2009.06.19 FBI Decomposition Report

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I agree. The chloroform is the possible red herring in all of this. I think it's entirely possible that Casey googled chloroform because she saw the post on RM's MySpace(?) and was curious about it. Found out through her searches that it can be used as a sex "aid" and then googled how to make it - thinking if it was easy then she could maybe have a new fun thing to do.

The chloroform in the trunk may just be a result of concentrated human decomp and a mixture of cleaning supplies that combine to make chloroform used on a carpet that already had chloroform in it as part of it's natural materials.

There's just no proof Casey ever made it, or used it on herself or Caylee. I have a hard time seeing Casey being able to make chloroform without making a huge mess or gassing herself in the process.

That is why a few of us on this board feel that it was odd that KC was searching the internet for chloroform and neck breaking---for a child. It is not that physically difficult to kill a child. It is horrible but true. Kids are pretty easy to kill...you don't need to search the internet for hours... However, two adults, say like CA/GA would be a little more difficult to bring down.
I've always wanted to ask if the use of chlorine bleach would discolor the trunk liner if someone attempted to use it to clean the liner? :waitasec:

Assuming it does not and can be explained as a possible cleaner, we know that acetone is a prescribed carpet cleaning solvent for ... chewing gum. :eat:

Or, the decomposing fluids became "gummy," consequently someone thought the use of fingernail polish remover might aid better in the removal, thereof?
I've always wanted to ask if the use of chlorine bleach would discolor the trunk liner if someone attempted to use it to clean the liner? :waitasec:

Assuming it does not and can be explained as a possible cleaner, we know that acetone is a prescribed carpet cleaning solvent for ... chewing gum. :eat:

I've accidentally put bleach into the wash with polyester or other synthetic items and it did not cause any color fading or other noticeable discoloration. I'm not sure what would happen if applied directly to a synthetic material/fabric. So, don't anyone try this at home :)

ETA: In addition, it's been my experience that it does not remove stains from polyester.
Interesting that they chose to write it in that manner.

IMHO, it seems plausible for the acetic acid to have been formed by the potential use of acetone as a cleaning agent in the presence of the chlorine/chloroform. I need to do a little research on that one though.

I agree that it was an odd way to phrase it. I think what it shows is that whether or not KC made chloroform LE was looking hard for evidence that she did. Personally, it seems like way too much work on KC's part when a few pieces of duct tape will do the trick.

Now that I think about it, though, I could see the sequence: chloroform + duct tape + heart sticker (because she wanted to kill her even she loved her and didn't want her to suffer :confused:). The chloroform would knock her out and she wouldn't struggle as she suffocated :cry:

My turn to play Captain Obvious today, OK?

...and in the bag from Tony's apartment meaning it was post-disposal...and close to 6/27. IMHO when Casey texted Amy, "There was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car." @ 11:34AM 6/27...4mins after leaving G&C's and ~13mins before running outta gas @ Amscot it was because she'd just done the paper-towel cleaning @ G&C's...couldn't toss the decomp-soaked-towels out @ G&C's house. That she took a trash bag from Tony's (not a new one from G&C's) suggests she had the cleaning in mind when she left Tony's...perhaps even having @ it in Tony's parking lot...although less likely, 'cause methinks she woulda tossed it in the dumpster as she existed the parking lot there.

Just a shame she forgot to get rid of it in the dumpster that was 4 feet away :eek: when she ran outta gas :doh:

Can you please, pretty please keep being Captain Obvious, because me must not be so bright? LOL! I missed so much of this analysis. I just don't understand a lot of this scientific stuff and what it means. That's why I come and read all the comments from you smarties here. Thanks!:blowkiss:
One chemical found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car is the kind emitted when someone is possibly deprived of oxygen, the report said.
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Yes I read that also.. Was just coming here to see if anyone else commented on it..
I really feel ill about this.. .. I better not type more or ill be banned.. I about ready to cuss like a sailor.
One chemical found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car is the kind emitted when someone is possibly deprived of oxygen, the report said.
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From the above link:
One chemical found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car is the kind emitted when someone is possibly deprived of oxygen, the report said.

