. Audio Interview Jan 19, 2009

1. Knew the Anthony family since Lee was in 1st grade.
2. Reconnected with Lee in Jr High, met the rest of the family.
3. Lived with Lee at the Eagle Feather address with other roommates – B.Lufkin in 2008
After listening to all the depos and looking back at a thread I started last August Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey Anthony's Time-line Is Shrinking - UPDATE 8/10/08 , it's good to see that many are still questioning the validity of George's statement of June 16th. I still have great concerns over the evening of June 15th as there was never any detail about Caylee except she went into the pool the evening of June 15th. IIRC, Cindy claimed she tucked them "both" into bed on June 15th and stated this at the bond hearing. No one ever talked about the morning of June 16th, except for Cindy saying she heard them in the bedroom. No one ever stated a word about Caylee having breakfast, who dressed Caylee, did Caylee watch TV, did Caylee have lunch with George ... nothing at all except they both mysteriously appeared ready to go out the door.

I am personally thrilled that Kathy spoke with Leonard on air to bring forth the concerns I have had for many, many months. :)

You make a good point. When a child gets up in the morning they are certainly not going to hide out in a bedroom or whatnot - they would be up having breakfast, maybe watching a little Nickelodeon. The fact that there is nothing about George seeing, talking to, having breakfast with, hearing Caylee prior to their appearance at 12:50 is ridiculous.

At 7:45 a.m. Casey retrieves her phone messages.

At 7:56 a.m. she is instant messaging with Alex R. about the June 13 Hip Hop event and getting another place to live. (In response to who was on the desktop between 7 & 8 a.m.)

At 10:00 a.m. Casey downloads a picture of Fusian from the Anthony I.P. address.

All the while Casey's cell phone pings from in or by the Anthony house.
Cindy also covers this base in an interview stating "the money stolen from her mother is none of her business." It is between Shirley and Casey.Another lie imo. Everything is CA's business. She's a control freak.

IMHO What a bold face lie.
IMO It's more that Shirley/Casey business. Stealing from grandpa's assisted living account branches out to being the business of Cindy and her brothers. What if the money was not returned to the account who was now going to help take care of the expenses for grandpa??? Cindy, her brothers?

If my sisters' kid stole money(and not the first time either) from my sick and elderly parents bank account there would be H### to pay and I would make it my business. Just Sayin':)
In an earlier thread about GA & CA's account of the night of the 15 and morning of the 16th, I stated that I do not believe either of the caca stories they came up with. Breathing through the door, a 3 year old staying silent in a bedroom (if alive) until 1 in the afternoon- ppptttt. What a load of codswhollop.

I am now wondering if it is possible that LA's empty house is the scene of the crime?

I believe the perp exited Hopespring after the brawl with Caylee.

Maybe she hightailed it over to LA's because she knew there was noone there. Did what she had been planning to do, after all she is was alone in a secure location, she was ANGRY and decided to do what she had been planning, maybe she thought it was the perfect time.

She would have had heaps of time and no one watching. Afterwards, she puts Caylee in the trunk.

The next day she waits until she knows CA is at work and maybe THINKS GA has also left so she goes back to Hopespring. Oh-oh, GA is home, maybe they suprise each other. "Why arent you at work and where is Caylee?" asks GA. "I just dropped her off and came home to pick up some clothes for her because we might be staying over at the Nanny's house, why are you still home? No work today (snide comment alluding to the Job Seeking For Dummies Book)" is the perps reply. "I am leaving in a second" says GA.

In the perps hand he sees the clothes that he later describes as the ones Caylee was wearing "when they left" (the perp may have just randomly grabbed them as an excuse as to why she was home) The perp leaves and drives around the block, waiting for GA to leave.

He does. She goes back into the house, maybe takes the Caylees clothes back in with her and gets her "equiptment". (laundry bag, winnie the pooh blanket etc) Who knows what she tries to do in the back yard where the dogs hit. Maybe she decides to stage things to look like a weirdo nanny kidnapping (duct-tape, sticker etc) ala One Tree Hill...

IDK, just one theory... *deep sigh* trying to make sense out of nonsense is HARD. I feel for the LE, DA's etc...

