2009.05.21 Annie D. Deposition

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Exactly! I cannot for the life of me figure out why AD "didn't want to be the one" because she already was involved with the case because of the Xanax IM. Casey had already implicated her, wouldn't she have been IRATE? I know I would be, and I'd want to know Everything. Everything. None of this "I can't believe my friend's a killer" pussyfooting around BS. That's nonsense.

AD sounded somewhat credible, but my "gut" tells me she's not.


Yeah, but all those text messages (relating to AD and the Zanax) weren't released until later. She's talking about her mindframe ("not wanting to be the one") back early August when KC was out on bond for the first time. I'm sure, knowing what she knows now, she may have pressed her for all kinds of information. Nearly a year has passed--everybody has had all kinds of time to process the terrible reality of this mess.
Also - KC took a huge risk of tellign CA that Jeff was her actual BF NOT TONY L - why? Why would she just introduce her real man? Why make up Jeff? She even told CA that Jeff gave her a ring she was wearing - that Jeff is really great - blah blah - Why the F didn't CA ever insist on meeting him - you know with Caylee going off with KC to be with him in JV?

I hear Ya Mendara,
I wonder if "Jeff" covered whom ever the boyfriend at the time was to show that she only had 1 boyfriend and not the many she really did end up having.

IMO Casey was intent on keeping her family and her 3 group of friends (1.Annie and other school, friends, 2. Amy& Ricardo, 3. TonyL & his group) apart from each other.
She probably had an excuse or story ready why her family could not meet her boyfriend/friends and vice-versa. We learned Cindy never met Amy until July 15, and TonyL did broach the subject to go over to her house and meet her parents.
I personally think that AD was honest, or at least as honest as she could be given that she's discussing things that happened almost a year ago and further back then that. Do I find it a bit strange that she didn't question KC more, yes, but I can understand not wanting to get involved. That's a tough position to be in and since I haven't been in that position before, I'm not going to judge her for her decision.

I did find it interesting that the Anthony's didn't focus that much on "zanny". They were going on tv saying ZG did it but they really didn't seem to be pushing that issue in a private setting.

I also wish they had gone into more detail with the fake ID, traffic ticket thing. They may have off the record but I'm nosey and want to know:) People have said earlier in this thread that it's weird she didn't remember exactly when she got the ticket but remembered she was on the phone w/KC. I don't think that's strange at all. I couldn't tell you the exact date of my last ticket, I could probably figure out the year, maybe the month, but I could tell you exactly who I was with, where I was stopped, where I was and where I was going.

The one thing I'm confused about is did KC graduate from high school? I know in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter but I thought it was verified that she did graduate and now AD is saying that she didn't.

I totally agree with you on this, I can remember where I got any ticket I've ever gotten, where I was headed, even roughly time of day, who was with me, what kind of demeanor the officer had, etc., etc. But, I wouldn't be able to tell dates, I'd know in years roughly, and might be able two narrow down a month n some cases. I don't find that strange at all.

As for whether KC graduated,

in the mythbusters thread it shows she did graduate but later than the rest of her class:

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:) :)
I think Jeff, non existent bf, was created just for Cindy. He was probably everything that Cindy wanted for Casey, nice, hard working, family man. I am thinking that Casey knew Cindy either wouldn't have approved of Tony or Casey thought Cindy would let out some secrets, throw her under the bus like w/ Jesse. Casey had to know what Cindy expected in terms of boyfriends, probably someone that was interested in marrying Casey and being a father to Caylee. Tony wasn't exactly there yet. Now Ricardo is easy, Cindy didn't take to hispanic people and I am sure that included boyfriends of Casey's.

I have a feeling CA had a lot to do with KC breaking up with JG. I think the Grunds were too strong a family unit-CA wouldn't have been able to control and manipulate Jesse. Remember when he stood up to CA when she was berating KC? That probably finished it for Jesse in CA's eyes! How dare he!! I think in CA's mind Jesse had to go-he was a threat to her control of KC and that also meant control of Caylee. KC wasn't going to make that mistake again and let CA have the opportunity to interfere with her chance to escape her life. KC was banking on a man to get her out of her prison-she was too lazy to do it on her own!:mad:
We should have a list of Cindy lies!! Cindy did not have addresses or phone numbers for Zanny and had no idea who she could be. Cindy in her deposition didn't want to say Casey had taken money... she said she let Casey use credit cards.

