2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
unknown (starts with an s) then in paratheses (unknown appears to start with a w then I believe it says "cloth" "band" unknown appears to start with s)

snipped from Vahall

The w word is wash cloth (band)? (side)?

Baby's (wash cloth band aid) ?
The top picture in that exhibit (the on that you extracted panama) is identified as one of the pictures that was sealed. (page 497 lines 24-25 and 498 line 1)

Baez is about to jump out of his seat. Did Baez tell CA or Conway to "Zip it"?

Dang I wish I could read what was on it!

[Ok, this might be redundant now.]

Here's what I could discern (mostly just with squinting and zooming :) ). Not sure if it's accurate; maybe others can correct or add to it.

(The underscores are for spacing.)


_____________________________________pillow saliva
_____________________________________chewing gum

Mom & Baby


_________Sa??ro (wash cloth band aid )

(Mom) - M

____sterile swab
_________(regular envelope)
_____________scotch tape
_______________(???? ????ptune)


I played with it in photoshop a bit... I didn't think the result was any better than the original so I didn't post it, but I might try again later and post what I get. (No guarantees on quality though; photoshop stuff is just a hobby for me -- I'm no expert. :) )

Here's the high res picture again: http://img42.yfrog.com/img42/4426/exhib22.png
Imagine for just a moment that you are the Cindy Anthony who is supposed to believe the following:
My daughter has a good job that she has had for years.
My daughter has a nanny that she has also had for years in whom she and I have had complete confidence and trust.
My daughter leaves home with my granddaughter and she tells me the nanny, who we both trust, is caring for Caylee.
My daughter is a wonderful mother.

Why then, when you track down your daughter after discovering her car has been towed and she has not been where she told you she was, do you, who has looked over dozens of illegal acts in the past, drive her into a police barracks parking lot and threaten her you either take me to Caylee or we go to the police? What could the police do if a woman did not want to take her mother to her babysitters house?

The Anthony family is leaving out a BIG detail in all of this. What she likely told Casey is IT SMELLS LIKE THERE HAS BEEN A DEAD BODY IN YOUR CAR and if you do NOT take me to Caylee immediately, then we are going to see the police!!!!!

They are leaving this out, but it MUST be there or Cindy would not have had any possible LEVERAGE to threaten to TELL the police...

"And that's when I just pulled in the parking lot [sic/police barracks parking lot]And that's when I told her, I said, OK, You've got two choices, you either take me to Zanny's or I'm going to walk in."
Page 187 of 476 (part 2)

The death smell in the car was the leverage and the theft of car and money was incidental.
This makes great sense. Wish I had put this together!

Imagine for just a moment that you are the Cindy Anthony who is supposed to believe the following:
My daughter has a good job that she has had for years.
My daughter has a nanny that she has also had for years in whom she and I have had complete confidence and trust.
My daughter leaves home with my granddaughter and she tells me the nanny, who we both trust, is caring for Caylee.
My daughter is a wonderful mother.

Why then, when you track down your daughter after discovering her car has been towed and she has not been where she told you she was, do you, who has looked over dozens of illegal acts in the past, drive her into a police barracks parking lot and threaten her you either take me to Caylee or we go to the police? What could the police do if a woman did not want to take her mother to her babysitters house?

The Anthony family is leaving out a BIG detail in all of this. What she likely told Casey is IT SMELLS LIKE THERE HAS BEEN A DEAD BODY IN YOUR CAR and if you do NOT take me to Caylee immediately, then we are going to see the police!!!!!

They are leaving this out, but it MUST be there or Cindy would not have had any possible LEVERAGE to threaten to TELL the police...

"And that's when I just pulled in the parking lot [sic/police barracks parking lot]And that's when I told her, I said, OK, You've got two choices, you either take me to Zanny's or I'm going to walk in."
Page 187 of 476 (part 2)

The death smell in the car was the leverage and the theft of car and money was incidental.
Still reading CA depos, and just read about the "yellow sticky post-it-note":waitasec::waitasec:

I have been reading everything here, since last November, and this is the first I have heard of this?

Can someone please clue me in, as this is the first I have ever heard of Cindy having info on ZFG???
We first heard this one when Morgan & Morgan got a hold of her in their deposition of her...Yeah, she had all kinds of contact information...of course, Lee never heard about it...and nobody ever got it out and called it when Casey would not take them to Zanny's...:banghead:
Imagine for just a moment that you are the Cindy Anthony who is supposed to believe the following:
My daughter has a good job that she has had for years.
My daughter has a nanny that she has also had for years in whom she and I have had complete confidence and trust.
My daughter leaves home with my granddaughter and she tells me the nanny, who we both trust, is caring for Caylee.
My daughter is a wonderful mother.

Why then, when you track down your daughter after discovering her car has been towed and she has not been where she told you she was, do you, who has looked over dozens of illegal acts in the past, drive her into a police barracks parking lot and threaten her you either take me to Caylee or we go to the police? What could the police do if a woman did not want to take her mother to her babysitters house?

The Anthony family is leaving out a BIG detail in all of this. What she likely told Casey is IT SMELLS LIKE THERE HAS BEEN A DEAD BODY IN YOUR CAR and if you do NOT take me to Caylee immediately, then we are going to see the police!!!!!

They are leaving this out, but it MUST be there or Cindy would not have had any possible LEVERAGE to threaten to TELL the police...

