2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
page 577 - talking about whether CA has an opinion as to what happened to her gd.

Mr. Ashton: "She's an hour behind us. She's an hour behind us."

What the heck is he referring to? I can't figure out a context for his comment at all.

Could he be referring to Andrea Lyon? She's in Chicago IIRC, which would be central time, an hour behind Orlando.
page 577 - talking about whether CA has an opinion as to what happened to her gd.

Mr. Ashton: "She's an hour behind us. She's an hour behind us."

What the heck is he referring to? I can't figure out a context for his comment at all.

I think he is referring to Andrea Lyons who is viewing via skype. There were several skype probs alluded to through the depos. Pretty sure Ashton wasn't referring to the line of questioning.
Sometimes a liar will help make up imaginary people that have white dogs.
We haven't seen it yet but CA felt it was something a man would send to his sweetheart, not a child. So she couldn't wait to hand it over... the implication being that when KC dumped him because "he loved Caylee more than her" it was really because there was something unsavory about his affection for her.

Apparently he used the word "women" and decribed how much he loved them. Think it may have been in L Padilla interview. The context of using the word "women in his life" to describe both Casey and Caylee is what put them off. Personally I don't see anything wrong with it. I have heard that expression used before by husbands in relation to their wives and daughters.
page 577 - talking about whether CA has an opinion as to what happened to her gd.

Mr. Ashton: "She's an hour behind us. She's an hour behind us."

What the heck is he referring to? I can't figure out a context for his comment at all.

Maybe Andrea Lyons, who would be on Central time in Chicago?
OK - I must say that I have never considered myself a slow reader - but I started CAs depos this morning around 10:00 a.m. and just now finished...I did get up a time or two or three and walk my dogs once - I have smoked probably a pack of ciggys here by the computer which I don't smoke in my house....O....M...G..oh yes, I did stop to watch the 48 hours crap. All I can say is thank GOD CA is in therapy....she desperately needs help. When she started stringing together how she put the Ricardo-Nanny-Jesse-Package-Puerto Rico connection together.....I really, really felt some empathy for this woman. Her denial runs so deep, I doubt she will ever, ever stop looking for an alive Caylee. Very sad IMHO. And I don't support CA at all....but I guess the fact that I read her comments instead of listening to her had something to do with that. I can't say I would feel the same way if I heard her on audio.
I WANT TO KNOW HOW COME IN ALL THREE OF THESE DEPOSITIONS THEY NEVER ASKED IF ANYONE USED ANY CHEMICALS TO CLEAN OUT THE CAR? Sorry to yell here, but after reading all three of these it just screamed to be asked when CA was taling about spraying Febreeze all over everything. She implied that GA was very meticulous about his cars (that whole...he washes everybody's car that comes to visit.....huh?) Anyway, why didn't anybody ask if GA detail cleaned that car? It is obvious somebody did.
She is setting the scene for the chloroform search on the computer. Her time card is always 8-5... but she doesn't actually work those hours...she comes early, stays late, and even sometimes leaves early! Wink, wink.. so now she says she sometimes works 12 hour days... meaning that she could actually leave 4 hours early on another day possibly? She is salaried, so it all evens out..no overtime pay. So I suppose the time and day of the chloroform search she will say...oh I went home 4 hours early that day.. (even though the timecard says 8-5). Would a HIPPA violation be allowed if they needed to snoop through the work she did that day to try to verify she was actually there longer? (since she is a case manager, it would be patient records)...

I think many of us caught that. She wants it to show she did that search. She also knows, by going on her & George's past statements, the time stamp on that search would have been during their normal work hours. Hence her saying, yeah, I clocked 8 hrs but may have only worked 4 because of working 12 on other days. Fine, but she has to know her work computer would show every key stroke on it for that day. She said they clock their hrs on the computer, sure they would, what time did she sign on/off that day. Since she works in the medical field & her job would deal with tons of HIPPA stuff. She cant even assign a home health nurse to a patient w/o having all the important info & an order. A common work practice in medical, be it at the hospital charting patients or a medical office looking at billing, they are HUGE into you never ever leaving charts out, papers out or info on your screen that could be seen from someone who shouldnt be seeing it. An office with a good HIPPA policy would enforce you siging off at lunch & at the end of your day. So, they can track it all. Heck they can track if you access a chart on the computer ( or even a part of a chart you have no reason to see) you should not be looking at. Often medical folks have had a friend in the hospital for something & just went & pulled all the info up. That is a violation of Hippa so most are strict. Those guidelines will make it easy to see when she worked that day & she really was home when that search was done.

Also, I didnt find the stories about when she went to TOny's to match up. I thought I recalled Tony stating after KC & her talked outside, Cindy came in with KC, telling her to get her stuff, she was coming with her & he said Cindy said to him " I hope u have a lot of money" But Lee says the stuff was packed nicely when he got there, CIndy doesnt say she went in..that has never been made clear.

Lastly, I would like to know why she said they didnt even know if the body was male or female & had NO DNA.....thats not what I remember. Yeah, on the first day they didnt know but by the time Dr G made her statements they knew * didnt they*
That is what makes these depositions so irritating. They have had over a year to finally decide what to say and how to say it (with a lot of coaching). It makes anything said completely unreliable (as if we could have believed anything they said earlier either). However, given the year that has transpired, I don't think these depositions should carry any weight as evidence.