So Annie has a dog.... not any Zanny.

Annie has a dog therefore she IS.................CA logic
Honestly, I find Annie to be a little self indulging. She told CA, that she was going through a rough time and this would have been one of the times she would have needed KC, something to that effect-not exact. Well don't ya think KC had bigger fish to fry at this point? I was not impressed with Annie at all.

The one thing I picked up on was when one of the detectives said, not an exact quote but "oh you mean when you two were close" referring to KC and Annie's relationship. Annie responded "yes when we were CLOSER" I think she said a lot right there.

I agree. Annie and Casey hadn't been close friends for at least 5-6 months before Caylee went missing. Then out of the blue in the midst of Caylee's disappearance Annie needed to talk to Casey about her problems. Why not talk to one of her other friends? She said she didn't want to know any details regarding Caylee because she was afraid but she put herself right in the middle of the 'danger' surrounding Casey by asking to go to the house. For what...to talk to Casey about her problems, hang out, watch movies, chat about friends, find out about chloroform...please. I'm starting to think Annie just wanted her 15 minutes of fame by reconnecting with Casey.
AD does seem authentic and sincere; however, shame on her for not wanting to have "information or knowledge" of what happened! She had the opportunity and probably the best chance of getting info from KC but seems to have not wanted to be involved............I guess I'll chalk it up to her being young and not a mother, but I hope her reaction was not the normal reaction...........I'd be badgering my best friend for every detail about her missing daughter if given the opportunity....is it just me or does EVERYONE in this case always looking out for themselves???? The excuses and reasons for not asking difficult questions when a child is missing is beyond me. I'm so dissapointeed

I hear Ya Mendara,
I wonder if "Jeff" covered whom ever the boyfriend at the time was to show that she only had 1 boyfriend and not the many she really did end up having.

IMO Casey was intent on keeping her family and her 3 group of friends (1.Annie and other school, friends, 2. Amy& Ricardo, 3. TonyL & his group) apart from each other.
She probably had an excuse or story ready why her family could not meet her boyfriend/friends and vice-versa. We learned Cindy never met Amy until July 15, and TonyL did broach the subject to go over to her house and meet her parents.

Do you think that maybe Annie knew of KC's 3 lives?
:slap:BOOOO! (I dis lub that lil buddy slap smiley.)
Cuz somebody had to pay that ticket for KC. The one for ZG22 or whatever. Wish I could have whispered in the guy askin the Qs to ask more stuff about ZG22. Like "Did any of the A's have you do any favors?"---"Did they ask you to go pay a traffic ticket?"

And Beans---when I saw this "ugly-minded protestors" in you post---it jerked my mind back to the time KC called 911 about the protesters cuz she was afraid her parents might not be able to hold them back and they might get into the house and get to her. That has to be the only reason she called 911---she sure didn't call 911 when "somebody" stole her baby---killed her---threw her sweet lil body out in the woods. OK! Having flash backs now. Sorry, hope I didn't jerk anybody else back to that memory---cuz I know ya'll get same feeling about stuff.

Bold red is mine....Aint that the truth! When her Azz is on the line, her fingers could sure manage 911, but they couldn't summon help for Caylee. BS KC.
(Snip Respect Imbackon):)

I am so glad you posted this perspective because my head and intuition are spinning.

I DO agree that Annie comes across as truthful but...

