2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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I couldn't believe the alcohol/peroxide excuse. She's a nurse for crying out loud.
A no brainer for a non-nurse. She is certainly grasping...I think she has lost her intellectual reasoning skills in this crisis. And she can't even see it!
Apparently he used the word "women" and decribed how much he loved them. Think it may have been in L Padilla interview. The context of using the word "women in his life" to describe both Casey and Caylee is what put them off. Personally I don't see anything wrong with it. I have heard that expression used before by husbands in relation to their wives and daughters.

Thanks for replying.

I find that interesting b/c in GA's deposition at the top of page 117, GA quotes CA as referring to herself, her daughter, and granddaughter as "three women".

and again on page 127, line 3, GA refers to them as "... two or three women living together..."
Cindy says on page 128 line 4/5 that she first heard of Zanny in April or May of 2006. This actually matches what Richard Grund said in an appearance on a talk show.

GRUND: I never saw her or spoke to her, but I did hear of her. I heard of her in April of `06, when Casey lost her regular baby-sitter. As I said, Jesse would watch her. I would watch her. She tried to get my high-school-age son to watch her, which meant I watched her because I have an office in my home.

Finally, one day when Casey came home from work to wait for Jesse and hang out with us, I kind of greeted her at the door with, What are we going to do about this baby-sitter thing? And she says, I found one. I have a nanny. Her name is Zanny, and I got her from Jeffrey Hopkins, who has a son named...

In part one of Cindy's deposition, in reference to the information that Dominic Casey was trying to find with Tony L and people who worked at Fusion, LDB asked Cindy she knew anything about the Sawgrass apartments and Society Entertainment. And she said she knew. Also asked if she had heard of a " black man" in reference to this and if she recognized any of the people in the photographs from there from casey's photobucket . Interesting that they would ask her this. They didn't make it clear why they were asking, but the implications, that Casey had a connection to Sawgrass, unrelated to ZFG must have made her squirm. I wonder if Cindy knows about the "bad" photos as George does. I can't recall them asking her about them

I had assumed that LE had discovered Casey's connections to Sawgrass, other than her claim that that is where she dropped off Caylee, but they must know way more about this, the bad photos and the Society Entertainment crowd.

Pg 98- 99
In part one of Cindy's deposition, in reference to the information that Dominic Casey was trying to find with Tony L and people who worked at Fusion, LDB asked Cindy she knew anything about the Sawgrass apartments and Society Entertainment. And she said she knew. Also asked if she had heard of a " black man" in reference to this and if she recognized any of the people in the photographs from there from casey's photobucket . Interesting that they would ask her this. They didn't make it clear why they were asking, but the implications, that Casey had a connection to Sawgrass, unrelated to ZFG must have made her squirm. I wonder if Cindy knows about the "bad" photos as George does. I can't recall them asking her about them

I had assumed that LE had discovered Casey's connections to Sawgrass, other than her claim that that is where she dropped off Caylee, but they must know way more about this, the bad photos and the Society Entertainment crowd.
Pg 98- 99

the connection SA was refering to ...i have a question about....do you think they meant that there were people who lived at saw grass that had connections to the society entertainment (we know there was)....or/and... that society entertainment...the company them selves had rented apartments there?

how did you all read that.....individuals rented there or the company did to/also?
the connection SA was refering to ...i have a question about....do you think they meant that there were people who lived at saw grass that had connections to the society entertainment (we know there was)....or/and... that society entertainment...the company them selves had rented apartments there?

how did you all read that.....individuals rented there or the company did to/also?

The fellow D W they were referring to, did at one time rent an apt there, but the company Society Entertainment also used the Sawgrass for their parties, DJ's, music & club scene, girl hook ups and probably more serious stuff best not to mention here
There are earlier posts on this subject you can search

ETA: I think he is the one that had been arrested that they were talking about
End of page 390, 2nd Transcript - CA says KC said "nobody could find Caylee"

WRONG KC - it took awhile - but Caylee was found and she will have justice. In fact, I'm thinking it is just around the corner.

The fellow D W they were referring to, did at one time rent an apt there, but the company Society Entertainment also used the Sawgrass for their parties, DJ's, music & club scene, girl hook ups and probably more serious stuff best not to mention here
There are earlier posts on this subject you can search

ETA: I think he is the one that had been arrested that they were talking about

oh i remember the chatter :) this was the first time ive heard SA say anything about it....i just didnt get what SA was refering too....

people rented there....or the *company* paid the rent?
what was SA implying :)
Cindy says on page 135 line 10/11 that Caylee knew how to count in Spanish.


Nate, Tony's roommate, had mentioned this on Nancy Grace. He also said Caylee recognized letters.

NATE: Caylee is a very sweet girl, very smart girl. You know, Dora Explorer is her favorite TV show. So, I mean, she can count to 45 in Spanish, which, you know, Casey told us that she`s learned from watching Dora the Explorer.

She loved to watch "The Pink Panther," I mean we would -- the few times that she was over, we would sit there in the living room from time to time and watch "The Pink Panther" or "Dora the Explorer."

She would sit down -- I`ve sat down with her, you know, at my laptop before and she can -- you know if you asked her to type some letters out she can find those letters from the keyboard and type them out, which to me is -- I mean, a really smart girl for, you know, a 2-and-a-half-year-old, a 3-year-old, and, you know, she was cool.

Pages 412 & 413 - $14,000???? What is that about? A plan with TL?

pg 140 line 24 Casey always carried an extra key in her pocket.
pg. 140 line 13 Casey gave a key to Zanny.

pg. 145 line 18 Cindy says a key is missing. I find this interesting because a key was found at the remains site. I wonder if LE checked to see if it fit into any Anthony door.
Page 498 (2nd) what picture can't they talk about? Why is Baez telling CA not to go into anything? and to Zip It???

Looks like CA lied about KC smoking too - see page 13 in link http://www.docstoc.com/docs/1603690/casey-anthony-computer-report

First part, starting at the part where it says KC A, today at 11:28AM...I didn't end up going. I hung out here with Nate. It was better to smoke, eat and watch horror movies...'

CA and KC were really best friends. They knew each other like the backs of their hands. It's really quite touching.
I'm stopping at page 573 until tomorrow. Whew! and I still have LA's to read.

Cindy says on page 128 line 4/5 that she first heard of Zanny in April or May of 2006. This actually matches what Richard Grund said in an appearance on a talk show.


I think it is a story she made up then to get her out of the with Richard G It sounds like he was doing a lot of the baby sitting and it was interfering with his work as he worked from home. She had already pi**ed of Lauren who was babysitting Caylee till she found out Casey was not working at the Sports Authority. Richard G goes on further in that interview to add the way she trotted out the story was odd. Such as adding in all the details---"My friend Jeff uses him and he has a son Zack, who is three."

If you remember the Rob Dick interview. He picked up on the unusal way that Casey puts her sentences together as well or the structure she uses and how she does not deviate from this, he also thought this was odd and I think he said robotic.

The three names game;

Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez
Jeffery Michael Hopkins

The sentances;

I haven't seen my daughter for 31 days
The last person that I've seen my daughter with is ...
Jeffery has a son called Zach, he is 3yrs old
I know, I have been chewing on this one as well. What is she trying to prepare for or counteract?

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