"Whoever did this put the duct tape over the child's mouth. I wouldn't be surprised if the child actually died from suffocation, but what's more important I think is when you bring in the chemical analysis of the trunk into play, when you actually read the analysis from the trunk, it says there's higher levels of a certain compound that is present when a person is dying from suffocation -- which is a lack of oxygen. All in all, I think that's why the state is seeking the death penalty is because Caylee Anthony, no matter how she died, whether it was from the duct tape of from being in the trunk, suffered. For a few minutes, she knew she was dying. She knew she was in pain. She suffered tremendously," defense attorney Richard Hornsby said.

Hmm ....... never heard of that. Wonder why he didn't name the compound?:waitasec:
I would love to hear them try to sell this story. They would have better luck coming up with a plausible explanation of how a pigs corpse was in the trunk, resulting in clean up using the paper towels, and a chemical reaction that created the chloroform. No processed piece of meat is going to create grave wax.

If only her text had said she hit a pig, put him in the trunk to rush him to the vet, got distracted by something more important (look, a mirror!), leaving the poor porker to putrify in the pontiac.
Dear Red, please send new keyboard. (look, a mirror) caused sweet tea spew-age and ruined this one!
Thanks, love Clockie :blowkiss:
I'll venture a little OT with you...

I've wondered why the blanket with Caylee but nothing else...momma, nothing.

Could be she soaked a part of the WTP blanket with chloroform and gave it to Caylee while she was napping or before putting her down for a "nap". Once she ensured Caylee was out, she covered her mouth and nose with duct tape to do the actual killing. Took all of 4 or 5 minutes, at most. :cry: Then she put the body and blanket into the bags. The soaked portion of the blanket could have eaten away at the plastic bags it came in contact with, as well as the plastic liner of the laundry bag.

Actually makes sense to me, having her in the laundry bag from the beginning. As far as we know she did not back into the garage on the 16th, so she had to get the body into the trunk without fear of being noticed. Putting a laundry bag in the trunk would not look unusual. :shakehead:

I HOPE KC did this and the chloroform isn't a red herring. Otherwise Caylee would have known what was happening, and I can't handle that thought.
I would love to hear them try to sell this story. They would have better luck coming up with a plausible explanation of how a pigs corpse was in the trunk, resulting in clean up using the paper towels, and a chemical reaction that created the chloroform. No processed piece of meat is going to create grave wax.

If only her text had said she hit a pig, put him in the trunk to rush him to the vet, got distracted by something more important (look, a mirror!), leaving the poor porker to putrify in the pontiac.

That was great! Despite all of this terrible news coming out today...sometimes you need a laugh.
The Defense can do nothing with this. The decomposition found on the paper towels in the car completely and utterly flies directly in the face of any nanny story. It all is coming together like a puzzle...all of the i's are being dotted and the t's are being crossed to help spell out: Casey Anthony is GUILTY.
I've accidentally put bleach into the wash with polyester or other synthetic items and it did not cause any color fading or other noticeable discoloration. I'm not sure what would happen if applied directly to a synthetic material/fabric. So, don't anyone try this at home :)

ETA: In addition, it's been my experience that it does not remove stains from polyester.

My daughter spilled a half a bottle of nail polisher remover off her dresser and didn't notice it. There is a huge bleached out spot in the carpet as if bleach were used. I will have to have it replaced.

ETA: I forgot why I was posting good grief...yes I have spilled bleach and it will pull the color out of a carpet. Nevermind me both do. I'll just go back to lurking now :)
I would love to hear them try to sell this story. They would have better luck coming up with a plausible explanation of how a pigs corpse was in the trunk, resulting in clean up using the paper towels, and a chemical reaction that created the chloroform. No processed piece of meat is going to create grave wax.