"And that's when I just pulled in the parking lot [sic/police barracks parking lot]And that's when I told her, I said, OK, You've got two choices, you either take me to Zanny's or I'm going to walk in."
Page 187 of 476 (part 2)

The death smell in the car was the leverage and the theft of car and money was incidental.

ITA, magic-cat. Why else would KC sit quietly in the car and let CA drive her to the police? Why didn't KC just flounce out of the car, slam the door, and dare CA to do her worst? KC had to have a good reason not to storm off since she had done it before. This time CA had something BIG on KC. Whether CA fully realized what it was or not, KC sure knew!
Another thing that I have noticed is that Casey made a COMPLETE and UTTER fool out of Cindy in the lies she told her. Like, Ricardo and JP were "boyfriends" and Zanny was teaching Caylee drums, which was actually Ricardo and at Ricardo's apartment. Cindy says she had seen pictures of Amy at JP and Ricardo's from a birthday party that Casey attended there (the sombrero pictures!) and she thought JP and Ricardo were partners. Casey did actually tell her she was going there, but she told her they were GAY! This is just one tiny grain of sand in a Sahara Desert of LIES!
ita, magic-cat. Why else would kc sit quietly in the car and let ca drive her to the police? Why didn't kc just flounce out of the car, slam the door, and dare ca to do her worst? Kc had to have a good reason not to storm off since she had done it before. This time ca had something big on kc. Whether ca fully realized what it was or not, kc sure knew!
"Probably at some point I told her when we were driving around that the car had an odor to it"...
(202 of 276)
"Probably at some point I told her when we were driving around that the car had an odor to it"...
(202 of 276)

I seriously don't know how anybody got through this......I'm on page 249 of 476 and my anxiety is growing, listening to her over-explaining details, and lies, with her "has to be winning" control of every question posed to her!

I can't take anymore, and hats off to all who can:sick:
I seriously don't know how anybody got through this......I'm on page 249 of 476 and my anxiety is growing, listening to her over-explaining details, and lies, with her "has to be winning" control of every question posed to her!

I can't take anymore, and hats off to all who can:sick:
Pina Colladas are doing it for me...:blushing:
I seriously don't know how anybody got through this......I'm on page 249 of 476 and my anxiety is growing, listening to her over-explaining details, and lies, with her "has to be winning" control of every question posed to her!

I can't take anymore, and hats off to all who can:sick:

Copious amounts of booze, some loud ranting, frequent breaks, and kicking the garbage can next to the 'puter got me through CA's depo. snicker.
It's just so true that Casey could have, but did not, storm out of the car. She stayed hoping she could get Cindy to give her one more day. She probably tried every manipulative tactic on Cindy, but for once it didn't work. That smell was still clinging, and Cindy had to see Caylee because she must have known her daughter was capable of anything, even maybe murder.
"Probably at some point I told her when we were driving around that the car had an odor to it"...
(202 of 276)
No doubt. I am sure it was the number one question..why does the car smell like a dead body and where is Caylee? What did you do??

Not asking about the smell is equal to not asking Casey if she was pregnant.. yeah..7 months pregnant and Casey had to tell them. Right. And Lee, well he suspected it but it 'wasn't his business' so he didn't ask. Right.

Lies. They all knew, and they all asked on BOTH issues IMO.

Pina Colladas are doing it for me...:blushing:


You actually still had the presence of mind to MIX a drink? By the last half, I was chugging it straight from the bottle. The stories still didn't make any kind of sense. LOL!
Even worse...no alcohol in the house, but I am sitting here reading and eating...animal crackers!!! Yes, and...it's my choice. Sad or what??
Even worse...no alcohol in the house, but I am sitting here reading and eating...animal crackers!!! Yes, and...it's my choice. Sad or what??

Animal crackers?? LOL! You definitly need something stronger to survive all three depos.
Copious amounts of booze, some loud ranting, frequent breaks, and kicking the garbage can next to the 'puter got me through CA's depo. snicker.

Painter, Thank you, I am going to follow your advice right now:crazy: and try to get back to them, ( all the while hiding out from family members that think I'm possesed, again)

If I may say, It is so good to see you back here with many others, here from the start of this. I was absent here thru most of the Summer, due to company, etc., but the great people on here, stick like glue to this story, Thank God, for Caylee.......

Pouring one right now, and back to Cindy, HELP....
No doubt. I am sure it was the number one question..why does the car smell like a dead body and where is Caylee? What did you do??

Not asking about the smell is equal to not asking Casey if she was pregnant.. yeah..7 months pregnant and Casey had to tell them. Right. And Lee, well he suspected it but it 'wasn't his business' so he didn't ask. Right.

Lies. They all knew, and they all asked on BOTH issues IMO.


Cindy seems to never have questioned anything obvious going on. Apparently, she lives her life in deep denial. She wouldn't question an elephant in her living room according to what I've read so far! It is getting so hard to believe this family!

- Casey's pregnancy that no one noticed or questioned?

- The trusted Zanny and all the contact info Cindy had, but she was never concerned to meet this person caring for Caylee?

- Throwing those other people under the bus with hinting lies, but being so naive when it comes to Casey's involvement?

- How there were no signs of Casey being a hardcore thief and liar at a fairly young age?

How about - Casey loved buying presents for others online using other people's credit cards. Cindy's. She bought Brandon Snow things she had shipped to him on Cindy's money?!?. But according to Cindy, it was no big deal, after all Casey was kind and not a thief in Cindy's warped mind.

How do you make those Pina Colladas?

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