Bolded by me above - might also explain why no clothes on - maybe on June 15 prior to the fight Caylee had already taken a bath - and maybe just had a pull up on for bed. So when they left Caylee was just in a diaper and by the 16th when she grabbed the clothes - maybe she was unable to dress her after she was dead - so just threw the clothes in. Remember her comment about how they had even found Caylee's clothes yet?
IMHO What a bold face lie.
IMO It's more that Shirley/Casey business. Stealing from grandpa's assisted living account branches out to being the business of Cindy and her brothers. What if the money was not returned to the account who was now going to help take care of the expenses for grandpa??? Cindy, her brothers?

If my sisters' kid stole money(and not the first time either) from my sick and elderly parents bank account there would be H### to pay and I would make it my business. Just Sayin':)

I completely agree!! I can't see Cindy rolling over and saying quai sera sera regarding kc's thieving habits.

I wish they would have dug deeper into this line of questioning.
Cindy and George have denied that there was ANY turmoil with Casey before and during the time in question...no fights, everything was fine. We know there were fights and that things were not peachy at home, why would Cindy need so badly to deny this ? Could be she doesn't want to reveal any problems in their home or it could be because it provides motive for the state...I happen to believe the latter. Cindy and George both know why Caylee died. IMO, Cindy was a key player in the fight's with Casey that led to Caylee's death, the fight's themselves don't make Cindy wrong...the covering up of said fight's do. My opinion only.
I recall Father's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas and Easter last year. However, if you asked me about details the day AFTER these dates, I couldn't begin to summon up the detailed description that George Anthony has recalled.

It would be telling to see how much detail he recalls of what Casey and Caylee were wearing on Father's Day, along with other details of that day. I would be willing to wager he does not recall as much detail of clothing, tv shows, etc. as he does of June 16th. He would recall the screaming, yelling, accusations and possibly physical altercations of that day. Just who is being protected here?
Cindy and George have denied that there was ANY turmoil with Casey before and during the time in question...no fights, everything was fine. We know there were fights and that things were not peachy at home, why would Cindy need so badly to deny this ? Could be she doesn't want to reveal any problems in their home or it could be because it provides motive for the state...I happen to believe the latter. Cindy and George both know why Caylee died. IMO, Cindy was a key player in the fight's with Casey that led to Caylee's death, the fight's themselves don't make Cindy wrong...the covering up of said fight's do. My opinion only.

And that is exactly why Cindy has guilt, and is covering up. She feels she may be the cause of Caylee's demise.

Sadly, she's just adding to it with the lies she easily spews.
And that is exactly why Cindy has guilt, and is covering up. She feels she may be the cause of Caylee's demise.

Sadly, she's just adding to it with the lies she easily spews.
I believe this to be true also...Cindy knows that if the real truth comes out she will be more than just the Grandmother of the deceased in the story, she plays a MUCH bigger part, IMO.
If we don't believe KC, CA, GA, LA or LP, then would someone please ask Cindy - If there was no argument on Father's Day, if there was no "tension" regarding finances, if everything was all hunky dorey, then why did your daughter leave for 31 days? ITA

Oh, that's right - you said she needed to "bond"! I guess the super glue wasn't bonding enough so she used duct tape! :furious::furious::furious:

Sorry for the rant Caylee -

I believe LP, I believe Lee knows what he knows because KC probably called him hysterical about the fight. Maybe called from the hotel parking lot (I think the South tower ping from home does support this hotel area - but not sure), pacing, mad, etc. Lee tells her "go to my house" - ok, take it from there somebody....

I looked at locatiog the cell towers near the hotel in question and there are quite a few, one cell tower is either on that hotels land or across the way by another hotel.
I am not a cell phone ping techie but IMO cell phone traffic usage would be low in the middle of the night as compared to daytime and I would assume IF(and I don't believe that theory) she was at the hotel June15/16 her cell phone would have pinged off the closer towers and not all 3 towers that service the A home.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82929"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame] here is the thread that discusses the hotel sighting.
As I've said before, I am not a complete believer in LP. However, I do completely believe that GA was not truthful about seeing KC at 1 pm that day.

GA originally said he had last seen Caylee on June 9th, later changing it to the 16th when they realized they had the tape. Wonder if GA can tell us what happened on June 9th and what Caylee was wearing that day????? Bet he can't.
California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla says he told investigators that Lee Anthony told him a story that greatly conflicts with George Anthony's statement about when he last saw Caylee alive.

Eyewitness News found out that her lawyers are trying to keep Padilla's statement a secret.