I DO also agree with everyone on this thread who felt something fishy about Annie not wanting to know...and

why go to see Casey in the first place if she felt scared or worried about getting involved or unwanted exposure in the media?

and I felt she was (lying: it is hard for me to say that because I do not enjoy accusing anyone of being untruthful) about how much she "partied" with Casey. I do have to wonder if the photos I saw have colored my opinion. I got the impression they did a lot of "partying" together. If Caylee had not gone missing there is nothing in those pictures that I see as anything but normal behavior for folks their age, it is only the idea of Caylee that makes me study those pictures. I was born in 1971 and grew up strict compared to my peers(even by Disney standards)and I did rebel so I have "partied" but still these girls seem wild to me. Not adult wild, playboy mansion, *advertiser censored* wild...but wild in a way that is easier explained by the explanation Iambackon gives:

They are different. You are always going to find some sense of untruth to them because they do not sleuth themselves like we do? That is what I am in love with WS...I feel I found my people...

We need to know. We go in depth. We wonder why.

We wonder why all of these people do any of the things they do because we would never even be in one of their situations because of how differently we would handle everything before that. That makes sense only to me maybe.

I do not understand how Keo could mistake which Casey with a two and a half year old from school that she spoke to on the phone and was willing to loan said Casey $200.00 but she never called back. How can you remember so much detail but not remember who you were talking to? Shallow relationships. That is my only guess...or all these people are stupid or lying...

JG...Casey called and I heard Caylee in the background...oh, I guess I didn't.

Why can we not ever get straight answers from any one? Why is the truth so elusive? Is it because one person is lying or because all are lying?

Oh, I love the posters that say: how is it someone hasn't cried out to Casey or didn't during the time Caylee was missing: "tell us! I don't care if I am in danger! Only that friend ?Christina?(she was on the phone with Casey while she was in jail-Lee and Cindy were also on the phone. this was when Casey was wanting Tony's number)broke down and said: please, tell us what you know...if anything happens to Caylee...

See, I relate to THAT kind of behavior. I am intense! WSers are intense and passionate and I understand that...even when someone is arguing what is not my opinion...on WS you can tell they are just going after the truth also.

I hope all this is not OT so to get back on: Maybe it is that Annie is a different kind of person. I could not sit in that room and not ask every question you could ever hope to come up with. I am going to read more posts and see if WS thinks there are any real lies or cover up here...because I am not satisfied about this information.

My understanding is that one of my first words was: "why?" and that I would ask that so much it drove my mother nuts...:crazy:

That's why I love Websleuths...jmo:blowkiss:

Bold is mine

Your "best" or ex-best friend's daughter has been missing for a month. The FBI & LE are all over this with National headline attention, & you have the opportunity to visit the one person who can provide the best answers of finding the baby, and, You don't want to know:furious: and you stay over and watch a movie:confused: This goes against everything normal, and is so disingenuous, I have no words. These people make me crazy:bang:
Doesn't it strike anyone as odd that all this information from Annie came out through the civil case and not through LE? Doesn't anyone think that most of the questions asked of this girl had nothing to do with the plaintiff, one Zenaida (minus Fernandez) Gonzalez?

They asked appropriately whether Annie had ever heard the name before, whether she knew the nanny, ...etc. And then they danced around the Anthony's mindsets and relationships and familial interactions and various minutia that has not a single blessed thing to do with their frivolous lawsuit. Yet people just gobble up the garbage and cheer on the nastiness. These "lawyers" are glorified ambulance chasers, in my opinion. They are beneath contempt with their threats to join the Anthonys in the case and to "punish" them monetarily. It's a disgusting addendum to a horrific tragedy.

Cindy Anthony, yes, defended her daughter on TV. She tried to explain away what she couldn't begin to comprehend. Her daughter is apparently a twisted monster and as a mother, she failed completely to see that. While she has at times irritated the hell out of me, I find her to be pitiable and I do pity her with all my heart. I wouldn't want to be in her place for all the tea in China.
Bold red is mine....Aint that the truth! When her Azz is on the line, her fingers could sure manage 911, but they couldn't summon help for Caylee. BS KC.

This is exactly the one thing a jury is not going to be able to justify. 31 DAYS! If I was on the jury I would not be able to find any reasonable expanation.
Which makes me wonder, when LE came to the house in December they took quite a few cell phones, three from Casey's room and two, I think, from the master bedroom...I just wonder....?