If only her text had said she hit a pig, put him in the trunk to rush him to the vet, got distracted by something more important (look, a mirror!), leaving the poor porker to putrify in the pontiac.

Ssh! :silenced: Ya know the :loser: are here reading this!! Hi Guys!!:seeya:

Reading now that the control referenced in making that statement was, "Typical concentrations seen during human decompositional events of adults yields amounts in the low parts per trillion range."

So...be careful here...:nono:...the control isn't a HDE in an enclosed trunk - that would tend to increase concentration levels - as compared to an HDE control in an unenclosed area.

In my meager defense...I do note that no chloroform was found in the positive control sample involving a child in a trunk:

Ssh! :silenced: Ya know the :loser: are here reading this!! Hi Guys!!:seeya:

Rhyming would just make him look like a copycat.
JB will have to hinge his entire defense on alliteration.
It is very cutting edge ;)
From the above link:
One chemical found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car is the kind emitted when someone is possibly deprived of oxygen, the report said.

"Whoever did this put the duct tape over the child's mouth. I wouldn't be surprised if the child actually died from suffocation, but what's more important I think is when you bring in the chemical analysis of the trunk into play, when you actually read the analysis from the trunk, it says there's higher levels of a certain compound that is present when a person is dying from suffocation -- which is a lack of oxygen. All in all, I think that's why the state is seeking the death penalty is because Caylee Anthony, no matter how she died, whether it was from the duct tape of from being in the trunk, suffered. For a few minutes, she knew she was dying. She knew she was in pain. She suffered tremendously," defense attorney Richard Hornsby said.

Hmm ....... never heard of that. Wonder why he didn't name the compound?:waitasec:
I wonder what this compound is ? This report makes me sick. I was hoping Caylee didn't know what was happening to her, hoping that Casey put her to sleep or something. These are the types of crimes that the DP is meant for, IMO.
Just wanted to note where I got this, because it is not explicitly pointed out in the report. Reviewing this excerpt from page 6555:

View attachment 4172

The amount of chloroform found in the trunk was measured in the low parts per million range, where as normal human decomposition is low parts per trillion range. One trillion is one million million.

Looking a couple pages later ...

View attachment 4173

... we see that acetic acid was present in the trunk scrapings. While it is possible the presence of acetic acid could be due to the slightly acidic level of the carpet, it is also a byproduct of producing chloroform from chlorine and acetone.

So, as much as I thought "naw...KC is way to stupid and lazy :bang: to produce home-made chloroform", the report is pretty much telling us "Yeah, we think she actually did." :eek:
Exactly what I was thinking as I was reading this FBI report, as the report also stated that the levels of chloroform were too high for commercial cleaning products. I was thinking to myself "dude, she did actually homemake this stuff." WOW! Proves to me that poor Caylee was chloroformed and then strongly duct taped (obviously as the duct tape survived and held the maxilla together for 6 months, and made it through a hurricane and water submersion). I truly hope KC gets the death penalty.
From the above link:
One chemical found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car is the kind emitted when someone is possibly deprived of oxygen, the report said.

"Whoever did this put the duct tape over the child's mouth. I wouldn't be surprised if the child actually died from suffocation, but what's more important I think is when you bring in the chemical analysis of the trunk into play, when you actually read the analysis from the trunk, it says there's higher levels of a certain compound that is present when a person is dying from suffocation -- which is a lack of oxygen. All in all, I think that's why the state is seeking the death penalty is because Caylee Anthony, no matter how she died, whether it was from the duct tape of from being in the trunk, suffered. For a few minutes, she knew she was dying. She knew she was in pain. She suffered tremendously," defense attorney Richard Hornsby said.

Hmm ....... never heard of that. Wonder why he didn't name the compound?:waitasec:

:furious: I have no doubt she will be convicted and get the DP now. Putting duck tape over a babys mouth is beyond comprehension. I'm sickened and so sad. I truly belive now that Caylee will get justice.
One thing I noticed is that the report is dated 4/29/09. Does anyone remember when they announced that DP was back on the table?

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