Bolded by me. In the sentence above, I think they must be talking about Casey's lawyers, but it's not exactly clear ?
the crime scene could still be the house....i just think that she left that night of the 15/16 early morning after the fight....but then KC with caylee could have came back after GA left for work....but GA didnt see them that morning and CA didnt hear them breathing thru the door.....:rolleyes:

For what it's worth, if there was a fight that night(June15) between the 2 I do not see Cindy happily letting Casey march out of the house with Caylee. IMO Caylee would have already been put to bed when/if this fight occurred.

IMO If Casey left the house(I don't believe she did...but) with Caylee that night Cindy would not have been able to sleep knowing she had a fight with Casey and Casey stormed out with Caylee overnight. I think we would have seen phone calls and texts between Cindy and Casey that night trying to get Caylee back, but instead we have Casey and TL speaking and texting most of the night and into the early am hours of June16.

See Casey/Cindy Fight Thread
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83435"]Details Emerge Casey/Cindy Fight - Part Deux - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

At 7:45 a.m. Casey retrieves her phone messages.

At 7:56 a.m. she is instant messaging with Alex R. about the June 13 Hip Hop event and getting another place to live. (In response to who was on the desktop between 7 & 8 a.m.)

At 10:00 a.m. Casey downloads a picture of Fusian from the Anthony I.P. address.

All the while Casey's cell phone pings from in or by the Anthony house.

See??? If Lee told LP this story, thin it just doesn't match with the evidence at this point. Sorry, but no cigar on this one.
KC uploaded a picture of Fusian to Photobucket at 10:27 ET from the IP address at the Anthony home.

She was home.

IMHO, Lee was describing perhaps the reason why KC took off the afternoon of the 16th and did not return until Cindy dragged her out of the home mid-July.

Let's imagine for a moment the events of July 3, when an upset Cindy asks Lee for help to put Cindy's "My Caylee is Missing" up on myspace. Prior to doing this she is talking to Lee, explaining that the two have been gone for three weeks, and during the course of the conversation she says "You know Lee, I think the reason she took off is the fight we had on father's day. For the first time I raised my voice and got really angry with her. I think she left with Caylee to get back at me, and I think it is why she promises to let me see Caylee and then blows me off. Maybe when we are done here you could go look for her?".

Now Lee takes that to mean she took off that night, but in reality she took off the next day. George remembered the wrong day - he remembered the 9th - and things just got a little confused.
After listening to all the depos and looking back at a thread I started last August Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey Anthony's Time-line Is Shrinking - UPDATE 8/10/08 , it's good to see that many are still questioning the validity of George's statement of June 16th. I still have great concerns over the evening of June 15th as there was never any detail about Caylee except she went into the pool the evening of June 15th. IIRC, Cindy claimed she tucked them "both" into bed on June 15th and stated this at the bond hearing. No one ever talked about the morning of June 16th, except for Cindy saying she heard them in the bedroom. No one ever stated a word about Caylee having breakfast, who dressed Caylee, did Caylee watch TV, did Caylee have lunch with George ... nothing at all except they both mysteriously appeared ready to go out the door.
I am personally thrilled that Kathy spoke with Leonard on air to bring forth the concerns I have had for many, many months. :)

Curious to me as well that the events of the morning of June16 have yet to materialize, GA would remember a cooking show and what the 2 girls were wearing :rolleyes: but not having breakfast with Caylee, didn't he say he usually fed Caylee breakfast (at the memorial I think)
After listening to all the depos and looking back at a thread I started last August Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey Anthony's Time-line Is Shrinking - UPDATE 8/10/08 , it's good to see that many are still questioning the validity of George's statement of June 16th. I still have great concerns over the evening of June 15th as there was never any detail about Caylee except she went into the pool the evening of June 15th. IIRC, Cindy claimed she tucked them "both" into bed on June 15th and stated this at the bond hearing. No one ever talked about the morning of June 16th, except for Cindy saying she heard them in the bedroom. No one ever stated a word about Caylee having breakfast, who dressed Caylee, did Caylee watch TV, did Caylee have lunch with George ... nothing at all except they both mysteriously appeared ready to go out the door.

I am personally thrilled that Kathy spoke with Leonard on air to bring forth the concerns I have had for many, many months. :)

You know PattyG, after reading your post here it occurred to me that there seriously COULD be a conspiracy by the Ants. Cindy was reportedly in the pool with Caylee on the 15th - if the entire 16th scenario is concocted by the Ants, maybe there is more to this story than we can even comprehend.

I apologize if this posted twice, my computer went wonky.:crazy:
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