Who knows what LE has .. :D
I'm a put on a show kind of girl is lyrics off a song. Also I think She told the truth, not sure if it was 100 percent truth. But I believe she is refferring to the song, or perhaps she is letting everyone know she will put the truth out there and put on a show with truthfulness. Who knows. I also find it odd she never questioned Casey, but I am like that myself I try not to get to involved with other peoples issues as I have enough of my own issues from time to time. So perhaps she just was worrying about her ownself thinking Caylee was fine. I think if she would have suspected Caylee was dead and Casey killed her, She would have to wonder if she would go over there and be around her after she was bonded out, knowing she could be the next victim.
Bold is mine

Your "best" or ex-best friend's daughter has been missing for a month. The FBI & LE are all over this with National headline attention, & you have the opportunity to visit the one person who can provide the best answers of finding the baby, and, You don't want to know:furious: and you stay over and watch a movie:confused: This goes against everything normal, and is so disingenuous, I have no words. These people make me crazy:bang:

Annie somehow mustered the strength to ask Casey about chloroform but nothing about Caylee's whereabouts. :waitasec: I wonder if that question occurred while dodging the windows for the imaginary assassin snipers perched on Hopespring Drive. I get this mental image of Casey crawling around under the windows trying to convince everyone that evil forces are out to get her and her family. The family wasn't buying it because Cindy was ready to do battle with a bat, George with a hose, and Lee with a sign and dog bowl.
I'm a put on a show kind of girl is lyrics off a song. Also I think She told the truth, not sure if it was 100 percent truth. But I believe she is refferring to the song, or perhaps she is letting everyone know she will put the truth out there and put on a show with truthfulness. Who knows. I also find it odd she never questioned Casey, but I am like that myself I try not to get to involved with other peoples issues as I have enough of my own issues from time to time.

Not to offend you, BUT this seems way more than an Issue:waitasec:
Honestly, this is an ongoing saga.....

"Days Of Our Lies"

Not one of these people involved would I care to call a friend, neighbor or relative. I would be ashamed of them all and Heaven help them if they were related or a friend of mine because I do not tolerate nonsense such as all of this and at the expense of a dead child. In my world you're not mean to children and you don't kick dogs.
It's prolly a good thing AD has an attorney, she'll probably need him/her later on.
Not to offend you, BUT this seems way more than an Issue:waitasec:

No offense taken, It certainly is more than an issue. I assume I didn't word my post well enough. I believe that she thought Caylee was alive, and didn't want to get involved in the situation because of her own issues. Casey had stated her mom was trying to take Caylee etc, I think that she had heard alot of bs from Casey about Cindy, and figured it was Casey plotting to get back at her mom and did infact leave Caylee with a sitter since she had heard of a nanny before. Like I said she would have not went over there when Casey was bonded out if she knew she was a murderer well i'd hope not. And I don't get involved with other peoples issues of bickering, talking back and forth etc, so if she heard Casey bickering about Cindy all the time then that explains why she probably didn't think it was serious. Let me make one more thing clear I am not in any way defending Casey or Annie I am stating my opinion, on why Annie didn't further question Casey, Cindy and George being the parents should a done that, they knew how she was to begin with stealing money from grandma etc. I also knew from the beginning when I heard the story that Casey was gulity, no one lets there child go missing for 31 days.
No offense taken, It certainly is more than an issue. I assume I didn't word my post well enough. I believe that she thought Caylee was alive, and didn't want to get involved in the situation because of her own issues. Casey had stated her mom was trying to take Caylee etc, I think that she had heard alot of bs from Casey about Cindy, and figured it was Casey plotting to get back at her mom and did infact leave Caylee with a sitter since she had heard of a nanny before. Like I said she would have not went over there when Casey was bonded out if she knew she was a murderer well i'd hope not. And I don't get involved with other peoples issues of bickering, talking back and forth etc, so if she heard Casey bickering about Cindy all the time then that explains why she probably didn't think it was serious.

Not serious!!, with the smell of decomposition in the trunk?, being hauled off to jail?, ( she visited her after she was jailed) 31 days not reported missing? a fu^^ed up story about a Nanny? All the lies? What does it take for people to get involved, when it means something more than thinking of themsleves?:furious:

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