You know, here's the thing. We have had over a year to watch all of them in action. George admitted he was just a looser, a "yes" man & did what Cindy told him to do. Lee, he doesnt seem to like his dad much & did what he did cause he was always mama's boy & he knew he couldnt count of his dad to do some of this. Cindy, she IS WAY BEYOND a control freak. There is NO WAY on this earth if that woman had a number for zanny she would not have been calling it all day every day. If she had a hint, with a 10 mi radius, she would have driven it every day. I sure as heck would of if I thought something was wrong. To bad didnt yank the damn battery out of the car the day she came home with the gas cans. If he had done that, HE would have to take her to work...work?? and maybe even to pick her up the day after at the zanny nanny.
WOW, did anybody make it to the end? Starting about page 493 of Part 2, they get into the stuff that Cindy gave Baez and Baez finally tells Cindy to ZIP IT????!!!! Stops the proceedings???? Confers with Andrea privately????

Also, while Casey was out she found several hairs of Caylees????

I started reading backwards, looking at the pictures that are exhibits at the end of the depo, and saw this.

Yep, I read all the way thru, read those pages twice. I kept trying to figure out what is "sealed" cause what ever this is, is something JB kept saying would get into the area of what is sealed. I know how he is being paid is sealed, what else is sealed? It was confusing b/c they were talking about the hairs from Caylees bed, KC asking Cin for some of her hair, KC yanking out her own hair, bagging them, pillow case...then I thought they were asking what else they saw her take, I thought it was something that had to do with a picture, seems like there were 2 pictures & he was objecting about one of those. I wonder if she will be made to come back and answer it. Can you remember what else is sealed?
On the list that says "Caylee's hair samples" at the end of the second transscript, it says "Umbilical cord". Didn't they find Caylee's umbilical cord with the body or am I remembering it incorrectly?

I haven t read all the way but I remember the cord being something she took in to Baez. Been a long time so I am probably wrong
I WANT TO KNOW HOW COME IN ALL THREE OF THESE DEPOSITIONS THEY NEVER ASKED IF ANYONE USED ANY CHEMICALS TO CLEAN OUT THE CAR? Sorry to yell here, but after reading all three of these it just screamed to be asked when CA was taling about spraying Febreeze all over everything. She implied that GA was very meticulous about his cars (that whole...he washes everybody's car that comes to visit.....huh?) Anyway, why didn't anybody ask if GA detail cleaned that car? It is obvious somebody did.

Oh this is an easy one to answer. The SA and LE does not want her or GA to answer that question under oath in a deposition. Remember that lengthy explanation LBD gave at the begining of the first day about immunity for testimony in the deposition. if they had asked CA or GA that question it may hamper their ability to hold criminal charges over them in the future for destruction or evidence or worse. They feel they already know the answer to that question, and asking it in the depo had more risks and hinderances then not asking it at that time. I think there were several other key questions that they strategically avoided asking in the deposition for this reason.
After watching 48 hours tonight we may now know why Cindy wanted the laptop and digital camera back.

Don't know if these things have been returned to them or when they filmed the show but this could be where the new pics of Caylee came from.
Lastly, I would like to know why she said they didnt even know if the body was male or female & had NO DNA.....thats not what I remember. Yeah, on the first day they didnt know but by the time Dr G made her statements they knew * didnt they*

snipped respectfully, LeLe

I believe this is another Anthony semantics game. She makes these 2 statements in reference to the autopsy report. Of course there wouldn't be any DNA identification in that report. The DNA samples had to be sent to a lab where it was determined that the remains were Caylees. As far as the gender, it is probably difficult to tell by visual examination of the skeleton of a toddler. The hair length would be a big clue. Once again, when the DNA was back, they knew. CA is conveniently ignoring the facts that disprove her latest theory.
No wonder they asked GA if CA did any computer searches prior to Caylee going missing....and uh, oops! GA said CA hardly ever used the computer before all of this happened!

Bad Bad GA. Now CA is gonna make him change his story AGAIN!

Cindy must not be aware, then, that OCSO already subpoenaed and received her Gentiva work records that show she was at work while those searches were made. :banghead:

I suggest she pay closer attention to the discovery...;)
Cindy must not be aware, then, that OCSO already subpoenaed and received her Gentiva work records that show she was at work while those searches were made. :banghead:

I suggest she pay closer attention to the discovery...;)
Her work records all say 8-5... she admits she stays late or leaves early but always puts 8-5 in the computer for her timesheet as she is salaried. She is going to claim she left work early that day of the internet searches..just watch. Yet her timecard...8-5... She is banking that no one at work will remember what days she stayed late or left early, as it was a regular occurence. In addition...she is now saying a 10-12 hr day was not uncommon.. yet before she said 8-10... Is she setting up a scenario to say she could have left 4 hours early that day because she worked 12 hours the day before?
What day and what time were the searches done?
Cindy must not be aware, then, that OCSO already subpoenaed and received her Gentiva work records that show she was at work while those searches were made. :banghead:

I suggest she pay closer attention to the discovery...;)

And to add ... there is no search for chlorophyl or chlorophyll in March of 2008 on the computer ... :thumb:

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